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Canadian trucker rally

Started by onepower, January 28, 2022, 12:25:29 PM

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Quote from: onepower on January 29, 2022, 11:55:38 PM
Hey, I'm not the one who implied there mind cannot be changed regardless of any facts that's on you. As I said, I change my mind any number of times a day based on the facts I know at the time.

You're taking my words out of context.  I was implying these fruitless debates will not change my mind, nor Floors.  IE..  If one thinks Joe Rogan is an idiot, if MSM is slanted, etc..  This whole topic was about mandating experimental vaccines on the people supported by people like Bill Gates who are on record preaching population control.

If someone posts irrefutable science facts, then there is no choice but to accept the view in opposition to those facts is wrong.  Hell, I'm first to admit (as I did in a previous thread) I am wrong more often than I am right.

Bro, I believe all sentient life is sacred and I walk the walk also.  I haven't eaten a morsel of meat in over a decade, touched milk, eggs, or even honey.  It's not within my right to cause misery pain or death to another sentient creature for my own pleasure.  Hell, I haven't even purposefully killed a bug in a decade.

The golden rule is and have always been-  Treat others as you wish to be treaded and ALL The Creatures of God.

If you share knowledge=  Kool!  If you don't share because you feel your views are better= Kool!  You do you man..  And I will do me..

There's 2 aspects to free energy as I see it.  1 as I see it is environmental, the other is to free the people..  Developing a free energy method that only a huge corporation can do may help the environment, but the people still receive a monthly bill and are slaves to the elite..  But if someone invented a machine the average handyman could build for a few hundred dollars and releases it to the public domain before they can be taken down- Then that person changed the paradigm..


Quote from: onepower on January 29, 2022, 01:09:49 AM
Let's be clear that the truckers are not being forced to get vaccinated. They just can't drive a big truck and not be vaccinated and must also have a physical, license, insurance, log book, obey the laws and wear a seat belt. So this Nuremberg code nonsense doesn't apply, where do you get all this stuff Jim?. 

My question still stands, so you get what you want and we remove all Covid restrictions and anyone can do whatever they want...then what?.

The hospitals get overwhelmed and millions more could die not including deaths due to all the emergencies and cancelled surgeries. Fair enough, but what about the next pandemic and the one after that?. Living in a make believe world just pretending our problems don't exist doesn't seem like a rational way of solving problems. Seems a little bat shit crazy in my opinion...

if you can't understand the difference between coercion and consent I'm not going to waste my time. You seem to be trolling for a fight again. Why you support fascism is your business. I don't and this is not the place to discuss your abhorrent views. Go and get a brown shirt and join Trudeau.


It is coercion when people go on strike.  Yet in this country, people accept
that this is a legal form of coercion, and I think we should so agree.

If a workers strike is damaging enough to the general welfare, a court of law
has the power to order the workers to return to work.  It is pretty rare for a court
to do so.

The threat of jail is in its self a coercion and also a legal one.

Reckless driving or driving while under the influence of alcohol, neither is harmful in
and of its self.  Yet both are illegal and there exists for either, the coercive threat of
criminal prosecution. 

A person's       denial         of the risk they are causing to others does not entitle
them to do what ever the hell they want.

What are people thinking ?  If enough of us agree that something is true or untrue, that
this will make it so ?

For a government or a business to rule or decide that truckers can't drive without vaccination
is not coercion. 

If there were some other course rather than vaccination that will insure that risks are mitigated
cool.  Problem is these false hoods

1. covid is just another bug, and basically harmless      false

2. covid was planted on us in order to implement a
totalitarian agenda.                                                         false

3. the covid statistics are being manipulated.                 false

4. masks are useless.                                                       false

5. masks make things even worse.                                  false

6. it is a violation of a persons rights to mandate
that they wear a mask in certain conditions.                   false

7. people in the U.S. are mandated to get
vaccinated.                                                                       false

8. the vaccination puts a microchip into your arm.         false

9. vaccination will make you impotent.                           false

10. covid can be cured by taking horse antibiotics.         false

At what point is it an individuals responsibility to fact check this
kind of b' ' ' s' ' ' ' before they spread it.

At what point does spreading it become criminal ?

Anybody want  add to this covid B.S. list ?



"A person's denial  of the risk they are causing to others does not entitle
them to do what ever the hell they want." ​

With your logic in this situation, force medicating under threat to lose your income is "OK" because we may be putting others at risk.  When the vaccines themselves carry risks. 

CDC stated only 6% of all corona deaths listed covid as the only condition, where 94% of deaths has more conditions listed. So in your stance, a healthy person must assume the risk of experimental forced vaccinations to prevent others from possibly facing risk.

And the vaccine makers + everyone else are given legal immunity. 

As I see it, this matches the definition of Tyranny..  Giving corrupt government officials the power to dictate what goes into my veins..  This will end badly..

Where there is "risk", there must be choice..  The government has no right to force people to assume risk with no avenue of legal recourse.


2. covid was planted on us in order to implement a
totalitarian agenda.                                                         

Probably True-  It's been discovered gain of function on bats with coronavirus was funded in Wuhan Lab before Covid hit the world stage.

3. the covid statistics are being manipulated.                 TURE

Elon Must took 3 covid tests in 1 day.  2 negative, 1 Positive.  It's been admitted that anyone who tested positive who died was listed as a "Covid Death" if they tested positive.  And it's no secret there is a rash of false positives.  A guy who died on a motorcycle hitting a tree was a "Covid death"

7. people in the U.S. are mandated to get
vaccinated.                                                                       Almost true- but the Supreme Court struck it down. And I can show video after video proving our President wanting "More Mandates".  He was all for "MANDATING...

10. covid can be cured by taking horse antibiotics.         True-  Except it's not Horse Antibotics. It's Ivermectin, used as a horse dewormer.  And yes- countries who started using this method all but killed covid right off according to the reports I read.

You sound like one of those bogus fact-checking websites...  When many of your "Facts" are highly debatable.