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Telepathic free energy info: Bedini, black energy, kapanadze...

Started by Channeler, March 09, 2014, 04:30:11 PM

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Hi. I know a lot of people don't believe in this, and that's fine. I'm not trying to prove anything. Hopefully this information can help someone.

This contains a wealth of information to help someone build a free energy device. A lot of the questions are regarding the Bedini SG. Also I asked one question about the kapanadze device.

I was contacted by someone, a spirit, who initially wanted to remain anonymous. He said I could call him J. Later on he eventually said he incarnated on earth as the well known mathematician, Jacobi. Some time after that he said his last incarnation was Albert Einstein. He asked me to work on some free energy device. Technology he says could power the world, that captures Cosmic energy. It's a bit difficult to build because it requires extremely rapid high voltage pulses. I didn't want to build it. Actually I didn't even want to work on free energy. So I asked him to describe a device that's easier to build. He began telling me about another form of energy that he called black energy, but warned me that it is dangerous for living beings. Although he says it is possible to build a safe black energy device. Einstein gave me the name of one device he calls the Bedini SG. He says it is simple to build and can at times proved what I call free energy, but he says it has issues. He says it needs to be connected to what he calls a radiant collector if it is to self run all the time continuously.

Radiant energy, according to Albert Einstein is the same type of energy as black energy and dark energy. He says Black energy created our universe and that it still exists. Some black energy had been converted into what he calls cosmic energy, which is safe energy. I don't know why exactly, but I don't feel interested in building his Cosmic energy device. Maybe because it requires several cubic meters of low pressure gas and ultra fast high voltage pulses. All the safety issue warnings he's given me don't scare me. Despite that, he's always answered my questions on radiant energy technology. He says its possible to build such a radiant energy device that is safe, but says "The radiant device should be kept away from living beings. At the right frequency it decomposes inner molecules and will digest matter."

The following telepathic messages were given to me by Jacobi / Albert Einstein. Sometimes the telepathic messages are extremely week and difficult to hear. So I'm sure there are some translation errors. Please keep in mind that my little brain (or whatever) translates the telepathic messages into the English language.

Jacobi said I now must focus on my personal problems. Presently I'm having severe problems financially and with deep depression... I can't work on this, but occasionally I will pop in here to answer any appropriate questions for Jacobi if you want. If you have a question for Jacobi, then please be specific and make it GOOD. Please know that unfortunately Jacobi must abide by strict laws that prohibit him from interfering with our world too much. It sucks, I know, but earth is school for Souls. One of my guides said that it will take a LOT of work to figure out how to get the free energy device to self run and power homes. But Jacobi has given sufficient information.

Jacobi asked me to post the following.


Device to capture cosmic energy (not black/radiant energy. Cosmic energy is left over radiant energy.):

Where does the energy in the device you have in mind come from? From hotspots caused by creation that are developing, endothermic. Unknown source to modern science.

The device in mind will produce half the power in a dark closet as compared to outside in direct sunlight. heated to at least 90°C, preferably 300°C or higher.

Use a fluorescent bulb. (Note: Einstein told me something, but I guess I forgot to write it down. Basically, that this device requires large volumes of low-pressure gas. Large, as in a minimum of several cubic meters.)

Use fluorescent light bulb that is heated. Apply a high voltage pulse at a periodic rate to the fluorescent bulb. Each pulse should be at least 6000 volts and lasting no longer then 10ns.

The free energy comes in the form of charge within the fluorescent light bulb.

The pulse initially rises, ripples and then decays.

Cannot be a single pulse! Must be pulsed at a repetitive frequency!

Is the free charge made of electrons? Half

Is radiant energy the main source of free energy in the device described to me that uses the fluorescent bulb? If not, then please tell me the name of this free energy. Cosmic energy. Polarized cosmic sea of energy. Multi purpose device functioning without radiant energy.

I believe you mentioned the fluorescent tube free energy device described to me produces cosmic energy, not radiant energy. Can such cosmic energy safely be converted into common energy without safety issues? Cosmic energy has a bright future without safety issues. Black energy, radiant energy, has the safety issues.


Device to capture black energy:

Radiant energy is attracted to the magnetic field pulse, a change in peak magnetic field, change in resonance. Resonance is key.

