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Started by lancaIV, December 13, 2020, 08:45:49 AM

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RE: https://overunity.com/15864/friedrich-luling-magnet-motor/msg560439/#new

I am a  poste-" https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pit%C3%A1goras "-fellow

In german,Pitagoras zugeschrieben :     DER KREIS IST HEILIG

                                                          DIE ZAHL   IST HEILIG

                 Heilig,zu dessen Zeit:

juedisch-israelitisch,aegyptisch-koptisch,sumerisch-assyrisch,griechisch-hellenistisch?   Pre-Christi nascimento ! um 570 v. Chr

Zur Kreisdefinition is Pi notwendig,wie nah ersann man,zu Pitagoras Zeiten, Pi (WELTZAHL,transzendenz) : wie weit der DREI ,3 entfernt ?

                                          Streitwagen-Raeder-Konstruktion ? Darius,auf dem Streitwagen ! 331 v. Chr.


Spread of the ancient chariot between 2000 and 500 BC   BC Before Christe               BP Before Pitagoras

                                                         Die Zahl,einjegliche oder eben Pi ,ist heilig ?

Wie wurde zu Pitagoras Zeiten gerechnet,chiffriert ? Seit wann wird mit Zero,Nullstelle,und negativen Zahlen offen gerechnet ?

                              Pitagoras,bezeichnet als "Seelenwanderer",idem ein Jesus Deo Christe !


We have had more than one decade back a forum-cission/  dividing : related language use !

overunity.com and overunity.de (actually in maintenance )

.de = for German/Deutsche Sprache user

but by same target !

Free Energy | searching for free energy and discussing free energy

I am writing here mostly "neutral", in aspect more readers outside( included overunity.de members),confessional/professionals,than much "passive" overunity.com members virtual forum inside !

English/anglo-saxonic/anglo-phonic members/readers can participate in evolutive information progression,without subordination !

                                                ordinal    cardinal (number,letter,position)

     anti-/authoritaeres Deutsch !? the .de member (German(m,f,n) or international member), the

                                        "MIND TO SCRIPT"  translation tool "Deutsch" using !?

.com  :    anti-/authority      (US-american-) English the member the "MIND TO SCRIPT"  translation tool "English" using ?

                                                                     Deutsch or English :

member father-/mother-language or "automatic translator" ( the translation meaning,sin  right/wrong ) (re-)presenting ?

   `                                     The member(m.,f. ,ergo:) its(=n-eutrum) personal mind or "we ......"-mind ?   

                                                          Working humanus is not working hu(-ge)man ,or !?

Deutsch : Umgangssprache(Platt´),Schul-Hochdeutsch(~ Hannoversche Hochdeutsch,Hochsaxonisch)Behoerdensprache,Fachsprache

                                                          point of thinking ,adjusting, justifying

                                             hyperphysics to " hyper physics " and " hyper philosophy "

             steps from    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deontology

             to                https://www.britannica.com/topic/ontology-metaphysics

                                metapsyche https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strukturmodell_der_Psyche

                                        hyper philosophy : " ES " (Prof. Dr.med. ? Sigmund Freud) -stage

                                                     to https://www.metropolitan.de/autor/heinz-ryborz/

                                                                  his UEBER-/OVER-ES


                                                Sprachebene,Gedankenebene Ebene~ Dimension ?

                                                Which meta-dimension here to apply ?

                                                 " Quantentheorie der Ur-Alternativen "


Auch ist die Alternative sicher eine sehr viel fundamentalere Struktur unseres Denkens als das Dreieck.
Aber die exakte Durchführung deines Programms stelle ich mir doch außerordentlich schwierig vor.
Denn sie wird ein Denken von so hoher Abstraktheit erfordern, wie sie bisher, wenigstens in der Physik, nie vorgekommen ist.

Asking the "relatively free thinking" https://www.ostfalia.de/cms/de/pws/turtur/  german/deutscher ,by profession/confession ? "insider" ?

But let us translate this above "german/deutsche" Gespraechs/Discussion-Abschnitt by "automatic translation,average quality = google and
alternatively by an other ,self-claiming : near perfectness :

google translator :

The alternative is certainly a much more fundamental structure of our thinking than the triangle. But I imagine the exact implementation of your program to be extremely difficult. For it will require a way of thinking of such a high degree of abstraction as it has never happened before, at least in physics.

