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Graphene provides limitless free energy

Started by Belfior, December 04, 2017, 03:06:43 AM

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Quote from: isawit on December 06, 2017, 03:43:29 PM
Because of the way the atoms share electrons with one another, there are quantum states
in which an electron occupies two atoms simultaneously.
When the graphene drops from a high-energy state to a low-energy state,
An electron is ejected as a result of this quantum duality.

bs word puzzle

how's atom formed? how 2 atoms share electron? why proton and electron don't stick together? what is quantum? what is quantum state? what is energy?

full of bs is your science

Umm ok... I will attempt to baby step you through some of your questions.
Some I will not answer directly, because the questions themselves are of
nomenclature not of science......

1) How are atoms formed?
This process takes place in empty space, where-in cosmic radiation perturbes
an area of spacetime, resulting in spontaneous particle creation of the primary nucleic
structure (hydrogen) and its' opposite (antihydrogen)
We call these structures a proton and an antiproton.
most of these pairs collide and destroy each other, releasing some of the radiation back
into space. Every now and then, they go in different directions, thus matter is formed.
The exact details of this process are complex, and involve many sub-particle
predecessors, and the nuclear physics of galactic formation.
Hydrogen is the major constituent of young stars.
More complex atoms and molecules are formed by nuclear reactions in the stars.
Stars emanate atomic and molecular dust, with travel to earth as dust and meteors.
To explain this in comprehensive detail would take up a lot of pages and isn't the subject
of this topic. So if you would like to learn more about physical matter is formed, I would
refer you to your local library or a college curriculum.

2) How do atoms and molecules share electrons?
The most simple form of this takes place in an ionic bond.
This is when one atom has an unpaired electron in its outer shell, and another has a deficit.
This results in a negative and positive atomic charge, respectively.
When these ions bond, they form an electrically neutral crystalline structure,
by sharing the electron of the negative atom.
Simply put, during a portion of its' orbit, the electron travels partially around the nucleus
of the positive atom, both neutralizing its' charge and 'tying' it to the positive atom.
Table Salt is one example of this, being an ionic bond between sodium and chlorine.
Since sodium has one valence electron, and chlorine has -11, when 8 sodium ions arrange around
a chlorine anion, all 8 electrons are shared, and 3 of these exist in a state of 'duality'. Meaning one
electron from each of the 3 atoms can be found in two locations of the outer shell of the anion.
This happens due to the geometry of the octahedron. At plank distances, the orbital path crosses in
two points. We find that at any given time, 3 of the electrons can be found in two places at once.
The probability of where they will be, is defined by one of the quantum equations.
A similar 'handshake' takes place with Carbon.
Carbon is a -4 (carbon is -2.55 on the modern Pauling Scale, but that's too much to explain)
Now, here's where ions and anions get tricky.
At the middle-point of a valence shell, you could view the glass as half full, or half empty.
We could also say that it's not ionic, but if that were the case, you and I would not exist.
As with other atoms and molecules with an exactly half-full shell, carbon exhibits properties of
electronegativity and electropositivity. We label it electronegative because, by relative comparison
to most other substances, carbon is negative. However, with respect to a more negative ion, such as
Aluminium, carbon is electropositive.
So how are electrons shared between 2 carbons?
In chemistry this is called a 'double bond', because there are two electrons from each atom that
are shared. In quantum atomic physics this is a 'quantum double bond' because two electrons
from each exist in a state of duality. Two from each gives us the 4 that are missing.
This is different from the ionic bond, if you did not notice.
There are no "paired" electron bonds.
Each atom has its 4 electrons.
But two of them are in a dual-state. Meaning they can be found in two places at once.
Twice, per orbit. Two points around each atom.
Since our bonds are entirely quantum, (there's that damn word again) the electron orbits are
completely circular (pi). This is one of the criteria of diamagnetism, so (in theory) C2 should
be diamagnetic. Since all fount of the shared electrons (two from each carbon atom) are found
in two places, around each atom (a 2-d circle is formed on a single plane in physical terms),
the condition of a full orbital is satisfied. Meaning it is a stable molecular formation,
Because it is a pi orbital, with a single vector, the only major factor contributing to a change in
orbital path is the charge vector. Which is 90-degrees from the orbital path, on a 360-degree plane.
it spirals around until disturbed by an outside force.
For instance, if you approach the molecule with a magnetic field, the field caused by the orbitals'
magnetic moment will orient 180-degrees to the magnetic. Meaning it will try to fight the force by
facing a like pole towards it. Anything else would slow down or eject the electrons, it is the natural way
electrons behave in stable pi orbitals. But because the magnetic moment is 90-degrees to the vector of
the charge, it not only changes the vector, but generates an electric charge in response to the changing
magnetic field, strengthening the magnetic moment, this is why these types of atoms are 'diamagnetic'.

