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Overunity Machines Forum

ZERO INPUT, 10 degrees thermal output...Yes,...genuine free energy

Started by TheoriaApophasis, December 22, 2014, 05:54:57 PM

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that's not how this works...[the offer]
we look at is as a DUT and it goes from there ,otherwise we waste more time, resources as well as the possibility of not seeing the result and what then??

this is an offer to investigate a claim at no cost whatsoever to Ken ,  Oh there will be costs and very valuable time from men and equipment that do not come cheaply.

its a nice offer a friendly offer..
its Christmas!!


Whats for yah ne're go bye yah
Thanks Grandma


Quote from: pomodoro on December 25, 2014, 07:30:16 AM
Seem like anyone can replicate it. Bismuth is very cheap on eBay.
And FLIR imagers are very expensive.


Quote from: TinselKoala on December 25, 2014, 11:25:28 AM
And FLIR imagers are very expensive.

Hi TK,

Super glue a DS18S20 to the metal sphere, and read the DS18S20 on your Audrino mcu.
It has a 9 bit temp. resolution but if you also read the CREM resister then you can
get a 12 bit resolution.


Merry Christmas,


No, Kenny baby. The experiment, properly done, has more than two parts. But you have not done an experiment, you are only doing demonstrations. A true experiment always includes a control condition, and any true experiment using instruments for measurement also includes calibration tests and data for that instrument. You have left these out of your demonstration, which is not an experiment at all. But of course, a genius who already knows that he is right doesn't need to perform true experiments that have the potential to falsify his hypotheses and ultimately his whole theoretical stance.  Once again, it is not my responsibility to do your homework for you; it is entirely up to you to do proper experimentation, analysis and reporting of your findings, none of which you have ever done, as far as I can tell, with anything you have posted here or on EF.

If you're too dumb to use proper English in your posts, or to do proper control experiments when making outlandish claims, then you must be insanely dumb, and insanely lazy, OR BOTH, on top of your amazingly pathological ego-defensiveness. It's really pitiful to see someone relatively bright like you flailing about, emitting insults worthy of an eight-year-old girl, in an attempt to avoid admitting that you were and continue to be wrong about this claim. Pitiful, sad, and ... hilarious.  I think that _anyone_  who has confidence in his claims -- and who is right about them -- would have leaped at the chance to refute me and the other critics by posting the proper control experiments, showing for example that a ball of different material but the same emissivity and polish does not produce the same kind of image on the FLIR imager. The fact that you have not done so is strongly suggestive... that you cannot.

Quote from: TheoriaApophasis on December 25, 2014, 04:47:41 AM

experiment only has TWO PARTS

if youre too dumb to put 2 NON-MOVING parts next to each other and TEST SAME....................

..........then you are either:

1. insanely dumb

2. insanely lazy

or both.  ;D

I opt for both


Believe it or not, I can think of several ways to measure accurately the temperature of the ball, and also to demonstrate specular IR reflections from a shiny sphere. But Groundloop... how can a few tens of dollars of instrumentation possibly be better or more accurate than a multi-thousand-dollar FLIR imager? Therefore the results will be invalid!   ::)

You could glue the ball and the magnet to a piece of wood or plastic and immerse the whole thing in water in a container made of heavy styrofoam, and monitor the temperature of the water with an ordinary kitchen digital thermometer costing a few dollars, poking through a small hole in the container. Either the water will heat up measurably fairly quickly, as it should if a real heat-producer were inside the container... or it will not. If it does not, what will we conclude? Will we conclude that the water and styrofoam are so frigging "dielectric" that it cancels out the "Wheeler Effect"... or will we conclude that there is actually no heat produced by the bismuth?

Do you really believe that Kenny Wheeler would accept the results of such a test, undoubtedly null, from _anyone_, especially me? It is his responsibility, and his alone, to provide proper alternative measures of temperature (control experiments and calibrations of the FLIR instrument).  You and I both know that the reason he is claiming it is the responsibility of others to repeat his "experiment" using the FLIR is because that instrument is expensive and none of us are likely to possess one, or want to take the trouble to rent one for a few days.

Merry Christmas to you and yours, also!

Quote from: Groundloop on December 25, 2014, 11:37:15 AM
Hi TK,

Super glue a DS18S20 to the metal sphere, and read the DS18S20 on your Audrino mcu.
It has a 9 bit temp. resolution but if you also read the CREM resister then you can
get a 12 bit resolution.


Merry Christmas,