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Re: Does The US Gov Have The Crusifiction On Video ?

Started by Cap-Z-ro, March 16, 2008, 05:51:09 PM

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It's not the illuminati to worry about, it's the lunatics with god-complexes and a moral-high-horse.

Having some people in control
who's self righteousness bounds further than arrogance is the end-all.



the elites are adjusting earths orbit, to kill most of us!
they know how to do it, and they have been planning it for decades !

you need to show this link to others !


The wold is controlled by lunatics and religion. Always was, always will be...


Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on March 17, 2008, 05:01:48 PM
Actually, if people don't soon stand as a united front against these oppressors masquerading as leaders, we can forget about any type future quality of life.

Lots of former insiders are coming forth with accounts of corruption and murder in high office...but thanks to well thought out plans of conditioning and distraction (TV soaps targeted at every demographic, sports, and the like), not a lot of people seem to be paying attention.

Not long after getting online I predicted that the net would be the great uniter of the people against the criminal element ruining life all over the planet...I still hold out hope that I will be proven right.

If not, I'll be looking for those flying disc plans. :)


This is so true. 'United front' is a major factor that will defeat this evil, for whom 'divide and rule' is the name of the game. We need to stand together, forget our traditional divisions, religion, ideology, politics - all the 'sacred cows' which have been hijacked, and recognise a common threat. No, it's not the long-dead Bin Laden, the 'Firecracker bomber', the 'liquid explosive' aircraft bombers, the 7-7 London Tube bombers, the Mumbai 'intelligence operatives' and all the other false flag stooges, agents, and operatives who are increasingly being exposed as pawns in a global chess game. If you don't believe this, then read Zbigniew Berzenski's words, in 'The Grand Chessboard' - American primacy and its geostrategic imperatives. Study Round table documents. Study Kissinger's statements when he talks about food as a weapon. Read 'The Rise of The Fourth Reich' by Jim Marrs. Google 'End Game' by Alex Jones, to understand eugenics and how the vaccination program fits into it.
      The real enemy is 'inside the gate'. If we are too innocent to recognise this, then a 'reality check' is in order. Read John Holdren's 'Ecoscience' - written in 1977 - Obama's wonderful 'science czar' who calls for sterilizing chemicals to be added to the water supply, and where - in diametric opposition to current global warming propaganda - he warns of global cooling, tsunamis, and how we must set up C02 plants to save the planet.
      The same criminal elite will always present a new 'threat' whether real or fictitious - and expect you to pay for it, to the same banking elite that profit immensely from your ignorance, and fund both sides in world wars. They don't care about you - they meet to discuss ways of reducing the population. They want you to pay new taxes, on the basis of a global warming 'science' that is increasingly being exposed as a total fraud.
      Do you want your children to grow up in this kind of world - where your own neighbours are being encouraged to spy on you? where your DNA is being logged, against your will, in a global database? Where governments claim the right to spy on your emails, faxes, and phone calls, indefinitely, under the umbrella of 'National Security'? That's the reality we now face.
       Until people recognise that our so-called 'Democracy' is a convenient fiction - and start looking beyond the left-right paradigm to comprehend that we live in a 'Plutocracy'
ruled by a psychopathic elite who planned long ago to eliminate 80 per cent of us - and are now busy implementing their end game - we are going to be their victims.
       Think about your family. Think about your neighbor. Inform them, wake them up. Think about your extended human family, the human race.  Let's forget about colour, creed, ideology, politics, and all the other nonsense that divides us. Do we need to be slaves, serfs, debtors, to people that are criminally raping the planet, and profiting from this destruction? who are demanding trillions in taxes from us, who refuse to tell us where that money is going? who are even now are setting up a new system where we are paying for the right to breathe and exhale C02? Why don't we hold them accountable? why don't we question, and boycott, the controlled media? why don't we be creative finding ways to stop cooperating with this corrupt system? Why don't we start becoming active on a local level, when it's understood the game is always to control politics from a national and global level? where corrupt Rothschild stooges like Mandleson are given free play to introduce draconian laws designed to shut down free speech on the Internet forever? Where 'New World Order' Gordon Brown is telling us we are ignorant members of the 'Flat Earth Society' if we question the official line on global warming, conveniently renamed to 'Climate Change'?
     Just remember how powerful you are as individuals. Remember how powerful individuals have implemented great changes in society - and think how much more powerful we could be if we forget our divisions, stand together as a global family against tyranny.




Quote from: jadaro2600 on December 20, 2009, 05:06:55 PM
It's not the illuminati to worry about, it's the lunatics with god-complexes and a moral-high-horse.

Having some people in control
who's self righteousness bounds further than arrogance is the end-all.

Illuminati, lunatics with god-complexes, doesn't matter what labels we give them, what names we give trans-dimensional forces. Paul Levy calls it a 'psycho-spiritual disease'  the 'dark side' of the psyche, transmitting itself as archetypal forces through the collective psyche. We always look outwards for the cause of the problem, when the root of evil, as Jung understood, is something being reflected which is within all us.
      These people are acting out a role, and if they are cut off, others will take their place, like new heads on the same hydra.
      Until the underlying disease is removed, and humanity is made whole, on a psychic, spiritual and metaphysical level, the problem will remain.
      Look to wholeness as the solution. Look to whole foods, holistic solutions and healing processes. Look at solutions for the planet that do not simply mean ways to exploit human ignorance to benefit the elite, but genuinely benefit all of us and the ecosystem which we are busy destroying. Let's not be taken in by fake crises like global warming, but address real problems like DU, pollution, GM contamination of the food chain, our genetic integrity and biological integrity being progressively undermined by coorporations controlled by individuals and families who always remain in the shadows.