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Started by Cap-Z-ro, July 26, 2014, 12:50:30 PM

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Quote from: MileHigh on July 28, 2014, 09:21:01 PM
That's pathetic because "email" and "PM" are synonymous when you are on a forum.  You really are screwed up in the head.

Notice how the "screwed up in the head" conveniently distanced himself from the fact that he made his whining PM public when he shared it 2 other people.

Does this moronic troll really think the readership are so dimwitted that they are not cognizant of that fact ?

No he doesn't, he just can't help himself, he just has to run his mouth about something - anything...anywhere.

And, things are quiet on TA's thread tonite.

Plus, if he doesn't...no paycheck.

He must be getting paid a quarter a word.



You are really out of it.  I am going to go and make a posting on TA's thread that makes perfect sense.  I know that you have a problem with that - because you are screwed up in the head.


Quote from: MileHigh on July 28, 2014, 10:10:12 PM
You are really out of it.  I am going to go and make a posting on TA's thread that makes perfect sense.  I know that you have a problem with that - because you are screwed up in the head.

"I am going to go and make a posting on TA's thread that makes perfect sense. "

Boy oh boy, I'd pay money to see that.


And he forgot to add 'hylk hylk' at the end of his sentence.



Quote from: MarkE on July 28, 2014, 04:03:03 AM
Do you always use a single source for all of your references?

We have a couple of anti-fluoride activists around here.  They express great concern about fluorisis as well.  Their arguments tend to fall apart when one looks closely at the intake of fluoride necessary to cause fluorisis and the concentrations of fluoride in municipal water supplies that fluoridate. 

Given that fluoridation has been used since the mid 1940s, and given that adults are keeping their natural teeth longer than ever, where are all the mottled and rotten teeth that the fluoride scourge is supposed to have caused?

It seems that the ADA firmly supports fluoride:  http://www.ada.org/en/member-center/oral-health-topics/fluoride-supplements

It is very disturbing to see public officials in various locals submit to pressure from a poorly informed electorate that has been whipped into a hysteria.  Such has been the case with the "MMR vaccine causes autism" nonsense, and such is the case of hysterical cries to end a practice that has dramatically improved dental health for the past 65 years.  "Idiocracy" was supposed to be a satirical comedy, not a bleak glimpse into the future.

"Do you always use a single source for all of your references?"

Always?   ???   Na. Just getting started. ;) ;D

"According to the National Toxicology Program (NTP), "the preponderance of evidence" from laboratory studies indicates that fluoride is a mutagen (a compound that can cause genetic damage). A chemical that can cause genetic damage is one that can likely cause, or contribute to, the development of cancer."


Interview with EPA's Dr. William Marcus on NTP's Fluoride/Cancer Study

"Marcus: When I got a hold of the contractor report and reviewed it very carefully, not only was it reporting cancers in the animals, [it was reporting] osteosarcomas which bothered me a lot because I've been trying to produce osteosarcomas in animals for almost 20 years and the only luck I ever had was with an experiment in dogs and monkeys, and the osteosarcomas took nearly the lifetime of the animals, and we were using radium which specifically produces that in bones. And here we have a compound commonly available – fluoride - that did it in rats in two years or less. That was upsetting to begin with. Secondarily...in that same study, there were cancers of the liver that are very rare according to the board certified veterinary pathologist at the contractor, Battelle. And those really were very upsetting because they were hepatocholangiocarcinoma, a very rare, rare, liver cancer..."

October 2010 American Dental AssociationAssociations Between Fluorosis of Permanent Incisors and Fluoride Intake From Infant Formula, Other Dietary Sources and Dentifrice During Early Childhood http://jada.ada.org/content/141/10/1190.abstract     

JADA  Journal of the American Dental Association

Fluorosis you say?.....  Mr Mark writes....

"We have a couple of anti-fluoride activists around here.  They express great concern about fluorisis as well.  Their arguments tend to fall apart when one looks closely at the intake of fluoride necessary to cause fluorisis and the concentrations of fluoride in municipal water supplies that fluoridate.  "
Lets take a look at fluorosis.....   

