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New informations by Dave Doleshal

Started by hartiberlin, April 16, 2008, 08:02:58 AM

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I'v studied these patents and been working on wich patents need to be put together to make the unit work and have only found 2 working circut patents that will operate the coil in patent 381,970. one was the redesign od the condensor patent that farady made and tesla improved and repatented it. here some things that i go by in the operation of the coil from Kron and Bedine.Ã,  ----quote-------------
[/pre]Ã,  Ã,  Ã,  Ã,   The very next thing to do is to stick a paddlewheel into the river, this is where we stop for we have just created a open system to the paddlewheel, everything from the shaft to the generator to your load is now in a closed path, but the river is "FREE" and "OPEN" What Electrical Engineers do is take the output of the river and bring it back to the input of the river and then pump the hell out of the paddlewheel to keep the river moving. "This is called closing the loop". With this type of system you can NEVER GET A >COP of 1 orÃ,   BETTER<. The source is " Natures Open System"Ã,   ."You walk around in this system every day and fail to see how it works". What does this mean for electrical circuits, It Means you can never collect anything that you do not pay for, for you are forever pumping that river. The Universe is a open system, a continually running river. All you must do is find where to put the paddlewheel and not close the loop.

Kron, Gabriel.Ã,  Ã,“Now a value E of the negative resistances, at which the generator current becomes zero, represents a state at which the circuit is self-supporting and has a continuous existence of its own without the presence of the generator, as the negative resistances just supply the energy consumed by the positive resistances. (If the circuit contains inductors and capacitors, the circuit is a resonant circuit and it oscillates at its basic frequency.) Ã,… When the generator current is positive the circuit draws energy from the source, and when the current is negative the circuit pumps back energy into the source.Ã,  At zero generator current the circuit neither gives nor takes energy, and theoretically the generator may be removed.Ã,” Gabriel Kron, Ã,“Electric circuit models of the Schrödinger equation,Ã,” Phys. Rev. 67(1-2), Jan. 1 and 15, 1945, p. 41.

Kron, Gabriel. "...the missing concept of "open-paths" (the dual of "closed-paths") was discovered, in which currents could be made to flow in branches that lie between any set of two nodes.Ã,  (Previously Ã,â€" following Maxwell Ã,â€" engineers tied all of their open-paths to a single datum-point, the 'ground').Ã,  That discovery of open-paths established a second rectangular transformation matrix... which created 'lamellar' currents..."Ã,  "A network with the simultaneous presence of both closed and open paths was the answer to the author's years-long search."Ã,  Gabriel Kron, "The Frustrating Search for a Geometrical Model of Electrodynamic Networks," Journal unk., issue unk., circa 1962, p. 111-128.Ã,  The quote is from p. 114.

Kron, Gabriel. .Ã,  "When only positive and negative real numbers exist, it is customary to replace a positive resistance by an inductance and a negative resistance by a capacitor (since none or only a few negative resistances exist on practical network analyzers.)"Ã,  Gabriel Kron, "Numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations by means of equivalent circuits."Ã,  Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 16, Mar. 1945a, p. 173.

When the generator current becomes zero the circuit is self-supporting as the negative resistances just supply the energy consumed by the positive resistances. When the generator current is positive the circuit draws energy from the source, and when the current is negative the circuit pumps back energy into the source this is known asÃ,” open-pathsÃ,” and Ã,“closed-pathsÃ,”. That discovery of open-paths established a second rectangular transformation matrix... which created 'lamellar' currents. This circuit usesÃ,  positive resistance by an inductance and a negative resistance by a capacitor.Ã, 
Ã,  read this carfully and see what you come up with .



