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14.000 times the Hiroshima bomb capacity

Started by hartiberlin, November 15, 2013, 05:12:49 PM

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News about Tepco wanting to remove the brittle spent fuel rods !

The worst thing is still to come !

14.000 times the Hiroshima bomb capacity, if the spent fuel rods pool will explode due to misshandlings of the rods !

They are brittle and contaminated with saltwater !
They also ignite when they come in contact with air (such a stupid technology, who has invented such a bloody stupid thing !!!)
and then there will be a big chain reaction making Tchernobyl look like a baby event !

Also there is still debris lying ontop the fuel cases, which could cause friction, sticking and crumbling, when they try to pull the fuel rods out...

If there is any so small accident, when they try to remove them, if only one rod is crumbling, it will produce enough energy to boil the whole water off
and releasing radioactive gases and also PLUTONIUM ! One of the The most toxic elements on earth !

But if there will be a bigger accident, it could happen, that the Boron concentration is just too low to slow the Neutrons and then the whole
spent fuel rods pool will just ignite and cause a chain reaction from all the 400 tons spent fuel rods material !

Then we can only pray and say: Goodnight Marie !

14.000 times the Hiroshima bomb explosion force will then occur, probably wiping out half Japan from the blast
and contanimating the whole earth via the Jet streams with radioactive Plutonium and Cesium 137 fallouts.....

Have a look at this :

Stefan Hartmann, Moderator of the overunity.com forum


Stefan Hartmann, Moderator of the overunity.com forum



Holy crap!  I am not anti-nuke but, things of this nature should have been foreseen and planned for.  I am astounded that this situation is so dangerous with all of the technology and knowledge that we have in the world today.

You would never see this type of situation with a Joule Thief.

See the Joule thief Circuit Diagrams, etc. topic here:


It's not technology, it's crap bigger then Titanic. All about the human pride and ignorance. I see that all around.


                     www.diewelt.de online translated
Japan stops nuclear tilts because its climate goals

Bad news for the ongoing UN Climate Conference: The third largest economy in Japan rowing in their climate targets strong returns - since Fukushima, the country is reliant on fossil fuels.

Industrial facilities in Tokyo: Because currently all nuclear power stations in Japan are shut down for safety and maintenance reasons, the country has to import a lot of money for gas, oil and coal.
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Nuclear power plants

The current nuclear-free Japan has thrown its goal of reducing greenhouse gas overboard. Because of the ongoing shutdown of all reactors following the nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan is increasingly dependent on the combustion of gas, oil and coal, said a government spokesman. The output of the previous government in 2009 aim to reduce CO2 emissions by 25 percent below the 1990 level was to become obsolete.

The new government decided in 2020 to push the emissions by 3.8 percent below the level in 2005. This would mean that Japan's greenhouse gas emissions in the end by about three percent compared to 1990, the base year for the Kyoto protocol on climate change, rising.

Environment Minister Nobuteru Ishihara wants to give Japan's new climate change target to the ongoing UN climate conference in Warsaw known as media reported. Government spokesman Yoshihide Suga said therefore that it was only a plan first goal was not factored in the nuclear power as a possible means of reducing greenhouse gases.

Reactors to be rebooted

A visit to the contaminated reactor of Fukushima

In fact, the government aims to ramp up as soon as possible, the first kiln again. Before the nuclear disaster in Fukushima due to the severe earthquake and tsunami of 11 March 2011 revealed the third largest economy in the world around a third of its electricity needs with nuclear power plants.

Currently, all nuclear power plants in Japan are shut down for safety and maintenance reasons. To compensate for thermal power plants were started up - so Japan has to import a lot of money for gas, oil and coal. Experts expect that Japan's power supply will continue to be based on a mix of nuclear power, fossil fuels and renewable energy.

"We will work out the energy policy and then determine our final destination," said the government spokesman. With the preliminary target of 3.8 percent Japan wants his "greatest contribution to the fight against global warming afford," said Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to Japanese media reports.

New leak at Fukushima

Meanwhile, according to the operator Tepco occurred in Fukushima nuclear ruin again apparently a leak in a tank with highly contaminated water. This comes from the cooling of the reactors.

On a 500-ton tank around 600 meters southeast of the reactor 4 radiation levels of up to 30 millisieverts per hour have been measured, it said. Every four seconds from a drop kick from the container. But the water remains in the tank basin.

On the grounds of the nuclear plant are approximately 1000 metallic tanks. As the ever-increasing amounts of water through water supply from groundwater, Tepco had about 350 tanks screwed together parts from steel plates. Only recently leaked from a 300 tons by the resin seals.

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Did they learned ? Repeating from above:Currently, all nuclear power plants in Japan are shut down for safety and maintenance reasons. To compensate for thermal power plants were started up - so Japan has to import a lot of money for gas, oil and coal. Experts expect that Japan's power supply will continue to be based on a mix of nuclear power, fossil fuels and renewable energy

Mr.Keiichiro Asaoka: it is your homeland ! Can you/Do you want to help !?