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Towards an Acoustic Resonator Theory

Started by Vortex1, November 20, 2006, 09:16:40 PM

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Towards an Acoustic Resonator Theory - 2006/12/14 17:34
This thread attempts to reconcile some of the statements by SM and observations from the videos with an alternate theory under development.

Part 1 The Acoustic Gyroscope
Part 2 The Generation Of Power By Phonon Drag Effect

Towards An Acoustic Resonator Theory

PART 1 ???.The Acoustic Gyroscope

Based on the following I will try to describe the SM devices in terms of acoustic resonance and acoustic standing waves.

Nowhere have I found SM to use the words ?rotating magnetic field?.

He says in several places ?rotating field? or ?rotation of field?

From SM:

?Rotation of field. . . How many people think about that. If you could have a field that you could think of as a big ball. And you could rotate it in two directions what would the ramifications be??

The term ?field? is generic and depending on the context can have different meanings. A field can be many things including magnetic, ionic, photonic, electrostatic, acoustic etc.,

Of the above there is certainly one that can easily have vibration and a gyroscopic effect depending on the form. It is the acoustic field.

The SM devices exhibit slight gyroscopic effect.

The SM devices vibrate, increasing in frequency on startup with LF harmonics.

These two effects could be primary or secondary. If secondary it will be dealt with in a separate paper. For this theory, we will consider them primary i.e. necessary or the cause of the operation of the SM17.

There is a class of gyroscopes called wine glass resonators. These can be a hemisphere or a vibrating structure in the form of a hoop.

Is it this type of acoustical resonance that accounts for the gyroscopic and vibrational effects ?

We see circular ?hoop like? structures in all SM devices.

SM says to us ?You don't even have the simplest clues to head you in the right direction mechanically.?

Some of what appear to be "windings" of SM17 and SM15 may not be a conventional helical winding. Possibly many of them are ?short pieces of wire?.

Remember the filament "kick". Small filaments are folded over such that the elements repel each other on application of current. Some are wound in a non-inductive manner using a double helix structure similar to a caduceus. These techniques are used to eliminate or reduce coupling of AC currents in the filaments to other parts of the tube, such as the grid, as this would cause unwanted 60 Hz modulation of an applied signal. The ?improvements? create a problem for startup currents. Remember the jumper cable experiment. Two adjacent wires with current flowing in opposite directions will push away from each other. The repulsion forces of folded wires is considerable.

Remember SM said ?If you know how to find the circuit potential, you tune into the frequency and you have enough short pieces of wire you can convert as much power as you wish in a given space.?

What if the some of the windings are not helical and do not cross over at the bottom of SM17 but is a different ?circular arrangement of wires?

From SM


Notice the cross section of the SM17 device shows a thin rounded top and a bottom twice as thick with squared corners.

Is it possible the result of the unique winding arrangement is a structure that tries to expand and contract in alternating regions with the application of a frequency.

With a frequency drive, will an acoustic wave vibrate around the circumference?

Will this then create a gyroscopic effect as in a hemispherical or vibrating ring gyro.

Some of the frequencies used in the SM units are possibly in the ultrasonic range with beat frequencies producing the noticeable vibration.


Acoustic waves will impinge on the collector creating a controlled vibration of the metal lattice structure in a wavelike manner. Combinations of frequencies will both release and propel electrons from the collector wire by phonon drag effect. Phonon induced EMF production has been demonstrated as ?new unusual electron transport phenomena appear?

From SM:
?Your interest in the harmonic resonance is also stepping toward the right direction of things. But then again it depends on your viewpoint about exactly what harmonic resonance is and how it relates to mag fields and converting energy as does my power unit.?

PHONON: A particle of sound. The energy E of a phonon is given by the Einstein relation, E = hf. Here f is the frequency of the sound and h is Planck's constant. The momentum p of a photon is given by the de Broglie relation, p = h/λ. Here λ is the wavelength of the sound.

