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The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory

Started by ltseung888, July 20, 2007, 02:43:44 AM

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I finally found what may be the right place to discuss the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory.  Here is a brief extract:

Boat in Calm Water and Good Sunshine Scenario

The Patent Offices and the Scientific Community used the Law of Conservation of Energy as a roadblock for perpetual motion machines (PPM) for centuries.  The Law of Conservation of energy essentially says that Energy cannot be created or destroyed.  It can only change from one form to another.  If the source of energy of an invention cannot be identified, the invention is likely to be classified as the impossible PPM.

The Boat in Calm Water and Good Sunshine Scenario is simple.  If a scientist does not know how to use solar energy, he might wrongly apply the Law of Conservation of Energy and advocate the use of muscle energy to move the boat.  If he knows how to use solar energy, he can relax and let the solar panel powered engine move the boat.  The Law of Conservation of Energy is never violated.

All objects are immersed in gravitational fields.  Newton?s Universal Gravitational Law says that two masses attract each other with a force equal to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance.  The Earth rotates around the Sun according to this Law.  All objects, including our bodies, obey this law.  We attract and are attracted by the Sun, the Moon, the Distant Stars and Each Other.  Movement of such objects will have energy exchanges (Work = Force x displacement).  If an invention uses such gravitational energy, it does not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.  In the Lee-Tseung PCT Patent Application (PCT/IB2005/000138), we used the term Lead Out.  This source of gravitational energy is non-polluting, available anywhere and almost inexhaustible.

An even more powerful source is the Electron Motion Energy. Electrons are present in all atoms.  They are usually thought as negatively charged particles rotating around the nucleus.  The rotation gives rise to magnetic fields.  The changing of orbits gives rise to electromagnetic waves.  Their clustering gives rise to electrostatic fields.  Their movement along conductors gives rise to electricity that we depend on daily.  Sunlight is just a form of electromagnetic wave.  Radio waves, TV waves are other forms of electromagnetic waves.  We are immersed in such waves.  If an invention uses such immersed Electron Motion Energy, it does not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.

The Lee-Tseung theory predicts that both gravitational and electron motion energy can be Lead Out via Pulse Force at resonance on oscillating, vibrating, rotating or flux change systems.  The detailed mathematical proof is via the analysis of the simple pendulum during the application of a pulse force.  The pulse force increases the tension of the string and Leads Out gravitation energy.  For a horizontal pulse force, two parts of pulse energy can Lead Out one part of gravitational energy.  The gravitational energy is not created but Lead Out.  This Lead Out energy source has not been understood by the Patent Offices, the Scientists and many Inventors in the past.  Use of this Lead Out energy does not violate the Law of Conservation of Energy.

For details, read:
Compressible Fluids are Mechanical Energy Carriers. Air is not a fuel but is an energy carrier. (See reply 1097)
Gravitational or Electron Motion Energy can be Lead Out via oscillation, vibration, rotation or flux change systems.  We need to apply pulse force (Lee-Tseung Pulls) at the right time. (See reply 1106 and 2621)
1150 describes the Flying Saucer.  This will provide incredible prosperity.  Beware of the potential destructive powers.


Phone Conversation with Lee Cheung Kin

Tseung: "I found the right place in the OverUnity.com forum to discuss our theory.  Do you have anything to say?"

Lee: "Tell the participants to be careful with the High Frequency, High Pulse Force at resonance experiments.  Such experiments not only could burn the equipment but also cause fatal accidents."

Tseung smiled: "Most of the participants in the forum has not seen Output equal to Input yet.  They will not believe the danger.  Some may even want to experience the danger.  However, I shall post your warning."

Lee: "Tell them that a correct high pitch note can break many glasses.  The energy used to break the glasses does not come from the note alone.  The note Leads Out the energy inherent in the glass.  That inherent energy is theoretically infinite."

Lawrence Tseung
Resonance Leads Out theoretically Infinite Energy
Compressible Fluids are Mechanical Energy Carriers. Air is not a fuel but is an energy carrier. (See reply 1097)
Gravitational or Electron Motion Energy can be Lead Out via oscillation, vibration, rotation or flux change systems.  We need to apply pulse force (Lee-Tseung Pulls) at the right time. (See reply 1106 and 2621)
1150 describes the Flying Saucer.  This will provide incredible prosperity.  Beware of the potential destructive powers.


Fun with explaining the Milkovic Pendulum and Lever system

Reference on this forum:

Tseung: "Now we can use this thread to explain every known Over Unity device published.  The idea is to check whether the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory is applicable to all of them.  If so, can the Lee-Tseung Theory suggest improvement to the devices."

Lin: "You are ambitious.  Since you will never build an OU device yourself, there is no harm is making constructive suggestions.  I suppose you would start with the Milkovic Pendulum first."