   Would it be fare to say that the river is the stream of neutrinos that the energy of the Earth pumps around itself and through itself creating the magnetosphere and near magnetic fields.  And that the pump is the spin of  a very large #of potential energy carrier's sometimes referred to as atoms and more specifically the electrons.  The Earth then becoming a giant unipolar generator that we are able to collect energy  from by putting a galvenometer to.  The paddlewheel in the river or a raceway on the side.
Think Legacy
A spark gap is cold cold cold
Space is a hot hot liquid
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Here is another answer I received by email from
Dave Doleshal:

   Hello Stefan,

    Sorry to take so long to respond to your most recent questions, but I have been occupied by other matters. Please publish this on your list as well.

    As far as a phone conversation with you, perhaps in the future, but it would not work for me just now. But I?ll respond as well as I can to the issues raised.

      Regarding my visits to Europe, specifically France, to meet with the supposed originators of the TPU, I?m afraid I have nothing of value to add.  I did indeed go to Europe during the early 1980s at SM?s request, attempting to chase down several leads related to such technology, none of which were fruitful. One person claiming to have such a device in London seemed to me to be seriously mentally ill, and had nothing to back up his claims. He had elaborate diagrams of a device he was sure would work, (the result of inspired ?visions?). But he admitted he had never managed to build one. The diagrams indicated a structure of 1000 nested coils, each 20 centimeters in diameter and containing a larger number of turns of wire than the previous one. The idea was that the number of turns was supposed increase by squaring the number of turns of the previous coil. For instance, the first coil consisted of two turns, the second four turns, the third 16 turns, etc. He expressed an elaborate and difficult to understand mathematical theory to explain why this would work. However, there were two problems. One was that in his diagram, the fourth coil was shown as consisting of 272 turns of wire. By my calculations, 16 x16 is 256, not 272. Most of the rest of his calculations were equally flawed. Secondly, if the diameter remained the same but the number of turns has to increase exponentially, the final size of this device would be astronomical. By the time you got to the 1000th coil, you?d probably be using up more meters of wire than existed in all of Europe.

   My contacts in mainland Europe were not much better. One in a small German town had one of the now infamous ?over unity devices? that became so popular a decade later. These are the circuits that create massive random, but very brief high voltage spikes of electricity and bizarre patterns of output. Since ordinary voltmeters are made to detect DC or fairly regular sine waves, feeding them peculiar patterns with microsecond bursts of 5000 volts will confuse the device, and make them give false readings suggesting the power output is outrageously higher than it really is. Nearly of the so-called ?over-unity? devices I have seen since seem to be a variation on this German device, even when their inventors insist they are not.

   Although I am of the opinion Steven?s TPU operates on the same or similar principles as something Tesla built in around 1890, (SM often talked as if he believed this was true, saying he believed his device replicated Tesla?s work) and suspect such devices may have been floating around in Czechoslavokia or other parts of Europe prior to WWII, and perhaps still are, I never found any direct evidence for this, neither during that trip to Europe or on any other occasion.

    In short, (except in the sense that Steven?s device may indeed be a modern rendition of what Tesla himself made),  any claim that SM?s TPU was something he ?copied? from someone else, or stole from some earlier unnamed inventor in Europe or elsewhere is simply nonsense. Far as I can tell, he really did create it himself, and anyone who thinks they have evidence to the contrary is imagining things. It is nothing more than idol speculation based on absolutely no factual evidence.

     All of what Jack Durban has to say about prototyping and his own supposed assistance to SM in developing this device is nonsense. SM already had working devices as advanced as any shown in the various videos for many years before he met Durban, whatever Durban may think. As for other matters:

(Jack Durban said): ?Steven established by actions that he did not trust anyone around him including myself. He could not go to anyone for help without revealing the technology and creating unintended competitors. He was on his own.--------- After meeting Steven I immediately detected some quirky personality traits and a real sense of paranoia??

This is a true statement. It would be fair to say an aspect of Steven?s personality is that he is not particularly trusting of his fellow human beings, especially not when they behave suspiciously, and vast sums of money are at stake. Perhaps this is a character flaw. However, others might call it simply being realistic. Since as Jack himself seems to admit, Steven was at that time surrounded by people claiming to be his friends, but who were even then talking seriously amongst themselves about planning to break into his house and steal his technology. Given that he was surrounded by sharks, SM efforts to shroud what he was doing in secrecy and a fair amount of obfuscation is easily understandable. To call this paranoia seems to be going way too far.

