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Testing the TK Tar Baby

Started by TinselKoala, March 25, 2012, 05:11:53 PM

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Quote from: TinselKoala on December 14, 2012, 08:33:27 AM
Kind of gets to you, doesn't it Steve, when people call you by some name that you don't want them to think is your own.

Don't forget, because I won't: YOU LIED TO ME, deliberately tricked me, by saying you would send me a mosfet when you had no intention of doing so. And in my naivete, I actually believed and trusted you. But you were only trolling, and you caught me that time, like a hapless billfish on your hook. You have no credibility here, you aren't helpful and you are exceedingly obnoxious. You probably wear socks with sandals, you are so soggy. Dogs want to sniff your fingers!

So go troll in some other waters, where your colors aren't quite so well known. Maybe you'll catch some other sucker to try to torture with your extra special halitosis-laden logorrhea. I'm surprised you can even type, since you are all thumbs.
brian, brian, brian... ::)  you're so asinine... ::)  i'm not steve. and you're still responding with red herrings... ::) CHANGING THE SUBJECT IS HARDLY A COGENT RESPONSE YOU GODTARD...

meanwhile you still cannot:
-refute any of the points i have made here concerning his logical fallacies, hypocrisy and misrepresentations;
-demonstrate how you were "tricked";
-respond cogently;
-provide ANY evidence at all that I am someone named steve or jibguy or any of it;

your hypocrisy nourishes me... ::)

oh by the way... speaking of dogs, i'll be in your vicinity in texas later this winter hog hunting. mind if i borrow your mutts? and that's not a threat of any kind even though your pathetic ass will try and paint it as one, it's just a simple question.
There is no news. There's the truth of the signal. What I see. And, there's the puppet theater...
the Parliament jesters foist on the somnambulant public.  - Mr. Universe



I see his responses in your quotes and when I'm not logged in occasionally.

I understand he's been a very unpleasant annoyance in the past, but as his posts are devoid of any substantial points that are worth refuting, I'm genuinely baffled as to why you give the c u n t the time of day.

Your time of course.


Quote from: mrsean2k on December 14, 2012, 01:42:29 PM

I see his responses in your quotes and when I'm not logged in occasionally.

I understand he's been a very unpleasant annoyance in the past, but as his posts are devoid of any substantial points that are worth refuting, I'm genuinely baffled as to why you give the c u n t the time of day.

Your time of course.
It occasionally gives me the opportunity to bump this thread and keep it from falling off of the front page, and of course every post he makes against ME.... .while not making the same kinds of attacks against actual inanities and disinformation and outright lies like Ainslie and her sock puppets commit.... that just shows that he is a very discriminating troll and in fact is a stalker, lurking and waiting for me to post something that he thinks he can attack.
He follows me from thread to thread, and even seems to have a subscription to my YT channel in some username he's not going to reveal, as he combs through my videos, not daring to make a comment, but leaving his little droppings behind him in the form of thumbs-down votes. I find this very amusing, since I now have nearly four hundred videos showing my works in various contexts and areas..... while his actual contributions and actual exposure are essentially nil. He must be wasting more and more of his time, every day, looking for something of mine to attack.
In short, the person to whom we refer is a paper tiger, a stack of straw, with no real substance and a profound lack of anything resembling personal dignity or respect for others. He's got an agenda, and I'm it. He pretends to be a logician but he fails to perceive the beam in his own eye, while he attempts to criticize the motes in the eyes of others.... mostly me.
People have been banned and/or blocked from this forum for much less than what he's done and continues to do .... Mile High comes to mind, for example.... but for some reason Stefan tolerates this consummate troll and allows him safe harbour to sail about and attack at will.  The "future drunkard" seems to be a permanent fixture of this forum, like a water hazard that's really a stinking swamp on what otherwise might be a pleasant golf course. His actually helpful contributions to _anyone_ can be counted on one hand, without even using the thumb, in all the years I've been a member of this forum.


Quote from: TinselKoala on December 14, 2012, 03:15:33 PM
People have been banned and/or blocked from this forum for much less than what he's done and continues to do .... Mile High comes to mind, for example.... but for some reason Stefan tolerates this consummate troll and allows him safe harbour to sail about and attack at will.

I have wondered about this myself makes no sense at all. There is a modus operandi in play... but what is it ?


Quote from: evolvingape on December 14, 2012, 05:18:14 PM
I have wondered about this myself makes no sense at all. There is a modus operandi in play... but what is it ?
you trolls ever stop to think it MIGHT just be because... i speak the truth. your hero, the dancing bear knows it, and that's why he ALWAYS responds with a red herring or a strawman or his other favorite fallacy, ad hominem... because he can't refute anything i have said. all one has to do is look at the record to see this fact. which is what stephan does... and being the fair and impartial host that he is, he knows all i have ever done is to present the truth.

meanwhile sean and ape... you still cannot:
-refute any of the points i have made here concerning his logical fallacies, hypocrisy and misrepresentations;
-demonstrate how your hero was "tricked";
-respond cogently;
-provide ANY evidence at all that I am someone named 'steve' or 'jibguy' or 'windisch' or any of it...

while i on the other hand, back up what i say with quotes and images that demonstrate what i say to be true and factual.
There is no news. There's the truth of the signal. What I see. And, there's the puppet theater...
the Parliament jesters foist on the somnambulant public.  - Mr. Universe