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My little stupid project - a synergy based generator

Started by fxeconomist, October 26, 2023, 12:49:03 PM

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Hi there guys,

Last year I tried my hand at magnetics and failed, I said I have to get into electricity and overunity as literally saw no other way to get free energy. And I considered that free energy is THE sine qua non key to keeping our freedoms in the future ; we can accept to eat less and worse, but we will never accept a life without energy.

I started in my January vacation with Patrick Kelly's channel and gradually started to understand the principles in generating free energy.

Then one day I stumbled upon Dr Peter Lindemann's lecture about cold energy. While this was beyond my understanding (I don't understand what is past the point of generating voltage arcs), the lecture ended with some minutes about aether. And Lindemann gave this definition, from occultist Rudolf Steiner - that electricity is an unnatural combination of the light aether with the warmth aether - and he explained the nature of the two aethers, that the light aether is about voltage, capacitance and dielectric forces in nature, while the warmth aether is about resistance, amperage and the magnetic forces in nature.

And this information was for me a key, I started to believe that somehow, voltage and amperage come from parallel dimensions, that they are not just the result on paper of what you get when you divide power to one of them.

And I thought that, well, there is no way to combine voltage with amperage coming from established sources of power, but perhaps a synergy is possible if they are induced at the same time in the same conductor.

On the voltage side we have coils - producing high voltage flyback ; we have capacitors - remaking current inside in their dielectric induction area between the plates ; we have Wimhurst machines using electrostatic induction.

But on the amperage side the only thing I knew was the homopolar (unipolar) generator : the Faraday disk.

So I started building my own: wood planks and bed legs, a 24V high RPM motor (10000RPM unloaded at 12V, 20000RPM unloaded at 24V), and two 12 cm pot magnets.

I went to a local engineering firm, I got the pots welded to collars, finally I got it done.

The results were surprising. I didn't read too much on the surface of the pots, but on the inner side of the pots, between the magnets and the pot margin, I started to see the amperage. i bought an 100A Henschen analog ammeter and to my surprise, I started to read high amps, much higher than expected. I was dreaming to get 20A at most, and I got 50A, 80A, and at some point, when I pushed the brush a lot between the pot and the margin, the needle went past 100A!

When I connected the multimeter, I felt Papa Lorentz coming. Although I read this is a Lorentz-less generator, I felt it coming. Wasn't too much, but it felt that there was a draw. Voltage was tiny, 60mV, but the Lorentz did upset me.

After that I had health issues - I had my right hand offline for two months - computer issues, strong colds, everything imaginable.

After months of learning about capacitors I decided to return to the coil idea, and I made a toroidal coil wrapped around a magnet, which I magnetically attached to one of the pot magnets. This came within a cut piece of steel tube as a brush track.

But it didn't work, and this is where the project stopped. It is a bit wobbly and the magnetic attraction force simply can't beat the centrifugal force. It violently shakes the generator and it's thrown off the shaft in two seconds.

Current phase - will be getting some new parts, will visit the engineers again to get an almost solid steel core welded.

I felt a bit dismayed by the arrival of Lorentz and the existence of homopolar motors. I've seen people on YouTube making homopolar toys : wrap a coil around a battery, put a magnet pill on an end, and voila, they turn only due to Lorentz : no need of magnetic fields activations and deactivations like in DC or AC motors. It just spins by itself.

This meant with the use of a solenoid, wrapped on the direction of the generator axis, Lorentz would come and start breaking on the generator.

But I didn't go for a solenoid - I didn't even know how to build one - I went for a toroid.

Out of curiosity, I asked ChatGPT myself about the direction of Lorentz forces on a toroidal coil. The first answer was something from physics manuals. Then asked it again, in more layman terms, if it would try to spin the coil. And to my absolute astonishment, ChatGPT said that no, Lorentz will not try to spin the coil, but rather, it would try to compress or expand the coil.

This was an Eureka moment. Did I discover the secret of toroidal coils ? Cause as long as Lorentz will just push to compress or expand the metal core, there will be no counter to rotation. Yes, I am a bit afraid of Lorentz in the expansion phase - will it try to break the wires ? Maybe.

So how would it work ?

