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Overunity Machines Forum


Started by Floor, October 09, 2018, 03:26:51 PM

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Thinken ,Thingen ancient ,Thing [Ding(-lich)],Tribe-Tribunal-Locality,Tribe-/Gau(l)Stam

f.e. Pais Basco (in Latin ) : Guernica,reknown by Franco and the italian and german Air-strike; Pablo Picasso
f.e. Ding(el)Staedt,Gau Eichsfeld,Thuringia

Proletarier aller Welt vereinigt euch       pluralis simplex,majestatis : singularis  !? Prolet-Arier,Arier:Herr,Fuehrer
         Oliver Twist

Geistige/Geistliche + Weltliche Reiche("Welten")Bourgeoiser Messianismus ?

Arbeiter aller Welt,geht/kommt zusammen !  ~ Plebs aller Welt,vereint euch !
sich verEINEN  sich verEINIGEN ! Inhaltliche Differenzierung,extern/intern !

' Communistische Manifest ': Original-Publikations-Landessprache ,Dichtungssprache ?
Uebersetzer sprachliche Kompetenz ?

Umgangs-NORM-KONTROLL-VERFAHREN,welches nun ueber alle U.N.-Staaten erfolgen wird,rueckwirkend,rueckabwickelnd !

a et ab,de ex e cum et sine pro et pr(a)e

ad ?
Der WachturmWach l
Transitition times  Mikhail Gorbatschov : der Erste wird der Letzte sein ,neue Rangordnung,Leistungs-Aristokratie


p.s.: moral-ethische Dumpfbacken in diesen Zeiten koennen sich mal

bezueglich Bescherung(beschern ~ einschenken,aber BeCHer) anhand

        Sankt Nikolaus von Mira(Kleinasien,heute Tuerkei-Staatsgebiet),
        Nikolaus~ Jesus-Rangstellung  innerkirchlich(Arianer,Zweifaltigkeit,Jesus Reformator,KEINE  Gott-Heit )

        zudem (6. Bescherung-vortag-Abend)7.Januar,Heilige 3.Weisen, beschaeftigen ,
         in vielen Julian-Kalender Confessionen " 3.Weisen ( 3 Appen/Mongues) " Beschenkungstag

        C+M+B   Criste Mansionem Benedicat : Haussegen-Erteilung ,Ablass

                               3(4) Lebens-WEISEN : von nix wissen       
                             youtube Tears for Fears  Head over Heels

       Warum nicht 365 Beschenkungstage,konsumorientiert perfekt,oder nicht ? Black-Cristmas-ever-days
      pardon,heisst : C(h)rist-monographisch : BlackIHS-day-ever (konstantinische Kreuz,geschrieben/gesprochen)

     Eine Arianer-Festivitaet,nicht Trinitiner ! ::)   Haeresie im Christentum = Haeresie in der alten Kirche

                       Heidenchristen,unbeschnitten = 24.Dezember Heilige Konsum-Abend,25. Dez Weihnachtstag

Gregorianische "weltlich-buergerliche" Zeit-Reform ! Kalender ! Wieviele Zeitreformen davor ? Wochentage,Monate : wo,welche Anzahl ?
Julianische Kalender ! 45 vor/ante Criste Einfuehrung,Julius Gaius Caesar
Kirchlich-interne Jahreskalender ?Abgleich ! 24.Dezember 2020 p.C. nach julianischem Kalender ?

12-Monats-Kalender: aegyptische Verwaltungskalender ,Gemeinjahr/tropische Jahr

1 Jahresdauer,Mondphasen ?! Maya,frueh-juedische(Methusalem,Jerusalem)  Kalender : 1" Jahr " 1 Mondphase

Sonnenwendetag ? Kuerzeste Lichttag ? Kalender ! 10-ember 9-ember Lucia-Tag ? Kuerzeste Tag des Jahres
Gregorianisch : 7. Januar ~ Julianisch : 25. Dezember =  13 Tage Differenz

Ich brauche keinen Heiden-Messias und warte auch nicht auf einen

Unverfrorenheit wird in Zukunft anders beschert

Heilig-Abend2020 p.C.( ohne Kalkulationsfehlerberichtigung)  : Friedrich Nietzsche haette seine Freude daran

Gott ist tot,der Glaube ist tot,die Kirchen und Friedhoefe entweiht,Bauland fuer "Einstuerzende Neubauten"

Keine Ordnung : keine Rechtbarkeit ! Keine Eigentums-/Besitz-Gewaehrung,100% = Leibeigene (wessen ?)

