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(video)Google Whistleblower Sites Blacklist of New Energy Technology

Started by dklyne, November 19, 2019, 08:02:58 PM

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Hello Stefan and Overunity.com! o/  I came across some of the testimony of the Google whistleblower - Zach Vorhies regarding suppression of e-catworld.com in Oct 2017. I thought that some of us here might enjoy a look at a video i just put up at

modvid.com - Google Whistleblower Sites Blacklist of New Energy Technology

or alternatively can also be seen at

my youtube channel - Google Whistleblower Sites Blacklist of New Energy Technology

Thanks for having a look with me at this matter. I need to dive into this research and would recommend that anyone with strong familiarity with LENR tech have a look at e-catworld.com with the google wayback machine archives link here to sept 23 20011 of e-catworld.com . There might be a chance that some information could still reside there. Please advise any important articles you might see as i will do the same.

Thank you for your time and attention.Darcy Klyne
Energetictube.com/Powertube.ca - Where technology goes LIVE!


A discussion that i found to be of particular interest in the archive

The Solid Foundation: Don't Skip Nickel-Hydrogen
Posted on August 25, 2017 • 12 Comments
The following post was submitted by a reader who wishes to remain anonymous

The requirement to carefully treat and process nickel to facilitate the adsorption and absorption of nickel into a metal lattice is by no means a new discovery. Sergio Focardi and Francesco Piantelli learned through trial and error testing during their testing of Ni-H systems in the 1990's that contaminants, both on the interior and exterior of their fuel, could inhibit the production of excess heat. Moreover, their papers go into significant detail about their methods of washing, etching, annealing, thermal cycling, and degassing. If proper care was utilized in the treatment of their fuel, significant quantities (capable of being measured with ordinary instrumentation) of ordinary light hydrogen could be documented being taken up and emitted from their nickel.

They noted that a sudden change in temperature OR pressure could trigger the uptake or release of hydrogen, inducing an "excited state" in which excess heat was produced. During this period of research, they were capable of producing a COP of over two, utilizing only nickel rod, bar, wire, or plated materials.

Their work, long before Andrea Rossi came onto the scene, proved that a significant quantity of excess heat could be produced from a highly unoptimized setup. An increase in surface area, reverse spillover catalysts (palladium, platinum, copper, or even smaller nano-particles of nickel), methods of accelerating the splitting of molecular hydrogen into atomic hydrogen (high voltages, radio frequency generators, utilizing resonance, including metal hydrides that emit atomic hydrogen when heated such as LiAlH4 or lithium hydride), and other methods could be utilized to dramatically increase the excess heat. In reality, to produce very good results, there is no magic pixie dust or special element. Perhaps Rossi did start off using a spillover catalyst of some sort; however, the obvious conclusion is that he moved past such elements rapidly and utilized other methods of producing atomic hydrogen.

Beyond a doubt, however, the basis of any successful Ni-H system is properly treated, cleaned, and degassed fuel. To accomplish this requires tedious effort and extreme care. If someone is willing to perform the long, ongoing series of tests to gain the experience needed to remove surface coatings (oxides, grease, and other contaminants) and trapped gases (carbon monoxide, oxygen, and even water), positive results beyond any doubt can be obtained with only nickel and hydrogen. According to one replicator whose results have not been confirmed, once you learn how to treat your nickel so that it can "breathe" light hydrogen in and out, a COP of 2-3 is easily possible. Then if you can add a method of producing atomic hydrogen on demand, there is no limit to the COP you can achieve.

As asserted in the paper by Mizuno, the suggestion that excess heat cannot be produced with only nickel and some form of hydrogen without an additional element is blatantly incorrect: the feat has already been performed. The challenge that may add difficulty to achieving excess heat with nickel and hydrogen alone is related to the importance of proper treatment that allows splitting molecular hydrogen into atomic hydrogen. Nickel isn't the most catalytic element around in terms of interacting with H2 or D2. Palladium, on the other hand, can split the molecule like a hot knife through butter. So if you're not going to rely on another element, your cleaning may have to be spot on, you may have to produce smaller particles of the same element in your fuel processing, or you may have to intentionally create specific surface features that can improve the catalytic activity of nickel.