Let's look at C3: three carbon atoms creating a stable construct.
This does Not have a pi orbital. It is an elongated ellipse.
three electrons are shared from one atom and one from the other.
Which one, depends on several variables. But we'll say one is oriented such that the electric effects
grab onto 3, leaving only enough charge to grab one from the other atom.
The central atom being the decider, or you could say one of the end atoms was in an excited state
and dictated the rest to fall in line. However you look at it, they form a 2-d line. Because one end is
negative electrically, the carbon in the center is neutral, and the other end is positive electrically.
And the direction of the electron charge(s) changes 180-degrees per half-orbit.
This causes the magnetic moment (90-degrees to the orbital) to take on a quadrupolar magnetic field.
With both a north and South Pole on each face, that alternates rapidly.
This construct can only exist in a 2-d structure. So it forms a chain-type molecule, which is both
magnetically and electrically active. This is the base molecule that spontaneously forms into organic
enzymes, and is the basic step in enzymatic and genetic molecular self-replication.
And the basis of all carbon-based life. (Sulphur-based and other forms of life are more complex)
The electrons in c3 are not found to exist in a quantum state.

Ok, now C4:
C4 is similar to c2, but there's a bond between the two c2's.
Each pair takes on its own dipole magnetic moment.
Much like in c2, two electrons from each are shared, in a q-state.
However, the center two atoms share in opposing electrical states
(180-degrees out of phase) and thus cancel out half of the charge of
The three pair-bonds. This gives the molecular formation a -1:+2:-1
electric charge, with an alternating charge vector. Also forming a chain
2-d structure, and magnetic quadrupole. C4 is also an electrically and
magnetically reactive (enzyme bonding) molecule. It's orbital path
resembles an infinity symbol, or a twisted ellipse. One pair of bonded
atoms assumes dominance over changes in charge vector as a result of
external changes in electric or magnetic fields.
We note here that these are two distinct types of bonds.
There is a nucleic (strong) bond between the two carbon atoms in each
pair, as well as an ionic (weak/electric) bond between the two pairs.

Also, (unrelated) linear carbon chains move like snakes, or more
accurately like a sine wave with a specific frequency.

C5 can take on a linear (enzymatic) structure, but can also take on
3-dimensional forms. Either trigonal (3-sided pyramid), bi-pyramidal,
or cyclical shape (personally i argue that this would be hexagonal).
But since all 5 points on the hexagon fall on a circle, it might be a mute
Looking at the 2-d hexagon, we find that two electrons are shared by each
in a circular format, but that one exists in a quantum dual-state.
(meaning it can be found in two points of the orbital at one time)
Or it could be said that two are shared but the 'duality' of one is canceled by
the opposite state of one from the next atom around the hexagon.
The result is that each has a net positive charge of +2. Meaning that only 6 of
it's outer shell (holes) are filled by electrons at any one time.
4 of its own + 1 from each adjacent atom existing both in their neighboring atoms
and simultaneously in their own orbit, at any one time.
We note here that the duality only occurs in one atom. (meaning the electron does not
appear twice in its own atom, but rather in two points in the molecular chain, unlike c2
and c4)

Now finally this brings us to c6. The foundational construct of fullerene buckeyballs and
monoatomic graphene layering. (and graphene in general).
C6 shares 3 electrons, one with each of its neighbors (two for single crystals) and a 4th
electron exists in a state of q-duality (existing in its own orbit and one of its neighbors
simultaneously, each atom in consecutive order).
The q-state electron has a perpendicular charge vector, resulting in an orbital path along
the plane of the magnetic moment, not the orbital plane of the singular-state electrons.