  As far as Durban claims that the 3-D audio technology was not real or involved ?hidden? speakers in the walls of a ?blue carpeted room,? he again Durban reveals his complete ignorance of the matters of which he speaks. The 3-D audio was never demonstrated in a ?blue-carpeted room.? (The blue carpeted sections of the theatre that eventually ended up in Jack?s facility were used only for entirely unrelated purposes. Durban was retained to help with some other, minor and less sophisticated audio devices the company wanted to market, but he never completed them. The 3-D audio system did make use of elaborate, difficult-to-create and very non-intuitive manipulations of ?white? noise to generate some very interesting 3-D dimensional sound effects. However, Jack was never directly involved with this project, and so far as I can tell, doesn?t seem to have even the faintest notions of what it was about. I?m flattered by Jack?s statements that I was the master mind behind this technology, and Steven contributed nothing to it, but that was the way it happened. Steven really is much smarter that Jack is willing to give him credit for. And, and I have, mentioned, neither this audio technology nor the company that owned it had anything directly to do with the TPU technology.

     To me, the puzzling question has been why Jack seems to have so much venom towards Steven, so much so that he is willing to make up outrageous lies about him. However, one of these later posts, Jack seems to address the issue directly:

(Jack speaking): ?So anyway as I sit here after another 16 hour day designing the same old consumer electronics products day in and day out, year after year, making millionaires more millions I feel nothing but failure and disgust in myself looking back fin failing to get this life saving technology to market all because of greed and vanity. Steven Mark could have made this technology available at any time he chose to and for some reason did not. It was not because it did not perform as touted. I can assure you it did.?

   If we take Jack?s words literally here, and I see not reason not to, it sounds like poor Jack is a very unhappy person, dissatisfied with his lot in life. He specifically says, ?I feel nothing but failure and disgust in myself??  If so, I am sorry to hear this. I always thought Jack was a fine man, with a lot going for him and plenty to look forward too ? high intelligence, a great family life and a successful career. But if he feels unhappy and feels like he is a failure, then that is how he feels. If this is true, I don?t wish to judge him too harshly. I have had many dark moments in my own life, times of deep despair and hopelessness, and I feel sympathy to anyone in such a state.

    However, it would seem that for a number of reasons, Jack blames Steven for his own lack of success in achieving some of his own goals. This apparently accounts for his intense vendetta against Steven.

Jack does admit some things that I find very disturbing:

(JACK SPEAKING) ?Why did I not observe more of the inner workings of this device or try to steal it? It wasn?t mine to take. And as dopey as it sounds I was honest and couldn?t muster up what it took to just steal it. And as stated I had no reason to believe that my dealings with Steven would cease.

Now, against my better judgment and the fact that it is very late I am going to elaborate on the break in that was planned by MM and another individual that I will identify only by his initials D.K.

M.M. and D.K. and I met after the demise of Extreme Technologies and funding to keep the needed cash flow to keep Steven funded. In light of Steven isolating himself after the fallout I expected that we would be discussing ways to replicate the device mostly based on my observations and M.s shopping lists. Not long after determining that M. had little memory of what he bought for Steven when going to radio shack for supplies it was apparent that we were up a creek and bye-bye free energy.

Then it was proposed by D.K. that we just break into Steven?s house and steal one. Seeing how comfortable M.was with this option it was apparent that they had discussed this prior to our meeting. I made it clear in no uncertain terms that this was not an option and that I would not participate in any way in such a plot. I even said to both of them that if I were to hear of such an event or if ever questioned that I would testify against them. I told them that I was not going to have my kids visiting me in jail in an orange jumpsuit.

I did not hear back from them and just carried on as if they clearly understood my ultimatum.  More than a decade went by and I never heard from either one of them.