I have zero doubt whatsoever that with enough work Mizuno or any other research with adequate resources and focus can produce significant excess heat without utilizing palladium or other catalysts. The only barrier is their work ethic and determination to do so. Once this know how is accumulated, all additional improvements would happen more organically.

A final observation: the high voltage mentioned in Mizuno's paper produces a plasma that engulfs the area in which the nickel mesh resides. The plasma is certainly creating some quantity (high or low) of atomic hydrogen directly. In a system in which nickel alone is treated adequately enough to produce excess heat, such a plasma could accelerate hydrogen adsorption and absorption.

The key to mastering the nickel-hydrogen reaction is going back to basics: the work of Focardi and Piantelli. From there, we can utilize the tidbits provided by Andrea Rossi and the suggestions of other researchers to improve our results. My hope is that researchers like Mizuno and others will narrow their focus on processing nickel alone in such a manner that it can absorb adequate quantities of hydrogen to produce copious excess heat. Such a foundation is needed by the LENR community: a simple set of instructions that allows two elements (Ni-H) to come together and produce a non-conventional safe nuclear reaction. From there a thousand improvements could be made. But using plausible shortcuts initially, such as introducing palladium or other additional elements before mastering the basic effect, is like building a house on sand for skeptics and cynics to wash away.

← Mizuno Claims Production of Excess Energy that 'Far Exceeds Input' in New LENR ExperimentsNew Brilliant Light Power Patent for "Thermophotovoltaic Electrical Power Generator" →
I do not know who you are, mystery poster, but THONK YOU!!! From the bottom of my heart I say THANK YOU again and again!

FINALLY!!! Somebody around here is actually thinking on track and getting back to the real issue.

I was beginning to think this site was lost, and that it was totally dominated by Lunacy and Fairy Tales.

I do not blame you for wishing to post your perfect logic anonymously. No doubt this thread will be overrun by a flood of flamers declaring you know nothing, and none of what you say can be proven, and most of what you claim never happened, and that you dress funny, and probably want to kill babies.

Whoever you are, would you give a little thought to a comparison of the QX to a "Anode Ray Tube"? The free Protons acting as actual majority carriers, and being directionalized by the externally applied voltage, should cause differentiated internal ionization much as we see in semiconductors, and THAT should have an external effect on the rest of the connected circuit that identically resembles a second voltage source in proper series. This would account for the "Negative Resistance" phenomena, not only causing the QX resistance to collapse to near zero, but actually accounting for the link to SSM. Also, if the QX is acting as an ART then there would be a focusing effect of the proton beam to the tip of the cathode, and the result would be a highly concentrated point of secondary reaction and transmutation events. These are just a few thoughts that came from reading Rossi's paper. While I do not buy the SNF variability hypothesis, I did find the analysis of the generated EM field in the gap to be enlightening. Specifically the effect it would have on the crossing electron and proton beams, and the results that arise FROM that effect.

Anyway, I just want to let you know that it is a breath of fresh air to read a little common sense again being posted on these pages.

While it lasts...

I agree in principle but the painstaking work of getting really pure materials and then finding out what effect other elements have requires a lot of time and money. The US government does not seem to be interested.

I got the impression from what several experimenters have written that you only get a COP ~ 2 with just Ni % H2 and that Deuterium shuts it down.
Fleischmann and Pons found it difficult to replicate the effect once they had used up the original batch o Palladium from J & M. Apparently the new stuff was purer and the original had some silver(?) in it.

Rossi, who must have done more experiments than anyone else, seems to have concluded that the reliability and control of the old E-Cat systems were not completely solved and moved on to the plasma QX. I wouldn't second guess him.

Anonymous Author
I would not say a "lot" of time and money. If one person were to do the work to figure out how to clean a particular brand of nickel wire so that a COP of 2-3 was guaranteed, there would be some monetary outlay. Millions of dollars wouldn't be needed, though. The most significant cost would be time if one person was performing all the experiments.

My impression is also that with just bulk Ni and H2 the likely COP (which also depends on the quantity of insulation and other factors) would be around two or three. If someone was capable of learning how to carefully clean powder without sintering the particles together into one lump, I think the COP could go higher. With a higher surface area there will be more reaction sites and more excess heat. Additionally, with just nickel and hydrogen, adding smaller nickel particles that would rest on the surface of the larger particles could boost the COP. This would not work as well as palladium or platinum, but it could likely boost the excess heat without adding a rare element.

