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space-time is doomed

Started by Belfior, February 02, 2019, 06:51:53 PM

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Ive wondered about that simulation theory many times. But I came to a different conclusion. So heres a bit of it to make you go hmm as they say. Ok its been said we are the brain. Thats what we are according to science. Now if thats true then we have never been outside of our brains, regardless if our body is outside of our brain, or our body connected to our brain. So we would be living inside of a matrix so to speak. But not the simulated one they say is outside of us, but the simulated one that is inside of us, inside of our brains. It would be one governed by the programming of our genetics. Consider this, when you look at an object, say a glass on a table. It looks like you are seeing that glass "over there" on that table far away from you right. But thats not how the eye works. The eyeball can see light on the back of the eyeball, but the eye can not see light that is outside of the eyeball get it? You can say but wait the light came from across the room and into the eye. Thats where the light images did come from, but you are not seeing those light images outside of the body, or outside of the eye since thats not how the eye functions and would be impossible. You can only see those light images of that glass after that have entered the eye and are on the back of the eyeball. But yet it "seems" like you are seeing that glass across the room, or outside of the body right, which again is impossible according to how the eye works. You can not see any light outside of the body or eye, you can only see light once it has entered the body or eyeball. So technically everything outside of the body is a dark room. The same applies to the human ear. You may hear your friend across the room yelling at you, or so it seems like you hear him all the way across the room. But the ear can only hear sound once it has entered the ear, and only after it is vibrating the ear drum. So that sound you hear is inside your ear, thats where you hear it at. But it "seems" like you hear the sound coming from across the room, it "seems" like you can hear sound that is outside of the body but thats impossible according to how the ear works. Now here is a stranger one for ya. When you see something with the eye, and you think oh Im seeing light waves or light images as most imagine light to be. Well no light waves and no light images ever travel from the eyeball to the brain. So the brain never sees any light or images, so then what are you actually seeing then, get it? Only electrical impulses which is electricity travel from the eyeball to the brain, the same thing from the ear to the brain. So is reality nothing more at its core then electricity? Given again no light and no sound ever reaches the brain from the outside world around you. Its all the genetics of the brain, we live in a virtual simulated world all inside of our brains, but we think we are living outside of our brains or outside of our bodies in the world around us. Its the brain that takes those electrical impulses and then according to its genetics it says to itself these electrical pulses represent a cup, like the one on the table mentioned earlier. And then the brain lies to itself genetically and say I am seeing a cup on a table that is outside of my body and all the way across the room over there. And then your brain imagines what that cup would look and feel or even sound like according to its genetics, and it recreates a virtual reality all inside of the brain itself of you looking out at a cup on a table across the room over there. Get it? The reality you think you see around you is just a recreation or simulation creates inside of the brain and inside of the brain in that virtual reality is where you experience that reality at. Im not saying here its not a good representation of the world around us mind you, im saying its a virtual or recreated copy made inside of the brain and there inside of the brain is where you experience that simulation at. The brain can not experience anything outside of itself. The brain can take in electrical impulses from outside of itself, but the brain is not experiencing those electrical impulses outside of itself, get it? Its all experienced inside of the brain in a zillion neural brain cell firings. And those brain cell firings are supposed to represent what the outside world around us is. But those brain cell firings are not what the world around us is. And we only experience reality all inside of the brain itself, never outside of it. Thats one of the reasons a dream can seem so real, the brain is just doing what it does while were awake, except it is creating its own neural brain cell firings instead of that data coming from the outside when were awake. Its all essentially the same thing, and experienced in the same place all inside of the brain regardless if your awake or asleep. Now notice here I never said the external world is not real, I just said the version we all experience of that is a simulation or recreation all inside of the brain. In other words its a fake copy, that seems like the real thing. But its recreated based on data from a real external world, and that data is supposed to represent it as close as can be within reason of genetics. So think About this one to blow your mind. as you sit in your room, looking around yourself thinking you are really in that room around you. The place you really are is actually inside of your brain itself, in a virtual recreated simulation, that of course is based on the real external world around you, but again you are not in that world around you. You are inside of your brain, in that simulated virtual world representing your room, get it? So we do live in a virtual reality, but its one of pure genetics, and all inside of our brains. And yes I know the video said conscious experience has nothing to do with our brains but I tend to disagree. As I stated we live in a genetic simulation all inside of our brains, that is supposed to represent the external world based on the data the brain gets from its senses. But its the genetics itself that says this ice you touch is cold or that fire you touch is hot, if the genetics had been wired so to speak differently we would experience it differently or reversed even. Which of course would have been a bad thing for the survival of life. Its the brains wiring that says to itself you see that glass on that table all the way across the room far away from you, even tho in truth the eye can see no light that is outside of the eyeball, or that is not on the the back of the eyeball. It does not matter where the light came from, or that it came from outside of the eyeball. The eyeball still can never see light that is outside of the eyeball. So that experience you have of seeing that glass over there across the room, as mentioned earlier, seeing it outside of your body is false. But if the brains genetics says to itself you see it over there, then you experience it or rather imagine it just like or as if you did see it over there across the room. Anyway the reason I say the matrix or simulated reality we live within is all experienced totally inside of our brains and not in the real world is because scientist have done experiments where they applied probes touching the brain itself. And these probes generated a small voltage to the brain. And yes the patients in these experiments were conscious at the time. And were ask what are you experiencing as I touch here or there. And they would say oh Im eating a hamburger and its tasty, or oh im in my childhood room i grew up in, or oh i see a bird in a tree and so on and so forth. In other words by stimulating neuronal cells to fire, which of course represented data about something or some experience, well thats what the person experienced as real as life itself. But it was not real, no more then seeing that glass across the room on that table was as that was a recreated simulation, and an all virtual experience your brain created for you all inside of itself or inside of the brain. Its the same thing in a dream, if the brain says to itself your in the kitchen about to open the refrigerator and get a sandwich. Then you experience that or experience doing that, which is also a virtual recreated simulation all inside the brain, and thats the same way we experience the real world when awake as our senses send electrical data to our brains that our genetics in our neuronal brain cell wiring decodes to represent meaning this or that, and then we experience the simulation all inside the brain real as life as if it was outside of the brain, even tho its not, regardless if the data came from the senses which came before that from the real external world. I mean as you read this no doubt your looking at a computer screen on a table perhaps right. It looks like the computer screen is outside of your head, over there sitting on the table. But as I said if the eyeball can not see light outside of itself, given the eye can only see light on the back of the eyeball, then the actual place you are seeing that computer screen at is inside your very own eyeball, not "over there" and not "outside of the body" as everything outside the body if you could see it as it really is is a total dark or black room with no light in it. Anyway Maybe you get some of the concepts here which is quite mind blowing to say the least, or at least I thought they were anyway lol. Showing that real reality is nothing at all like we experience it, and its even nothing at all like the place we think it is or is at, because we experience it all inside of the brain as a second hand virtual recreated reality.