In a device that is in correct resonance to collect radiant energy, and then suddenly changes resonance, is radiant energy more attracted to the electric field or the magnetic field? Magnetic field

Is radiant energy more attracted to materials with low electrical resistance such as copper wire or high electrical resistance such as air? Materials with low electrical resistance.

In terms of radiant energy, when an oscillating high voltage source such as a Tesla coil is in resonance and remains in resonance, is there a buildup of radiant energy? Radiant energy remains constant throughout the peak period of max and min resonance.

You answered "Magnetic field" for the following question "In a device that is in correct resonance to collect radiant energy, and then suddenly changes resonance, is radiant energy more attracted to the electric field or the magnetic field?" If I understand this correctly, would a device that produces oscillation high electrical current be better than a device that produces oscillation high electrical voltage? Be careful with wording. The answer is no.

(...oh now I get it. due to high impedance it takes high voltage to cause a rapid change in current, I think.)

Is there a specific resonant frequency I should use to collect radiant energy or can I use any resonant frequency? The proper resonant frequency depends on the circuit.

Is the proper resonant frequency to collect radiant energy the resonant frequency of the inductance and capacitance? The peak magnetic field mainly determines resonant frequency.

In a solid state design to collect radiant energy, is a magnetic core such as a laminated iron core or ferrite core better to use than an air core? Depends on certain things such as frequency and voltage.

In an ideal device to capture radiant energy, will doubling the peak magnetic field result in twice the radiant energy or the square root of twice the radiant energy or some other value? The result is two times the radiant energy.

To capture radiant energy with a solid state design, should I use a toroid magnetic core or a loopstick magnetic core? Loopstick magnetic core is proper/better.

To capture radiant energy, is it important to connect the device to the earth ground? Radiant energy comes through both polarities of the magnetic field.

Do the electrons that vibrate in ordinary matter at room temperatures produce much radiant energy? Radiant energy depends on room temperature. It's always exists in the sea of energy since the beginning of existence.

Does one cubic meter of earth matter produce more radiant energy than one cubic meter of vacuum space in our solar system? Ordinary matter always produces more energy than radiant energy. Radiant energy has finer properties.

Please describe or tell me the name of a device that produces at least 1 milliwatt of viable usable free energy that I could build using the parts I have. Bedini SG. There are safety issue concerns.

Black energy is the primordial energy that created the universe.

Is black energy the same thing as dark energy? The same thing. Dark energy and black energy are the same thing.

Is black energy the same thing as radiant energy? Black energy is the same thing as radiant energy.

What is the difference between cosmic energy and radiant energy. Radiant energy created the universe. Cosmic energy is left over radiant energy. To this day there exists both radiant and cosmic energy.

What is "cold electricity"? Energy.

Please describe "cold electricity"? Dark energy. Black energy.

Regarding a properly tuned Bedini SG free energy device. Is the total energy collected by the device, including the collected radiant energy, greater than the energy put into the device? The Bedin device cannot continuously produce free energy without the collector. Radiant energy cannot be converted into common energy without the safety issues.

You mentioned safety issues with free energy devices such as the Bedini SG. What are the safety issues? Magnetomically piercing the veil, reacting with body.

Can radiant energy perform real work in the physical world here where I live such as lighting a lightbulb or something without the safety issues? Radiant energy can perform real work. Difficult.

For every joule of energy put into a properly built and adjusted Bedini SG device that is charging either a rechargeable battery or polarized capacitor, can you please give me a rough idea of how many joules of usable viable work the device can produce? The properly built Bedini SG can produce hundreds of times more.

In the Bedini SG device there is a receiving battery or receiving capacitor that the device charges. For best results to collect viable useable free energy should I use a capacitor or battery? Battery is best in a properly built Bedini SG device.

After my Bedini SG device charges the rechargeable battery, what is a good thing (maybe fluorescent lightbulb, electric motor, LEDs) to connect to that battery to efficiently get the radiant energy to do work? Flashlight. Motor.

When you say a flashlight is a good thing to connect to the charged battery that contains radiant energy, are you referring to a flashlight that has LEDs or incandescent lightbulb or fluorescent lightbulb? Lightbulb that contains fluorescent tubes.

It seems to me the amount of radiant energy fluctuates by significant amounts over time. Can you give a rough idea how often the Bedini SG device is at least 150% efficient? Free energy of the Bedini device takes time to build up. Radiant energy fluctuates significantly.

Regarding the Bedini SG. When voltage is applied to the coil, should the coil current oscillate or should it quickly rise and then remain unchanging for a period of time? Strike. Rise.