From what I've read about the original palladium, it was able to absorb a larger quantity of hydrogen before cracking. Basically, it was palladium used for hydrogen filters. The newer palladium wasn't as strong and cracked more easily, releasing hydrogen. But the truth is we don't need to compare palladium and nickel: these are two different beasts. The purpose of palladium in a nickel hydrogen system is to split H2 into atomic hydrogen.

After following the development of the E-Cat technology for a long time, everyone should see how the production of atomic hydrogen was the central theme of almost every evolution of the E-Cat. Carbonyl nickel with a higher surface area allowed for more surface area for atomic hydrogen to be generated, baking his fuel to produce smaller particles (as in fluid heater) created a spillover catalyst, the radio frequency generators helped split H2 into atomic hydrogen, the use of LiAlH4 allowed atomic hydrogen to be emitted directly until it recombined into H2, the use of resonance produced atomic hydrogen, etc.

Finally, with the Quark, he is slamming hydrogen atoms onto treated nickel with a low oxygen content (the manganese mentioned in the paper is something we should not overlook because it can be used as an alloying agent to remove oxygen) to produce reactions which emit electrons both thermionically and nuclearly.

Yes, the splitting up of H2 into monatomic Hydrogen has been with ECat since the beginning.


IIRC, Focardi said in an interview that the contribution Rossi brought to the table was to split the H2 gas into monatomic hydrogen and it made the reaction much more vigorous.

I foresee a business opportunity for anyone who can buy pure Nickel, sputter it or sinterize it in a pure hydrogen (2 or 3 atmosphere) environment and sell the Celani-Type wire ALREADY enclosed in a monatomic hydrogen tube case like today's modern fuses. Triggering the Anomalous Heat Event would be something like an applied voltage or waveform or microwave blast or heat or laser or whatever.

Let's say it turned out that the AHE was triggered by 220V AC and a 10kHz waveform, it generates a little bit of excess heat but definite gamma rays. By the time the one thousandth participant reported their own gamma ray finding, LENR would be taking off.

Anonymous Author
Focardi worked closely with Andrea Rossi and knew that the key to the technology was splitting H2 into atomic hydrogen. What he may not have went into was the methods and techniques Rossi used to clean his fuel. Without cleaning the surface and interior of the fuel the atomic hydrogen has no where to go. Nickel could be considered a sponge with very small pores or cavities. Even if you can reduce the H2 (large molecule) into individual atoms (much smaller) so they could fit through the surface openings, if those cavities are filled with "junk" the hydrogen ain't gonna go inside. However, if you have cleared out the lattice and have a supplementary method of producing atomic hydrogen, enormous output is possible.

I think it was Celani who brought a Geiger counter to a Rossi demo, and started seeing strong gamma ray presence immediately during startup but it went away.

There is a possibility that the startup reaction for LENR is an ENDOTHERMIC reaction of H1 recombining into H2 gas generating a gamma ray. Once there are gamma rays in the system, there is nuclear exchange and the ball is rolling.

That makes sense to me, pushing atomic hydrogen onto the sponge with a bit more kinetic energy. My guess is that someone will improve this kludge approach by orders of magnitude once they know the LENR effect is real, most possibly with lasers which do more than 1 thing in the process of energizing particles and purifying plasmas. In fact, KP Sinha and Meulenberg generated LENR with laser COOLING, so the field is wide open.

John Littlemist
Shouldn't the first sentence be more like:
"The requirement to carefully treat and process nickel to facilitate the adsorption and absorption of HYDROGEN into a metal lattice..."
It says nickel twice...

A fantastic description of a straightforward concept.

Well done! Keep it coming. Finally, SOMETHING worth reading!!!

Ian Walker
Hi all

This post is particularly directed to Frank for him to ask Dottore Rossi on behalf of the community the last question in the list.

It follows on from this article as I think it leads inevitably to the answer.

What was Dottore Rossi making with the energy from Demo plant?

Nobody seems to have pursued this question. If it was a product for sale then is would enter the market. That would leave a money trail. Has anyone one looked for the money trail? Perhaps members of the community could pursue this.

