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no infinity

Started by vondesastre, August 14, 2007, 08:08:54 PM

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no infinity

bad math
new math


since a very young age i stumbled across a very unusual mathematical inconsistancy in equations explaining or rather trying to express physical phenomena

first i always found it odd whenever calculating any vector giving me the conclusion x=infinity

second   pie= 3.14.................   what alway bugged me is not the fact that pie=3.14....... but the endless (.......) that always follows

third equations concluded by x=o

nevertheless all of humanity abides dearly and without ever questioning these inconsistancies... which make the basis of mathematical calculation even amongs our most renoun mathemmaticians.

lets take the fist case scenario  >>>  in many years of computing and calculations i found out that x can never equal infinity for the most simple of facts kown to man that is we have a decimal type of looping system intended to adress mathematical representation of our physical world. this consists of 0123456789
i definitly dont see infinity in there ...do you?  thus we are facing definit flaw in our mathematical system >>> a minimum of two flaws possibilities arise since infinity is neither a value nor a fact but only the expression of the inability to get a concrete value thus a non value. any equation in existance abides by an excepionless law of equations >>>  lefthand side must always equal rigthhand side of the eqation. infringing this law means that maybe we made a mistake in geting the complete set of values from the observed physical phenomena or we all too simply aplied got got the equation wrong in the first place as x cannot equal a non value. maybe a third possibility mihgt be that our counting system is incomplete or flawed to the point where we have reached a dead end in our mathematical system thus our inability to go anywhere furthur. this will then explain why there is such a slowdown of consistent progress in any of our fields of development. in my opinion >>> developing a means for us to get a tangible value for any infinite equation would solve many of our standstills with nature and the universe as a whole. i guess that it would be the gratest discovery of mankind ever. even grater than the discovery of the wheel or man in space. so to imagine that such small inconsistancy as ifinity in a small equation holds down mankind... isnt it pathetic. humans need to change their way of thinking  and start from scratch out of the box we are surounded by so much energy in the universe yet we are barely able to harness at such a high and ineficient cost so little . its just like being surounded by/ nearly drowning / in drinking water and yet patheticaly dying of thirst because we dont know how to open our mouth.

as for the rest i'l get to that in a later writing

till then waiting comments from you on the subject


the endless(.......) Or rather natural integer. Isn't well understood among the mathematical community. the primary mistake was the turning of unity from 0.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 also =0 an additive identity to =1 simply to make unity a multiplicative identity. This works for calculations pertaining to many things man made and does effectively work for formulation bordering natural anomalies. However when dealing with natural integers such as pie 3.14..... which is indeed an infinite path when vectors and rotational mass are concerned . A condition of unity in the form of =0 will often be the result. In Basic mathematics this is *nil* which is correct. However when implementing complicated formula =0 Is unity in the sense of unity is in part or whole the radius of a natural sine, an infinite path in the sense of a loop, circle, orbital path, pie in 3D, certainty of a complex of vectors with a given velocity,  a radius as a whole in general a ring. To see this it is simple. take a rubber o-ring hold it with your forefinger and thumb using both hands left hand at the 9oclock, right hand at 3oclock >O<. What you are holding is unity in it's simplest form. any one vector is preceded and followed by the other on a certain orbital path inherent by form alone. Twist one hand away from you and the other to you. You should see the o-ring take the form of infinity indicating it is indeed an infinite path.

now throw the o-ring like a frisbee spinning the form. Understand that it is believed that the true forces involved in throwing the frisbee and it's flight times are directly attributed to aerodynamics. It is simple to disprove this by simply not spinning the frisbee as you release it. aerodynamics is not the primary medium of suspension and flight times. It is the spinning mass. If we look at the universe around us we see huge spinning masses such as the the planets spinning while traveling around their seemingly infinite path. We see rings around some planets indicating a ring is a natural formation.

http://www.ace.gatech.edu/experiments2/plateau/plateau.html Implicating fluid dynamics may have a hand in it!   




thus  0=0 in convetional maths is balanced and correct.
however these are mere scalars poorly representing or desperately trying represent real coplex vectorial hapenings
by that if i say an object not moving in space has 0 velocity thus 0 acceleration is only a poor mathematical mimic of that same object as in real life situation there does not exist any object with 0 velocity.
for the simple reason that its part of this physical universe and as we know every thing in it is in constant motion (perpetual motion)
therfore the object with 0 velocity is only an assumption from the only observer's standpoint and not being a such fact. thus desperately trying to force fiction into reality

further more stating infinity goes against all laws and theories of conservation of energy.
cause if there is infinte energy in the universe that means that perpetual motion is a fact and not a speculation. therfore that there is indeed a point where universe ends and that it could be calculated as there would be infinite mater too.if you (by any means)try to apply laws of consevation of energy having infinite energy+ infinite mater = no space hence 0=0   no creation/no destruction of energy.

but matter needs space at least for the mear fact of existance that means it has to have a point of end so does energy
laws of conservation of energy are only a mad man's one dream to be able to explain only part of he could see or could understand.... as for the rest of >>> we just followed the path because we could not explain otherwise .

i would only speculate that if the universe is in constant expansion that means that the energy in it has a finite amout as well as a finite amount of mass and space therfore enrgy and mass are being created. but its only a fact that we don't have the tech to see it infact our most sofisticated equipments on the planet can only detect a ridicule gap in the electromagnetic spctrum maybe there are other types, who knows.
but how can a blind born man state and describe the color of his dead mother's eyes.
any attempt would be mear speculation from his part.(boolshit)

therefore how could we blindly state such laws when we cant even undurstand the little we see.

i belive enrgy is being created from scratch in our universe but we dont have any means to see it happen
i'm not saying that i have any ready answer and cannot prove my claim

but in the old days some few people believed the earth was round(none could prove it at the time) when all the rest of the planet thought it was flat. general politico/religious at the time wanted in to be flat. was it true??

i understand that this is simplified maths but i've tried the so much of the complex one with no thrugh roads
but as sherlock holmes said when you've tried all imaginable plausible scenarios but could not get a definte conclusions the one must try to find the answers in the most improbable scenarios the answer should be there.


Topic Summary
Posted on: Today at 07:51:42 AMPosted by: FreeEnergy 
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hmm try http://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/som


i guess thats a bit too implausible ::)
i'm in no way talking spirituality :D
it neither the place nor that lost
in other words you are short minded and would never be able grasp what am saying

and my advice to you >>> stop those nonsense beliefs
they woulb save you a lot of money :P