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Auto-Inductive Rectenna via Scroll Waves

Started by Kalki, November 30, 2007, 01:29:08 PM

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The Auto-Inductive Rectenna

Open Letter Regarding the Master Plan of Tesla Motors and State-of-the-Art Free Energy

The Tesla Roadster, while awesome in its own right, is still an incremental and modern version of an old idea. It has made the idea of an electric vehicle practical, but not affordable. The Master Plan of Tesla Motors is to (wait for Li-ion batteries to come down in price to) make variant lines mass marketable. This is a normal route for disruptive technologies dependent on other technologies in more or less the same situation, and in this sense the business plan is sound, they take on a symbiotic relationship.

Unfortunately alternative energy is an innovative hotbed, and, like 100 years ago, we see many inventions springing up now, clamoring for market dominance under the strain of a collapsing predecessor infrastructure. The likelihood of a superior technology and business model attaining dominance before the Master Plan can be fulfilled is high. Memetically Tesla Motors is paving the way, and those in their draft now are looking for a tighter line around the Hydrocarbon Age. The CEO of Tesla Motors is overconfident with his pole position.

.At the Tesla Motors website the CEO states he receives unsolicited free energy proposals a couple times a week. He also states he's aware of the "Black Box" legend. The prior he doesn't bother to read because, "you can't break the laws of physics" and the latter is just a "story". I'm glad to see he went to so much effort. If I was him I'd have the foresight to admit maybe even one solicitation could yield a valuable piece of IP and that if it wasn't pursued it would end up being competition. Seriously, if you're going to name your company "TESLA" Motors it might be prudent to at least know who Nikola was, his intent, and honor him by hiring someone to investigate any and all free energy claims - heck I've been doing that at the expense of others for 10 years now! To not do this would cause Tesla to roll in his grave, ironically if you were to attach some magnets to him and wrap a coil around the coffin.

Well I can only conclude everybody at Tesla Motors is from the, "Space is Empty" camp. They talk of energy density but don't they know about R. Feynman's mug of coffee quote? Free Space has greater energy density than any battery!


If a technology were so perfectly suited to its purpose it can't be improved upon or replaced it is capable of maintaining a monopoly, if not economically then intellectually. I'm pitching my invention now under this assumed business model.

Among the hundreds of energy conversion processes ranging from obvious to speculative or anomalous there are a few that, weighed against all criteria, must be superior. If a solid-state device existed that weighed about 20 lbs, was about the size of a toaster oven, and could convert the energy density of space into electric current proportional to the load in the circuit, it would be safe to say this is among the few superior processes.

This ideal technology, in its most rudimentary form, has been around since Tesla's patent 685,957, it is the original Rectifying Antenna or Rectenna. A Rectenna is an RF to DC conversion process where a distant transmitter must power the rectenna circuit. It is assumed that the "Black Box" was based, in part, on this patent, but that a variation on the receiving "conducting-body" allowed the device to work without a transmitter, at least a man-made one. In addition to Tesla's other lines of research, there is some prior art to lend credence to the Black Box Legend. T.H. Moray's work, Wilhelm Reich's Orgone Motor, the recent Correa patent 7,053,576 and even DARPA all have basis in reality and by following a certain line of reasoning we can conclude this family of technologies can be back-engineered and innovated to the point of marketability. With due diligence and open minded R+D the ideal technology is realized.

DARPA has replaced the receiving conducting-body of the basic rectenna circuit with a nano-fabricated film, the design of which governs what frequency it will sympathize with. It can be manufactured to phase-lock with any frequency. They settled on the optical band and this effectively makes the SUN the transmitter.

It stands to reason then, that a rectenna could be pumped by the Earth's Schumann frequency, correct? If this is valid then it is also valid that the inventor of radio and fluorescent lighting could devise a plasma discharge tube tuned to the Schumann frequency (of which he was well aware) and that this tube replaced the conducting-body in his rectenna circuit. No violation has taken place, yet it is free energy, correct?

To go even farther in our independence and truly tap space energy instead of just the oscillations in it, I have designed an "Aether-Electron Coupling Rectenna" where aether is the uncollapsed superelectron or quantum plenum beneath the Zero Point Energy.

Imagine that a rectenna is a mug full of coffee (in honor of Feynman) and that the energy used in the load is the liquid coerced out of the mug. A normal rectenna requires that I blow straight down at it to create waves that spill over. The mug "refilled" equates to my lungs expanding. (A perfect analogy as it reflects the opposing paradigm's interpretation of a "closed" system, the RF to DC conversion has losses as does the mug but something is refilling the mug, the question is, is it coffee/electricity or air/aether?)

My rectenna simply pokes a hole in the mug and it "miraculously" refills as part of a free space Krebs cycle* (1-3). The vacuum only abhors itself when local space is pulled apart. Whereas polarizing the vacuum creates a bubble of negative energy and gravity waves, monopolarizing the vacuum implodes gravity waves and creates a bubble of positive energy.

This process begins by corralling a charge cluster inside the discharge tube from a noble gas inside. The corral is formed by external "scroll electrets" (My innovation to the design) that passively [1 excite the gas.]

The charge cluster is at the center of the population inversion and collapses into divergent electron beams when the tube is [2 degaussed]. This [3 induces a scroll wave in the electrets - of an internal/negative, ordered EM energy. This enfolded influx becomes scattered and local (i.e. positive, useful) as it passes inward through the double layer], then inverts [1 back out the center, transitioning into a charge cluster again.]

