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Free Energy will change the World - Free Energy will stop Climate Change - Free Energy will give us hope
and we will not surrender until free energy will be enabled all over the world, to power planes, cars, ships and trains.
Free energy will help the poor to become independent of needing expensive fuels.
So all in all Free energy will bring far more peace to the world than any other invention has already brought to the world.
Those beautiful words were written by Stefan Hartmann/Owner/Admin at overunity.com
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that without his help, this Forum Archives would have never been published here
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How does overunity 'suppression' work if everyone knows about it ?

Started by postingsite, November 16, 2018, 08:50:25 PM

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                    8 x 240 W : output                          500 W : input


                                           Eta             =  [500/(8 x 240)]-1 ~ 0,74 or:           74% efficiency

          better Max.-Min.    Eta.            = 1 - ( input/output)

                                           COP.          = (8 x 240) / 500 = 3,84

                                      NOBODY DID AND NOBODY WILL  EVER GET :         

                                                         eta>1.             or           eta=1       

                                       A. In real life and Physics   

                                       B. By pure ignorant stupidity clearly possible : eta = 73,64 or eta = 5398765432........       

                                     or eta= a dog.   eta = an ant .................. or  eta = many dogs, many ants  ::)   


                                                              ENERGY = EXERGY + ANERGY                                         

                                                             IDEAL STATE = 1                                           

                                                            1 = eta + ( input/output)
                                                            1 - eta = ( input/ output)


                                                             ENERGY = EXERGY +  ANERGY                         

                                                     DAS WIRKEN = SCHOEPFERISCHE ZERSTOERUNG                         

                                                     THE CHANCE = CONSTRUKTIVE DESTRUCTION


Living on-grid makes our life and consume behaviour easy ,

okay the conventional critizising about the " too high prices" ever in mind !
It is the price to pay for the -   " on demand"- servants has got their price  how we want to become paid !
7 Wh : value ? 20 €cents/ 1000Wh base !    (7/1000) x 20 = 0,14  in €cent !

500 W Transformer /60 ( minutes) / 12 ( seconds) x 10 ( inrush factor) ~ 7 Wh inrush period over-bridging !
500 W.                                                                              x 10.                            ~ 5000 Wpinrush drain/ suction

              Relativistic : Quantum-Space-Time = Inrush Space-Time
Cheapest solution to resolve this 7Wh~ 0,14 €cent value problem ?
How many " inrush problems", partiell with factor up to 100, are in the consumer households to find ?
How many on-/ off- switches per hour/ day ? Switch/ coil lifetime warranty ?



                           660 W  x 2 heater = 1320 Wp sufficient for 70-80 sqm living area

                          1320 Wp / 1,5 ( 1/3 energy savings) heat element material = 880 Wp

                           880 Wp / 2 ( 220-230 V to 110 V step down transformer efficiency)  = 440 Wp
                                                     440 Wp x  transformer inrush current factor to load
                                                     880 Wp x source inrush current factor to transformer
Yeah, on demand living is such easy ,off-grid a hard maths world resolution afford !

One last question configuration related : motor = induction,  transformer = induction
                                                 direct heat element induction ?

                                                10,20,.....50,......,100 nichrome wires?

                                               His  device : quantity of wires ?

                                                ::) [ 0040 ] [ 0041 ] [ 0042 ]  ;) [ 0043] [ 004 4 ]  8) .....

                                                            [ 0049 ] However,the opposite is true .......



Hey,  [ 0041] : applied  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biot%E2%80%93Savart_law
Tschau, vale bene

p.s.:  https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=4&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=19850314&CC=DE&NR=3330899A1&KC=A1#         


                                                  Why ? About trials and errors

p. s. II:  German to English : Restaurant , " I want to become a steak!  "       kriegen,  bekommen~ to get

              active?  passive?  I am born ..... !   I was borned ...... !  " I have been borned" " I has been borned"
                                                                                                               Partizip Praesens         Partizip Perfekt
                                                                                                               present participle.        past participle   

                                                         FUTUR I, II and PERFECT, PLUSQUAMPERFECT applied

              " .... servants has ...."  ::) What "idiot! " servants: plural :" have"         

             I,  they/They, we-We-WE-WHE: IT/ it-its -Dominion : "......servants has....!  SYNTAX SUCCESS !

         DOMINIUM , singularis et pluralis, MAJESTATIS : GRAND-MASTER (~ actually Dekan/ dipl. Service DOYEN)                                                                    ( Quantum space/ real space )

                        Prof.  Sigmund Freud and Prof. H. Ryborz: Ich -  Ueber-Ich - ES - : UEBER-ES
                        ENGLISH TO GERMAN : " WHE is ........" = " UNS Ist.... "                 
                                                                                                 " UNS-ER BEFINDEN Ist.... "                                                ----

                                 SYNTAX KNOWLEDGE and SYNTAX FUNDAMENTALS                   

                                               otherwise : " Men-Machine"- " Kanonenfutter"

                                 MEPHISTO, GO, DR. WATSON,........

                                 your Generation- over/- next    belonging


                                your,  my,  our body worth almost zero,  the sense ( ~ "Befinden") decides life and evolution