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Started by VANDUGEGS, July 05, 2006, 09:59:14 PM

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Quote from: VANDUGEGS on August 13, 2007, 06:07:14 PM

Maybe you would send me a video or even a picture of what you are, or were, working on.

It would be interesting if those that have something to say, would leed with what they have done themselves. I do not see why people cannot show what they have tried and failed with. This would show people, what not to do and that they are not all talk, no show. I for one, would love to look at the things people have tried, maybe we can figure out what went wrong. Yes, if I seen the answer to a problem, I would share the informaton with its inventor and shareing with the forum, would and should be up to them to decide.

The more thiings on the market, the better.


Your post concerns me.  If you already have created a working system, why would you have any interest in seeing failed attempts?  You have made it very clear that you don't want to give away your 25 years of investment, so "The more thiings on the market, the better" doesn't seem to be consistent with your desire to profit from your invention.

If other inventions are demonstrated to work before you can prove yours, you will have lost first-mover advantage, which in business is a very big deal. 

Example: if Tim gets a version to work and goes public with it, he will get the initial investors and publicity.  So when you afterward show a working device, you will be perceived as a "copycat" by the press, and investors will have to consider you quite differently.  As a second place OU device, to get an investors attention you will have to show one or more of the following:

1) Your invention is significantly superior to Tim's
2) You have experience in the energy industry or consumer/industrial product production (making you a good choice to manage a new business)
3) You have unique knowledge in the mechanics of OU device making
4) You have a strong educational background in a related field (physics, ee, etc)

My point is that you will be in a much weaker position to get investment.  That doesn?t mean it will be impossible, just that your ?value? to an investor will be more based on your personal strengths.  If you are lacking the formal education in the related sciences, and don?t have a resume loaded with related experience then you are at a huge disadvantage here.  An investor will more likely hire an engineer and have him copy Tim?s device (especially easy if Tim goes opensource!).  Then he?ll establish manufacturing, sales, marketing, and all the other elements of the business.  Do you see yourself fitting in as an employee of this new company?
I agree that a market for OU would have many competing products, the question is are you destroying your chances for getting anything out of your work by not coming forward now before someone else figures out how to make this work. 

There occurs to me one other possible motivation for you not proving your invention and asking others to show their failed attempts.  Perhaps your device doesn?t work, like many OU attempts it gets ?stuck? at a certain point.  If you could get others here to post their similar attempts, and to talk discuss those failures, then perhaps you could learn something that could help you get your device fixed so that it runs continuously instead of just partially. 

I?m not trying to accuse you of anything, that would be silly because I just don?t know what the reality is.  But I am trying to relate to you that if you really have achieved closed loop OU and you don?t move NOW you may seriously regret your short sighted fear of your invention being stolen.

I speak from experience here.  My grandfather had some great inventions, that he was too fearful to show potential investors.  I learned from his mistakes, I have multiple patents pending (computer technology, not related to OU), I?ve started several businesses, I?ve worked with investors and have experienced the fear of having my inventions stolen.  I?ve also several times not followed through on an invention only to see someone else get it to market before me, making the millions that could have been mine. 

I honestly hope you have achieved OU, and that you have the guts to see it through.  If not, someone else will.



Hello Tim & All Members,

My interest in asking for others to show a picture or even a video is two fold.
First, it shows that they have done something in this regard and second, I?m just curious. I may be able to point someone in the correct direction.. I would like to talk with someone that has got their hands dirty, not just sim's or drawings.

What I would like to have happen, is for anyone interested, including Tim, would be to talk with people over MSN, before going much farther.
I think talking and asking some questions, is not much to ask for.

The best thing that could happen. A farmer that would like to have thier own power supply, calls me and asks me to build them a machine, that has the ability to produce over one meggwatt of power. This,.. would be interesting.


PS I have been on this forum for some time now, not to much has changed. I think it will soon be time for this, to come to an end. Lets say the end of this month.