A phonon is a quantized mode of vibration occurring in a rigid crystal lattice, such as the atomic lattice of a solid. The study of phonons is an important part of solid state physics, because phonons play an important role in many of the physical properties of solids, such as the thermal conductivity and the electrical conductivity. In particular, the properties of long-wavelength phonons gives rise to sound in solids -- hence the name phonon.

In insulating solids, phonons are also the primary mechanism by which heat conduction takes place.

Phonons are a quantum mechanical version of a special type of vibrational motion, known as normal modes in classical mechanics, in which each part of a lattice oscillates with the same frequency. These normal modes are important because, according to a well-known result in classical mechanics, any arbitrary vibrational motion of a lattice can be considered as a superposition of normal modes with various frequencies; in this sense, the normal modes are the elementary vibrations of the lattice. Although normal modes are wave-like phenomena in classical mechanics, they acquire certain particle-like properties when the lattice is analysed using quantum mechanics (see wave-particle duality.) They are then known as phonons. Phonons are bosons possessing zero spin.

A paper on the effect:

This paper studies the interaction of electrons and acoustic phonons in a quasi-two-dimensional system with an asymmetric quantizing potential in a magnetic field that is parallel to the structure's plane. It is demonstrated that the electron-phonon interaction in such a system generates an emf when there is a standing acoustic wave, as well as when the structure is heated uniformly. These phenomena are macroscopic manifestations of a universal quantum effect, which amounts to an emf being generated by any isotropic perturbation of any electron system in which the energy depends asymmetrically on the velocity υ, i.e., ε(υ≠ε(−υ.

Document Type: Research article

DOI: 10.1134/1.558824

In a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in GaAs/AlGaAs heterojunction an electromotive force (EMF) was experimentally observed in the presence of a magnetic field parallel to the 2DEG plane and in the presence of a heating of the 2DEG with respect to the crystal lattice. The origin of this effect is the asymmetric quantizing potential of heterojunctions in the presence of a magnetic field which leads to an asymmetrical electron energy spectrum in the plane of 2DEG in the direction perpendicular to the magnetic field. The asymmetry of the electron energy spectrum leads to an asymmetrical electron-phonon interaction which results in the appearance of the EMF investigated. The value of the measured EMF is in agreement with theoretical estimations.

The interaction of electrons with acoustic phonons is considered in a nanotube with chiral symmetry placed in a magnetic field parallel to the nanotube axis. It is shown that in such a system, the electronic energy spectrum is not invariant under electron wavevector reversal and, therefore, the electron-phonon interaction is different for identical phonons with oppositely directed wavevectors. This phenomenon leads to the occurrence of an electromotive force during spatially homogeneous heating of an electron gas and to the presence of a term quadratic in current in the current-voltage characteristic of a nanotube.

Document Type: Research article

DOI: 10.1134/1.1427966

Affiliations: 1: Email: oleg.kibis@nstu.ru

Asymmetrical electron-phonon interaction in one-dimensionalmagnetic edge states in presence of a nonuniform magnetic field

Kibis, O.V. Nikiforov, L.V. Zharkih, A.A.
Novosibirsk State Univ.;

This paper appears in: Science and Technology, 2001. KORUS '01. Proceedings. The Fifth Russian-Korean International Symposium on
Publication Date: 26 Jun-3 Jul 2001
Volume: 1, On page(s): 287-290 vol.1
Meeting Date: 06/26/2001 - 07/03/2001
Location: Tomsk, Russia
ISBN: 0-7803-7008-2
References Cited: 10
INSPEC Accession Number: 7246463
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/KORUS.2001.975126
Posted online: 2002-08-07 00:15:54.0
In two-dimensional electron systems located in a nonuniform magnetic field, one-dimensional electron magnetic edge states exist. Due to simultaneous breaking of inversion symmetry and time-inversion symmetry in these structures an asymmetrical electron energy spectrum ε(k)≠ε(-k) appears, where k is electron wave vector. As a consequence, electronic properties of the structures are different for mutually opposite directions, and because of it new unusual electron transport phenomena appear. The aim of presented work is a theoretical analysis of electron-phonon interaction there. It shows, particularly, that due to the spectrum asymmetry a different interaction between electrons and acoustic phonons having mutually opposite directions of wave vectors (the so-called spatial asymmetry of electron-phonon interaction) takes place there, and the anomalous e.m.f. of phonon drag of electrons appears

Could this explain the 90 degree coupling?

