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Cathodic ray Emmisions. i need a plain expanation to a plain question.

Started by baroutologos, September 16, 2017, 11:32:11 AM

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hello all,

It has been a while since my last post here. Some years for sure... Having the OU research buried in the past, nonetheless i read renown scientific articles with special interest in those involving energy and techological advantages towards cleaner, cheaper and more distributed energy systems. But the virus of the past persists... so i need someone knowledgeable to asnwer me this question.


We all know about the cathodic ray emmisions and how a CRT tv or monitor works or even a electron (or ion) gun.
My question is why?

For conversation's shake i elaborate. We know in a vaccum or near vaccum tube we have an cathode, heated for ease so as to stimulate thermionic electron emmision, and to few cm or spaced a bit apart an anode of considerable voltage (in respect to cathode) say in the region of few Kilo volts.
We all know that the freed electrons in the exhasted tube are accelarated towards the anode, avoiding as much collisions as possible since vaccum tube (or near)  and impact on it. Well, not all. Some, due to anode's geometry, are passing through and leaving anode's attraction field having gained substantial kinetic energy in the region of some KeV? (right?) then they go far and collide to a fluorescence substance (for monitor use), or another surface (for x-rays production use) etc.

MY POINT: If the electrical field is a conservative field, that would not happen. In my understanding, all electrons should be accelarated and those passing through due to anode's geometry, should start decellarating after passing through and if they somehow manage to escape anode's attraction should have a NET ENERGY GAIN OF 0.

In my simple thinking, those electrons impacting the anode, transfer their energy gained (due to the electrostatic field) as heat, radiation etc thus closing the HV circuitry. Those that indeed escaping, presumably with gainned energy, even though "they close the circuit" with the cathode they never make electrical interference with anode, so leaving anode's field magnitude undiminished to that extent.

QUESTIONS: Is this a irregularity? Can be described as those particular escpaing electrons as gaining free kinetic energy? The electric field is not so conservative field after all?

Thanks for reading my thoughts. Please try to enlighten me, with simple analogies, insights (qualitative answer) and spare from excessive equations and the like. On the other hand, conspiracists, ufologists etc your are on the wrong topic.

Thank you,

ps: certainly the phenomenon looks like the gravitational accelaration due to sling shot for space shuttles, but in the sling shot case we have a mere transfer of energy.


probably  here you will find the first answer :


"When viewed through the conceptual lens of the Widom-Larsen theory, Mead et al.'s carefully collected Hg isotope data suggests that low energy nuclear reaction (LENR) transmutations may actually be occurring at extremely low rates in CFLs during normal operation," he said.


He has found evidence of LENRs occurring in lithium-ion batteries, catalytic converters, and naturally in bacterial processes and lightning.



next link "recombination" related :



The electrons passing past the anode do so at great velocity. If the target is close to the anode, they don't have enough time to decelerate and change trajectory, they slam into the target instead.  If you remove the target  and have enough space for them, they will turn back and eventually hit the anode.  Any electrons escaping the circuit are replaced by an earthed cable to prevent an excessive positive charge building up on the circuit. No OU as the total energy used by the circuit turns into heat at the anode or target. Even if the electrons escaped for ever at high velocity, their kinetic energy was from the power supply

I believe a user on here posted a device using the theory you describe. Unfortunately noone bothered to replicate. Check out his link.


Quote from: pomodoro on September 16, 2017, 07:56:11 PM
I believe a user on here posted a device using the theory you describe. Unfortunately noone bothered to replicate. Check out his link.

Hi pomodoro . I actually did try it using an Eimac 4-400A tube, using a setup
exactly as it was described by Arthur. I tried applying the 2000VDC to the
control grid and then the screen grid since Arthur didn't specify, but all
I was got was internal arcing in the tube with either grid, and although the internal
arcing noise eventually stopped after several tests, the voltage on either grid would
not go above about 400VDC. Not sure if that was due to continued internal arcing or
some other form of leakage or what.  I had 6,600 ohms of resistance connected to
the plate for the initial testing, and only tried removing the resistive load to compare when
the my tests were not working, so all my initial testing was done with 6,600 ohms connected
to the plate. 

I could get between 4mA to 5mA grid current with the applied grid voltage set high
enough, but the voltage on the grid still would not go above 400V (measured
on my scope) and there was only a tiny output voltage on the plate with or without the
resistive load connected. The internal arcing may have damaged my tube, not sure, and those 4-400A
power tubes are not cheap. Since the tubes are so expensive ($120 USD or higher) I won't 
buy a new 4-400A tube to try further. :) Maybe it really was just a hoax, but Arthur seemed to
know what he was talking about, so that is why I tried it. My circuit test setup was identical to the
schematic Arthur had provided. Too bad Arthur didn't stick around as I would be interested to
hear what he has to say about my failed tests. :)
All the best...


Thanks ppl for your replies.
I certainly need time to study the links.

@ Pomodoro,

you have a point. maybe. From the few things i know about CRT monitors, the electron gun and the cathode anode distance is far smaller than the path the escaping electrons travel till to hit the fluoro coating. That means they indeed escape cathodes reverse attraction.

What it might be happening is through collisions during electron acceleration interchange velocities and somehow, some fall into the anode at lesser velocity than anticipated and others to have gained their lost energy portion thus gaining far larger velocities than they should have by the field alone thus totally escaping..

Then a net total energy is the one supplied by the HV source.

... Arthur Salady huh?

Hah, i suppose many people had the same "idea".

i wish i had the workshop and time to get my hands on it.
happy times
