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Telekinese forces proven...

Started by hartiberlin, August 17, 2006, 04:10:54 PM

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Hi All,
I watched yeasterday a TV documentation about Telekinese
forces, where 2 Russians could move things with their
mind forces.
One Russian woman could move things with her mind forces
on a table and another Russian man could switch on and off
lights via his mind.
You can see it in the attached video. Youz must be logged into the forum to
download the attached video.

So what kind of forces do they use to do these telekinese effects ?
Has anybody studied these forces and how can they be produced
by machines ?

Regards, Stefan.
Stefan Hartmann, Moderator of the overunity.com forum


Hi Stefan,

Gyorgy Egely of Hungary made some tests in the '80s on similar topics and you can see and download his book here in English:


See these two files:

Experimental investigation of biologically induced energy transport anomalies and
Experimental investigation of biologically induced magnetic anomalies

Mr Egely developed an instrument for measuring so called "bioenergy" of individual persons and called it Egely Wheel Vitality Meter. See this link in English and the same link in German:



Of course I do not want to make any advertisement pro and con the Egely Wheel I do not know its real working principle. (Independent testers of the wheel have questioned whether the wheel really rotates by "bioenergy" coming from the hand.)



New Resonant Bivacuum Mediated
Interaction, as a Possible Explanation of Psi Phenomena

The coherent physical theory of Psi phenomena, like remote vision, telepathy, telekinesis,
remote healing, clairvoyance - is absent till now due to its high complexity and multilateral
The mechanism of Bivacuum mediated Psi - phenomena is proposed in this work. It is based
on many stages of my long term efforts, including creation of few new theories:
1) Unified theory of Bivacuum, rest mass and charge origination, fusion of elementary
particles (electrons, protons, neutrons, photons, etc.) from certain number of sub-elementary
fermions and dynamic mechanism of their corpuscle-wave [C - W] duality
2) Quantitative Hierarchic theory of liquids and solids, verified on examples of water and ice
by special, theory based, computer program (http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0102086);
3) Hierarchic model of consciousness: from mesoscopic Bose condensation (mBC) to
synaptic reorganization (http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0003045);
4) Theory of primary Virtual Replica (VR) of material objects in Bivacuum and VR
Multiplication: VRM (r,t). The VR represents a three-dimensional (3D) superposition of
Bivacuum virtual standing waves VPWm  and VirSWm1/2, modulated by ïÆ'ŸC ïÆ'° WïÆ'  pulsation
of elementary particles and translational and librational de Broglie waves of molecules of
macroscopic object (http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0207027). The infinitive multiplication of
primary VR in space in form of 3D packets of virtual standing waves: VRM(r), is a result
of interference of all pervading external coherent basic reference waves - Bivacuum Virtual
Pressure Waves (VPWqïâ,¬Â½1
 ) and Virtual Spin Waves (VirSWqïâ,¬Â½1
1/2) with similar waves,
forming primary VR. This phenomena may stand for remote vision of psychic. The ability
of enough complex system of VRM(t) to self-organization in nonequilibrium conditions,
make it possible multiplication of VR not only in space but as well, in time in both time
direction - positive (evolution) and negative (devolution). The feedback reaction between
most probable/stable VRM(t) and nerve system of psychic, including visual centers of brain,
can by responsible for clairvoyance;
5) Theory of nonlocal Virtual Guides (VirGSME) of spin, momentum and energy,
representing virtual microtubules with properties of quasi one-dimensional virtual Bose
condensate, constructed from ?head-to-tail? polymerized Bivacuum bosons (BVB) or
Cooper pairs of Bivacuum fermions (BVFï‚»). The bundles of VirGSME, connecting coherent
atoms of Sender (S) and Receiver (S), as well as nonlocal component of VRM(r,t),
determined by interference pattern of Virtual Spin Waves, are responsible for nonlocal weak
interaction, telekinesis, telepathy and remote healing;
6) Theory of Bivacuum Mediated Interaction (BMIïÆ'ž as a new fundamental interaction due to
superposition of Virtual replicas of Sender and Receiver, because of VRM(r,t) mechanism,
and connection of their coherent atoms via VirGSME bundles. Just BMI is responsible for
remote ultraweak nonlocal interaction and different psi-phenomena. The system: [S ïâ,¬Â« R]
should be in nonequilibrium state.
The correctness of our approach follows from its ability to explain a lot of unconventional
experimental data, like Kozyrev ones, remote genetic transmutation, remote vision,
mind-matter interaction, etc. without contradictions with fundamental laws of nature. For
details see: http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0103031.

I have this from Los Alamos National Library. It is quite heavy stuff like "baking your own bread in five steps"....

Link: http://arxiv.org/ftp/physics/papers/0003/0003044.pdf

Greetz, Pontifex


Hi Perpetualmotionman

Agree it is not magic, it is something we all have inside, because we are all spirit and do the human life experience for many reasons, hence why we all here!.

I like to mix technology with spiritualism, but tend to steer a little away from mixing the two publicly, because of respect of others opinions and believes.
Bit like mixing streamline scientists with a bunch of mad scientists as such in these forums!!

I am not a Religous person as do not agree with using fear to rule others, bit like the MIB using fear to supress these great ideas people are coming up with around the world.

Over many, many years of studying Physical mediumship personally as well as many mediumystic areas, there is so much evidence over the last 100 years, backed up by scientific papers, but will the world wake up?, nope probably not because there would be no point being here if there was all good in the world and no bad, no point coming here for the lessons!!!

My conclusion is that there is many hidden energies that we have not even touched on yet and sorry to say Physics and Scientists do not have all the answers.
And when they do, they get supressed. So this why, with anything in life you should not take books and scientific concepts as proof, but go explore yourself and get your own answers.

Nice to see you mentioning the Chakras and amazing what energies you can tap into by using thought, if peopel would take 5 mins out of their busy lifes.



Quote from: Perpetualmotionman on November 27, 2006, 02:41:28 AM
Quote from: hartiberlin on August 17, 2006, 04:10:54 PM

So what kind of forces do they use to do these telekinese effects ?
Has anybody studied these forces and how can they be produced
by machines ?

Regards, Stefan.

Telekinesis is achieved as a by-product of certain types of energy meditation.  Telekinesis can be achieved by opening the third eye chakra.  To do this only requires that someone imagines energy going into the third eye on inhale and imagining the energy becoming concentrated and increasing in the third eye on exhale.  If one practices this over a long period of time (a few hours a day for a few months) they will eventually start to feel the energy in the third eye.  It feels like a electrical/magnetic pulsing and numbness.  As one continues the energy becomes stronger and starts to move into the rest of the charkas.  Eventually the whole body becomes saturated with this energy and their whole body will become numb when they meditate because of the strong electrical/magnetic forces that are gathered in the body. 

To achieve telekinesis takes longer then some other abilities.  Energy sensitivity was the first ability that I experienced from meditation.  This means that one can feel magnetic fields.  It?s kind of like how sharks are able to sense electromagnetic field of fish underneath the sand.       

Even Psychic abilities are not limitless.  If someone had the ability to move an object using telekinesis they could not just move large objects endlessly all day long.  The amount of energy that a psychic has is determined by the strength and energy holding capacity of their physical and etheric double body.  The longer a person meditates the more energy they are able to store and use.  It is similar to weight lifting and building muscle in a physical body.  The longer you lift weights the more weight you are able to lift and the more repetitions you are able to do. 

It?s not magic.  Same principles apply just a different body and a different kind of strength.  From what I can tell the energy seems to be electromagnetic. 