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Talking about phase...

Started by bob.rennips, July 01, 2007, 08:16:56 PM

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Additional note for experimenters:

When series connecting the colector coils you have to either trim the conector length or tune the pulse delay (phase) of the drive coils. The reson is that it's the phase alignment and spacing of the multiple pulse trains in the collector coil that can give rise to a spinor resonance.

Tao -- yes I saw your posts... and everything else in this forum.

Rob -- "RE: spinor_--_electrical_coil_analouge_-_45deg_helicies.jpg
Does this show 4 conical shaped vorticies of magnetic field?"

No. I have attached the image here again for reference. The "coils" you see are trace lines through 3D space. This image is a composite showing some of the distorion of space at various points inside a spinor. As it is a spin 1/2 spinor it repeats every 720 deg (NOT 360 deg). At + 45 deg you get the orange and at -45 deg the red conical pairs of spacial distortions. At 360 deg you get the pancacke and solenoid distortion (in fact all of the spherical volume is wound up at 360 deg).
This image suggests that a spinor resonance could be generated with various coils wound in a simillar fashion to the image. However phasing of the coils would be dificult -- thay would best be driven with timed pulses at the phase angles I indicated.

I have attached two animations of composite spinors. There is *no* tnagling of space. In the first animation you can see that the central spere rotates twice in one cycle -- this is a spin 1/2 characteristic. You are looking at a representation of a spherical wave like the one that could be an electron or proton. These waves spin space continuously but never tangle space. There is no magic or trickery here although it is beyond everyday intuition -- you really can take any closed 3D volume and spin it continuously in oue direction without it ever geting tangled.

In the second animation you see a layered spinor (it's still spin 1/2). With the multiple spinors layered it is easier to se the regular distortions of space at various points in the 720 deg cycle.

In case you think these animations show an unrealistic distortion of space -- they do not. With a Plank length mesh and the diameter of a proton the distortions you see here would be flatter than the curvature of surface of the Earth!

The final image is a snapshot of orthognal trace lines distorted in a 3 phase spinor with homogenous energy distribution into all availble curvature modes, but with rigid shells for any given radius. The remarkable feature is that space is spiraling along every axis -- even though there is no tangling of and we are dealing with harmonic rotations of rigid spherical shells!


Dr Mark Snoswell.
President of the CGSociety www.cgsociety.org


Hi Mark, hi All,

Mark, I am enthralled that you have shown up on overunity.com and this thread.

I have various and sundry comments and questions to make.

Why do you use the term "3-phase" in the image name:


I could understand 3D, perhaps you mean this is the result of 3 electrical signals, perhaps of -sine w, +sine w, and sine 2w ??

Your comments on the following imaginary system please:
a vertical copper bar with bottom end in the ground and the top end going to a distribution system or washing machine.  This straight, linear bar has three coils on it, spaced at appropriate distances, which are pulsed with 1kV 1 picosecond wide pulses.  Could this be a mover and shaker, or would it be a flop?  Would such an imaginary system generate "3-phase" spinors?  Or must the collector be bent in a circle?

If a circular system with n coils, driven by high-voltage picosecond signals with 360/n phase difference is good and goes like King-Kong, would not a duplicate ring going through the center and positioned orthogonal be even better?  The corresponding signals would have a phase shift of 90 degrees between the rings.

If one was to take the copper-colored cone-shaped coils, as in the image below, and feed the two cones with HV narrow pulses of opposite polarity (at the pointed ends) would a radiant energy collector as shown in green be the best location?  Or the flat spiral Tesla type of coil colored in blue?  Or maybe the outside purple-colored coil?  Here the pulses would have to be sufficiently short and the cone coil conductors sufficiently long such that the pulse would end before something traveling at the speed of light reached the end of the cone coil.  This is an absolutely crazy idea that has nothing to do with traditional engineering thought.

This idea could be carried further by reinserting the two cone coils that I removed and feeding them with 90 degree phase shift.

By feeding the two/four cones at the center, lead lengths would be short, which is good for nanosecond or picosecond pulses, but the coil ends have no choice but to hang open and unterminated.  This tends to disturb my traditional non-RE brain.

In theory, one could have a set of three coil pairs, each orthogonal to the other pairs.  The first two pairs would be fed 90 degrees out of phase, but the third set ???

In your spin_half_spinor_composition_-_c.avi animation, you have
y = - sin a
x = cos 2a and
y = sin a

what does it look like if there are three dimensions involved:
y = - sin a
x = cos 2a and
z = sin a
or something equivalent?

Regards, Earl
"It is through science that we prove, but through intuition that we discover." - H. Poincare

"Most of all, start every day asking yourself what you will do today to make the world a better place to live in."  Mark Snoswell

"As we look ahead, we have an expression in Shell, which we like to use, and that is just as the Stone Age did not end for the lack of rocks, the oil and gas age will not end for the lack oil and gas, but rather technology will move us forward." John Hofmeister, president Shell Oil Company


Guys, not to detract from Mark's awesome posts, but I believe he should have his own thread. It is related in that it is dependent on phase. But we're trying to replicate a WORKING device here, in Bob's design. We have all the information we need to do that from Bob.

Now, Bob's device may work on some of these principals, however, we're talking about significant design changes now. And, personally, I believe we're being distracted by theory, when we already have build instructions.

That being said. I also think that Mark's stuff will help us go from Bob's device to SM's device after we've built bob's and we decide that it's time to expand upon it.

I think we'd be shooting ourselves in the foot if we changed paths right now.



Well  said Rich, and ditto's.

@ Dr. Mark Snoswell

If you would be kind enough to start your own thread, "spinors" it would be wonderful.  And also help us get back to build instructions over here from Bob B.  Perhaps we could have Stefan transfer some of your posts and photos if you prefer.  Or you can reference them with a link.

Highest regards, your work is great!
1.  Lindsay's Stack TPU Posted Picture.  All Wound CCW  Collectors three turns and HORIZONTAL, not vertical.

2.  3 Tube amps, sending three frequency's, each having two signals, one in-phase & one inverted 180 deg, opposing signals in each collector (via control wires). 

3.  Collector is Magnetic Loop Antenna, made of lamp chord wire, wound flat.  Inside loop is antenna, outside loop is for output.  First collector is tuned via tuned tank, to the fundamental.  Second collector is tuned tank to the second harmonic (component).  Third collector is tuned tank to the third harmonic (component)  Frequency is determined by taking the circumference frequency, reducing the size by .88 inches.  Divide this frequency by 1000, and you have your second harmonic.  Divide this by 2 and you have your fundamental.  Multiply that by 3 and you have your third harmonic component.  Tune the collectors to each of these.  Input the fundamental and two modulation frequencies, made to create replicas of the fundamental, second harmonic and the third.

4.  The three frequency's circulating in the collectors, both in phase and inverted, begin to create hundreds of thousands of created frequency's, via intermodulation, that subtract to the fundamental and its harmonics.  This is called "Catalyst".

5.  The three AC PURE sine signals, travel through the amplification stage, Nonlinear, producing the second harmonic and third.  (distortion)

6.  These signals then travel the control coils, are rectified by a full wave bridge, and then sent into the output outer loop as all positive pulsed DC.  This then becomes the output and "collects" the current.

P.S.  The Kicks are harmonic distortion with passive intermodulation.  Can't see it without a spectrum analyzer, normally unless trained to see it on a scope.


I have started a new thread here http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,2764.0.html
with copies of all my posts from this thread.
Dr Mark Snoswell.
President of the CGSociety www.cgsociety.org