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The Fallen State of Man

Started by Doctor Whodini, October 04, 2006, 08:14:46 PM

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Doctor Whodini

Hello all,

I've been reviewing Richard's program this coming weekend.

The date is 2012. What is going to happen in 2012? Will it be just another year?

"... A careful reading of the ancient Mayan, Vedic, Egyptian and other textual materials on ?2012? -- coupled with an awareness of the variety of modern scientific studies which are now lending serious weight to their millennia-old conclusions -- argues compellingly that we could be rapidly approaching a physical, mental and spiritual ?singularity? in contemporary human experience in 2012. ..."

I would tend to agree with this but with one exception, that technology will play a vital role concerning the melding of the physical, mental and spiritual experience into a ?singularity? - and we become one with the Creator. Its the technology that will affect the person, NOT the person affecting technology. Technology is the cause, which will bring about an effect, a desired effect. So, what sort of technology am I referring to? Certainly not what we are familiar with in everyday life. This is technology that affects the physical property of matter itself. The objective, the purpose of this technology is to bring about a singularity of the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of human beings. So, what is our current state???

THE FALL OF MAN: In the KJV Genesis 3:24:

"... So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. ..."

Now, this passage can be interpreted many different ways, however, my modern day read interprets "Eden" to be a "transcended realm" that Man was driven from, a state of singularity, or oneness, to be anywhere and everywhere. The "Cherubims" are the occupants of the UFO phenomenon. And perhaps the MOST important verse of all "a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life". I consider the word "sword" to mean to strike. The word "flaming" is light or inertia. The words "turned every way" means OUR three dimensional or spatial universe. And the words "keep the way of the tree of life" describes OUR own mortality - we ALL grow old and die. Now, lets put this in the context I presented in my last email, that all fundamental particles can be modeled as singularities. Singularities by themselves have NO known speed limit and NO time. When singularities are exposed to light however, this light or photon gets trapped spinning around the singularity. This trapped photon is the cause of inertia, the cause of magnetic fields, the cause of time, and describes our relativistic universe. Because of the finite speed of light, we therefore have a speed limit in this universe - we ourselves are trapped, confined, and made prisoner.

The model of matter:

So, when we take this discovery of matter, the singularity, and interpret it in the context of Gensis 3:24, the FALLEN nature of man can then be "correctly" interpreted as being struck with light or inertia and cast down into a spatial universe where he would grow old and die. This describes the FALLEN nature of man. We have a body composed of singularities with a barrier of trapped photons that separates ALL us from our true transcended realm.

So, with that said, what can be done about it, what can be done about our FALLEN nature? How can we purge our bodies of these trapped photons and become one again with the universe. To eat from the tree of life? How can this to be done?

This is the purpose, the goal, of "The Ranch" project. Its ALL about developing this technology:


William S. Alek, INTALEK, INC.
Exploring Gravitational and Inertial Mass fluctuations,
Low Energy Nuclear Fusion, and Temporal Anomalies
eGroup: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/intalek
   URL: http://www.intalek.com/



"The story of the fall typifies race-experience as brought about through its belief in duality. Man is created perfect; that is, he starts on his journey as a perfect being, but he also starts as an individual; and this, of course, means that he starts with self-choice. Self-choice would have no real meaning unless it were backed by the power to externalize this choice and experience the effect of it. Man has the ability to choose and to externalize his choice; for he is a real individuality."

"The Garden of Eden typifies man's original state of perfection before he began to have experience. The Tree of Knowledge means the Life Principle which can be used both ways. It bore the fruit of the knowledge of both kinds of experience, good and evil, freedom and limitation. Man must choose which kind of fruit he will eat. "Choose ye this day whom ye will serve." Man makes his choice consciously but generally in ignorance. The serpent typifies the Life Principle viewed from the materialistic viewpoint; it casts man from his perfect state through his belief in duality and separation. Man chose to depart from Good, and man alone must choose to return to It. God lets him alone; for he is a free agent and may do as he wills with himself. When man decides to return to his Father's House, he will find that his Father is still there. "Act as though I am and I will be." "Onlook the Deity and the Deity will onlook thee." "Be firm and ye shall be made firm." "As though hast believed so be it done unto thee." "Ask and it shall be given unto you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you." God's Creation is Perfect and we must wake to the fact and know that we are now in the Kingdom of Heaven."


Quote from: FreeEnergy on October 04, 2006, 08:41:09 PM
"The story of the fall typifies race-experience as brought about through its belief in duality. Man is created perfect; that is, he starts on his journey as a perfect being, but he also starts as an individual; and this, of course, means that he starts with self-choice. Self-choice would have no real meaning unless it were backed by the power to externalize this choice and experience the effect of it. Man has the ability to choose and to externalize his choice; for he is a real individuality."

"The Garden of Eden typifies man's original state of perfection before he began to have experience. The Tree of Knowledge means the Life Principle which can be used both ways. It bore the fruit of the knowledge of both kinds of experience, good and evil, freedom and limitation. Man must choose which kind of fruit he will eat. "Choose ye this day whom ye will serve." Man makes his choice consciously but generally in ignorance. The serpent typifies the Life Principle viewed from the materialistic viewpoint; it casts man from his perfect state through his belief in duality and separation. Man chose to depart from Good, and man alone must choose to return to It. God lets him alone; for he is a free agent and may do as he wills with himself. When man decides to return to his Father's House, he will find that his Father is still there. "Act as though I am and I will be." "Onlook the Deity and the Deity will onlook thee." "Be firm and ye shall be made firm." "As though hast believed so be it done unto thee." "Ask and it shall be given unto you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you." God's Creation is Perfect and we must wake to the fact and know that we are now in the Kingdom of Heaven."

Speaking from a biblical perspective.

Man's redemption is through Christ and the kingdom of heaven is not on earth but in heaven.  However, the kingdom of God stands wherever a Christian (with faith) stands.  But the earth is not the kingdom of God.  The bible says the devil is the god of this world.

The bible is clear about this: Jesus boldly said that no one comes to the Father but by me (him).  It also says there is no other name (Jesus Christ) upon which a man can be saved.  The word "saved" in a biblical context can be translated "made whole". 

Because we are all fallen creatures we a fractured.  Adam pooched it for all of us when he decided to not take God's advice, and follow the bad advice of his wife, who intern fallowed the evil advice of the fallen angel who craved worship, who also sought to destroy a threat to him.  When Adam did what he did he and all his progeny were changed.  We are the walking dead (spiritually speaking).  To be made whole is to be reborn (born again) into God's family where upon you received an eternal holy spirit that cannot die (your old body dies, but not the spirit).  You are a "new creature" when this happens.  Adam had this same type of spirit, but his was "corruptible", which is why he died both physically (later on) and spiritually (right away).  However, the Christian spirit in "incorruptible", because it rests upon Christ's accomplishments not ours; whereas Adam's spirit rested upon what Adam did.  This means that, no matter what you do after you are born into God's family, you cannot kill the spiritual life in you.  God has built in a failsafe mechanism.

Christ is the second Adam, who, through his obedience to the bitter end, provided a way for mankind to get back into fellowship with God and also to regain an eternal life.  What one man lost through disobedience another man regained by obedience.

If you want to know what's in store for man just read the book of revelations.  That's where our clever systems will lead us.

Anyway, that's a biblical perspective.  Obviously others do not share this.