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InnovaTehno.eu Free Energy Device - a big Fake or the real thing ?

Started by hartiberlin, October 31, 2016, 08:35:37 PM

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It could be anything because everything is based on the same principles. For example I can assure you it is strongly related to Daniel McFarland Cook device ;-) and the story about his flying machine rings the bell , ok ? die Glocke  or UFO
how about Hubbard device ? also related and so on up to the TPU


Let's say the heaters do not radiate any heat because they are internally disconnected. And then say the lamps are LED's not incandescent light bulbs. Then how long could that thing continuously run with batteries hidden within those huge coils?

No offense, just asking. :P


Just recorded the new Livestream from today and made a new video out of it WITH the CHAT windows...
So the Chat is pretty intersting...


Stefan Hartmann, Moderator of the overunity.com forum


Here is the contens of the Chat window, which I saved, cause when the Live stream has ended,
the Chat will be normaly be lost...

Enjoy !

overunitydotcom Are you still there ???
overunitydotcom Okay, you are back !
overunitydotcom Please turn off the background music...
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU Why?
overunitydotcom Will you do a real demonstration today ??
overunitydotcom Because of Youtube strikes because of copyrighted music...
overunitydotcom Otherwise Youtube will shut down your stream...
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU I have problem with sreaming but its live
overunitydotcom Okay...
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU aha right
overunitydotcom As I said, better turn off the music or use a talk radio only !
overunitydotcom Okay, thanks for off the music...
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU ok
overunitydotcom ok
overunitydotcom Okay, what is the name of your device ???
overunitydotcom Just D1943 ??
Gerhard Nigl
Gerhard Nigl Habt ihr eventuell eine Ampermeterzange für eine Livemessung?
overunitydotcom Yes, would be nice if you could show the current to the heaters and the lamps...
overunitydotcom Via a current probe or an amp clamp meter...
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU Gerhard;Heute ist keine Option, aber es wird eine Chance für einen zweiten Tag sein, dies ist

nur eine einfache Anzeige
overunitydotcom Too bad...
overunitydotcom Don´t you have measurement equipment there ?
overunitydotcom Ihr sprecht also auch Deutsch ??
overunitydotcom Habt Ihr keine Messgeräte heute da ??
overunitydotcom Wird sonst ein bischen langweilig....
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU Leider nein
overunitydotcom Will get a bit boring otherwise...
overunitydotcom Könnt Ihr noch den genauen Namen angeben des Gerätes ??
Gerhard Nigl
Gerhard Nigl Hy, overunitdotcom, hast bei den letzen Livestreams nicht genug aufgepasst?
overunitydotcom Wieso ??
overunitydotcom I have recorded all the last Livestreams on my channel...
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU Wir denken an einen Namen, bis 15. Dezember
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU ok fine
overunitydotcom Okay...
overunitydotcom Was könnt Ihr heute noch zeigen ?
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit'
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit' Does this have a Caduceus winding similar to Tesla, Don Smith or Kapanadze

with a negative center & positive at either ends so the Charge is moving away from a central point like an

Esoteric Chi Ball?
overunitydotcom Könnt Ihr das Gerät bewegen, so dass man keine versteckten Kabel beweisen kann ??
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU John None of the above,
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit'
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit' thanks
Gerhard Nigl
Gerhard Nigl da hab ich auch auf deutsch geschrieben, und deutsche Antwort bekommen. ich habe dich abonniert,

daher bin ich jetzt auf deren Fährte. danke.
overunitydotcom Hmm, was könnt Ihr heute noch zeigen , damit es nicht langweilig wird ??
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU JOHN ;Here I will show you with a piece of metal, but there is no magnetism but it should be by

XWOOFERX what is that sound like water boiling or bubler sounds?
overunitydotcom Yes, please show something Innova...
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit'
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit' go on then
overunitydotcom So what do you want to show then now , Innova ??
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU JOHN everything is registered as a vacuum cleaner
XWOOFERX That's the most trustable free energy device I have ever seen. Really good. Only try to make a good