1 - quiescent - even excited this stage is still considered static
2 - excited - degaussing/discharging = field collapse and beam divergence
3 - refractory - this is the refilling of the mug, the abhorring of the vacuum
1 - quiescent - charge cluster reformed, scroll wave initiated like in a BZ reaction

The Scroll Electrets of my Aether-Electron Coupling Rectenna rely upon a specific conditioning process similar in function as the one Floyd Sweet used for his VTA. (Note the charge cluster here is analogous to the VTA's "bubble"). One thing all the mentioned rectenna designs have in common is that they rely upon sympathetic resonance between a source and drain. In this case however the Scroll Electrets hold the memory of the frequency they are conditioned at so that they can sympathize with the circuit later, this mimicks the oscillations from a transmitter. The frequency must be congruent with the preconditioned wax, the capacitor bank, tube (wave)length, electret conductor dimensions and switching device for the rectenna to be a temporally and geometrically tuned circuit.

In addition to this tuned state, the orientation of the scroll electrets around the tube is important, they must wrap in opposite directions. They also must be centered with minimum distance between them. This geometry is intended to aid the corralling of negative energy and induce a mesoscopic vortex in the plasma.

It is believed that the device, like the VTA, will automatically match the load in the circuit until a critical point. What this point could be is speculative. If truly negentropic it will lose temperature until a phase-transition turns the cold plasma into a superfluid, but this would also constitute component failure.

The Auto-Inductive Rectenna is a simple and robust means of "vacuum engineering", which, if integrated into an otherwise battery laden vehicle would drastically lower weight and increase range (as if - range is a measure of refills!) thus increasing performance and lowering cost.


G'day Kalki,

This is word for word something that was posted on the 25th September 2006 on the Focus Fusion Forum.


Was that posted by you under the handle of Matty ? And why is this surfacing here now, any development since?

Hans von Lieven
When all is said and done, more is said than done.     Groucho Marx


Yes, that was me...

I've been out of the FE/AG scene for awhile since getting seed capital seems like a waste of time, instead I've been trying to get a less fringe invention going - www.arcfoaming.com - figuring if that is licensed I'd use the royalties towards the AIR.

My arc foaming technology is currently being considered by a "major automotive manufacturer" via www.ninesigma.com (Thanks Sterling Allen for the link to them!) and I should know within the next month. Unfortunately I've no business savvy and no real partners to help with any of my IP.

I guess I posted here because I just found this "Tesla Crop Circle" and it seems to validate my theory regarding scroll waves (I learned about scroll waves in the book SYNC by Steven Strogatz; they are primarily studied in biological systems but their ubiquity, spiral geometry,  "perpetual motion" Krebs Cycle and such piqued my biomimetic interest. Since these waves occur in ANY excitable media I thought of the "Scroll Electret". This also all correlates to quantum coherence, solitons, continuous phase-transitions in the form of "collapsing" waves etc,...)

An earlier FE device was modeled on the earth's geodynamo in biomimetic fashion, I feel this design is like a heart.

Also I'm on the verge of being evicted, our car broke down, had to send my daughter to go live with relatives, phone, gas and electric are about to go and I'm in a desperate state of mind. Gas keeps going up, we had two oil spills within 48 hours, and I'm sick of seeing these feel-good, self-congratulatory, damage-control, "ecoimagineering" "It's a start" advertisements by the fossil fuel industry...And my would-be partner, who I thought I knew, who claimed to want to be involved with alt.energy claimed that even if FE hit the shelves tomorrow, it'd still take 30-50 years to phase out fossil fuels.

I wholeheartedly disagreed and haven't spoken to him since.  So I'm really desperate and really angry.

If anyone has the ability to grasp my ideas and actually build the AIR, please go ahead, I don't have money, tools or a lab.


G'day again,

I hate to say it but your friend is right. There were still working (ands I mean full time, productive) steam engines around in the 1950's and 60's, not to mention steam trains which are still not completely phased out in some countries.

That need not to be a deterrent though. Even if only five percent of internal combustion engines were phased out per year the market would still be enormous and I don't believe we even have the capacity to replace more.

I am sorry to hear that you find yourself in such dire straights. Do not lose hope, nothing lasts forever, not even a bad time. Something will turn up.

Hans von Lieven
When all is said and done, more is said than done.     Groucho Marx


What isn't factored in is that there are literally hundreds of alternatives being developed and marketed as we speak..
Peak oil already happened.
Americans are getting fed up.
The petroleum that powers our transportation depends on petroleum to be distributed.
Political, economic, social, and environmental trends are all pointing towards a paradigm shift.
The petroleum infrastructure is subject to disasters and sabotage.

I think its funny when people suggest that FE will ruin the economy...as if our forced dependence on petroleum isn't already ruining the economy.

Here's how I see it being phased out in 5 years:

Since America consumes the most it is the arbiter of the market, developing countries follow our lead including China...

Hurricanes, earthquakes and bad weather in general will destroy most refineries in the next 10 years...
About a year from now my invention will be revealed, making consumers eager for it.
Based on the Citizenre model of renting units for home use and AC Propulsion's model of retrofitting vehicles combined with a manufacturing franchise, nearly every county in every state will have a market. Micro Manufacturing meets Micro Generation.

The vehicle retrofit operation will offset the costs of installation and manufacturing by recycling the entire engine to be replaced, the AIR/Motor unit will be a universal design so that it can easily be installed in any vehicle.

Once this gets going a Standard Oil model of a monopoly will result, the competition will either adapt/join or die.

Nobody has done this before, that's why it will work, my competition is not as obsessed as I am which is why I will win.