Darrell and ALL,

OK, I put out a good faith offer and you put out your terms. Obviously you are playing games with us; be it with or without a working design. I gave you a simple request and you did the worst thing and try to change the topic and avoid my request. I wish to now make a formal request to all to no longer work with Darrel until he makes it 100% open. Mine and everyone else's time is far to valuable to wast with you. I know others will probably want to put in there comments about Darrell right now which is OK but do not indulge this fantasy until he makes the first move and posts his proof. The comment about the whole farmer things is almost funny but in a disrespectful way. Darrell, may you see it in your heart to wise up! I will no longer work with you in any means until you GIVE up your proof.



Hi Tim,

Does this meen you do not have the abiltity to talk on MSN.

I gave you an easy way out and you took it.

It is best to know these things about people, before getting involved. Talking with someone is an easy way to get a read on someone.

Again, if someone reading this is interested in building a machine, let me know when we can talk.



I really don't want to even respond to this but he is making me so irate.

"Does this mean you do not have the ability to talk on MSN."-No this does not mean that. Do not change the topic or blame to me. This forum here is simple enough to answer my questions and given the fact that you spat in my face by not responding shows your dilution.

I gave you an easy way out and you took it.-You did not give me a way out you took your chance with me away yourself. I'm giving you more credit then you deserve and more then anyone else before and your trying to get me to back out? Your so vain as to think this!

It is best to know these things about people, before getting involved. Talking with someone is an easy way to get a read on someone.-Again changing the blame to me. I am the one trying to help. Here is a simple analogy of what your doing. Say if you fell out of a boat and where drowning and needed help being pulled out. I am the one trying everything I can to pull you up and all you can do is criticize the way I am helping while your still drowning. My hand was reached out to you and you just slapped it away saying you want a rope not my hand even though there is no rope on the boat. I am going to let you drown! Your not worth saving.

Again, if someone reading this is interested in building a machine, let me know when we can talk.- No one help this man! He is turning down more then FAIR offers for help and looking for someone to finance the construction of a new machine with no proof. This can be concluded from a statement just a little while ago :

"The best thing that could happen. A farmer that would like to have their own power supply, calls me and asks me to build them a machine, that has the ability to produce over one megawatt of power. This,.. would be interesting."

I don't even now here to begin with how impractical this statement is. He wants a "farmer"  which would be someone uneducated in the field to pay(give him money up front) for him to build a machine (which has zero proof of working and loads of proof saying it wont) and tries to slip in some supposed facts that his machine could make over 1 megawatt of power which is un founded. In the last line he is trying to make you interested in something that has no interest and most likely is lies. He is worse the a politician when it comes to getting a straight answer out of him.

I have to give him credit on his ruse. Baring if he has something that works or not. His responses to everybody has almost been that of a psychology student. If you ask him a question that would put his story to the test he immediately uses advanced techniques to turn your train of thought to something that doesn't matter and get you to believe him on that point. Once he has you believing that non important point he then pulls his story back in saying if you believe that then you should believe me when I tell you this(his story of a working machine). I now believe he is 100% paying with us and can not be trusted. He also uses the technique to make you feel like you don't know anything and that he knows better so you should just trust him. I don't want to wast any more time on this. Here are my points:

1- He had made a claim that he has something that works.
2- He has yet to provide any remote shred of evidence of this.
3- He claims if you don't see how it works he is not going to tell you.
4- He asks for help and when exactly that is offered he turns it down looking for someone(usually unqualified) to blindly invest(time,money,rights,etc).
5- He flip flops on his views of helping the world one second to needing to making money the next and then to trying to get any small amount of money he can out of it.
6- He has made zero progress in any direction with his machine, business plans, anything and everything. The current status of his work is totally the same today as it was 5 years ago. There has been no progress presented to date. If you read all of his postings on this site and others that he is seemingly almost intentionally keeping everyone going in circles trying to keep anything from progressing. People are not naturally this misleading. It takes some real thought and work to keep everyone so clueless about something he is trying to tell us.
7- I really wouldn't want to work with a man if he is this deceptive and manipulative.

See, I have even fallen into his trap by responding to his judgements instead of his work. I again ask people to not respond to his comments until he had shown proof freely. I think he might be getting a kick out of watching us squirm.