There is however one use that Rossi might pursue and cover the costs for with his own money. Rossi was only interested in the court case in getting his IP back. That means he sees it as more valuable than taking the money from IH, the other option his lawyers offered him.

That then leads to the inevitable thought what would Dottore Rossi like to do with the energy more than any thing else? In the light of this recent anonymous post about processing Nickel with mon-atomic Hydrogen molecules.

Also what secondary fuel ingredients could Dottore Rossi using the power of the demo plant to process? May also be a question for the community to consider.

Those with knowledge of LENR engineering may want to consider: with such an industrial level of production what product would they use it to make? What might up to megawatt of heat transfer allow them to make?

So replicators researcher and MFMP may want to consider those questions.

So the question Frank could ask Dottore Rossi would be:
Whether Dottore was using the Demo plants energy to create a massive supply of his fuel?

Perhaps Frank can ask that question.

Kind Regards Walker

Frank Acland
Mats asked about this, but didn't get a direct answer:

"We produced substances with a very high added value. To do this we had to achieve an extremely high pressure inside small reactors that were introduced in larger tubes. The concept was to provoke contractions in certain materials, using heat exchange with the hot steam [from the E-Cat plant] and a pressure of a few bars but concentrating the force from the pressure on a larger surface, a few cm2, on much, much smaller surfaces, increasing the pressure proportionally. And this process consumed heat."


*****Another article of interest*****

Mizuno Claims Production of Excess Energy that 'Far Exceeds Input' in New LENR Experiments
Posted on August 23, 2017 • 44 Comments
Thanks to Jones Beene on Vortex-l for posting a link to a new paper written by Tadahiko Mizuno of Hydrogen Engineering Application & Development Company in Sapporo Japan, titled "Observation of excess heat by activated metal and deuterium gas" and posted on the LENR-CANR.org website here.

This is a detailed paper with much data, and many details to digest. I'm sure it will be studied in depth, but here are just a few key points:


"Reports of heat-generating cold fusion reactions in the nickel–hydrogen systemhave been increasing. The reactions mainly involve nickel with other additive elements. The authors of these reports emphasized the importance of an extremely clean system in the electrolytic tests in which excess heat was generated. Therefore, we attempted to detect excess heat after reducing impurities to a minimum by cleaning the electrode carefully and then fabricating nano particles in situ in our test system, without ever exposing them to air. As a result, energy far exceeding input was continuously obtained. In the best results obtained thus far, the output thermal energy is double the input electrical energy, amounting to several hundred watts. The generated thermal energy follows an exponential temperature function. When the reactor temperature is 300°C, the generated energy is 1 kW. An increase of the temperature is expected to greatly increase the output energy."

The reactor used was a stainless steel cylinder in which were placed two pieces of nickel mesh which were cleaned first with detergent, then with water, alcohol and acetone. There are two electrodes inside the chamber, one of which is wound with palladium wire. There is an aluminum ceramic heater in the center of the reactor which is wound with palladium wire. There is also a heater wound around the outside of the reactor.

After evacuating the heater, deuterium gas is added to the reactor at "several hundred Pa." The reactor is then heated and held constant for a number of hours. High voltage is then applied to the palladium wire around the ceramic heater inside the reactor, which forms a plasma. There is then a cycling of heating, degassing and re-gassing, while increasing temperature, and finally the system is let to drop to room temperature.

High voltage is then applied to the palladium electrode, which releases D2 gas, and causes plasma to form on the electrode. Eventually this causes palladium to be deposited on the nickel mesh, and this, according to Mizuno, causes the condition that generates excess heat.

Mizuno writes:

"The excess power increases with the temperature rise of the reactor. For example, the excess power is 100 W at 100°C, 315 W at 200°C, and 480 W at 250°C. Excess power of 10 W and 20 W was generated even when the reactor was near room temperature."


"We speculate that the excess heat would reach the order of kilowatts at 1/Tr = 0.001, i.e., approximately 700°C. We confirmed that the excess heat increases exponentially with reactor temperature."