balance adjustment on the turning fan.
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU We have reached a minimum speed Check
overunitydotcom It is only in 360 p now
overunitydotcom rsolution I meant-....
overunitydotcom video resolution
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU overunitydotcom I am shown is not seen
overunitydotcom Sprecht Ihr besser Deutsch order eher Englisch ?
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU similarly
XWOOFERX Please turn the heat light to another side. it is disturbing what we want to see.
overunitydotcom Ich habe jetzt erstmal aufgehört zu recorden...das wird sonst zu langweilig...
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU ok
overunitydotcom Könnt Ihr nicht nochmal wenigstens um das Gerät rumgehen ??
overunitydotcom Or is your camera fixed again ??
XWOOFERX please write in English. All please.
overunitydotcom Okay, then English...
overunitydotcom I just asked if they could move the camera around the device...
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU Wait
Csubák László
Csubák László Hello
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit'
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit' Its a loop, or I bet were all looking at a photo!
overunitydotcom No it is live...
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU They can, but in the end when you turn off the machine you decide whether it is the end
overunitydotcom Just rewind the stream in the Youtube player... then you can see, that it is Live...
Csubák László
Csubák László Power up / down, or something to see?
overunitydotcom What else can you show today ???
overunitydotcom Please explain, how you normally start the device...
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU How it seems, nothing goes live I will try tomorrow with Android phone seems to be slow laptop
XWOOFERX It is now on.Working.But I don't understand that the light heater turning sometime right sometime left?
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU Someone asked that the heater is not moving so I stopped
overunitydotcom Please put the front lamp into the direction of the D1943 device...
XWOOFERX is it a light or a heating device
overunitydotcom There is too much glare in the camera now...
XWOOFERX yes that is what I mean also
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit'
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit' Does all the FREE ENERGY comes from the Vacuum Cleaner?
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU You misunderstood, say "as" vacuum cleaner
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit'
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit' The Vacuum of Space & Time!
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU Attracting, at a single point
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU I stop video for 15 sec. I will try to improve video
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit'
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit' The point singularity in a black hole!
overunitydotcom It is still stopped.. we have also a delay between the broadcast and the display over here on

our PCs of at least 30 seconds or so....remember this...
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU ok?
overunitydotcom Point the heater lamp to the device so it will be shown better in the light...
overunitydotcom How fast does the rotor spin ??
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU ok?
overunitydotcom hmm, now only the wall is lighted up...
overunitydotcom Hard to see the device now...
overunitydotcom Now it is getting better...
overunitydotcom Be cautious not to heat up the device too much...
overunitydotcom Maybe put the heating lamp a bit back from he device...
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit'
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit' You should have some awesome story like peter lindemann & his attraction

motor. So whats the story behind D1943?
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU fan that cools nicely, without worrying
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU john Germans were working on the machine bell, 1943, but did not finish until the end, we are

with the help of the then technician did get to the end
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU otherwise we have a German version in our private museum, has enormous power but has a lot of

errors in constant operation
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit'
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit' I thought the Nazi Bell stuff was all BULLSHIT!
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU do not listen to others, they were the pioneers of innovation
XNAME41 hello world :]
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU do not look at the military, but civilians who worked on the project
overunitydotcom Intersting do you claim that you have the original device from 1943 in your own museum ???
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU but we do not know whether it was for the bell, so we heard we were told
overunitydotcom Is this the 90 year old inventor which also worked on it in 1943 ?
overunitydotcom Does he still live ?
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU Do not forget, the atomic bomb and jet engine are descended from Germans
overunitydotcom Is it Hans Kohler or Hans Coler ?
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU john yes
overunitydotcom Is he still alive today ?
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU hi is chief
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU yes
overunitydotcom Damn... that is nice ! Say hello to him ! What a surprise !!!!
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU live like young boy
overunitydotcom 😉
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit'
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit' Chief of the Germanic Tribes!
overunitydotcom That is fantastic !
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU hi is wery good men
overunitydotcom What did he do all those years ??
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU john , is now in Africa, wants to help people to come to cheap electricity, and there will be a

large factory
overunitydotcom Hmm, but Hans Coler already demonstrated already the device in 1925....so when he was about 20

years old by then he must be around 110 years old now...
XNAME41 Innova Techno EU please give any materials, documents, patents relating to this device, thanks in

overunitydotcom By the way my name is Stefan.
overunitydotcom Or is it the son of Hans Coler ??
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU Johm; he was a young helper in the workshop
overunitydotcom I see...
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit'
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit' You can get the 'Plans' off overunitydotcom.
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU ok Stefan i am Denis
overunitydotcom Okay, thanks Denis !
overunitydotcom So Denis, do you want to show us something else today still ?
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU XNAME41I can not divulge the secrets I am not authorized, or even the papers in the proceedings

overunitydotcom Yes, if you want to patent it, then you probably can not show more...
overunitydotcom When do you think the patent will be issued to you ?
overunitydotcom Has the patenting process already started with the lawyers and the patent office ?
overunitydotcom You could really show, that the heaters are pretty hot now in the room... Do you have a

temperature meter with you, or just put your hand on the heater and show that it hurts ! 😉
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU otherwise the device is never switched off this is a test model of endurance, I only share my

