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Free Energy will change the World - Free Energy will stop Climate Change - Free Energy will give us hope
and we will not surrender until free energy will be enabled all over the world, to power planes, cars, ships and trains.
Free energy will help the poor to become independent of needing expensive fuels.
So all in all Free energy will bring far more peace to the world than any other invention has already brought to the world.
Those beautiful words were written by Stefan Hartmann/Owner/Admin at overunity.com
Unfortunately now, Stefan Hartmann is very ill and He needs our help
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even being as ill as Stefan is, he transferred all databases and folders
that without his help, this Forum Archives would have never been published here
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Started by Theoretical Research, November 15, 2017, 06:57:07 PM

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Quote from: Theoretical Research on January 06, 2018, 12:35:02 PM
I see humanity in it's present state as a horrifying virus that's harming the living planet, who has no respect for other lifeforms and the natural environment, who enslaves animals. You're growing up. There's hope for you, but I don't trust you, yet, and probably won't for a long time. Earlier this morning I made the final decision that I won't be giving humanity science & technology that would lead to more power.

Hi Theoretical Research. I don't disagree that humans are very destructive and
it appears to me that the world is heading in a very destructive direction right now.
The future of this Earth looks very grim to me right now.
All the more reason that any free energy devices, if legit, need to be released as soon as possible, IMO.

You seem to be distinguishing yourself from humanity. Are you an alien, or are you suffering
from a messiah complex? 

All the best...


Quote from: Void on January 06, 2018, 11:43:52 AM

Hi forest. It is possible. However there is lots of potential for big money to be made if someone
really has a free energy device, so I think whether a given device configuration is patent-able or
not, it should still be of interest to investors, etc. from a business point of view. Anyway, maybe after
Tariel passes on his son will get some sort of deal done, assuming the devices are legit, and assuming
Tariel's son knows how to build them. :)

All the best...

Actually it's quite the opposite.
Free energy would mean a decrease in spending (at least on what is currently bought)

95% of the cost of providing almost everything in our modern society is a direct result of energy costs.
From harvesting the resources, processing, production, packaging, distribution, and even the lights at the
retail store so you can see what you are buying, and the registers that compute the sale.
and with the exception of taxes, it all ends up in the hands of the energy companies.

If free energy was available to all, productivity would increase exponentially, and costs would plummet.
There is lots of potential for money to be redistributed, not hoarded by a small few.
I was fixing a shower-rod, slipped and hit my head on the sink. When i came to, that's when i had the idea for the "Flux Capacitor", Which makes Perpetual Motion possible.


Hi Sm0ky2. Come on man. :)  I am obviously talking about the manufacture and sale of
free energy devices, which would be required to 'harvest' this 'free energy'. There is no question that
there is a lot of money to be made if free energy devices ever do become available.

All the best...


Quote from: TinselKoala on January 06, 2018, 01:22:07 AMQuote from: sm0ky2 on Today at 02:28:34 AMAs you no doubt know, capillary action, contrary to the claims above, does not violate any laws of thermodynamics and is not "overunity" or a source of free energy. The Wicky Wheel isn't overunity, nor is it a perpetual motion machine, any more than a "thirsty bird" toy is. It's a heat engine.  @sm0ky2: Google "capillary thermodynamics" for more information.... if you dare.

Thank you TK. I was just trying to make a point to TR,
It seems he is slowly changing his spiritual-science morphology, and replacing it with
a new-age belief system, I was hoping to spark his awakening in the interim.

I don't know if they are ready for a true understanding of that,
but what the hell the cats out of the bag now.

Yes, wick-wheel is actually "renewable" energy.
But to prove that I have to redefine gravity.
On a comprehensive level, all "free energy" comes from some source.
And by this fact, Overunity is a unicorn, like the "closed system" that defines it.
Both are impossible, or equivalently non-existent.

When we don't know what that source is, or cannot definitively identify it,people tend to assign some mystical force or ability, or call it perpetual.
Capillary is actually a demonstration of Bernoulli's "virtual work".
The wick-wheel, (when observed from the outside to be thermally isolated),is exactly like an inverted drinking-bird toy.
The drinking bird converts heat into gravitational potential, then to kinetic energy.
The wick-wheel converts surface-tension into gravitational potential into heatthen into kinetic energy.
(in isolation, internal temperature increases as a result of work done by gravity)
[which itself is like chasing unicorns, a "closed-system which allows gravity to enter"]

Different fluids have different surface tensions,
We can use oils and vapors with the use of surfactants to make self-operating fluid pumps

we can cause the same effectwithout capillaries, using the surface tension of plasmas (ion-wind surfing)

But we are mostly talking about water.
since the surface tension of air has negligible effects,and for all intensive purposes, the pressure at the interface is = 1 (atm)

We can assume the density of my water and your water to be the same, originating from thesame reservoir and being treated with a Tx standard water treatment process.
However, comparisons to other water densities does not result in a great range of h of the meniscus.

For accuracy we could all use purified water, but it doesn't really matter.
Surface tension is the defining factor, we can alter this with contaminants,but let us assume it is some average value for drinking water.

We are using cylindrical tubes, with a narrow internal diameter,but this is merely a convenience, this can be done with flat surfaces or any shape we choose.
But let us assume that our tubes are identical within our experiments and closely similar to each others, so that the variables are minimized.
The two forces at play are gravity and the anteforce caused by surface tension.
for this reason, the capillary effect is gravity-dependent.

In no container or in a container with large distances between walls,
The reaction of the tension to the gravitational force results in a flat surface, perpendicular tothe force.
In a small cylindrical capillary, the surface tension adheres the water to the inner wallsof the tube.
with the tube oriented vertically, the downward force of gravity on the surface of the water, and theanteforce of the tension result in a pressure differential, which causes an increase in temperature and gravitational potential energy.
We can calculate the potential, by the mass of water and it's height dispersed up the tube.
And with exception to the water contained in a thickness of the meniscus, this potential energycan be extracted.

