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Is this the beginning of the end?

Started by onepower, January 13, 2023, 02:22:57 AM

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Rising waters do not crest till they reach their peak.

AC sine wave does not reverse till highest amplitude is reached.

Alcoholic does not recover till they reach rock bottom.

Ball does not bounce and change direction till it reaches the floor.

Humans will not change egotistical destructive nature until total destruction is inevitable.

Just the way it is..  Preventive measure is wishful thinking..

Will it all end?  Donno...  But I am certain we will find out when we reach the edge of the cliff.  And reaching the edge is certain.


Quote from: floodrod on March 11, 2023, 02:02:57 PM
...  But I am certain we will find out when we reach the edge of the cliff.  And reaching the edge is certain.

No truer words were ever said.

See you at the finish line...   


Quote from: onepower on March 09, 2023, 01:19:00 PM
I watched this brilliant documentary last night which explains many things...

In essence, the left brain/right handed thinkers tend to be materialists/realists who only tend to think about short term concepts or beliefs which serve there own interests. They have little understanding of the future or the consequences of there actions and are only concerned with the present. For example, how much money they can make to buy more stuff to impress other people to gain status and power. This psychotic behavior has become epidemic globally because of social media, populism and other factors.

We also see this effect as the rise of populism in Russia, China, the U.S., Brazil and many other countries. Populism basically dictating that we should only serve our own interests using a dog eat dog mentality and to hell with everyone else. As the populist theme goes, we should be loyal to our own group and treat everyone else as the enemy.

We could think of it this way, if we all want to think like populist/materialists always trying to take as much as we can for ourselves there can only be one logical outcome. There's always someone smarter thus they will always gain more wealth and power faster until there are only a few who own and control everything. Logically, if one person or group wants everything it can only result in a one world order or world war 3.

In effect it's just a fancy way of explaining what we already know, power, greed and materialism are ultimately suicidal in a global sense.

I agree that consumerism fuelled by corporate/govt (same/same) greed  and materialism is the source of most ills in the world. I think we need to look to more local solutions. Support your local independent producers. Be it agricultural or industrial. Labels like populism don't mean much to me. I don't pretend to try and understand them. I know there are interests that will always seek to divide the masses. Left vs right is just a puppet show from the same puppeteer. I've been lucky to have travelled to many countries on our beautiful planet and shared meals with families in their homes. Communist, Capitalist & Dictators systems don't change want people want for their families. From those experiences I know fundamentally we all share the same hopes and dreams. Good health and a secure future for our families. It starts with us at a local level. Say hello to your neighbour. :)


Chi continua a cancellare i miei post ?!  >:(
È tre volte più difficile per me scriverle che per chiunque di voi.
I am so proud,that I have alot of them.
Злые вы какие то...


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rf78rEAJvhY This link is for the video The Dimming.

Global warming is a scam and a scare tactic from the power elites to instill fear that the end is near. The earth is in a natural warming cycle and has been proven many, many times yet the sick SOB's in charge have their own controlling agenda. Simple time and research can prove this yourself unless you are just to lazy to know the truth. All new green deals are just power grabs when you dissect the packages presented with the money burden placed on the taxpayers. A recent study of the Artic revealed that the wild life there is actually thriving imagine that.

Granted the oceans of plastic waste from third world countries and the continuous dumping of man made poisons from Corporate factories, large ships, oil tanker mishaps and such are definitely not helping. The funny part about it is plants need Co2 and exhale oxygen which we need to breath. The co2 levels are so low right now the plants are starving yet this is their premise to push global warming scam. The video link above is the real reason our climate is taking a nose dive.

The exhaust from out gasoline cars are poisoning the air we breath as in 1933 Pogue carburetor achieved 100 miles per gallon yet was highly suppressed. Prohibition was all about greed from standard oil corporation not about alcohol ever. Pogue's last carburetor achieved over 250 miles per gallon (Owned by Don Garlits) yet again it was suppressed as usual. Most people do not know that gasoline is water clear with no useless additives and that fact that butyl rubber is incorporated into gasoline to foul up high millage vaporizing carburetors. The money whores can care less about the environment stopping at nothing to keep their cash flow from your pocket to theirs.

As for the bible, well man is a liar and we have been manipulated for 6,000 years since the Annunaki created us by the power elite. There very well may be a God but her certainly did not create us. The bible was redacted between the 650 to 900 ad taking out sky people and Annunaki then replaced with Yahweh and Jehovah. Even renowned scholars around the world have stated this as a fact. These stories in the bible were other stories passed down from generation then eventually were adapted to the present form. so in essence the bible is a complete lie being used as a form of control.
A very smart religious person once said " We don't need to be born again because born again mean were are ignorant. What we need to do is grow up and realize what's going on" Hello!

Life began at Adam's calendar for humans and it is the people behind the pope and the entire Christian community that choses to ignore over 200,000 clay tablets that predate the bible by many a thousand years. These tablets were shown to have a written chronological history of man's beginning and that he was taught language, knowledge of the universe. The entire land mass of Afirica was a generation facility and all the structure were made to vibrate creating massive power just from the magnetic fields emanating from the earth. Michael Tellinger nailed it spot on yet the religious fanatic scoff at him as well as the power elite that want nothing better to cover up the whole ordeal If we are to survive we need to adopt the Ubuntu way of life.

You can believe what you want to believe, I just happen to believe what the real sign tell us. We are being manipulated into destruction by the power elite that think because their descendance were from the Annunaki and they are the true rulers of this world deciding on the fate of man. I would have no problem putting a nice round hole on their foreheads, every last one of them. ;D

Most people in this world are surface dwellers, they take everything they see as face value taking the easy way out instead of getting off their buts and doing some real research. This will be the demise of the human race sitting back being Sheeple

PS. If you think that covid really existed then I have a pop up booklet for you to read lol! It was created in a lab and the shot is the disease creating the protein spike in the body thus transferring it to the unvaxxed. The whole covid scene was planned for 20 years just do the research and see who patent what 20 years ago and months before the so called outbreak. The CGG codon was never in a human virus until China lab synthesized it, which by the way they were contracted to do so by Facci at the tune of 8 million tax payers dollars.