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Disclosed: Peter Markovich and his 'essential' A.T.R.E.E.

Started by tao, July 25, 2007, 04:56:27 PM

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Let me preface this expose with a couple words of advise. In recreating/reverse engineering any previous 'working FE device', like the TPU for instance or Floyd Sweet's VTA it doesn't matter which one, the BEST WAY to reverse engineer ANY of these devices is to FIRST go back and find the EARLIEST device that that given inventor made where he saw FE, even if his later devices had more FE output. Don't be tempted to only try and duplicate their later devices, UNLESS you HAVE TO. The reason for this is simple, you want to be as close to the genesis of their FE devices as is possible. For, it is near these genesis points that their devices are usually more simplistic in nature, and they can be analyzed deeply so that you can find that KEY INGREDIENT that provides for the FE. For example, in the case of the TPU, disregarding anything SM said in letters, the BEST devices to be looking at are the first two that we see in his videos, for these are more simplistic. I also hated the fact that SM never talked explicitly about these initial devices, for if he had explained them better, everyone would surely have the KEY to his devices by now because there isn't much to those devices, they are his genesis point. As SM even said, it took him hundreds of iterations until he got to his final devices, the ones we see in all his later videos. These are assuredly the hardest to duplicate! So, just keep all this in mind when you read the below information about Peter Markovich.

Please DO NOT POST all the LATER IMAGES and INFORMATION about Peter Markovich's LATER DEVICES!!!
For, they don't mater at this point. They only confuse the 'working FE principal' of Markovich's devices!!!

We are fortunate to have a specific document that Peter Markovich made AT HIS GENESIS POINT, and this document describes EXACTLY HOW to MAKE his 'GENESIS DEVICE' and EXACTLY HOW he FEELS IT WORKS. After reading his document and seeing the images that I have made, I guarantee that you will agree that his later devices are MUCH MORE COMPLICATED. The reason they are more complicated is because they are continually building UPON Markovich's GENESIS DEVICE, just like Steven Mark's later devices are building on his GENESIS DEVICES...

At the time of writing his disclosure document, this was Peter's device:
"Sept. 28, 1977 ~ Faraday Cage Experiment determined power rating and electrical potential at voltage of 2.5 V exactly; amperage at level of 0.5 A; wattage under ideal conditions at 1.25 W. resulting power source was attached to a series of loads which included a small incandescent light bulb used for flashlights and a 10 ohm resistor. Light remained bright and steady indicating device applicable for common electrical usage."

He progressed with his devices until they had these outputs:
"May & July, 1978 ~ The current working model of the MTEPS Research is producing 360 volts; current at 14 amps; producing AC and DC electrical power capable of running a 5 hp motor to light 6 household light bulbs. This was successfully demonstrated at the US Dept. of Energy."
But, forget about THESE LATER highher powered devices, for they will only confuse the issue...

Below is Markovich's Disclosure Document, I have highlighted key words/phrases. Usually, these Disclosure Documents aren't supposed to be SEEN by anyone! They are a means to PROTECT your inventions and to DATE YOUR 'GENESIS' POINTS, not made to disclosure your technology to the world. This ADDS 'truth' to his words, in my mind.

Below his disclosure, I have two images I made of his device as described in his disclosure...

Disclosure Document

I, Peter T. Markovich, citizen of Canada, propose to explain the basis for what shall hereafter be known as the "Apparatus to Rectify Ether Energy" (ATREE)

I.   Preface
Humanity has long been aware of a unique form of energy that appears to be related to the electromagnetic technologies of modern civilization. These energies have been referred to in all ancient civilizations under a number of different names such as chi, prana, mana, etc. In modern times, science has adopted new names for it. These terms, whterher "odic force", "orgone energy" or "bioplasmic effect" are no more than new terms for these ancient energies. In fact, research by modern physics indicates that this energy is related in part to the classic concept of the "ether" -- an energy that would be composed of all known and unknown forms of energy (those energies that occupy the electromagnetic spectrum and allied types). Indeed, it now seems that the new physics as created in the early part of this century has not completely disproven the existence of an "ether" that would "flow" throughout the universe, but has just established the need to determine whether the "ether" fits into a new general theory on the relationships between energy and matter. In this regard, the discovery of an instrument that could convert the "ether" into a more familiar energy form (e.g., electricity) would be a boon to the formulation of any new theory on the relationships of presently known energies to the "ether".

In the spring of 1977, Peter Markovich was able to convert this energy into direct current (DC) electricity by the use of a specially constructed apparatus. Here, an important point must be made, that the instrument in question is not a perpetual motion machine, but simply a machine that is able by the use of a unique induction process to convert an energy of extremely high frequency (teracycles) to one of practically no cycles (DC electricity).