DeepL translator :

Also, the alternative is certainly a much more fundamental structure of our thinking than the triangle. But the exact execution of your program I imagine extraordinarily difficult. Because it will require a thinking of such a high abstractness as it has never occurred so far, at least in physics.

We can also translate "automatic translator" version google with version DeepL vice-versa and compare the original written and meaned positions ! Deutsch-Englisch  English I and English II  Deutsch I and Deutsch II !

          How sense an "automatic translator" and translates the You(Sie,Ihnen,Ihrer,Sich) or you(du,dir,deiner,dich) positioning

                                                                 from one language to the other ?

DeepL + my version :

Also, THE (Ur)-ALTERNATIVE is certainly a much more fundamental structure of our thinking than THE TRIANGLE.
But the exact execution of your PROGRAM I imagine extraordinarily difficult.
Because it will require a thinking of such a high abstractness as it has never occurred so far, at least in physics.

"URe : Ur-Alternativen"-PROGRAMM and THE TRIANGLE (PLATO/-N) are specific terms ! Contexte !


ALTERNATIVE : I/0 https://www.math.uni-sb.de/ag-schreyer/images/PDFs/teaching/ss14_mfi2/MfI123_book.pdf

The human society, actually re-/inventing the NATURAL CYBERWORLD ?

                    Grande,Dom/Don,"Aeltesten" : the Grands (Adel,Edlen,Edilen,Edilidade,Novels/Nobels,Nobilidade)

                         The Grandeza



                                                                        social responsibility


differing res,rem,re ..... declination from re/-rum             spectare fully up to 100% ,if possible



                               less praefix,prae positionare :    istentialismus


                                                             EX-ire  Aus-Gehen AUS-GANG SAIDA

                                                 ~ ambulare /Ambulance,ambulanter Haendler(Hausierer)

                            Entrance/Eingang/Entrada  /      AUSGANG : das Ende  : reliquii ?  Religio/n

                           philosophy to higher/hyper philosophy ,outside only 1 religion,Ideology,Program/m,GEDANKEN-WELT

                                  How many " Quantentheorie der Ur-Alternativen " automatic/synthetic translation possibilities are possible ?

                                              Which is the "magnetism process" mostly near ?

                                                        Each individual its own interpretation ! (?)

matter, material substance that constitutes the observable universe and, together with energy, forms the basis of all objective phenomena.

                            shortly :               material,together with energy, forms the basis of obervable universe

How much from the Hawking-v.Weizsaecker "Mind-Universum" is as https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirac-Sea refindable ?
                                                                                                                   Pseudo-Science :  Moray  Sea ?
                                                                                                                clerical-philosophical: Holy Sea

Dirac Sea or now ' Sea Quark ' ( Quark : search machine and in the britannica/matter descripton)

obsolete theory in physics

Sea Quark,Quark

       How much is PSI-Spectrum,individual ? All humans the same "Rec-/An-/tenna"-bandweith/bandgap having ?


Probably for some surprising,the difference ! In positioning,in Hyperphysics meaning !

Quantitative and Qualitative Meaning(Mind) and Quantitative and Qualitative Translation (tools,Tooling) !

Pithagoras : av2 + bv2 = cv2  (an-/cathete,hypothenuse)

Drei= Tri eck~ Angulus ,Muendung,Delta ∆


My sister had a P.M.-Magazin abonnement in the 80´ with them ! ( (80´ print-magazines archiv ! today on-line e-paper )

Neuro-logics and or FUZZY Logics application !

An Informatic-Program ( arithmetic Zufallsgenerator-Programm ? ) with synthetical (Monitor) DELTAs ,real world "Aves/Voegel,Birds"
representing/simulating : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulated_reality

The Programm-Fathers were surprised ,by DELTA reaction,sensual so real,not programmed

           materia  + energia = EIGEN-Leben (m. ? or f. ? or Darwin ,Galapagos : n-over-bridging m2f or f2m

                                                               LIVING ∆ DELTA-PROGRAMM

Alternative sicher eine sehr viel fundamentalere Struktur unseres Denkens als das Dreieck. Aber die exakte Durchführung deines Programms stelle ich mir doch außerordentlich schwierig vor. Denn sie wird ein Denken von so hoher Abstraktheit erfordern, wie sie bisher, wenigstens in der Physik, nie vorgekommen ist.

