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My Letter To Dr. Phil

Started by Cap-Z-ro, April 09, 2008, 05:47:54 PM

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can you amagine what life might be like with out the gov stoping/suppressing/taxing and so on and so on ?.

..if power was free to light a bulb and heat/cook with, most of us probably would have left he planet by now and go out to see stuff we dream about, and probly would have made new friends as well, but nope our current leaders keep us suppressed and in war and in debt, these are the people i want to see in prison as an attraction/side show to let us see and remeber that we were there and never want to be again, ive seen a few vids on you tube about the cost of war, from what ive seen the cost would cover each person on earth to be fed /clothed and housed, yet what we dont see is there a literally 100s and 1000s of people dieing every day not just from war but from starvation as well, but we are not being shown this , we are being shown that buy a bigger house and car and cool stuff , keep up with the jones , be cool or you wont fit in,these are the very people who are driving our planet to shit and the very people who have noidea what so ever, so long as there cool, if everyone looked up the destruction and death going on around us everyday thats not shown to us and looked up just why and where all this is coming from they will find they practicly fund it them selves, yup thats right YOUR FUNDING AND SUPPORTING DEATH AND THE DESTRUCTION OF YOUR OWN PLANET, ive been afraid for a long time to voice my opinion about tis stuff because of what people might say, but latly i just dont give a shit, we all sit back in our homes and drive our flash cars and PRETEND it has nothing to do with us and we cant change it any way, so we might as well do nothing right but be cook and just try to keep up with them jones lol, this is just the thing that disapoints me about the human race, in some ways i cant help but some times think that, yeah screw earth it deserves to die and i hope it takes everyone with it, BUT !, what about our children ?, its not there fault that we teach them to ignore whats going on and just try and be kool and youll fit in, all there going to inherrit is a planet on the virge of collapce and while thats going on a huge amount of debt and dispear , years ago when i was a kid my dad told me they started to geneticly  look for way to modify food and plants so they no longer give seeds, at that time i had noidea what he was talking about, today i cant seem to think of ONE REASON that would help any one at all, im  amazed at the amount of companys set up to take away the goodness from our planet and find way to hurt and kill us, we have become incredably good at killing each other and  absolulty terrible at helping one another out, i strongly get the impression our leaders have past the slipry point and are now on the fast track to screw us all and even them selves but it wont matter to them for now becasue they make to much money to give a shit,and money buys everything right ? , im gonna predict that thats its too late now and nothing can be done weve gone so low there is no way out and that the bastards have won, but, if there was a way out it would be that every one in every country marched on there government houses and literaly draged them out on there ear and put them on display and kept doing this untill people started to make the right choises for the people rather than the ones thats are wrong, after all what happens when the public do wrong ? they goto jail, and when the gov does te wrong thing ?, nothng what so ever, they stand down and get forgottin  and return at a later date to screw you over even more, like in a chany you tube video, he stats and laffs in a speach that you wouldnt have voted for me if you knew i was in such and such at the time, and the crowd laffs with him, that in it self just tells me what a bunch of complete morons the general public are, but the time is coming and i see it my self , once enough shit hits te fan we will ask the gov to protct us and save us and feed us we will beg for it and be willing to give up even more rights and freedom LOL, we seem to be playing right into the hands of the rulers and i bet there loving it.

... i havent ment to take away te Dr Phil theem here, but do you think if he had any pull he would do any thing ?, some how i think not.

.. the way i see it there is only one person who has the right idea and that ron paul, but hold on just befor you think im here to rant about him im not, all im saying is that he seems to have the right ideas and answers,but if he got in and ten did the wrong things id put him with the rest with out batting an eyelid, i mean just look at what bush said to get to be president, basicly the same story ron paul is, but he then did nothing , seems to be a common trate in politicians , and its one ill never understand BUT its clear when they say one thing and do something else., there cowards ,murders and rapists.

( yes at some point im expecting to get shit for what im saying, dont be shy bring it on, if there is one thing ive lernt in life its that people like stuff to be sugar coated(ie: politition style) and well ive never been one to do that, id rarther say it as i see it, another thing ive lernt in life is that people find it hard to see the truth because they want the drama and soap oprahish of it to excite them selves with so it seems real like TV, news flash folks tv will only trick you), if you dont like the truth or cant handle it, ya might wanna take a look at your self and ponder for a while why ?.).
if you want to get out of the rat race,you have to let go of the cheese.


Your post is on topic borg...that wasn't a real letter to Dr Phil ;D...I just used his Show as a framework for another one of my anti authority soap box speeches/wake up calls.

When someone with a national media platform fails to properly inform the public, they themselves become accessories to millions dying of starvation due to the suppression of free energy, staggering numbers dead resulting from staged global conflicts, along with cancer and aids victims dying by the minute.

While all this is going on, members of the public who have broken down from being raised in a culture stagnated and robbed of its future by corporate greed, are singled out various distraction shows, for a refocusing session...I would imagine there must be a need to put up a public facade of a being social benefactor by giving a poor soul a leg up...while too many live at or below the poverty line...that is if they are lucky.

Unfortunately Ron Paul doesn't support the 911 victims group, and believe the official BS story...something wrong there.

don't forget he is a member of a 'party/gang'...and where was he after 911 - when you really had to be in a serious state of denial not to see through clumsy lie after lie.



the only reason i really mentoined ron is because he seems to be saying the right things, but that being said so did bush and hes done everything he said he would not do and done nothing he said he would do, a true politition to the end, we should just call them lieing bastards for short lol. ;D
if you want to get out of the rat race,you have to let go of the cheese.


Quote from: z.monkey on April 09, 2008, 07:59:56 PM
Spock for President...

Hell Yeah! Spock for President! ;D

Quote from: Cap-Z-ro
Don't drink the kool-aid.
Roflmao! :D
... but what if the President said so? ;)


hahahhaha electile dysfuction hahahahhahaha