"Activation of the metal surface, that is, removal of the oxide, nitride, and carbide layers, is particularly important. Heating and discharge treatment in deuterium gas is an effective method of activating the metal surface. The use of highly pure gas and the thorough removal of released gas during the surface treatment are also important. "

Mizuno notes that since this experiment was carried out, that he has improved the conditions for excess heat production. Appendix A describes some of the changes, which includes not using detergents or other similar cleaners of the nickel mesh because they may introduce impurities. Rather, they polish the nickel with emery paper, clean with hot water, and rub palladium on the nickel. In this appendix he suggests that Hydrogen as well as Deuterium could work.

← Motor Generator Prototype with Circuit Shows Significant Power Gains (Allan Shura)The Solid Foundation: Don't Skip Nickel-Hydrogen →
Would be great to start seeing multiple replications by multiple trusted sources using Mizuno build instructions and get same results.

Looks like another test to be scheduled for MFMP.

He does not have a cool-looking control box, just some well-documented research claiming 300 watts excess heat. Forget it.

Bob Greenyer

Axil Axil
Since the reactor has an observation window, the experimenters should also look at the spectrum of the light produced by the reaction. They should look for polarization and spectral line splitting as per the stark effect.

I have to wonder, does this "successful" experiment support the claims made by Dr. Rossi? If several experimenters can get positive results based upon Rossi's limited information, that favors his veracity. Every year we are told that LENR technology will break very soon, yet it never has. Science done properly takes a lot of time, labor and money, so investing in an unproven "mixed results", technology has limited appeal for most sponsors, experimenters, venture capitalists, and investors, especially without considerable prior evidence of a truly vetted repeatable LENR reaction. If and when solid, reputably sourced replications begin to show up, the attitudes about LENR shouldl change rapidly. "Dr. Rossi says" has become a metaphor for unfulfilled promises and unproven claims, this October we may discover if his X cat tech is an advancement over the E-Cat. I doubt his next demo will be satisfying for the LENR curious, but if we start getting independent replications based upon his claims, that will begin grabbing my interest. Since the beginning in 2011, most of the followers of this story have pointed to the absence of any reliable replications as evidence of possible fraud or at least a lack of useful functionality. Now we are entering into a new stage of the Rossi-LENR story, the curtain is about to be raised and we will soon discover how well script is written, if the actors are believable, and we will see if any of them are wearing clothes.

Axil Axil
Mizumo is at the stage in reaction development that Rossi was at sometime before 2011 when Rossi discovered tubicles. Mizuno is now producing tubercles. Piantelli discovered that impurities(nitrogen) killed the reaction early on. If mizuno keeps making progress at his current rate he will be up to where Rossi in about 20 years.

At the current juncture, what has caused and is still causing Rossi lots of problems is the control system. He is not an expert in designing such systems.

"If mizuno keeps making progress at his current rate he will be up to where Rossi in about 20 years."

I mean really Axil, you have no idea where Rossi is. No one does. Mizuno may be ahead of Rossi. We know where Mizuno is, we don't know anything about Ecat-X and we wait for the October release date to get some real info.

Axil Axil
Give credit where credit is due. Rossi has mastered each of the various methods of producing the LENR reaction from the most simple to the most complex. Mizono is still at the most simple level: the tubercle level.

Mizuno has not mastered the art of LENR fuel production. Rossi has mastered this stage and has discarded it for the Quark plasma method.

Mizuno does not use EMF simulation to amplify the LENR effect yet.

Mizuno has not mastered the cat/mouse reactor clustering architecture.

Mizuno hs not even melted down a reactor yet. Mizuno has a very long way to go,,,

Axil, I _wish_ you were right, but as a person who believes in the scientific method, I see no evidence that Rossi has produced anything. So we wait.

If the cave man had waited for a scientific explanation of why/how fire worked, we'd still all be cave men.

"If and when solid, reputably sourced replications begin to show up, the attitudes about LENR should change rapidly."

Already been done...solid, reputably sourced replications done.....repeatedly.....for electrochem system. Result.......... Mizuno is about as reputable a source as is available.

Until mainstream science accepts that LENR is an actual "thing", it will continue to be considered to be a suspect topic. The replications are there, true, but unless the some of the same mainstream scientists accept their veracity and attempt to get replications themselves, LENR will still be seen as suspect fringe science. If Dr. Rossi were to unveil his x-cat technology and show that it really is fully realized, that in itself would be interesting, to see a new breakthrough technology being introduced by an inventor and experimentalist like Rossi, instead of the usual physics, science, and educational channels.