Autonomous living/re-/action :The Etihik-Commission question

AI-drive,in front Zebra-Streifen,an O/E-ld and a child ! Carambolage ! Which as barricade ?

Two E-/O-lds on Zebrastreifen ! A.I. : Which barricading ?

A male O/E-ld and female E/Olds A.I. decision  !?

A male/female childs A.I. decision !?

The Delta its ( him?  her ?) Its "small/GREAT" BOSS demands !?

Bio-/Viro-Analytics : kill the winner !? A relationship to find ,philosopical or physically !?

MINDGAP(-Ping) Re-/Search

"kill the winner" "How to become winner "
https://www.weltbild.de/artikel/buch/sieger-werden_24567068-1  ::)

Something to think about :
romani written spoken [ Dr.phil.Bulla : wir wissen es nicht ( genau),die Ausprache ! Latein-Unterrichter ,Kath.Familien Werk ,Gym.,M./BY]
romani + german = spoken  Deutsch ( fixation : bibliografical Institute,Duden-Verlag)
romani + anglo-german = spoken English ( fixation latin Collegiums Cambridge and Oxford )

OCWL(m.  ::) ,A Filou working with Clou)


https://de.euronews.com/2021/08/31/der-letzte-us-soldat-verlasst-afghanistan  Grossmaeuler-Sucht 

                               Fahne nicht auf Halbmast,Kapitulation aufgrund der Reality !

Clearly,against mainstream point of view,: not a capitulation !

Co-ordinated and control(l)ed retreat, as result from US-government and Taliban Quatar-Conference-Contract articles/paragraphs !

US-government representant and contract assigner : an US-american Paschtun(i)!

Als deutscher Denker : Besatzungsgrund ! and https://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/911-usa-saudi-arabien-geheimdokumente-1.5407764

  https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Swayze  and dancing- theme meaning

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3A0jY_eMtwA   Mit den (Wuesten-Soehne,wuesten-Soehnen : f.e. Osama Bin Laden) Tanzbein schwingen !

( :P  hoffe,hat es keiner bemerkt ! Obama und Osama  :-[  ! Wie beschrieben ,omnipotenti,in success (and error-refindings) !

Der Eine mit,der Andere ohne : Friedens-Nobel-Preis,Oslo )

p.s. II :

                  relates to https://www.britannica.com/science/matter

Re: Wesley's Kapanadze and other FE discussion forum
« Reply #3375 on: June 09, 2021, 09:07:45 AM »

                               A-Symmetrie ? FE

Nobelpreis der Chemie                   Nobelpreis der Physik
beginning with page 151 Quantization as Eigenvalue
page 224 related Heitler-London-Verfahren
" ...... in der klassischen Physik gibt es dafuer kein Analogon ...." specific case !
modern : https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valenzbindungstheorie

« Last Edit: June 27, 2021, 04:50:11 PM by stivep »

p.s. III :

             we,as society members ,can be veeeeeeeryyyy tolerant :

                 We are all looking like dumbasses !!  We all,also I included ! :o

          ( I was at first bewondered : what does he mean with dum-basses ? ;D )

                                                                                       dumb from https://www.wortbedeutung.info/tumbe/#:~:text=1)%20abwertend%2C%20veraltet%3A%20t%C3%B6richt,Jahrhundert

                           and "dumm" versus Klug(heit),klug https://translate.google.com/?hl=de&sl=de&tl=en&text=klug&op=translate

                          and the german/deutsch used expression "Klugscheisser"


                                                     "Nothing to be done" = WELTFORMEL ?

          " DIE PHYSIKER "-WELTFORMEL ? https://de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/Die_Physiker?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=nui,elem

           Being "  >:( :( :o ??? :-[ :-X :-\ :-\  "?  cause GO FUCK YOURSELF.YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE AND A PIECE OF SHIT ?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ap69ugjRLFA                          GOD YOU CAN BE AN ASS  !

