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Towards A Complete Maxwell's Daemon System

Started by d3x0r, July 30, 2020, 07:07:01 PM

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If you move a permanent magnet past the ring it induces a field in the ring

Next place two opposite poles facing each other
and move the junction past the ring

Do you see what is happening here?
I was fixing a shower-rod, slipped and hit my head on the sink. When i came to, that's when i had the idea for the "Flux Capacitor", Which makes Perpetual Motion possible.


Two magnets want to reduce the effective curvature between their poles.

south->north is a direction... all magnets want to make other magnets orient the dot product of the south to north vector in the same direction.

They, in a sense, reduce the curvature between one magnet and another.

They make the angle always the same, if they are opposing is the worse case scenario, next to equal opposition from both poles at once....   

It's always a twist around a axis between the two nearest axial points of the field... if you have two lines in space, (assuming they're not parallel) have at least one closest point, between them is a right angle to both lines, and that line would be the axis of rotation of the magnets.

beyond that... where currents and electrons are involved...
we have to assume that electrons spin, and that rotating pole of a magnet past them causes them to react... , sending them off spinning in a new direction.

Edit: I prefer to use south to north, not because I'm a 'north hemispherian', but by convention of math, in a right handed system, that direction aligns with existing math.

Magnets can of course align sideways, where their actual poles are 'stable' and low energy even opposed... 1) there is a short gap on both ends in that situation, and is aided by the geometry.  If there is no 'edge' magnets will always continue to align at poles and not on an equator.


I think most are not asking the right questions...

I take a piece of iron placed near to a magnet, I hit it the iron with a hammer to align the electron orbits/domains, remove the magnet and now the iron is a magnet in itself. Now the iron has the ability to produce a permanent field of force external to itself where before it could not. Now the iron can influence things external to itself from a distance for no other reason than something inside it has changed. How does that happen exactly?.

Imagine if we knew little of magnetism and I told you I can hit this apple and for some strange reason from that point on it would attract other apples at a distance through apparently empty space. What would you think?, what kind of reasoning would you use to rationalize the problem?. Now what if I told you a very strong magnet could levitate or act on a anything from a distance with no iron?.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJeqriqRYYE  , Everything Is Magnetic: Moving Water And Levitating Frogs

In fact, everything is magnetic because atoms contain electrons or charged particles and it is the alignment of the electron orbits which act like a one turn coil having motion constituting an electron current which produces a magnetic field. Ergo everything material made of atoms/electrons is inherently magnetic because all magnetism relates to all motion which is Electro-Magnetism.

Now let's wrap it up.
-Can anyone name one thing in the universe not in perpetual motion?... you cannot thus everything is in motion, motion is energy, the universe is energy.

-Can anyone name one thing in the universe not immersed in Electro-Magnetism?... you cannot because the universe contains more than one billion trillion stars that we know of perpetually radiating EM waves everywhere in everything.

-Can anyone give a logical reason why a local electron orbit alignment producing a local magnetic field would not interact with the universal Electro-Magnetic wave field it's immersed in?... you cannot because the laws of Electro-Magnetism are known and proven through decades of experiments.

Thus... the field of force we call "magnetism" must be a mutual interaction between the alignment of electron orbits in something interacting with the universal EM wave field external to it. Anything else always degenerates into some kind of bs hocus pocus in my opinion. One cannot say, Oh look I do this and some magical force acts on something through a distance however there is absolutely nothing in the space between them in which to act. In which case were basically talking unicorns and fairies and that just doesn't cut it with anyone claiming to be intelligent.

That's a real kick in the pants isn't it?, all these years and all I have to do is ask a simple question of almost anyone, what is magnetism fundamentally?, and nobody seems to have a clue. So before we start going on about demons or magnetism, a universal field of force acting through a distance, at the very least we should try to understand what it is were actually trying to talk about.

As well, it was not "Maxwell's Demon" and at best he was a plagiarist, he cherry picked from many others brilliant experimenters work and it was Faraday who first conceived the idea to my knowledge when I read his work predating Maxwell's. However one would have to read a majority of the works of Volta, Faraday, Ampere and Weber to determine where the actual idea came from. It just seems desperate in my opinion, everyone wants to latch on to something and believe without ever questioning it. So no, it was not Maxwell's demon but Faraday's.



I think it was both of them, which is why we name them together in science.
i.e. Maxwell/Faraday theorems, and the Maxwell-Faraday equation (one of 3 of Maxwell's equations)
its clear by the progress he made in the field that he did not merely copy his peers but learned from them and combined the knowledge into an all encompassing theorem.

Much in the same way that Einstein did.
But we dont hear anyone calling Einstein a plagurist....

In any case: Maxwell's 3 equations are the best description of electromagnetism that we have available to us.
I was fixing a shower-rod, slipped and hit my head on the sink. When i came to, that's when i had the idea for the "Flux Capacitor", Which makes Perpetual Motion possible.


https://youtu.be/9EPlyiW-xGI?t=1182 (timestamp some 15 minutes in) regarding induced magnetic fields in highly paramagnetic (ferromagnetic; I do prefer to reserve 'ferromagnetic' for those things which also will retain a field). 

Not 'everything' is magnetic.  Electrostatic fields repel; remember the adage 'likes repel, opposites attract'?  That's more true of electrostatic than magnetism where it's not really about likes and dislikes abut about similarities.

Gravity also has a different characteristic field; a different falloff at a distance than either electrostatic or electromagnetic forces; even though gravity ISN'T a force, the expression of gravity acts like a force... or the projected result of gravity works like a force; and shares the math of a force, but really doesn't have anything to do with the mass of a thing.

Any Thing, with or without mass, that has linear motion, will have its velocity changed to point towards gravity; this again has nothing to do with Mass; as in `F=mV`  (force equals mass times velocity, or inertia) but just acts on the velocity component.  (similarly two equally sized gravitational things will influence each others velocity; typically the experiences we have with gravity are very small things compared with very large things; in a lab, with a torsion scale, can compare two small things, gravity is not entirely negligible in the hand-held scale; although the relative influence between hand-sized and planet-sized is effectively negligible).

Things not immersed in electromagnetism - the spaces between galaxies that are not along the axial vector.  Also no currents, because the currents are constrained within Birkland currents between the galaxies in a circuit, but not just through empty space (the truly empty space between galaxies)... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kp_kqamkYpw (esp 10:56)

2) 'not interact with the universal Electro-Magnetic wave field it's immersed in?'  it would, if there is such a thing; it does already... moving in a magnetic field causes a torsion that makes it spin.

As electons are also spinning, when their forward velocity vector goes through a field, their magnetic field axis is in the same direction as their velocity; the torque caused by entering a magnetic field and wanting to align themselves with that field causes a gyroscopic torque deflecting their motion sideways, instead of in alignment with the field, because they have their own rotational momentum, again around the axis which is in the same direction as their velocity.

'Re 'Maxwell's Daemon' if I do a google search, the common expression leads to the appropriate concept; if you have a better search term that can be applied.... 'Faraday's Demon' first result goes to 'Maxell's Demon'

(Did I share early on that video about being able to make a maxwell's demon based on the idea that the entropy lost is retained in informational knowledge of the demon?)