"Until mainstream science accepts......"

Until so-called scientists quit playing politics and get back to doing real science (i.e. replicated experiments provide the only legitimate "proof", not "there's gotta be a theory"), science itself will suffer.

And very few "breakthrough ideas" originate with "physics, science, and educational channels".

"Eventually this causes palladium to be deposited on the nickel mesh, and this, according to Mizuno, causes the condition that generates excess heat."

It remind me the cathodic sputtering of nickel used foçr the electrodes that led to the electrolythic incident in Thomson CSF observed by Didier Grass&al



Axil Axil
Regarding: "We confirmed that the excess heat increases exponentially with reactor temperature."

Why would heat increase the power of the LENR reaction?

very common for chemical reactions.
In increase not only the available energy, but also the reactants mobility.

Ed Storms propose that hydrogen migration, throtled by heat, controll the power produced by NAE.

No surprise, it was even observed with electrolysis by Lonchampt replicating F&P

Jacques Ruer have made a kind of engineering paper about how to design reactors under that assumption

If true about the relationship to temperature, that might explain why Rossi runs up to 2500C to get a much higher COP.
At the very least it adds some confirmation to what Rossi reports.

Mizuno has the same plasma configuration as Prof Stenzal and colleagues and Rossi's QX. I reckon the fireball in Mizuno's experiment is attached to the anode and does what all fireballs do.

contains photos and a lot of reading. Start with section 12 (Fireballs).

I was just thinking the same thing. This is impressive work, and once again plasmas are taking center stage for reliable LENR. Could be the fitful LENR solid state systems folks have been working with are only inconsistently generating plasma when geometry and other conditions get right, but not reliably since they have not been designed for that purpose. So while the formulas for fuel materials have been worked out pretty well, the actual generation of the conditions within which LENR takes place has been crucially missing till lately.

This at least opens up another door for more design testing. Perhaps we are finally finding the main key condition with these dusty plasmas.

If you are willing to think about the MHD(magnetohydrodynamics) equations in a fireball plasma you will make a lot of progress IMO.

From a stable drain current between fireball and anode, a stable magnetic field is set up in the fireball but this can produce an unstable equatorial current. The oscillation in the current drives the light, electricity and RF emissions of the QX.

'The motion of the ions and the perturbation of the magnetic field are in the same direction and transverse to the direction of propagation. The wave is dispersionless.'
That is Alfven waves, running around the equatorial lines of the fireball but the ions move laterally. Alfven waves are the next big thing in partical accelerators: 'Wakefield' accelerators. If you can accelerate electrons enough you can make neutrons, and then you can enable LENR.

Palladium is know to work as spillover catalyst. That means, it's merely inactive to cold fusion by itself, but it dissolves the hydrogen in large quantities and it concentrates it in this way. Whereas nickel is actual active catalyst but it has low tendency to dissolve the hydrogen and ionize it into a protons and hydride anions.

This could explain, why many previous attempts for replication of original Fleischmann & Pons cold fusion experiments have failed, despite the researchers did use much cleaner samples of palladium than F&P did (or just because of it). Also Patterson and many others did always use palladium in mixture with another metal catalysts (Ni, Ti, W and others).

This could very well be correct, that it is the combined properties of the palladium-nickel alloy that are essential to really catalysing the reaction. But I am starting to think it is the plasma, or even the plasma-solid state interface, where LENR takes place. Palladium could act as a catalyst in that setting too in the same way (generating mono-atomic hydrogen to interact with the nickel), as it has been used for with other unrelated cold plasma systems–and nickel of course is also ameable to interacting in a plasma setting.

Have to do some very intentional testing to find out if one or both of these conditions (solid state alloys versus dusty plasmas or plasma-solid state surface interfaces) facillitate LENR.

" fabricating nano particles in situ in our test system, without ever exposing them to air. "
***I think this is going to be the key to moving forward. I was going to suggest sinterization in a pure Deuterium environment, but what they did was load up D2 gas again and again but not heating it up so as to melt the alloy onto the host metal lattice. They appear to have used a form of sputtering. Either way you end up with much more exposure to D2 per unit surface area. Experimentalists are still trying to fight resistance to loading.