You say " Their arguments tend to fall apart when one looks closely at the intake of fluoride necessary to cause fluorisis and the concentrations of fluoride in municipal water supplies that fluoridate.  "
Do their arguments fall apart like some of the fine looking choppers in the pictures shown in the link above??? ::) Like it doesnt exist.  ::) ::)

"The spots and stains left by fluorosis are permanent. They may darken over time."

So Mr Mark.  How do we figure out how much fluoride we do take in??  How about we call Nestle to see what they have to say??  ;D ;D   ........Woman calls Nestle to inquire about fluoride in bottled water, recieves death threats for a monthLearn more:  http://www.naturalnews.com/044910_Nestle_bottled_water_death_threats.html#ixzz38oyd9O1h

::) ::) ::)

Ok. So we get fluoride in tooth paste, and water. Anything else? ;) ......

"To protect the grapes from destruction from insects, they are sprayed with cryolite, leaving behind high amounts of fluorine in the grape supply, which remains throughout the wine-making process. In some cases, one glass of wine produced from grapes treated with cryolite contains as much fluorine as one full liter of fluoridated water"

"most mechanically separated chicken contains fluorine. Mechanically separated chicken is put through a high pressure sieve, removing the meat from the bone and grounding it into a paste-like substance. Chicken put through this process is often used to make chicken nuggets and infant foods. "


So Mr Mark. How do we know when we have had too much fluoride?  When our teeth turn brown?

My mom is 70 born in 43. She has 1 tooth left.  Why didnt fluoride save her teeth?  Maybe too much fluoride?  Not enough?  There is no system of happy medium. 

You can promote fluoridation all you want Mark. Good for you.   ::)   So sit back and have a bowl of cream of chicken(save same for the baby), have a nice glass of wine.  Enjoy.   ;) And always drink plenty of water.   

Dont drink Smart Water Mr Mark, as its distilled, and your teeth might fall out. lol

Mags  ;D



Quote from: Magluvin on July 28, 2014, 11:13:12 PM
"Do you always use a single source for all of your references?"

Always?   ???   Na. Just getting started. ;) ;D

"According to the National Toxicology Program (NTP), "the preponderance of evidence" from laboratory studies indicates that fluoride is a mutagen (a compound that can cause genetic damage). A chemical that can cause genetic damage is one that can likely cause, or contribute to, the development of cancer."

So take for example, not the headline, but the statements that they relied upon for the headline"
QuoteWhile the concentrations of fluoride causing genetic damage in laboratory studies are generally far higher than the concentrations found in human blood, there are certain "microenvironments" in the body (e.g., the bones, bladder, kidneys, oral cavity, pineal gland) where cells can be exposed to fluoride levels that are comparable to those causing genetic damage in the laboratory. Moreover, some research has found that cells of primates (including great apes and humans) are more susceptible to fluoride's mutagenic effects than cells of rodents. These factors may help explain why seven studies since the 1990s have found evidence of genetic damage in humans with high fluoride exposures. (Some studies have not found this association.)
All of the sudden we go from a clear and present danger to some conflicting evidence found under unusual conditions. 

Interview with EPA's Dr. William Marcus on NTP's Fluoride/Cancer Study

"Marcus: When I got a hold of the contractor report and reviewed it very carefully, not only was it reporting cancers in the animals, [it was reporting] osteosarcomas which bothered me a lot because I've been trying to produce osteosarcomas in animals for almost 20 years and the only luck I ever had was with an experiment in dogs and monkeys, and the osteosarcomas took nearly the lifetime of the animals, and we were using radium which specifically produces that in bones. And here we have a compound commonly available – fluoride - that did it in rats in two years or less. That was upsetting to begin with. Secondarily...in that same study, there were cancers of the liver that are very rare according to the board certified veterinary pathologist at the contractor, Battelle. And those really were very upsetting because they were hepatocholangiocarcinoma, a very rare, rare, liver cancer..."

Again look past the headline.  Fluoridation has been widespread for many decades.  Yet the cancers discussed, that under the laboratory conditions employed resulted in fast tumor development remain very rare.  Ergo, fluoridated municipal water has not caused the fast developing tumors found in the particular laboratory tests.