     There was indeed a break-in to Steven?s house in 1996, and the culprit did manage to get away with one of the larger TPU units. This upset Steven a great deal. So far as I know, this unit was never recovered. If we take Durban at his word here, and as before, I see no reason not to, this is a very serious admission.  He clearly implicates MM and this ?D.K.? in the theft.   D.K is not the initials of anyone I can think of who was hanging around during this era, but Durban obviously knows who he was. This is important because it implies this D.K., whose identity is known to Jack, has (or at least had) a working TPU. Who is this person, Jack? Although Jack seems to clearly attempt to exonerate himself from any wrongdoing in the matter, I am not so sure a court would see it this way. If you were involved in the planning and discussion of a crime to be committed, and keep quiet about it such that the criminals get away with it, doesn?t that make you an accomplice? I?m not a lawyer, but to my mind, doesn?t this imply a significant degree of guilt upon Jack. (So who has this unit now?)

    Jack goes on to say something else that seems rather revealing:

   ?I have not been completely honest with you guys except for two forum members that I have been fortunate to call friends and confided with that know the whole story? On my own initiative and no one else?s I purposefully with forethought went on a character assignation mission against Steven in an attempt to flush him out of possible hiding?I just assumed that Steven, if alive would pop up to defend his honor against my groundless personal attacks but I fear that either he is no longer with us or he is not allowed to make contact. This explains why David Doleshal was taken aback by my many barbs against Steven.?

    This seems to be to core of the matter. Note that Jack admits the things he said were GROUNDLESS PERSONAL ATTACKS against Steven. I don?t know if people reading this list understand the full implications of it. Jack clearly acknowledges all the slanderous and libelous lies he has been spreading via internet for several years about Steven are just that ? slanderous lies. I realize that this may lead some people to condemn Jack and disregard the few small shreds of technical information he may have to add. Although Jack?s approach seems like a stupid, underhanded and unethical tactic, I would urge people not to write Jack off entirely. In some of my earlier posts, I?ve clearly said I think Jack is not only very bright guy, but a man of high integrity. Tempted as I initially was to revise that opinion downward when I first saw Jack stooping to slander, libel, blackmail and character assassination, I don?t retract that opinion. I still think Jack Durban is a very intelligent guy and a man of high ethical standards. Though I thoroughly disapprove of his methods, I must at least admit he was acting from what seems like an admirable intention. I too would very much like to see this technology made available to the world, and will confess to feeling great regret and frustration over the fact that all my own paltry efforts in that direction ulitmately amounted to nothing. If I were in Jack?s position, I might well have done something equally distasteful. If there was something I thought I could do to make this happen, I?d have done it. If it involved doing something a little dishonest and underhanded as Jack has done, I can?t say I wouldn?t have given into the temptation? if I thought it might work  I empathize with you Jack, I just wish you hadn?t resorted to anything so harsh and dishonest.

    Perhaps this is just a personal sore spot for me, and I am over reacting. But please understand, this opens an old wound for me. Steven was my very good friend since we were teenagers. He wasn?t perfect, but he never claimed to be. But none of us are, least of all me.  Steven and I went through a lot of hard times together, and he often helped me through some very rough days in my life. He was there for me when no one else was. The unpleasantness surrounding this whole TPU incident basically marked the end of my relationship with him, and I have not seen him in many years. If in fact he is no longer among the living ? a distinct possibility, that is a sad thought for me, and it only made it worse to see his name being slandered and ridiculed on false pretenses all over the world.

    Any way Jack, despite the nastiness and unpleasantries, it is good to know you?re still out there. I think you did a good thing by publishing the video. It?d be good to see you again some time. Get together, shoot the bull, talk about old times and what might have happened if the world had gone differently. I wish you the best, and greater happiness in the future. Don?t blame yourself this TPU never got to market. It was not our fault. The ball was never really in your court, or mine.