Gerard McEk
I agree I have suggested sputtering many times. I would suggest magnetron sputtering using argon (to effectively sputter Ni/Pa) and than load it with hydrogen (H/D) and maybe then the magnetron plasma will initiate LENR.

Gerard McEk
In general I believe this is very good news. I hope their method will soon be replicated and LENR finally be proven. Would MFMP be interested, Bob?

Bob Greenyer
Mizuno should be congratulated first for the detail in this paper, it would appear that Mike McKubre's proxy appeal at Sendai for the community to be more open is being listened to. Mizuno is a legend.

As I said some time back, this work, as described in the Clean Planet patent application is, in my opinion, a simplification of the Canon patent from 1994, in many cases it uses the exact same old English language "occlusion of hydrogen"

The patent application mentions several times the production of ovoid structures on the surface (similar in shape to the anodes of Adamenko but in miniature) for the active fraction of the reactor with the purpose of creating 'heavy electrons' which trigger the repeatable LENR effect. In the Canon patent they were hydrogen radicals (now I understand that there can be many hydrogen radicals and 'heavy electrons' can make them)

This would be an expensive and time consuming experiment to build, the MFMP needs to take things to the next level and we are working on the means to do that whilst ensuring the open live nature of our work. This technology is being realised and you are all part of making it happen.

Bob — not that expensive to build but would take about 2 months.

1) Cheap rougher Vacuum pump
2) cheap vacuum gauge
2) deuterium gas source
3) Standard conflat style hardware with window to observe
4) a bunch of thermocouples
5) nickel mesh
6) small amount of palladium wire
7) Some good gas flow control metering
8) Some good valves to limit the rate of vacuum scavenge of the deuterium
9) plexiglas enclosure with inlet and exhaust fan
10) data collection rig that you already have

I think the whole rig is under $25k. Think about it. The only hard part will be attempting to regulate the deuterium pressure.

Bob Greenyer
We are working to get into a position to take things to the next level.

IMPO now, LENR is real – but it is so much more than 'excess heat' and THAT is why this is suppressed.

The reason in my opinion they don't want to support it is not that it doesn't work / exist, it is because it does and they don't want us to have it and it would be pointless to fund since they already know it is real and how to do it! Don't ask me who they are though!

It can be delivered and we will do our best to deliver it to all.


I know you and the MFMP team are doing your best.

"they don't want to support it".

I disagree. Incontrovertible replicated proof is what it takes. Look for example at the Mizuno paper. It looks good on the face, but a few odds and ends need to be closed (D2 gas resupply flow rate details, heat measurement details, etc...). After that, he has given a cookbook formula to replicate. Do it at publicly at one reputable lab (academic or private); or at the MFMP and it is GAME OVER for the portion of big energy who had hoped for no competition.

The only other issue that "they" may be afraid of, is whether there are weapons of mass destruction implications. As thus far the reports go, there are none.

So in short, the only suppression of LENR is from plasma physicists who want their Tokamak. The rest is just group think by big science and replicated proof of what it takes.

I put it this way. If you can build a Mizuno rig and it gets hot the way his did, there so so much excess heat that you can afford to get sloppy with that measurement and still have hard proof. I don't know how much of that equipment you already have from other experiments, but it appears to me the only things you might not have is the nickel mesh (he told you where to buy that), a gas mass flow controller, either a DC or AC high voltage power supply of 750 to 2000 volts and 40 mA, and that conflat with a window setup. The rest you probably have some lying around one MFMP lab or the other. It's all rather common stuff (vacuum pumps, vacuum gauges).

Bob Greenyer
Anon, we do have several of the things needed but dispersed. I will raise it with the directors at the next group call.

At the moment, Ryan has spent around 2 months this year preparing the systems for AURA and ECCO and is pushed for time on his other commitments. Bob Higgins is building a microwave and ultrasonic stimulated reactor, Alan is working on a Nickel/Silver powder experiment (will look at his milled samples today). My path with Dr. Egely is set on ECCO analysis, and NOVA development and testing, today I will be looking at the 2min NOVA basic fuel and the sediment from Suhas Ralkars foil processor.