It is based on pulsing voltage into the coil, while the coil is spinning along with the magnet. My first objective after the coil is inserted in the generator, is to re-establish the unipolar induction results coming from the coil area : a similarly high amperage and a low voltage, just as before.

In the current setting, unipolar induction creates the plus on the axis and the minus on the rim. I have to get almost the same results from the coil, while it spins, regardless if the phenomena happens inside the coil or at its connected margins - the axis and the brush.

Then I would pulse current with a PWM inside the coil, in an opposite direction (minus to the axis, plus to the rim). Yes, limited amperage will be an issue, for this reason I presume the coil will not charge as expected and the flyback will probably be not too much. But I still expect more than a few volts.

The goal is to have an altered current curve during the flyback. The current is usually almost zero when flyback is intense (first microsecond), but people use stationary coils. And even the unipolar generator, generates nothing when it's not rotating, despite of the presence of the magnets.

I presume that at the end of the pulse, when flyback comes, polarity will switch in the coil to preserve current direction, and it will generate plus at the axis and minus at the rim, just, and the same time with the high amperage unipolar induction. I want to see at least some amps joining the high voltage party.



The  unfortunate is that  there is no revelation at all.
880Hz square wave  means  880 times ON/ OFF  per second.
The load is  unspecified LED. And  it can run at watch battery  too.( if the voltage is right)
The current consumed by  the load is  unspecified by the  experimenter.
The current claimed on the video is not  visible on the  ammeter nor  on the oscilloscope
and is not  specifically assigned as the current drown from the power supply "called generator"
Additional effect of  increasing the voltage is that current  drown is getting smaller
so the power consumed  reminds the same.
Especially when we deal with impulses "when LED doesn't  have enough  of time to blow yet"
100Vx 0.01A=1W
The three capacitors  loads up and   discharge 880time  per second.
That gives you  time delay unnoticeable by  an eye.
We can compare it to  motion picture  where series of slides( frames)   \
moves more than 24 frames/s giving you illusion of  smooth movie.
from that point  it doesn't matter  if it is 24 frames/s or 880 frames/s
Your  eye can't see the difference.
The same applies to the  LED light from the load.
As far as the  leading  edge and falling edge  of the  square impulse-
it is AC not DC and we do  not know if it  has "overshooting" -as signal is not shown
on the oscilloscope and  generator model is not given.

Physics 2nd law doesn't allow to get more output than input  accept  few paradoxes mostly  theoretical.
In this application, it is not important if  coil shape is "vortex" or  cylindrical etc.

It is good  training for  starters to  know what is  transistor , coil and power supply.
But  I assume  experimenter needs a lot of knowledge to be collected yet.


Quote from: fxeconomist on October 26, 2023, 12:49:03 PM
Hi there guys,
But on the amperage side the only thing I knew was the homopolar (unipolar) generator : the Faraday disk.

So I started building my own: wood planks and bed legs, a 24V high RPM motor (10000RPM unloaded at 12V, 20000RPM unloaded at 24V), and two 12 cm pot magnets.

Hi fx,
A diagram would be helpful for your homopolar device. Off hand, "pot magnets" indicate a non optimum direction of magnetization.


Quote from: bistander on October 26, 2023, 04:04:39 PM
Hi fx,
A diagram would be helpful for your homopolar device. Off hand, "pot magnets" indicate a non optimum direction of magnetization.

Hi bistander,

Pot magnets are axially magnetized opposing their South poles. Homopolar generator can work with diametrically magnetized magnets and you get AC.

But I wanted DC to make sure that unipolar induced current is the same direction with the coil flyback. I don't know what AC would do. That's for later, if this experiment shows it possible.

The coil will be a toroid sandwiched between the two pot magnets. I'm trying to get a large radius to emulate a Faraday disk. One end of the wire connected to the shaft, the other end on the surface - will probably be a copper band over the insulated coil ; the core will be welded and get power via the shaft, therefore the coil has to be fully insulated below the copper band.

I don't think the ZK-PP2K PWM should be protected as it ptobably already has an internal diode. If it goes down, that's it. There shall be a diode added however to impeach the PWM powering the load. But that's coming later. First the ordered parts and the welding.