Tseung smiled: "Our PCT patent information starts with the Pendulum.  So it is logical to start with the Pendulum example.  In slides 5-8 of http://www.energyfromair.com/beijing/taiwan2a.htm, we proved that a horizontal pulse force applied to a pendulum could Lead Out gravitational energy.  To be exact, two parts of horizontal Pulse Energy can Lead Out one part of graviational energy.  Thus Milkovic is Leading Out gravitational energy via Pulsing the Pendulum."

Lin: "Does the lever movement contribute anything?"

Tseung: "Yes.  The Lever Movement can be thought of as a vibrational system.  The Movement of the Pendulum Bob shifts the effective balancing weight.  Thus the Milkovic system can be thought of as two systems complementing each other - the pendulum and the up-and-down lever.  Milkovic has not completed the feedback loop."

Lin: "Is the Milkovic system an Over Unity Device?"

Tseung: "The Pendulum with a Pulse Force is already an Over Unity Device.  The vibrating Lever with shifting weight is also an Over Unity Device.  The combined system is thus an Over Unity Device."

Lin: "Can some type of pull back string or spring be used to complete the Milkovic feedback loop?  If so, can it run forever and conclusively demonstrate the Lee-Tseung Lead Out theory?"

Tseung smiled: "Theoretically possible.  I shall let someone better at engineering to shine and do the actual experiment."

Lawrence Tseung
Lee-Tseung Theory Leads Out confirmation that the Milkovic system is Over Unity and could produce a mechanical perpetual motion machine/toy.

Compressible Fluids are Mechanical Energy Carriers. Air is not a fuel but is an energy carrier. (See reply 1097)
Gravitational or Electron Motion Energy can be Lead Out via oscillation, vibration, rotation or flux change systems.  We need to apply pulse force (Lee-Tseung Pulls) at the right time. (See reply 1106 and 2621)
1150 describes the Flying Saucer.  This will provide incredible prosperity.  Beware of the potential destructive powers.


Limitation of the Milkovic System

Lin: "What is the limitation of the Milkovic System?  Why do you keep referring to it as a toy?"

Lai joined the conversation. "The number of Pulses per second of a pendulum is limited.  It is essentially a function of the length of the string, the Pendulum mass and the gravitational constant.  It cannot be changed easily compared with the rotational speed."

Tseung smiled. "How about the vibration of the Lever?"

Lin quickly interrupted: "Important factors will be the arms of the lever, the weights at the end and the Pulse Force (the shifting pendulum weight.  Am I correct?"

Tseung smiled more. "Looks like I can focus on my fishing."

Lawrence Tseung
Stimulating discussion Leads Out suggestions from many others.

Compressible Fluids are Mechanical Energy Carriers. Air is not a fuel but is an energy carrier. (See reply 1097)
Gravitational or Electron Motion Energy can be Lead Out via oscillation, vibration, rotation or flux change systems.  We need to apply pulse force (Lee-Tseung Pulls) at the right time. (See reply 1106 and 2621)
1150 describes the Flying Saucer.  This will provide incredible prosperity.  Beware of the potential destructive powers.


Hello Mr. Tseung,

I appreciate your intense activity and comprehensive postings on various free energy topics. Yet, I?m having trouble understanding the point of ?lead out? gravitational energy.

In your post above, you make a reference to several slides (5-8) available at http://www.energyfromair.com/beijing/Taiwan2a.files/frame.htm. In slide no.8 specifically it is suggested that 2 units of supplied horizontal energy ?leads out? 1 unit gravitational energy. Well, the classical interpretation is as follows: 3 (not 2) units of initial total energy, at that particular point on the pendulum trajectory you refer to are converted into 2 units of kinetic energy and 1 unit of potential energy. That is correct. But finally, all of the initially supplied energy will be converted into potential energy (in the upper point the pendulum reaches). So, in this point the ratio of ?supplied energy? to potential energy is one. It is always one; I am not aware of any exceptions and a simple pendulum is known not to be an overunity machine. Then, the pendulum starts moving backwards on its trajectory and again the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. It will cross again the same point you prefer, where the ratio between kinetic and potential energy is 2/1 but frankly, I can not see any energy gain here, but a simple transformation between kinetic and potential energy. On the vertical, it will have again 3 units of kinetic energy (assuming that there are no losses/friction, of course), which was initially provided. So, the 1 unit of gravitational energy you talk about is not ?lead out? but it is paid for, therefore it is not free energy. The logic can be tricky for a freshman but if you want we can discuss on hard equations.

Also, you said in another post above that the "The Pendulum with a Pulse Force is already an Over Unity Device.? I strongly disagree. If one takes two simple pendulums and collide one with the other, this is a pulse force interaction (there are toys made on this principle but they have more than two balls, usually). If it would be overunity (according to your statement), the system would start exceeding a continuous increase in amplitude after each collision. But this is of course, not happening. Please comment also on this issue.

Please reply.
Thanks again,