I think that, if NOVA or the other open work does not deliver on its promise, the earliest we could get to this proprietary embodiment would be November (we can work with the crowd in the mean time to specify what is needed). We would ideally want to work with the claimant, who is directly linked to Industrial Heat and so we would have to ask the community how they would feel about donated time, resources and funds being used in this way rather than for purely open work.

In the end, we are set up to make this happen – however, we do, in the words of Kenneth Shoulders, need to avoid getting "diffused". A faster path to consider would be to act on the advice of Piantelli and our observations in ash from me356 and Suhas Ralkar as laid out in "CAB Story" – this would be open embodiment and we might be able to run it in a standard *GlowStick* which is very well understood and studied. The excess might be very clear with the right stimulation.

Axil Axil
In the Lugano test, Rossi loaded the fuel into the tube in the air, Mizuno excludes air in his preparations to get his reactor to function,. What is the difference in the fuel between the two systems?

Hint: Rossi uses a fuel prep stage.

Rossi also likely had a getter like zirconium somewhere in the reactor.

Axil Axil
The one nice thing about the Lugano test is that we know exactly what elements comprised the fuel. No getter was included.

With the apparent need for a clean atmosphere either the fuel elements acted as a getter or there was one as part of the reactor itself. The getter could have been inside before the fuel was added, it wouldn't take much. Zirconium would remove the nitrogen as well as the oxygen to help create a vacuum. It also has the added bonus of dumping hydrogen that it gets at lower temperatures when it hits around 800C causing a pressure increase. Many claim a pressure spike might be a trigger to start an LENR reaction.

Axil Axil
I have an opinion. I beleive that the Rossi fuel preparation process is producing a LENR active form of hydrogen that is somehow sequestered inside the nickel particles. Maybe this hydrogen is ultra dense hydrogen.

Mizuno could be producing this special form of hydrogen in his fuel preparation process concurrent with palladium nanoparticle production. When the ultra dense hydrogen is prepared, then the LENR reaction begins.

I understand that Holmlid produces UDH and stores it in the air, When he excites it with light, it increases its activity even if air is present.

Nitrogen interferes with the quantum mechanical processes that produce the UDH. UDH is rugged stuff. After the UDH is created then the presence of nitrogen in the fuel does not matter anymore.

Note that tungsten works quite nicely as a "getter", in addition to being an excellent gamma/x-ray shield. Bob Greenyer says that the Lugano reactor contained a tungsten tube 1 mm thick.

I keep thinking that Rossi is successfully pulling off a "purloined letter" gambit to protect THE critical aspect of his IP.

Doctor Bob
Are you sure Axil? I thought some elements might not reveal themselves in all analysis.

Axil Axil
The testers performed all three types of tests. The stuff that one test missed, the other tests picked up. But you are right, nothing is perfect and only a small part of the ash was tested..

Credentials for Mizuno


This appears to be an extension of Dr. Miley's research into Ni nanoparticles. If chemical combustion can be ruled out (between the nickel as fuel or the deuterium as fuel, together with the O2 in the air) this looks like a successful proof.

1) Is the high voltage AC (RF) or DC?

2) It claims that only 20 cc of standard temp/pressure D2 was consumed. How was this measured. D2 is the only source that could account for the 2.6e8 J output.

This paper is very encouraging. There are a few calculation errors but it appears to possibly corroborate some other experiments by Brillouin and Miley. It may also corroborate whatever Rossi talks about in Quark-X if that is a plasma based device although I can't piece together whatever he is saying from his 1 word answers to Frank's questions — I wait for October.

Agreed. Show me ONE diagram of the Ecat-X, Quark, or whatever it is called. This paper has more detail than anything ever written by Rossi.

Alan DeAngelis
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Sir, Quite a few members here and elsewhere have played and do play with LENR...IMO to manipulate the world around us is our destiny ,its our toy box.
  LENR is just one very obvious and promising path towards a much better Earth .
interesting reading to say the least.
With much Gratitude
Chet K//PS// in our quest we find a companion..pointing the way ... who knocks photons around like cue balls and makes anomalous heat

Whats for yah ne're go bye yah
Thanks Grandma