brilliant people that have studied the brain are saying it is there just to move this body. They could not even prove memory is inside the brain. Sure you can get a knock in the head and lose memories, but was your antenna just damaged and nothing else?

Consciousness is so weird, universal and connecting many, that it cannot be inside the brain. I think the weirdest stuff is when consciousness learns. You start training rats in Australia and they can find the maze in 100 tries. You breed them and you get to a point, where a baby rat finds learns the maze in 25 tries. They were trying to prove something passes in gene memory.

Results were so crazy, they repeated the study elsewhere. The weirdest thing was that in a different country, the rats started with max 25 tries. Not 100 tries.

Weeel did they publish this in Nature and say "Species share consciousness!". No. Their result was "Memories do not pass with genes, because the repeated test showed max 25 tries and not 100 like it should when you start the study..."

The brain is weird because it sits basically in a dark box. You can effect it with magnetic pulses. So do you really know you are here or a human even? You could be a fish in a tank with electrodes in your real brain and you think you drive to work every morning. The Archons are watching this laughing, because you have a pet fish in a bowl in your imaginary house. But thinking like this has infinite possibilities. I just want to find something that is real. Inside or outside my brain.

I have been looking into slavery, money and debt for a month now. Some entities survived the last flood and basically started from a clean slate in turning this place into a giant slave camp. I am very worried we are not going to overthrow them. We are too busy believing everything they say and we go and beat our neighbors to death instead.


Maybe real is nothing more then what we accept as truth. If mankind some day finds real external reality is more data then actual physical stuff molded in stone as we usually assume it to be. Then reality as we know it will change dramatically. Maybe we all are just like computers all linked into a virtual internet that we call the real external world. Who knows really yet, except that its nothing like we think it is. As to your brain comment, there is only two options that I can envision as being true. The first like I mentioned in the earlier post, that our reality is a virtual recreation all inside of our brains, and there inside the brain is the actual place not only where we are but where we experience reality at as well. So its all about genetics or neuronal brain cell wiring. Given the genetics would be saying to us in our brains what this and that is, what we see and hear and so on and so forth. So instead of a cold non living universe we assume we are within would be incorrect because if that is true then we live inside of a living universe, called the brain. And we have never been outside of that universe even. ,,My other option relates to the soul, assuming we have them and I dare to hope we do. If thats true then the brain is nothing more then a relay station that sends and receives information from the brain and the mind, meaning the real mind that would then be really inside of the soul. If you get what I mean.


Quote from: Belfior on February 02, 2019, 06:51:53 PM
Just something to think about


It has been shown that it would not be possible to distinguish a simulation of the universe in which we would live from a "real" universe. But it's not really disturbing. Identity comes from the ability to distinguish. When we can no longer distinguish, it is that operationally, it is the same and unique thing.