II.   Apparatus To Rectify Ether Energy
The Apparatus To Rectify Ether Energy (ATREE) is a machine that is able to transform the energy of the ether into direct current (DC) electricity. In order to accomplish this feat, the instrument takes into account the nature of ether. As many scientists now know, the ether consists of a "compressible fluid" that has a density of 10^(127) to 10^(94) wattseconds per cubic centimeter. This high energy density permits a cubic centimeter of ether to be able to provide for the energy needs of a small city. In addition, many scientists have also speculated that the ether may be conducted as a tensor field (motion by compression of the wave) and therefore is a stationary wave. These stationary waves would be able to penetrate and pass through almost all the heavenly bodies known to inhabit the universe. As is the case with radio waves, a particular antenna design would be necessary to efficiently collect and rectify this energy. Since its wavelength is 10^(-32) centimeters and motion of the wave train is quite similar to that of stationary waves, a specially designed hollow ball construction of a highly conductive metal seems most appropriate for this task. In addition, the induction unit could take advantage of the modified "L" (electric) and "H" (magnetic) fields produced by the ether energy to induct a useful electric current.

To convert this energy into electricity, it is essential that a component be provided that can collect and begin the rectification of the ether energy found near the surface of the planet. This part must be able to receive, store and conduct the ether energy to the component of the ATREE that actually rectified the ether into DC electricity. Due to its almost corkscrew motion as well as its high frequency and near electrical properties, ether energy can be collected by a hollow ball whose diameter is approximately one-sixth that of the height of the rectification component. Moreover, the ball should be composed of a very thin (26 gauge or less) metal of high electrical conductivity, such as gold, silver or copper. In our case, a hollow ball composed of copper was employed. In operation, the ether will first collect around the outside of the ball and then easily penetrate the outer surface of the ball and collect in the form of a moving swirl on the inside surface of the ball. To get this pulsating energy to the unit that actually does the rectification, it is necessary to take advantage of the near electrical properties of the ether. At this time, a specially built copper core must be employed. The core of the converter is a copper rod that has the upper 5 % of its length inserted inside the copper collection ball. The top part of this element is needle shaped to permit the swirling ether energy to jump the gap to the tip of the copper core,[/b] much in the manner of an electrical spark completing a return to ground through a pointed electrode. This core is tightly wound with 26-gauge copper wire from a point directly beneath the ball down to the opposite end of the copper rod. Also, an outer coil built from insulated #14 household wire is used in the converter. This second coil is attached on one end to the outside of the collection ball and on its opposite end to the working electrical circuit(the load).

The conversion of energy resembles in many ways the electromagnetic induction principle discovered in the 19th century. As noted previously, ether possesses two quasi-electromagnetic vectors. The first of these is the quasi-electric one that seems to carry a charge and to flow like electricity through wires. The second vector is a quasi-magnetism that differs only in the fact that the lines of flux are bent in an inward direction instead of the more well-known outward bend of magnetic flux. To induce electricity, the converter employs an unusual phenomenon related to these vectors. In the case of ether, the swirling energy flows into the rod and also into the tightly wound inner coil; however, the difference in rate and distance traveled allows the rod's energy to reach the bottom of this component way before that which goes by way of the inner coil. In doing so, the vectors cross and induce an electrical potential in the wires of the inner coil. To amplify this voltage, the outer coil must be wound counter to the winding of the inner coil. Here, the return circuit through this coil acts in the same manner as the secondary induction coil in a transformer.

To summarize the process mentioned above, let us quickly review the entire conversion process. First, the ether jumps to the tip of the converter's core(the copper rod) and is conducted toward the opposite end of the rod that is connected to the electrical circuit(the load). Simultaneously, the ether flows through the tightly wound inner coil to the opposite end of the rod. The difference in rate and distance allows the coil and the copper rod to induce an electrical potential that is greater at the bottom of the rod than at its top. Finally, the outer coil wound counter to the inner one acts as an amplifier of the electrical potential and current since its fields (the electrical circuit return to the ball) have the property to amplify the quasi-electricity produced by the induction process in the copper rod and the inner coil. In this fashion, the ATREE is able to convert ether energy into useable DC electricity.

To conclude, we have seen how a specially constructed instrument as first conceived and developed by Peter Markovich in the spring of 1977 has been able to conduct and convert ether into DC electricity. As future developments continue, it holds the promise of giving humanity a possible alternative to fossil and nuclear generation of electrical energy.

Presented by: Peter Markovich
October 1, 1977


Quote from: argona369 on July 25, 2007, 05:45:58 PM
Looks straight forward.
Have you had any success in reproducing this?



After doing MUCH research into all this....

Which included talking directly to Sheldon Nidle himself, one of Peter Markovich's closest colleages and co-workers, doing quite a bit of analytical analysis with all the known information, and consulting a German physicist who is developing his own grandiose models for the 'Ether', I felt that I had enough information to conclude that Markovich's devices were 100% REAL.

I felt that now was the time to set the record straight, and attempt a working device using the BEST possible instructions. So, as I was sitting here, finding and sourcing all the necessary materials, I felt it a good idea to write-up an entire and concise post about how to recreate Markovich's devices.

I didn't feel it necessary to build it first before posting all this information, for not only is time money, time is energy too ;P

So, I will be building this, and doing it right.

You gentlemen can do the same if you so choose to, I feel that I have now shown everyone a precise path to follow in replicating Markovich's work. I hope you all enjoy the work that I put into this...



Is the copper rod in direct contact with the sphere, or does it pass through some type of insulator
in order to expose the 5% required?

Don't mess with old farts... age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill!