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The Social Dilemma

Started by onepower, October 04, 2020, 05:42:49 PM

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The ratifications were exchanged on May 12, 1784.

First day of independence from the ex-british New England colonies

Article 5: The United States Congress will "strongly propose" to the state legislatures to assist British citizens who were legal owners of confiscated land with the restitution of all land, rights and possessions (never fulfilled)


The area of ​​the former Louisiana colony , which was west of the Mississippi River, was sold. This area is much larger than today's state of Louisiana : In addition to parts of today's Louisiana, it also includes the states of Arkansas , Missouri , Iowa , Oklahoma , Kansas and Nebraska as well as parts of Minnesota , North Dakota , South Dakota , Texas, New Mexico , Colorado , Wyoming , Montana, plus the outskirts of the Canadian provinces of Manitoba , Saskatchewan and Alberta .

Jefferson disliked this idea because buying Louisiana from France would mean France would have a right to be in Louisiana.

Opposition in the US

In the US, the federalists were strictly against buying the territory. They were in favor of close ties with Britain rather than Napoleon. In their opinion, the purchase was not constitutional and the US would have paid a lot of money just to declare war on Spain .

How much from this territory was in official spanisch crown ownership ?

Hehlerei/stealing by the french like by the actual Krim-problem Ucraine/Russia cause 1954 "donation"

Ukrainian People's Republic
In March 1917, the Zentralna Rada (Central Soviet, Central Council) was formed as a decision-making body in the Ukrainian part of the Russian Empire. From April she took on legislative and administrative functions.

On November 7 (20) it proclaimed the autonomous Ukrainian People's Republic in the federal new Soviet Russia. In the subsequent elections, the Bolsheviks received 25% and the other parties 75% of the vote. On January 18, 1918, the Central Rada declared the state independence of the Ukrainian People's Republic.

The Ukraine was never before independent,free from Russia ! Not during Czarism ,not during USSR era !


  Seite/Page  23                            Befoerderung  ;D  vom Oberstleutnant zum Hauptmann
                                                   Promotion from lieutenant colonel to captain

                                                                                  Oberleutnant ?  :D

                       Klasse : hiermit befoerdern wir jeden Generalmajor zum Oberstabsfeldwebel  ::) 

                                               Bissl degradierend erscheinend ! Aber konform ! ;D


Marx zu Lenin zu Galbraith : https://www.amazon.de/moderne-Industriegesellschaft-John-Kenneth-Galbraith/dp/B0000BR3Y9

Laender/Territorien : wie unwichtig !

Humane Koerper : wie laestig !

                                                  digitalen/neuronalen Imperialism  : sublim (in-)doktrinieren


Marx - Lenin - Galbraith (- v.Weizsaecker)

From observing time series of economic indicators over 140 years (such as prices, interest rates, wages, securities prices and foreign trade flows in England, France and the USA), Kondratiev concluded in 1926 that the economic development of the industrialized countries was in about fifty to sixty years of long waves of ups and downs. Groundbreaking "basic innovations" (e.g. the invention of the steam engine, the automobile or widespread use of the railway network or electricity) would turn an economic downturn into a recovery that would lead to a renewed upswing. The Kondratiev cycles are therefore measured against the basic innovation that spreads over decades in the real market.

Capitalism is therefore not - according to the Marxist doctrine - doomed to final ruin, but would recover again in a renewed upswing phase of such a cycle.

Kontradjef studied also Marx his scientifical-economical works .





Kondratiev concluded in 1926  : the statistical numbers since 1926-2021 has to been corrected

cause : 1. the end from currency/gold- ratio standart since 1944,Bretton Woods conference

           2. the non-restricitive use from given credit-limits,as demanded by laws

           effect :

           3.  "worth uncovered ´money´ creates worth uncovered ´money´ numbers"  statistics correction,  2021 material-covered worth

           solution :

           international currencies comparison by weight :

           1 physical gram Euro is more/less 1 physical gram US/Sinapore/AUS /.... $ worth               by same material comparison

           balance-value = book-value

           application from OECD/B.I.Z. economy standart " progressive amortization quotes" for all creditable goods :

                                                building sector :

                                       capital consumptive private sector

                                                first   4 years    7%      ea.
                                                next  6 years    5%      ea.
                                                next  6 years    2%      ea.
                                                next 24 years   1,25%  ea.