25.Dezember : Primitivlinge dieser U.N.Welt,vereint euch - mit der Krone,Corona

Den inhaltlichen Geist der Kirchen- und Staatsverfassungen mit sprachlicher Uebersetzung :

  Alphabet&Cie., 'automatic translator' neuronales Netzwerk ? Sprach-Stil-Art-Weise-Weisheit-wikiparlo ?

A.     www.dandc.eu " Bilinguale Bildung " Bolivien : Linguismus zu Schrift : KNOTEN-QUIPU   
        Neuronale ( Doyen +Nuntius )  Transmitter,Transponder-Verschluesselung: 
        En-/De-Coder ( E.U. Eureka-Projekt)
        War im Peter-Moosleitner Magazin in den 80' darueber zu lesen,        Sprachuebersetzungsloesung eines professionalen Dolmetschers,Bolivianer,taetig seinerzeit fuer die U.N.

B.    Vergleich ! NAVAJO -Code    ; "Verschachtelung " en-/dis-/covering

C.    Natur-Kommunikation,Mimik Gestik Gebaerdensprache Pflanzen-Kommunikations-Code ?


Soso ,enyatv :  C(h)ristmas  :o 8) Secrets
IO-nisch lesend ?

I-/Emmanuel ,Manuel,Mannel,Manolo, ..... ? ISRAel ,Gael ISRA - EL?
Secrets ?  enya left to right  right to left : im nin'alu (Ofra Haza)     enya~ ofra~ infant~il "frei von Schuld/Haftung "

               reading 'isra/ischtar-el-i- tisch' sumer-assyr : Ba(a)l ? Rab ? ABBA ? Ohaim/Ohim ?

    sacerdote,sacramente  kabbalah-isch 'lesen' Spie(ge ::) )lschrift 'Ritter/Reiter-lich ? Cavalier-s-haft

Son of God ? : wer nicht Son/Sohn  or daughter/Tochter of God !?

Send me an Angel, Skorpione aus Hannover
Eher einen spitzen Stein ;D der euch aus den Angeln hebt,Ihr Nieder-Sachsen

" Come on,come on Emmanuel .......  " ,Aeh, :o Pardon-moi !

                                                       O come,o come Emmanuel

by Enya featuring Bestie Boys and Run DMC welch Gaudi ,gaudemos  ::) ?,welch Art&Kind fami(g)lia sagrada
                                                 ::) Kinder Gottes sind eben so ....,oder so ......,sogar ........... ;D
                                    Madel ,nit so steif,was sollen wir Maenner -sonst - zu bieten haben ?! 8)

Laeuft ein Entlein durch die Welt und ruft laut  ;) " Ich bin ein Schwan,ich bin ein Schwan !"Kommt es an eine Gruppe von Schwaenen !Der Ober-Schwan,veraergert  :o >:( : "Du bist KEIN Schwan !"Das Entlein,hebt nur kurz sein Federkleid,und zeigt dem Ober-Schwan des Entleins Preziosen .Dem Ober-Schwan  :o entfuhr es : "Mein lieber Schwan ! "
Das Entlein lief weiterhin durch die Welt und rufend : "Ich bin ein Schwan,ich bin ein Schwan !" :) (Wir wissen nicht ob der Erpel spaeter dann eine Ente begegnen wird und wie ........)

Manolo-Academy : Dekan Mel Brooks

Waiting Period 80' youtube       Waiting For A Star To Fall : A Tribute To 80'Entertainment ( Grazie,Tele5 ! Sg.S.B. !)

Waiting Period 90'                                                                                              90'

31.12.1999 p.C. - ??? -01.01.2000 p.C. ,greg. calendar,,K2 Fatima,1./.2./3. Prophecy  :-X
Kommt der Prophet nicht zum Berg,dann kommt der Berg zum Propheten  ;D

Und wenn ES kommt ? Und wenn ES schon unangemeldet vorher da war ,Vaticano,Kairouan ,Jersusalem ?

btw: Gael,nice : Donna Lewis style ,Wales Kind ,so l'irish - l'yric-al

Emmanuel : Emanation ! Eure Drecksarbeit wird ein jeder fuer Sich schon selber leisten muessen !
                        Innerlicher-innerer Dreck + Stumpfsinn + Apathie

Sincere,Dia da Restauraczao,01.12.2020



"God help the poor customs officer who throws away a driver's grocery box"

Munich, BCI = Barter Clearing International, + - 1985:
the course instructor spoke about forwarding agents as barter members: they quickly wave their guns :o ;D ::)


Happy and hotter new Year 2021 p.C.  ,Britts !
God save the Queen-band ! And probably the reste !