This ends my introduction to Astro-biology, because to take you further I have to
educate you in at least 6 other fields of science.

3) why do protons not attach to electrons?
This is defined by their velocity and centrifugal force.
For the same reasons the moon doesn't fall to earth, and we are not sucked into the sun.
But they DO under the right conditions: if their velocity or energy are high enough.
They combine and form a Neutron. This happens in stars, and particle accelerators.
(and certain nuclear reactions).

4) what is quantum?
Originally this term was coined my Maxwell Plank (there's that guy again)
To describe a packet of light (photon) which he called light quanta.
It was later assigned to quantum physics, which is the science of things that don't fit
into classical mechanics. I.e. it means the stuff we don't know. And this is defined as
a probability or fraction of a large number of events, and the times the things we don't know
about happen to our experiments and alter the results.
Since we can't define these things, they are defined by the fractions that represent them.
And in this manner, Quantum Mechanics is able to identify and isolate these unknown events,
so that we can study them further and gain more information about them.
One of these unknowns (or quanta) is the dual-states of particles.
Also known as the cats of schrodinger.
We don't currently have a valid explanation for why a particle can be in two states at once,
even less is known about why they are in two places at once.
We simply label it as a quantum-state, defined by the probability of the particle to be found
at any two points applied to its' state.
(My theory is that there are discrete goings on that cause quantum events, but that our
physics has not reached that level of advancement yet)
I could describe a few scenarios that could explain some of the quantum unknowns, but
that would just be me guessing at things unknown.

5) what is a quantum state?
This is loosely defined as a probability for a particle to exist in a state of unknowns.
Most of these scenarios are hinges on the fact that trying to observe what is unknown,
will alter the results. And the probabilistic equations break down.
Since knowing will change things, we define the situation in terms of the fractions.
As it applies to particle duality, 'quantum state' refers to the unknown condition of the
particle, when it is found it more than one state or  sometimes location.
More specifically it is defining by the probability division equations that tell us how often
to expect such an event to occur.

6) what is energy?
If you find an answer to that, let me know......
We loosely define energy in terms of the forms (we know about) that it takes on.
These are:   Heat, Physical motion (and vibration which is sound) (and by proxy: mass and
gravity), Light, and electromagnetic radiation, electricity, chemical energy, nucleic energy,
And we tie these all together by comparison to form a standard of measurement which we can
relate to a numerical value we call Joules.
Then we can infer all sorts of relationships such as mc2 or planks length and frequency, etc.
But as far as "what energy is", essentially, it is everything. Or the intangible description of
everything in numerical format.
One could argue that "energy" is not a thing, but rather a measurement of things.
Like a foot, or a pound.
What is energy? What is distance? What is weight?

Science is what makes computers possible. If you don't believe in science or in learning,
My best advice is to turn off your computer, and try to access the internet
Through meditation and prayer.
I was fixing a shower-rod, slipped and hit my head on the sink. When i came to, that's when i had the idea for the "Flux Capacitor", Which makes Perpetual Motion possible.


total bs

how 1 electron and 1 proton able to form a stable hydrogen atom?

what force between them? why they do not stick together?

what is energy? how electrons carry energy? transfer energy?

how electrons change energy level and emit photon? what mechanism?

no word salad, put up mechanism and explanation.


bs scientists best definition of energy is the capacity to do work. stupid word puzzle.

energy is emf matter carried. simple as that.

energy can only coexist with matter. there is no light/energy/quanta in vacuum space.


i love applied science. it improves life.

i hate theoretical science, after newton, all bs.

maxwell, plank, einstein theories are all mistakes.

e=mcc is bs. do you understand? i don't think so.

you believe you are evolved from ape. am i correct?


those monkeys teach physics at cambridge, check out their monkey math.

if you can't spot a simple math lie, how can you spot lies in science?

you can only believe anything they told you, including your ggggrandpa were monkeys.

do you understand?    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-I6XTVZXww