How much more radiant energy is there if the resonant frequency doubles in a Bedini SG device or if the current rises or spikes twice as fast? Four

What does the electric component caused by the electrical current and magnetic core have on radiant energy? Disperses radiant energy.

What does the magnetic component caused by the electrical current and magnetic core have on radiant energy. Distilled. Increase.

Is radiant energy positive or negative electric polarity, or a mixture of both, or no polarity at all? Radiant energy has both negative and positive polarities.

Is there an appreciable amount of radiant energy leakage or dissipation in the rechargeable battery that collects radiant energy? Radiant energy leaks in small amount. Moderate.

Is it recommended to place a neon bulb in series with the rechargeable battery that collects radiant energy in order to help decrease the leakage or dissipation of radiant energy? No

In regards to attempting to get the Bedini SG running itself, do you recommend periodically swapping the primary and secondary(charging) batteries in the Bedini SG? No. Certainly not.

For the secondary(charging) battery on the Bedini SG, would a 1.5 volt rechargeable battery be better than a 12 volt rechargeable battery? 12 volt.

Please tell me the safety issues with radiant energy. The radiant device should be kept away from living beings. At the right frequency it decomposes inner molecules and will digest matter.

What substance could be placed around the magnets of devices like the Bedini SG device to rejuvenate the magnets with radiant energy? Soft tissues. Wires from radiant collectors. Soft gels.

The initial brief spike in the Bedini SG device that oscillates in proper resonance, does it attract or repel radiant energy? Both.

Regarding the initial brief spike in the Bedini SG device coils, where does the radiant energy supply come from? Vacuum.

Does the initial brief spike/pulse in the Bedini SG device collect more radiant energy in the coils? Disperses. Captures positive energy. Collects cosmic sea radiant solar positive energy from source.

Regarding the spike/pulse in Bedini SG device coils, is it the sudden rise in electric field or magnetic field that disperses the radiant energy away from the coils? Radiant energy disperses by the electric field.

Is radiant energy an excess energy? Radiant energy replaces common energy. Radiant energy isn't excess energy.

I consider wind energy and solar energy a source of free energy. Similarly, can the Bedini SG device convert solar radiant positive energy into electrical energy and also be a source of free energy? Not without the safety issues first. Black energy can be converted into common energy. Black energy is free. Cosmic energy is free.

Does the magnetic pulse or spike cause radiant energy from the higher dimensions to manifest into our 3D world? Magnetic is a carrier for radiant energy.

Does the electric field pulse or spike cause radiant energy from the higher dimensions to manifest into our 3D world? The electric spike/strike causes cosmic energy to spread/disperse outward. Electric field doesn't produce radiant energy. Electric field energy, cosmic energy, it doesn't include radiant energy.

Is radiant energy the same thing that Taoist call yin or yang chi energy? It is not the exact same thing. It is a variance. It is tissue vibrance.

I think the radiant energy within a radiant battery(a battery that has been charged with radiant energy for a sufficient amount of time) stays with the battery for awhile and is attracted to the ions in the battery. Is radiant energy attracted to negative ions and electrons? A little. Gradually absorbs and improves. Radiant energy is attracted to both the magnetic field around the electron and the electron itself.

If I connect copper wires that go into the earth's ground, and I connect those wires to the appropriate place on the Bedini SG device, then will that help keep the free energy devices producing substantially more free energy over time? No. (Earth's ground contains a different variance of energy.)

How many times faster does radiant energy travel relative to the speed of 3D physical plane light? No speed. Instantaneous.

Does the radiant energy from the coil pulse in a Bedini SG device that's properly built and tuned and conditioned and running for at least a week cause the inductance of the coil that's wrapped around magnetic material to increase by at least 5 percent? Magnetic field changes by very small amount.

Does radiant energy in devices similar to Bedini SG substantially decrease the electrical resistance of the resistors on the input source that are used to measure the input current? No

Did radiant energy in devices similar to Bedini SG substantially change the readings on the voltage meters, thus giving substantially false measurements? Yes. both input and output. Carrier width changes.
[Later on Einstein said the carrier wave is referring to time. I think time-space has a beat frequency.]

What percentage of radiant energy makes it through the entire roof and ceiling and makes it inside the house? 40%

How many times more does the Sun produce radiant energy per watt relative to how much radiant energy the Bedini motor produces per watt? The Bedini motor can produce 3.89 times the radiant energy per watt than the Sun produces.