testing with you, when the video turns off the device continues to work non-stop
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU The Patent Office, these are real "players" the world had not seen
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU looking fly in the egg
XNAME41 this thing probably rebuilds from the original authentic documents?
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU Yws right
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU Yes
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU we have only done to the end
overunitydotcom Did the 90 years old guy still knew Hans Coler ? When and where did Hans Coler die ??
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU I do not know, or I'll ask him
overunitydotcom Yes, please ask him... would be pretty interesting to hear...
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU Tomorrow, on the Skipe
overunitydotcom And you still have the old original device in your Museum ??
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU yes
overunitydotcom Is the 90 year old guy still living in Germany or in Croatia ?
overunitydotcom How did Croatians now build it ?
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU with him in the spring will make truck engine, heavy but has enormous power
overunitydotcom Was this 90 year old guy also from Croatia, who worked together with Hans Coler ?
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit'
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit' Yeah how did Croatians build it, they're all poor?
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit'
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit' Thats like a third world country
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU No, Swiss ex german he worked 30 year in Swiss company SULZER
XNAME41 possible that this device has been was intended for powered to flying "BELL" device?
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU That said, we have only the engine but we did not see the aircraft
Евгений Лавренко
Евгений Лавренко привет,здесь русскоговорящие есть?
overunitydotcom Interesting ! 😉
overunitydotcom Yes, I just googled Sulzer, They are located in Winterthur, Switzerland, not too far away from

Methernitha ! 😉
overunitydotcom Sulzer seem to do industrial pumps for oil and water..
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU Yes Right hi live i Winterhur
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU yes trai factory also
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU Train
overunitydotcom Did the 90 year old inventor guy also had contacts in Methernitha ??
overunitydotcom Ah, they also produce trains at Sulzer ?
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU For shure NO
overunitydotcom So as the device looks a but Simular to the Testatika device from Methernitha I thought there

might be simularities...
overunitydotcom Denis are you the 90 years old Technician that worked with Hans Coler ?
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU Maybe they know but he is self-effacing, never talked to anyone about the product until 7 years

Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU We are a team of 10 men and 6 helpers, just us three people know the scheme
overunitydotcom I see, so he was very quiet all these years about it ?
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU That is Right

overunitydotcom So basically we see here World War 2 technology 😉 What a show ! 😉
overunitydotcom @Philippos, thanks for the tip, but in the Greek translation they often call him Peter Painter

... Why ? Is he a painter also ??
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU Stefan I can't say details
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece Could someone explain to me how the electricity is generated here?
overunitydotcom Hopefully not via a hidden cable... lol... 😉
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece Stefan, it is exactly like "George Bush". George was not a bush :-P
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit'
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit' The Energy comes from the Vacuum Cleaner!
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit'
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit' Vacuum of Space & Time!
overunitydotcom Does Zografos translate to Painter ???
overunitydotcom Is Zografos the Greek word for Painter ?
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece yes
soufiane bellamine
soufiane bellamine Да есть русский говорящий
overunitydotcom Ahh I see.. so it comes from the worng ENglish translation...
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece and how does this vaccum work John? thanks :-)
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU No cables, especially on the lake, I would now lifted but has 115 kg
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece yes..
Ja rek
Ja rek why must work non-stop?
overunitydotcom Yes, the Lake demonstration was pretty good...;)
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU Jarek; Must test because we have for sale and guarantee
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit'
John Kenny-Myatt 'XXL above Circuit' The lake demo looked totally believable!
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece I have seen your website, Stefan. it is awesome.. let me ask you something..
overunitydotcom Philippos can you please post a short English summary of what Zografis said in the video I just

posted yeasterday please ?
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU How? John?
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece ah ofcourse.. could you please give me an email to contact? I can write it all in detail..
overunitydotcom okay: hartiberlin@gmail.com
overunitydotcom Okay, thanks Philippos, then I can add this under the video..
Костя Костин
Костя Костин CuKa Blyad
overunitydotcom DO you know Zografos personally ?
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece what I would like to ask you is if you have found any other device (except this one or the

greek) that actually works..
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece No, I am just one of the ~17.000 supporters..
overunitydotcom Yes, Methernitha Testatika and a few others... but the other inventors have all the Multi

Million Dollar eyes....if money gets in the way it will also have problems... either they get bought out or...
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece but I find his work pretty elegant. As he (Petros) has said, the most difficult part was to

capture the idea. Building it was easy for him..
overunitydotcom We really need someone who can speak Greek and English well, so we can get more infos from the