The change in internal temperature is proportional to the change in pressure inside the capillary.
plus some minimal frictional constant.
The volume, being a constant cylindrical height of the water column, allows us to calculate the change in internal pressure.
We don't really know what the pressure is, because we cannot measure it.
we can only back-door the equations by measuring the change in other variables.
Since we hold most of these constant, the change in temperature over the volume defines the internal change in pressure.
(since frictional heat adds to total change in T, it's already accounted for)
this is a very small value of heat, but is thermodynamically important, because the change in pressure is significant, within a very small volume.
The flow of the water is derived from the surface tension force remaining after gravity, at height h'which is some point lower than the h of the water column (minus the thickness of the meniscus)
and its' volume and density (which we hold constant)
This is in the unit of Newton-seconds per Meter
Which define both the momentum of the flowing water
AND its' viscosity.

We can do this experiment many times across the planet,and within the variances I stated above (and some that aren't worth getting into)
That value is ~8.9 (x10^-4) Ns/m
This is generally taken as a truncated value of the cube-root of the volume
applied to an infinitesimal layer-boundary within the cylinder.

This is waters natural ability to raise its own potential energy
and is a major part ofthe earths hydrology and primary biological force driving metabolic processes in most plant life.
Without gravity, neither of these things would occur.
(evaporation is a separate process)

As it pertains to evaporation and thermal absorbtion into the wick-wheel,
This is isolated by several inches of transparent polyurethane, and placed into a low pressureair chamber, allowing a few inches of air-space between the environment and the sealed device.
and assembled internally after all parts have reach thermal equilibrium.
This reduces thermal conductivity between the isolated system and the environment
to the order of (10^-3).
Which is enough to perform our experiments.

We find that the force, against gravity, caused by gravity (huh?) is precisely 8.9 x (10^-4) Ns/m
and that this is only affected by the diameter of the tube.

The height at which the volume's mass then balances with the force of gravity,
We find to precisely coincide with the well known Laplace equations and the work done by
Thomas Young.

This height defines our wheel size (being something lower than the bottom of the meniscus)
The internal changes in temperature are orders of magnitude lower than the external thermal conductivity and so can be negated in this experiment.

We have only the increase in gravitational potential energy over time. J/s or Liquid Watts.

This analysis contradicts certain core assumptions of the derivational gravity constant.
From which it is formed.

So to prove one, means the other must be incomplete.
Like Einstein's theories of relativity.

But until someone come up with a gravity model that accounts for the energy flow,
We have to work with what we've got.

The wick-wheel, or rather capillary effects in general, help us to improve our view of gravity.

And allow us to measure it with increasing accuracy.

I'm sure the all-knowing, everpresent "Google" has a lot of information (and misinformation)on this subject. Being that it has been studied for decades (NASA did this way before we did)
data should be plentiful.

So, in a technical sense, no the wick-wheel is not "OU".
But it is for us because of two factors:
One - the gravitational potential well extends beyond anywhere most of us will go in our lifetimes.And two: our current model does not have a standardized viewpoint of the energy source.
Both of these must be explicitly defined.
I can prove the first.
And with the first I could prove the second.
But when I prove the second it proves the first must also include a perpendicular vector withan additional component that does not exist in the first.

It does  exist in some models, in fact it is in the maxwellian model, but is discarded in the general view.

Before we can truly call this a gravity-powered heat-pump or gravity-generator,
We have to clearly define how gravity is a "source".

So until then it is as perpetual as the solar-yard art of the da Vinci in the 14-1500's
Archimedes screw,
or the sound-resonator of Tet (perpendicular tuning forks)

Our science isn't prepared to deal with this sort of thing.

There's no such thing as 'perpetual motion', except in the Newtonian, maxwellian,einsteinium,Ideal frictionless, massless, gravityles imaginary space-time, where an object in motion keeps going.

Here in the real world there must be a "source".
We don't know what possible sources there could be.
We only know the sources we have discovered, identified, and reproduced.

And only then can a theory be written to describe it.
We can do these things, but the theory disrupts the above mentioned predecessors.
And will by default have to include quantum unknown variables. (May help to define one)
Before any committee of scientists will even glance in its' direction.

It can take a lifetime to understand the predecessor theories, another to write the theory, and a third for it to be accepted.
That type of person only comes along every 500-600 years. And it's really up to them if they do anything with their minds. We're due for one, and that one may already be among us or not born yet.
Will he appear in 2020 to bring us into salvation?
I don't think that it is likely for us to predict the date of such things.
I was fixing a shower-rod, slipped and hit my head on the sink. When i came to, that's when i had the idea for the "Flux Capacitor", Which makes Perpetual Motion possible.


Quote from: Void on January 06, 2018, 01:27:42 PM
Hi Sm0ky2. Come on man. :)  I am obviously talking about the manufacture and sale of
free energy devices, which would be required to 'harvest' this 'free energy'. There is no question that
there is a lot of money to be made if free energy devices ever do become available.

All the best...

I don't know your plans for when such a thing happens.
Personally I believe there are already processes in place,
by which all such machines
are instantly dismantled, reverse engineered, and placed in public view.
while the rights to sale and mass distribution are protected by patent law,
the scientific knowledge, operating principals and advancements that result there from,
are certainly NOT.

And as soon as one hits the market, everyone will know how to build them.
and be learning how to build a better one.

no one would willingly pay an energy bill if they knew it was free

I was fixing a shower-rod, slipped and hit my head on the sink. When i came to, that's when i had the idea for the "Flux Capacitor", Which makes Perpetual Motion possible.