                                               in     40 years   100% ,but during first 16 years 70% amortization cause common economy worth lost

                                               commercial buildings

                                               during ten years 10% each

            the official book-value is for the banking/finance sector the legal credit max. worth-definition base

           no digital/crypto currencies ever worth-covered,only obligation/debit/bond -function : no creditable



Schumpeter concluded the Kontradjef waves theorem in his work.

" .....  Other outstanding students of Schumpeter's include the economists Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen and Hyman Minsky and John Kenneth Galbraith and former chairman of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan.[60] Future Nobel Laureate Robert Solow was his student at Harvard, and he expanded on Schumpeter's theory.[61] 

...... "

Also included Hayek/Keynes dispute about "  deficit spending"
( before 1944 = with fixed gold price standart /past 1944  without saved worth standart)



Worked " futuristic visions" out

Probably tools for "futuric ultra-learning"

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Flanagan neurophone
http://www.genilax.com/en/  Theta waves


Latin :  gens  to gen-o-zid

Latin : mens to men-o-zid

2/3rd less service by humans G7( estate administration and private economy)
1/2    less worker in industry

The lockdown-situation with poor traffic and less consumer in the cities we have as "future society vision" since more than ten years called

                                                             4.th technical (human/-oid) evolution

2007/2008 there had been a chance for change,but the politicians decided wrong,so we will enter "cold society war" situation !

                                                  common mobbing politics in parliaments and at home

                the official book-value is for the banking/finance sector the legal credit max. worth-definition base

               All finance entities which worked against social law limits :

               4th technical evolution publicated  preview : banc-o-zid : 90% less ! Morbid sector !

                                     totally 1,5 billions earth human habitants limitation is a good social "green" target

                                     Reduction from actually 8 billions : peacefully,by "ethical and green " mobbing

Actually : JP Morgan and the 12 Superleague teams

              https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insolvenzquote bancruptcy rate
              Amount of the quota in Germany
In an investigation of over 15,000 insolvency proceedings in North Rhine-Westphalia, which were completed by the end of 2008, it was found that in two thirds of the proceedings the distributable amount was so low that the creditors received nothing after deducting the costs. The rate for the other proceedings was 5.4%. [1]

The Federal Statistical Office reports an average rate of 6.1% for corporate insolvencies that ended in 2018, the proceedings of which were opened seven years earlier - in 2011 [2].

              What is an over-debted sports association in liquidation units worth ?


              Apparently, the creditors would only benefit minimally from the dissolution of Spielbetriebs-GmbH. Kruth calculates that only around           
                                   0.8 percent of the claims could be satisfied.

              When the (Ex-) Super League associations will declare bancruptcy - financial fair play rules ! - we will know their liquid worth !

                                                liquidations and "real market worth " insider-view spending

                                                                   real imperialsm in action


https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/TSLA/tesla/price-book    which value if insolvency :

Tesla Price/Book Ratio Historical Data 

Date                        Stock Price                            Book Value per Share                          Price to Book Rate
2020-12-31                $705.67                                      $24.04                                               $29.36

during insolvency quote calculation the book-value the base : 24.04 US$ x an average rate of 6.1% for corporate insolvencies

                                                                                   =      1,47 US$

                                $705,57                          divided           1,47 US$   =        junky and  funny  lever factor   480

                                               480 uncovered " share market dollars" = 1 liquid federal US Dollar

The Brandenburger Gigafactory financed by Ex-Fiat/Chrysler now Stellants and the actual Tesla book-wins only by estatal subsidiaries,

                                                                        MEHR SCHEIN ALS SEIN



What was the problem with Lehman Bros. "bonds-packages" ?

prime rate quote           x 60% x  60 % !

sub-prime rate quote !  x 60%  x 20 % !

junk rate !       

When somebody buys with credit who owns -by law- the credit-object ? Difference between object-holder/user and -owner !