Greek hellagen.gr site...
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU Stefan; When you have a good quality thing does not bother the other things
overunitydotcom add a w w w in front of hellagen otherwise it has problems...
overunitydotcom Yes, Denis, if your device will work...then we don´t need to bother with other "complicated"

Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece Have you heard of Keshe Foundation?
overunitydotcom Sorry Denis for the offtopic messages...
overunitydotcom Keshe seems to be a scam
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece /watch?v=q6h1V6WPAHQ
overunitydotcom Maybe the healing properties work...
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU 😉
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece But what about this vid?
overunitydotcom But the Magrav seems to be s scam...
Marco Rajala
Marco Rajala dr greer always say if you have a legit free energy device to contact him then he will help to mass

produce it so the People can get access to it on a world skal
overunitydotcom /watch?v=q6h1V6WPAHQ total fake.....
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece how?
overunitydotcom Probably hidden batteries in the fridge...
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU PHILLIPOS; Scam or not, we are going on sale soon, so it does not bother with such words
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece how can simple batteries run 6-7kW?
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU 120 AH 10min consume 2000W
overunitydotcom Did the Keshe thing run 7 KWatts...??? No...
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece Thank you Denis <3 I would really like to see how this works.. but I understand that it is not

allowed, yet..
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece just a sec Stefan
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU Gel Battery
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU Ok Philipos
overunitydotcom Also it was not yet replicated that Keshe thing... Gordon Duff a political guy always wants to

attach Free Energy with Weapons technology he published and pushed this video about this Keshe thing...
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece youtu.be/
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece .be/oWb7U-XzZTI
overunitydotcom You can not post real links here in the Chat...
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece it is in parts, cannot post links..
Marco Rajala
Marco Rajala a guy here on Youtube just had amazing results with hemp battery even better than graphene plus its

much cheaper. i think his name is Murray Smith something like that...
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece this one was 5-6kW I think
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece they are written on a table (in the video)
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece all the watt
overunitydotcom Keshe only commented on the Live Stream he was seeing himself and made things up... Keshe

himself did not see it yet...
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece Denis, I was refering to your system before.. not on batteries..
overunitydotcom And when the inventor wanted to show it in WHashington at the Keshe demo there, he said it

broke.... what as BS...
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU When you want me to finish the video, in fact I would go home for dinner, and so you can see

extinguishing devices
overunitydotcom Okay, but forget the Keshe Bullshit and lets talk again about the Innova device...
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece yes!! sounds much better!
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece how does this get energy from?
overunitydotcom Yes, Dennis please stop the device now...
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU for you because Device have to work again for testing
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU Do you all agree?
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece yes ofcourse.. but where does it get its energy?
overunitydotcom yes
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece haven't figure this out yet..
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece figured*
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece last, Stefan, you want me to translate the vid with the flame?
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU When turned off I'll stay a little longer to hear comments
overunitydotcom Yes, Philippos please !
overunitydotcom Okay, great Denis
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece I will email you in a while with the exact translation.. it is a few minutes the video, it will

not take long..
overunitydotcom Thanks !
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece :-)
overunitydotcom What is your email Adress Philippos ?
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece I mainly use this one: secondacc99@yahoo.gr
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU To slow stream
overunitydotcom thanks !
Innova Tehno EU
Innova Tehno EU Ok By for Now
Philippos Greece
Philippos Greece I guess Denis this will have space applications too. Great!

Stefan Hartmann, Moderator of the overunity.com forum


It certainly does look like an early Edison machine with those long coils.

I have a hunch that the spinning device generates an electrostatic charge from air friction, as it is isolated from ground, has no slip rings or other contacts and is fed from a belt drive from the motor on the lower deck also for electrical isolation from the motor.

I believe hidden on the top of the bulge that feeds the rotating disc, there may be an electrostatic commutation device that chops (alternately charge and discharge) the charge and applies it to the black devices at the center of the coils through the heavily insulated wires.

This is covered for a couple of reasons, to hide the sparking  of the commutator chopper, which would be a giveaway, and to prevent dust accumulation from the high charge.

Under the coils may be a dielectric medium that spreads and holds the charge until the pulse reverses polarity. Alternately there may be other perhaps unterminated coils acting as shock excited transmission lines.

This is a guess and a WAG at that using my intuition considering all the components and the arrangement. I hope to post some drawings when I put enough detail in them to convey the idea, but I think it is obvious where it is going. (first crude drawing attached)

Hopefully the patent will show the real workings when and if it is released.

Looks like Stephan has just saved the chat from the last video. I will read it all and revise my premature WAG (wild arse guess) appropriately. (Edit: seems some of it is in German so I will wait for Stephan to translate)

Regards, Vortex1