"Fuck" related ,der schamlose Mittelfinger, (cuidado ! attention ! : ENGAGEMENT-risc ! ;D )

one + one finger =

Und es steht geschrieben: Wir all,als Gottes Kinder,sind GOTTES EBENBILD  8) ;) :)

                                                                                                        IN GOD,the ASS,we trust
                                                                                                        DEVIL,this is GOD its ASS the Hole

                                                                                                        HERZ,KARO,KREUTZ,PIK , also 4 Karten + 1 = 5 Asses ;D ;D ;D

                        in german/deutsch "ein ASS sein " TO BE AN ASS =

                         vorbildliche Person, Mensch mit herausragenden Leistungen (meist in der Schule, im Sport)
                         Exemplary person, person with outstanding achievements (mostly in school, in sports)

                                  to differ ( you are an "ARSCH" )


Denken https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denken

https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dissoziative_Identit%C3%A4tsst%C3%B6rung   der ein-/ausgebildete Kranke/"Kranke"

                                                    Montag-/Freitag-Freimacher per medizinischen Attest

https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laterales_Denken f.e. https://de-m-wikipedia-org.translate.goog/wiki/TRIZ?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=nui,elem

or/and    We do a lot of brainstorming with our talent base of 6,500 experts globally, -Faith Popcorn


  https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Wilhelm_Friedrich_Hegel   and     https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Weishaupt   

                                                                 open illuminati e(x)-/in-ducation         


Not from out-side thinking but from inside position : becoming     


                                                                         and          e  https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logaritmo_natural

                                                                         and          log,lg



                                              from LICHTKEGEL-point E Beobachtung and Dispositionierung/DISPLACEMENT

                                                                           DC,AC,pulsed DC


                          ENVEZ Lda ,Jorge Ferreira :      cosinus Phi = Zero

                         Ohm,resistance,law : before or past DC and AC and pulsed DC definiton ?

                        Ohm in Kirchhoff knodes system

                        STEINMETZ CIRCUIT  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Proteus_Steinmetz

                        Ohm-inverse law,Siemens law     

                        Lenz rule/law

                        Lenz-inverse rule,law,Fleming rule/law

                       https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casimir-Effekt  " Dualität der physikalischen Interpretation "[/font][/size]



                           A hymn,hino ?

                         O Superwoman ?                   

Three Takeaways

A relentless curiosity for the way the world works and the ability to see patterns and things, which comes from an open-mindedness to see what's actually happening instead of what people want you to see.                                                               ******
A deep interest in humanity and the human condition and what motivates people and what moves people.

An unabashed willingness to tell people what you think.

A global society , which uses

  https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Galton  his famous walk ,after self-programming

a kind of Quantumspace-pioneer,he,Sir Francis Galton,nephew from Charles Darwin : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulated_reality                   



Because we have many an-alphabets/il-literates world-wide : neuronal by " neuro-phone " -kind devices/tools/receiver


THINK POSITIVE https://www.amazon.de/Die-Macht-Ihres-Unterbewusstseins-Original/dp/3424201669 (not by Covid or AIDS ! ::) )


                                              We do a lot of brainstorming with our talent base of 6,500 experts globally                         

                                             overunity.com :

                                             Members    Total Members: 84196 ,September 23,2021 (pC) ( alive and active,passive,dropped away,death)                             
                                                                some here were/are in multiple " user "pseudo/-nym/name " to find

                                              We do a lot of brainstorming with our talent base of "84196" experts globally ?
                                             With "84196" experts their postes,archived !? Re-view,for September 23,2021 (pC) change potential pre-view ?