Boa Festa

p.s.: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=https://bnn.de/nachrichten/wirtschaft/chaos-in-britischen-haefen-treibt-preise

                                         Stop when it's worst

       It smells : 2.January 2021 p.C.  ,Boris Johnson Resignation II day ,  "the day after"   "MS Great Britain" sink

Ausstiegsantrag nach Artikel 50 des Vertrags von Lissabon
"The spoken word is valid!"
Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union describes the procedure for withdrawing member states wishing to leave the European Union.
The article was introduced in 2007 with the Lisbon Treaty.
How does a Member State trigger Article 50?
A Member State must notify the European Council of its intention to leave the Union. The form in which this is done is not specified in detail. What happens if Article 50 is triggered? The withdrawal agreement is negotiated under Article 218 (3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

step 1 The President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, convenes an extraordinary meeting of the European Council. This will happen on April 29th. The European Council adopts guidelines for an orderly withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union by consensus. It defines the general principles on the basis of which the EU will conduct negotiations in the common interest of the European Union and in the interest of its Member States.
Level 2 Once the guidelines have been adopted, the Commission will, within a very short period of time, submit a recommendation to the Council to start negotiations. This decision will be taken by the College of Commissioners four days after the European Council.
level 3 The Council approved the start of negotiations by adopting negotiating directives. These have to be adopted by a large qualified majority (72% of the 27 Member States, i.e. 20 Member States or 65% of the EU-27 population). As soon as these directives are adopted, the Union negotiator appointed by the Council will be instructed to start negotiations with the withdrawing Member State. How is the withdrawal agreement concluded? Negotiations on the orderly exit must be concluded within two years of the triggering of Article 50. If no agreement is reached within this period, the treaties no longer apply to the withdrawing member state. At the end of the negotiation period, the Union negotiator submits a proposal for an agreement to the Council and the European Parliament, taking into account the framework for the UK's future relationship with the European Union. The European Parliament has to vote by simple majority - with the participation of the EP Members from the UK - to give its approval. The Council concludes the agreement by means of a large qualified majority vote. Finally, the UK must ratify the agreement in accordance with its constitutional requirements. How much time does that leave for the actual negotiations? The negotiations themselves will last around 18 months (beginning of June 2017 - October / November 2018). Who is negotiating for the European Union? The EU-27 heads of state and government have asked the Council to appoint the European Commission as negotiator for the Union and welcomed the Commission's decision to appoint Michel Barnier as chief negotiator. The European Commission, as Union negotiator, and Michel Barnier, Chief Negotiator for the Commission, will report systematically to the European Council, the Council and its preparatory bodies. Michel Barnier will keep the European Parliament informed in detail and regularly throughout the negotiations. The Member States will of course be closely involved in the preparation of the negotiations, the guidelines for the Union negotiator and the assessment of the progress made. To this end, a dedicated working group with a permanent presidency will be set up in the Council to ensure that the negotiations are conducted in accordance with the European Council guidelines and the Council negotiating directives. The European Council will be closely involved with the matter and will update its guidelines as necessary during the negotiations. How will the negotiations go in practice? What language are they in? How often will the two sides meet? Practical aspects such as the language regime and the negotiating structure will be decided by mutual agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom. Where do the negotiations take place? The negotiations will take place in Brussels. When is the United Kingdom no longer a member of the European Union? The EU treaties will no longer apply to the United Kingdom once the Withdrawal Agreement comes into force or, if no agreement can be reached, two years after notification of the intention to withdraw. The Council can unanimously decide to postpone this deadline


Etiquette myths put to the test:
This is how you accompany other people  in a contemporary way
Once the Federal President walks to the left of another head of state, once he walks to the right; once he has the right of way on a state visit, once not: have you noticed?
At balls, the presents for the women are distributed on the right side of the hall entrance, those for the men on the left. Could that be on purpose? In a Catholic wedding, the bride stands to the left of the groom at the altar, but leaves the church to his right. Have you ever wondered if this is done on purpose?
Indeed: on official occasions it is not left to chance who goes where. And you are right to suspect: There are good reasons for the respective allocation of space.
;D GALANT is anders !