Estatal junk (bonds) finance ! 2021 !

Germany : The town-estate becomes legal "Besitzer",not legal "Eigentuemer" ! Sicherheitsvorbehalt als Glaeubigerschutz  !

Written law difference example : each tenant is ever "Besitzer/possessor" from his habitation ,but not "Eigentuemer/owner" !

Each house-/home-holder - by credit financed -is ever only house-/home-possessor,never house-/home-owner !

After the E.C.U.-crash thanks Mr.Soros and the Lehman Bros. collaps the housing sector market prices decreased 90% to real market values !


4 200 000  ?

3 000 000 "Kaufwert" ,als "Barpreis"-Erfahrung ?
2 400 000 Kreditbemessungsgrundlage,Gebrauchtobjekt : 60%
1 920 000 Kreditbeleihungswert aus 2. Rang 20% der Bemessung= 480 000,1. Rang 60% der Bemessung = 1 440 000

Glaeubigerschutz,dementsprechend Risiko-Diskontierungen, und Amtsgericht-Liquidationen :

1.Termin bis 70%,2. Termin bis 50%,3.Termin bis 30%,nach gesetztem Zeitpunkt zu jedem Preis

Wenn der "Kaufwert" um 30% faellt = 1.Termin -Limit  : 2 100 000    leichte  2.Rang-Glaeubiger-Verluste
                                     50%         = 2.Termin -Limit  : 1 500 000    fast      2.Rang-Glaeubiger Totalverlust
                                     70%         = 3.Termin -Limit  :    900 000    2.Rang-Glaeubiger Totalverlust,1.Rang-Glaeubiger Verluste

dazu als Angebot/Nachfrage Marktsituations- und Objektwerterfassung :

30% Preisverfall entspricht  10% physischem Ueberfluess
50%                                  15%
70%                                  18%

Physisch ,         bei 45qm pro Kopf Ausstattung und falscher Konsum-Finanzierung : min. 25% Ueberfluss

66,5qm/4 capita=  16,7qm soziale pro Kopf Ausstattung ,erfasst als CIAM Kongress -Ergebnis



revidierte Fassung :

In den ersten Jahrzehnten des 21. Jahrhunderts waren in den meisten großen Städten die Lebensbedingungen für die Menschen zunehmend unerträglich geworden. Infolge der Poebelverdummung stieg die Verschmutzung der Umwelt, die Arbeitsbedingungen waren ertraeglich, die Löhne angemessen, in den engen, meist mittelalterlichen Stadtkernen herrschte eine quälende Überbevölkerung und breite Bevölkerungsschichten leben unter menschlich art-gerechten Bedingungen.

            Wieviel Verluste will dieses "Ehepaar"  wohl verdienen ? Eine Person im Staatsamt und solch ein a-soziales Gebaren !                                 

                                                  Sparkassen waren auch mal serioeser und "muendel-sicherer" !

Scheinbar in Baelde ein deutscher "Savings&Loans"-Gruppe-Finanzkollaps in Aussicht,wenn dieses obige Beispiel heutige Norm darstellt !

www.immopool.de  : vielleicht fuer Interessenten bald Berlin-Villen zum Schnaeppchenpreis oder Zwangsversteigerungen,s.a. ARGETRA

                               Oder aus Sparkassen-Konkurs/Liquidationen


Africa ,

but also in the USA   https://whyhunger.org/just-the-facts/ and https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/dec/24/hunger-surges-as-americans-reel-from-pandemics-effects

At least 35 million people faced hunger in the US before Covid-19. That figure includes more than 10 million children, according to Feeding America. But in 2020, more than 50 million might struggle with hunger. Among them: 17 million children.

and world-wide   https://www.actionagainsthunger.org/world-hunger-facts-statistics


Quote from: onepower on October 08, 2020, 11:41:36 AM

Don't be afraid, democracy and the rule of law will always prevail because it's in our collective interests to ensure it does. Communism and dictatorships always fail because power and greed corrupts, corruption will not be tolerated thus it always comes full circle cyclically.

You say that to the Chinese people.