October 2010 American Dental AssociationAssociations Between Fluorosis of Permanent Incisors and Fluoride Intake From Infant Formula, Other Dietary Sources and Dentifrice During Early Childhood http://jada.ada.org/content/141/10/1190.abstract     

JADA  Journal of the American Dental Association

Again, it is important to read beyond the headlines.  That abstract concludes: 
QuoteClinical Implications. Results suggest that prevalence of mild dental fluorosis could be reduced by avoiding ingestion of large quantities of fluoride from reconstituted powdered concentrate infant formula and fluoridated dentifrice.

Fluorosis you say?.....  Mr Mark writes....

"We have a couple of anti-fluoride activists around here.  They express great concern about fluorisis as well.  Their arguments tend to fall apart when one looks closely at the intake of fluoride necessary to cause fluorisis and the concentrations of fluoride in municipal water supplies that fluoridate.  "
Lets take a look at fluorosis.....   

You say " Their arguments tend to fall apart when one looks closely at the intake of fluoride necessary to cause fluorisis and the concentrations of fluoride in municipal water supplies that fluoridate.  "
Do their arguments fall apart like some of the fine looking choppers in the pictures shown in the link above??? ::) Like it doesnt exist.  ::) ::)
Have a look around you.  Are the teeth of the people who you see routinely mottled or otherwise damaged by fluorosis?  Or is the condition unusual?  Or is it very unusual?  Is the fluorosis in those pictures traceable to the minute fluoride concentration in municipal water?  Or were they exposed to vastly higher fluoride concentrations from other sources?  I hope that you can understand that actual causality is what we should all be interested in.

"The spots and stains left by fluorosis are permanent. They may darken over time."

So Mr Mark.  How do we figure out how much fluoride we do take in??
When it comes to municipal water supplies in the USA, that information is generally published annually by the respective water districts.
QuoteHow about we call Nestle to see what they have to say??  ;D ;D   ........Woman calls Nestle to inquire about fluoride in bottled water, recieves death threats for a monthLearn more:  http://www.naturalnews.com/044910_Nestle_bottled_water_death_threats.html#ixzz38oyd9O1h 
If anyone including a corporation acts so stupidly as to make terroristic threats against a living person, they are subject to federal criminal prosecution.  Two years after the alleged incident there do not seem to be any charges filed.  When asked about that, neither the alleged victim, nor her attorney offered comment.

::) ::) ::)

Ok. So we get fluoride in tooth paste, and water. Anything else? ;) ......

"To protect the grapes from destruction from insects, they are sprayed with cryolite, leaving behind high amounts of fluorine in the grape supply, which remains throughout the wine-making process. In some cases, one glass of wine produced from grapes treated with cryolite contains as much fluorine as one full liter of fluoridated water"
Assume that the statements are true:  Are wine enthusiasts suffering unusual ill health effects traceable to fluorides?  The concentrations claimed amount to ~8X municipal water.  Someone who drinks wine on the order of recommended water intake is going to suffer severe ill effects from a different toxin: alcohol. 

"most mechanically separated chicken contains fluorine. Mechanically separated chicken is put through a high pressure sieve, removing the meat from the bone and grounding it into a paste-like substance. Chicken put through this process is often used to make chicken nuggets and infant foods. "


Perhaps that is so.  Unless there are ill effects traceable to these practices, what you have is little more than bootstrapping.

So Mr Mark. How do we know when we have had too much fluoride?  When our teeth turn brown?
If you are seeing a dentist regularly, then any signs of fluorosis should be detected early, and then the causes can be sought.  Municipal water is one of the least likely causes.

My mom is 70 born in 43. She has 1 tooth left.  Why didnt fluoride save her teeth?  Maybe too much fluoride?  Not enough?  There is no system of happy medium. 
Who knows what your mother's particular circumstances were. 

You can promote fluoridation all you want Mark. Good for you.   ::)   So sit back and have a bowl of cream of chicken(save same for the baby), have a nice glass of wine.  Enjoy.   ;) And always drink plenty of water.   
I most certainly enjoy a glass of wine from time to time without the least fear of fluorosis.  And I happily drink about two liters a day of municipal water.  Appropriate hydration with clean water is important to good health.

Dont drink Smart Water Mr Mark, as its distilled, and your teeth might fall out. lol

Mags  ;D

Distilled water lacks important minerals.  The best thing that can be sad for distilled water is that the distilling process kills bacteria.  Of course if the water is not stored properly, bacteria can come back.