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Is The Earth A Flat Round Disc or Is It a Round Spherical Globe?

Started by gravityblock, April 28, 2016, 12:14:07 PM

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Is The Earth A Flat Round Disc, Concave, or Is It a Round Spherical Globe?

The earth is a flat round disc!
The earth is a flat round disc with a dome!
The earth is a round speriical globe!
The earth is concave!


Quote from: gravityblock on June 24, 2016, 01:08:13 PM
Well, let's look at a fake camera image of the full earth released by NASA during the fake Apollo 16 mission (first image below), and not some theoretical models on the figure of the earth, as shown on wikepedia.  This image of the full Earth released by NASA sure does deviate from a true sphere by more than 1 part in 300 and is easily detectable in the image!!!  Like I said before, the images of the earth as released by NASA aren't consistent with one another.  It's very obvious this image is not a photo taken with a hand-held Hasselblad camera, but is a composite, cropped and mashed together image (second image below). The fact that the cropping actually follows the supposed 'Earth shadow' shows that it was cropped - to make it look like there is a shadow there. Why would NASA do that? It makes no logical sense that anyone would crop an image in this way, if it was a genuine photo.   The image on NASA's site is now different (third image below).  NASA changed the original fake cropped image (first image below) after this video showing the cropping  (second image below) was uploaded.  However, the image on the web archive (first image below) still shows the old cropped image.

NASA admits the images are computer generated (CGI) from their so-called satellite data into a globe earth composite (video).  Their so-called satellite data is also fake!!!  So, if your reason for believing the earth is nearly a spherical globe was that you have seen thousands of pictures of the earth, then you better think again!  You globalists are being bamboozled and hoodwinked into believing a fairy tale.  You globalists are so gullible and so easily deceived into believing a lie.  ROFLMAO!!!

None of the NASA Photographs or footage of the Earth is real. Robert Simmons, a Data Visualiser and Information Designer for NASA freely admits that all the still images of Earth from space, (including his creation of the recent 'Blue Marble' image), are simply composite images and not real photographs.  Check it out for yourself (video).  The video has rare audio of NASA's Robert Simmons as he explains using photo shop on earth pics. None of the pictures have ever been real.  All pictures of the globe earth are null x void!!

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.

God will confuse the wise with the simplest things of this world.  He will catch the wise in their own craftiness.


Quote from: TinselKoala on June 23, 2016, 01:09:03 PM
Got any more silly interpretations and false claims about real data? Keep them coming, you are definitely low-hanging fruit, easy to pick off.

Real data comes from real photographs, and not from fake computer generated images taken from fake virtual satellite data!  You have the process completely backwards and inverted as always.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.

God will confuse the wise with the simplest things of this world.  He will catch the wise in their own craftiness.


Quote from: gravityblock on June 25, 2016, 12:57:01 AM
Real data comes from real photographs, and not fake computer generated images from fake virtual satellite data!  You have the process completely backwards and inverted as always.


No, it is you who continue to show your ignorance and lack of reasoning ability. Just as I have said, you simply deny the validity of any evidence against your silly claims.

In the first place, there is really no such thing as a "real photograph" of astronomical objects from satellites, or even earth-bound telescopes.
Modern satellites do not use film cameras and the images aren't developed at your local one-hour photo service! When an imaging system with
a narrow field of view is used to make an image of a larger object, multiple images are stitched together into a mosaic. Each individual image
is processed in various ways, and the final image is further processed to make a resulting overall image. This does NOT mean that the image is faked!
(Of course to YOU it does, since all data that refutes you is faked, according to you.) 

For example look at my own Lunar image attached below. This is a 5-frame mosaic. The original images of parts of the nearly-full Moon were taken
with a Canon Xti DSLR camera-- NOT a film camera. This camera uses an electronic sensor to capture photons of light. The charges on the pixels
of the sensor are then converted to something that the human eye can interpret as an image -- brightness levels of individual pixels. Then I take
the raw digital data from the camera and process it in various ways to enhance contrast, adjust color values, sharpness and etc. using a program
called PixInsight. Then the individual partial frames are matched and stitched together by another program called nip2. Then the overall full image is
once again adjusted and smoothed using PixInsight again, and further sharpened and resized by another program called gimp, which is essentially
a free PhotoShop. Then the _bits_ of data which represent the image are uploaded, stored, presented to you, then you see them through another
program which displays them on your screen. That program makes further guesses and alterations before presenting it to the software that shows
it to you, and your monitor alters it even further, based on your local settings for brightness, contrast, color temperature, and etc.

So does all of this "prove" that the image is not an image of the real Moon, taken from my backyard by me, and which "looks like" the real, actual Moon?
According to your weak minded attempts at reasoning, it's not a "real photograph" and therefore is fake. Oh... wait a minute.... I almost forgot... 
the Moon itself is faked, isn't it!!!

In the second place, you are rather inconsistent in your ramblings. NASA and all the other space agencies and telescope operators all around the world --
or all "across" the flat world according to you -- are smart enough to manufacture and continue this worldwide conspiracy but aren't smart enough to
make images that are consistent with your weak ideas of what a "real photograph" should look like.

I laugh out loud at your ignorance and feeble, futile attempts to bolster your fake theory with your made-up "facts" and misinterpreted out-of-context quotes.

(Image uploaded at full resolution on purpose, to show the detail and smoothness of the mosaic process.)


Quote from: gravityblock on June 25, 2016, 12:35:26 AM
None of the NASA Photographs or footage of the Earth is real. Robert Simmons, a Data Visualiser and Information Designer for NASA freely admits that all the still images of Earth from space, (including his creation of the recent 'Blue Marble' image), are simply composite images and not real photographs.  Check it out for yourself (video).  The video has rare audio of NASA's Robert Simmons as he explains using photo shop on earth pics. None of the pictures have ever been real.  All pictures of the globe earth are null x void!!

So all the 'photographs' on actual photographic film that were taken by the early astronauts with hand held cameras are also fake. Got it.
Now I'm off to find my tinfoil hat.


So if the earth is flat,and the stars are moving across the sky(from our perspective),then this flat earth must be spinning-right?
So it would be a must that you stay close to the center of this spinning mass,as the closer we get to the edge,the higher the risk of being flung of out into space ;D

Oh i remember those days ,in the playground,on the high speed merry-go-round.