Is the kapanadze device a legit free energy machine? The kapanadze device was done in humor. It is a fake. The supply in one of the major demonstrations came from the home (remotely).



Why does gravity pull a photon twice as much as other particles such as electrons? Pressure. Photon is in a state where it is being destroyed, recreated, destroyed, recreated, etc.

What's the difference between an electron and a photon? The electric, half discrete(apart or detached from others).

Why is there twice the gravitational pull on a photon compared to an electron? The photon (in free space) cannot contract-- superimposed symmetry. (Note: It is well known amongst physicist that light accelerates twice as much toward a star than ordinary matter.)

Does the photon produce gravity? Yes. The photon is also asymmetric. It is a tensor cavity.

How many times faster does radiant energy travel relative to the speed of 3D physical plane light? No speed. It is instantaneous.

In quantum physics they have the wave function. The wave function is said to operate like a wave. For example, in the double slit experiment the quantum wave function that spreads out from the source like a wave well travel through both slits and produce an interference pattern like a wave, and then it will determine the probability of where the particle will be absorbed based on the intensity of the interference pattern. Is the quantum wave function black energy? No.

Does the quantum wave function travel instantaneously to its destination, thus traveling time? Travels instantaneously to its destination.

Is velocity an illusion? Yes

You said the quantum wave function travels instantaneously to its destination. Does the photon or particle in our universe travel instantaneously as well? Quantum wave goes into 4D and passes to space points, slowing performance, exchanging energy into discrete waves, Black energy. Black energy requires direct energy from point sources in space since they are flash/boiling non-stop. Black energy consists of flashes of energy. Black energy causes dark spots.

It is true that the black energy in or around a permanent magnet that is left unchanging will always continue to increase? The force changes according to wavelength. The point energy remains same. It doesn't change.


Effective mass of photon = h*Fc/c^2
Fc is bandwidth (waveguide cut-off frequency)

Newton II

After bigbang, the entire universe is expanding and it compresses to bigbang mass again after sometimes, only to explode again to expand.  So,  can you please ask Einstein (Jacobi) whether entire universe is resonating.

Some religion says that entire universe is vibrating with a mystic, Godly sound. What is that sound?  Can you please ask Einstein (Jacobi)?


Telepathically channelled information is great... but what if the entity doing the sending is completely crazy?

How are you going to be able to tell? Try testing some of the channelled information for accuracy, correctness, validity.

Much of what is channelled is of course untestable (that's the point), but some of what is being received certainly is, and much of it contradicts what we can determine by experiment.

So I think that it is safe to conclude that channelled entities can be as completely nutso as anyone else, and the burden remains upon them to produce evidence for their assertions. Detailed instructions for building a faster-than-light inertialess drive that you can build out of Radio Shack parts would be a good start at establishing the credibility of a channelled entity.


Quote from: TinselKoala on March 10, 2014, 08:15:29 PM

the burden remains upon them to produce evidence for their assertions.

This is where you go wrong.
The burden acutally remains upon you to verify the given info.
Untill YOU take action nothing is going to happen in YOUR reality.
All answers are on the other side, everything, concepts already here but also concepts still to come.
The thing is that it is very hard to recognise and implement or decode/convert or even remember what is shown.
I bet you would know what 'they' are showing to you but you seem to be so down to earth that you will become insane when entering the other realms or even psychotic specifically your mind will have a hard time letting go and struggle between heaven and hell forever.

@ Channeler

Did Jacobi said anything about how to exactly switch this 6000 Volts?
That is quite high a voltage to work with.


Quote from: Channeler on March 09, 2014, 04:30:11 PM
Use a fluorescent bulb. (Note: Einstein told me something, but I guess I forgot to write it down. Basically, that this device requires large volumes of low-pressure gas. Large, as in a minimum of several cubic meters.)

Use fluorescent light bulb that is heated. Apply a high voltage pulse at a periodic rate to the fluorescent bulb. Each pulse should be at least 6000 volts and lasting no longer then 10ns.

This reminds me of the egyptian picture where you see some people with a giant bulb. Obviously they or an ancient alien civilization solved this riddle already. Interesting topic, will bookmark it for a later read :)

I got a question for Jacobi though, because you said: "earth is a school for souls":
For what does the school prepare us, what comes "afterwards"?