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Started by noblefuse, December 11, 2007, 10:15:21 AM

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hello, my name is Solomon- and i fundamentally believe I HAVE FOUND THE ROAD TO SAFE CLEAN NUCLEAR FUSION- I have performed an experiment never done before in science- I used a Tesla coil for its use in high voltage high frequency  and apply its discharge plasma not upon the dielectric of free air- but to the dielectric of water itself- specifically i used ultrapure reagent grade water from manufactuer NERL-this is to establish the high degree of insulation needed for plasma (you cannot have contaminants for conductivity)- I doped my water with heavy water from the manufacturer UNITED NUCLEAR- I built my 1 million volt tesla coil entire tunable- every aspect of it- as it must be done to TUNE THE OUTPUT DISCHARGE OF THE TESLA COIL to the water itself- once the arc is stable- the voltage may be increased- I have written in my pdf file in my website of noblefuse.com that a prerequisite of 750 kv is needed as an electric field gradient about the charged particles used in fusion( in this case the hydrogen bound in the water molecule) because of voltage drops as expected as in all electrical systems upon the load(load here is the water)- a much higher voltage is needed in order to distribute the voltage gradient upon entire arc plasma length between electrodes in water- THUS- THE HIGH THE VOLTAGE- THE BETTER-  within my website you will find a link to youtube showing my primitive experiment- BUT MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT THIS- THIS IS THE FIRST TIME EVER DONE BEFORE - I propose nuclear fusion of water/heavy water- my little experiment  IS THE ROAD TO NUCLEAR FUSION- we must universally connect the dots- put two and two together- and conclude this-  MY EXPERIMENT MUST BE REPEATED ON A LARGER SCALE- my system is a direct replacement of nuclear power plants particularly of the pressurized water reactor which uses heavy water already - a vessel already built for gamma radiation and other high energy flux which will emit with the plasma arc-

I come to the table with the lightning bolt_ I HAVE FOUND THE TRUE PURPOSE OF THE TESLA COIL- the answer was always in the lightning bolt- understanding of gamma bursts from lightning discharges have only been recently vindictated from satelitee in late 90s---

CA 94305 United States
Said, R ( ) , STAR Lab, Electrical Engineering, 350 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305 United States
Smith, D M ( ) , Physics Department and Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95064 United States
Lopez, L I ( ) , Astronomy Department and Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 United States

The observation of brief (<1 ms) bursts of intense ?-rays, the so-called Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (TGFs), by the BATSE ?-ray experiment was one of the most unexpected discoveries by the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory. Extensive modeling efforts following this observation interpreted the observations in the context of the runaway acceleration of energetic (>1 MeV) electrons by the intense quasi-static fields that temporarily exist at high altitudes above thunderclouds following positive cloud-to-ground lightning discharges. Association of individual TGFs, and positive cloud to ground (CG) lightning strikes have been demonstrated by means of the measurement of associated radio atmospherics, with at least some of the correlated sferics showing properties similar to those that cause sprites. However, simultaneous VLF data was only available for a few of the BATSE/CGRO events, so that a comprehensive study of this association was not feasible. New evidence from the RHESSI spacecraft now shows that TGFs occur much more commonly and that the photon energies typically extend to ~20 MeV. With the much larger number of TGFs now available from RHESSI, we undertake here a comprehensive study of the association between TGFs and sferics using VLF data collected at Palmer Station, Antarctica and other sites ( e.g., in Alaska and the continental United States). Results indicate that by far the majority of observed TGFs are associated with an ELF/VLF radio atmospheric observed at Palmer Station, within $?1.5$ ms of the expected time (when the sferic and the TGF propagation times are accounted for) and directionally determined to be arriving from an azimuth that is within

let me try to give another analogy to make the point. think about striking a match, if all conditions are proper , one knows that to strike a match, you must go a minimum speed- you cannot strike the match too slowly- this is understood as more speed is more friction and thus more activation energy nessesary to create combustion of the match material. the same applies to this fusion system, first, imagine my system as inside a pressurized water reactor used in fission plants- the moderator is already heavy water- we shall use it as the fuel. i have said the plasma arc looks exactly like our friend the electric lightning bolt- but i talk about in my pdf file- that the so called lightning bolt must be understood in regards to high voltage and frequency- just like the minimum speed needed for the match- so it is with the combination on high voltage and frequency to not only resonate with the dielectric molecule of heavy water- but more so- to create a minimum velocity upon charged particles in the fuel water. this velocity is also exhibiting itself as a magnetic field-think of the cathode ray scope- in a snap shot instant in time for analysis, look at when the maximun energy is being applied on a per strike basis of the input cycle- or shall we say the highest amplitude of the ac signal. if for example- an input energy of one megawattt was injected into the strike of the arc- a magnetic pinch shall be directed upon the charged particles in transit of the discharge- in a thermodynamic extraction process such as this - we need at least 5 times more energy out of the system to recoup our initial energy input- and a surplus for commercial energy supply- thus- via fusion of hydrogen to helium- with each strike- a minimum voltage and frequency SHALL give the minimum activation energy required for magnetic pinching and fusion of the isotopes of hydrogen. to increase the q of the reaction in this system- a magnetic toroid may be used around the plasma arc for increased efficiency= such as used in tokamak devices. i hope this analogy helps those who question this system- THANK YOU--WWW.NOBLEFUSE.COM


Solomon, Sam, (which is it?)

I wish you all the best, and thanks for the pdf. Interesting reading and concepts.

However, one word of advice: If you're going to make bold statements such as in the topic of this thread, you should be prepared beforehand to back it up with some evidence.

Showing arcing in a water vessel and claiming there is nuclear fusion occurring is easy to say. Where are the measurements showing input vs. output energy?

Perhaps I have missed something?




Thank you for your kind words-
1. I could give you measurements- but who will believe it--your interests should spark from the simple fact this has not been done before-110 years of the tesla coil and it has now found its proper home- it was always meant to be- the units of magnetic flux density are in Tesla- the method of fusion I propose is to magnetically pinch the hydrogen isotopes by way of high voltage and high frequency which will induce a magnetic property upon the charged particles in transit of the plasma- there is more to skin effect than is understood-
2. You may call me solomon or sam. both are fine
3. Thank you for wishing me the best in my pursuits- MY PURSUITS ARE OVER- I am completely broke financially as i never took a dime for any of my lifes work- nor do i ever care to as i have no business interests whatsoever--I AM A SCIENTIST AT HEART WITH LOVE OF HUMANITY IN MY SIGHTS--I started this- society must finish it- I cannot do anymore alone- i have discovered a new way of a theory to tackle fusion- and i have hand built this experiment to prove my point TO SAFELY resonate plasma within water- PLEASE TRY TO INVESTIGATE- IT HAS NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE-

I PRAY MY WORDS ARE VINDICATED SOON BY WAY OF OBSERVATION AND TESTING-  I am tired of mans wars over energy-of looking in the frozen arctic for black gold- finish this and let us end the energy crisis once and for all

happy holidays to everyone


Men have always had wars. Go back to the time before oil was even discovered. However I do wish you success. If you do come up with the goods for real and submit it to some faceless concern such as Westinghouse, don't think your invention would see the light of day. However, why not scale this down so that every home could have have one?