Is not the phonon drag effect similar to this analogy from SM:

?You know, it is very similar to the idea of a long garden hose. Picture a hose with water in it. If you pick up one end and move along the length of the hose you will move the water constantly along in the direction you are moving. You could also squeeze the hose in the direction to move the water along as well. And you could do both to control the movement of the water more precisely. You can think of the movement of water as the movement of electrons through the collector coils.?

Remember SM worked in the audio industry and if he designed speakers, probably had lots of equipment for vibration analysis etc.

It is not possible at this time to determine if the heating effects of the coils are due to ultrasonic energy or a consequence of the phonon drag effect.

Back in the 90?s people in the audio field were attempting to create normal audio in a room with several small ultrasonic drivers and the creation of beat frequencies in the audio range. It is easy to see that what may have fallen out of this work is the anomolous EMF due to Phonon drag effect. This may have been an accidental rediscovery of a known physical effect. SM may have decided to perfect this effect into a generator.

When electrons are first caused to flow in a wire there is a mechanical kick in the wire and a mechanical oscillation. If the wire is allowed to freely resonate and is tuned to produce the appropriate standing wave structure, then the anomolous free energy will be released in the phonon drag effect. The wire may need to be immersed in a magnetic field.

It is a possibility the black material provides some heat spreading, while allowing a limited range of motion for vibrational waves of both low and high frequency to combine in the collector.

JW Keely stated that it was possible to coax electricity from metal objects with vibration.

My guess is that the frequencies (possibly three required) are ultrasonic and the beat frequencies are in the low audio perhaps 7.8 Hz. I'm also guessing that the collector loop is tightly wrapped with the Litz wire and held in soft position in the cork or soft black foam. All of this is suspended in a magnetic field formed and controlled by the outer coils.

I could be wrong about this configuration of coils,as there are many possibilities, however the idea is to induce a physical vibratory wave of three frequencies into the collector loop. There will be moving acoustic waves and standing acoustic waves based on the physical length of the collector loop. The standing waves will release the electrons, the moving waves will propel them in a given direction (polarity).

From A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity Vol 1, The Classical Theories p420

"The experiment of Tolman and Stewart gave a fairly direct proof that electric currents in metals are carried by "free" negative electrons.
A coil of wire was rotated at high speed and suddenly brought to rest: A pulse of electric current was produced, arising from the momentum of the electrons in the rotating coil, which caused them to continue in motion after the rotation of the coil had ceased. "

This seems to infer that electrons posses inertia. If we can produce EMF in a coil by physical manipulation such as rotation, is it too hard to believe that we can replace the physical rotation with a physical wave motion and get similar results?

The waves motion must be fairly uniform along the length of the collector. The standing acoustic wave must be exactly 1/4 wavelegth of the length of the collector. This is exactly like an electrical antenna except it is acoustic.

Post edited by: VORTEX, at: 2006/12/14 17:42


Welcom Vortex1, nice post. 
Can you draw a picture of how you think the device works by acoustic/magnetic interactions? 
I like the acustic concept,  my only doubt is, 6 kHz should be audible, and we do hear a slight noise from one of the videos but it seems to go away.  Nice concept though, I'll have to read it in more detail and think about it some more.


any theory that we come up with must fit into the mold that we have been given - which is pretty sketchy.

Does anyone have everything written out about the "properties" of the device?
It is the men of insight and the men of unobstructed vision of every generation who are able to lead us through the quagmire of a in-a-rut thinking. It is the men of imagination who are able to see relationships which escape the casual observer. It remains for the men of intuition to seek answers while others avoid even the question.
                                                                                                                                    -Frank Edwards