                                              With "84196" experts,
                                              partial being also member in other FE-research foren (energeticf....,overunityresearch,..... )

                                             When I have specific interests in Science questions and research status quo I can enter ,
                                             german language based, :
                                             https://www.helmholtz.de/erde-und-umwelt/wieviel-koennen-die-meere-noch-schlucken/                                             https://www.fraunhofer.de/                                             https://www.mpg.de/institute                                             https://www.stifterverband.org/

        6500 Faith Popcorn-round experts + 65000+ Deutsche Wissenschaft-und Forschungs-Gemeinschaft und Transfer experts +
        European EUREKA-Program member,


        Nobel-Prize winner and the other nominees their work


Here in the forum is a member ,stating : So, yeah, I know how you feel...  (!)
Nothing ,in portuguese,luso-galego : NADA
I studied the dtv-Atlas der Physik,2 books ! https://www.eurobuch.com/buch/nr/73e0ec43a411877a4ea97d87b14e594c.html
I did my conclusion ! (like each other these 2 books researcher can do it !)

In Germany !
Then I revent to Portugal !

I searched for "idea" concept exploration !
Theretimes,in Oporto/Portugal,each electrician by ask,as final solution adviced me to go to Campos&Cardoso,ex-gerente Jorge Ferreira,ex because this company (some decades before transformator in mass producer) closed !
A company with employees whose accompanied the technological change from vaccum tubes to transistor devices and electric to electronics ! A company, in their kind, in Portugal anymore to find !

If this member has time then he/she/it could studdy this scientifical broad oeuvre :

Magnet motor ? Compressed Air Engine ? ......

Campos&Cardoso,Lda( for Limited) and Enerciencia,Lda.  and Dr.oec.Santos,Revisor



The reader reads ENVEZ,Lda. !
Entering the portuguese INPI data-source : this application was applied - at first- by EMFORCA,Lda. !

Socius in the EMFORCA,Lda. the Eng. Tiago Coelho !
contract specific Socius in the Enerciencia,Lda. sociedade/entity : Enf. Tiago Coelho !contract specific Socius in the Enerciencia,Lda. : I

He,Eng. and I,we have had( by contractual time limitation : up to our death day ) an especial commercial "X-TRON" relationship :
a kind of vice-versa procura !
Officially,assigned and notified by a lawyer in Lisbon/POR ! Each page from each socius assigned !

The Eng. and Jorge Ferreira(not being socius from Enerciencia,he did not want to be contractual involved),we visited Dr. Imris and got the demonstration,as expected !
This demonstration was also the begin from a contractual partnership between me and Dr.Imris !
He should explore the contract object,he in conjunction with Dipl.-Eng Guenther Iwanek ,in co-operation with a SGVR,S.A.!

The german project failed,also cause german electricians(with master degree) could not translate the "Mind to Device" step in wished/payed quality !

We here had physical and motivation-strength based  success !
Granted,cause functional,electric motor !"Practical situation without known theoretical justification." not a "no grant"-barrier !

Only cause You,member,do not read my name,this does not mean that from my side there were not changes initiated !
Here,in Portugal,or in Germany !

1989/1990      Munich-Lei´b´zisch(Leibzig),by car,5 passengers,beside A.G. also I  !
In Leipzig,how beginning ? For what ? Economy-/savings&loans-consultance ! I,logical action, Leipzig-Hauptbahnhof,Zeitung,Suchinserate ! Suchen-Finden (kennen-/schaetzen-lernen)
I write so much that readers understand that this what we/ they think or see is often the begin/result from actio/reaction,by un-/visible forces behind,by un-/written laws and orders !

And :

all the internet is under controle ,I assume,by north-/west-/south-/east international NSA-kind institutions or Central-Intelligence-Agency or for commercial interests Cambridge Analytica-like !

Pro-/Anti-Constitutional work can be included,by solely collaborators (ultras or corrupted people  !

October 25, 2008  the last topic poste https://overunity.com/2717/baby-lebt/150/
the show went on !
2013/2014/2015 Process in tribunal,Gondomar/PT : ENVEZ,Lda,as director Dr.Santos against ex-ENVEZ-socio Jorge Ferreira

I participated as ENVEZ,Lda. testemonial and my plaedoyer result was that the judge was incompetent to condemn ENVEZ or Jorge Ferreira !
both sides had : me, the Enerciencia and SGVR cheated

Aber,es bestehen noch offene Rechnungen !

"We have had,Eng.T. Coelho and I,to correct : we have !"

X-Tron- contract valid,em forcza,   Enerciencia,Emvez,Emforca,MyLife (all Lda. ,SGVR 1x S.A.,existence/exodus independent !