     And to the rest of the folks on this list, I would reiterate what I have said before. The issues of personality and character are not very relevant or helpful in this matter, much as many people seem to insist they are. Whether Steven had been a saint or a devil, neither wouldn?t say a thing about the value or workings of the technology.  I suggest we all pull together, pool such shreds of knowledge and hints and clues about the technical aspects as we may have, meager though they may be, and try to solve the mystery, if we can. Tesla evidently did it. Steven seems to have done it. Maybe together, we can eventually do it again. If anyone really knows, anything, come out, come, out, wherever you are.  If I had more to contribute on this, I would do so, but sadly, I have nothing else.


Stefan Hartmann, Moderator of the overunity.com forum


Enable soap opera mode

Quote from: hartiberlin on May 30, 2008, 01:03:28 AM
Here is another answer I received by email from
Dave Doleshal:

     All of what Jack Durban has to say about prototyping and his own supposed assistance to SM in developing this device is nonsense. SM already had working devices as advanced as any shown in the various videos for many years before he met Durban, whatever Durban may think. As for other matters:

(Jack Durban said): ?Steven established by actions that he did not trust anyone around him including myself. He could not go to anyone for help without revealing the technology and creating unintended competitors. He was on his own.--------- After meeting Steven I immediately detected some quirky personality traits and a real sense of paranoia??

This is a true statement. It would be fair to say an aspect of Steven?s personality is that he is not particularly trusting of his fellow human beings, especially not when they behave suspiciously, and vast sums of money are at stake. Perhaps this is a character flaw. However, others might call it simply being realistic. Since as Jack himself seems to admit, Steven was at that time surrounded by people claiming to be his friends, but who were even then talking seriously amongst themselves about planning to break into his house and steal his technology. Given that he was surrounded by sharks, SM efforts to shroud what he was doing in secrecy and a fair amount of obfuscation is easily understandable. To call this paranoia seems to be going way too far.

  As far as Durban claims that the 3-D audio technology was not real or involved ?hidden? speakers in the walls of a ?blue carpeted room,? he again Durban reveals his complete ignorance of the matters of which he speaks. The 3-D audio was never demonstrated in a ?blue-carpeted room.? (The blue carpeted sections of the theatre that eventually ended up in Jack?s facility were used only for entirely unrelated purposes. Durban was retained to help with some other, minor and less sophisticated audio devices the company wanted to market, but he never completed them. The 3-D audio system did make use of elaborate, difficult-to-create and very non-intuitive manipulations of ?white? noise to generate some very interesting 3-D dimensional sound effects. However, Jack was never directly involved with this project, and so far as I can tell, doesn?t seem to have even the faintest notions of what it was about. I?m flattered by Jack?s statements that I was the master mind behind this technology, and Steven contributed nothing to it, but that was the way it happened. Steven really is much smarter that Jack is willing to give him credit for. And, and I have, mentioned, neither this audio technology nor the company that owned it had anything directly to do with the TPU technology.

     To me, the puzzling question has been why Jack seems to have so much venom towards Steven, so much so that he is willing to make up outrageous lies about him. However, one of these later posts, Jack seems to address the issue directly:

(Jack speaking): ?So anyway as I sit here after another 16 hour day designing the same old consumer electronics products day in and day out, year after year, making millionaires more millions I feel nothing but failure and disgust in myself looking back fin failing to get this life saving technology to market all because of greed and vanity. Steven Mark could have made this technology available at any time he chose to and for some reason did not. It was not because it did not perform as touted. I can assure you it did.?

   If we take Jack?s words literally here, and I see not reason not to, it sounds like poor Jack is a very unhappy person, dissatisfied with his lot in life. He specifically says, ?I feel nothing but failure and disgust in myself??  If so, I am sorry to hear this. I always thought Jack was a fine man, with a lot going for him and plenty to look forward too ? high intelligence, a great family life and a successful career. But if he feels unhappy and feels like he is a failure, then that is how he feels. If this is true, I don?t wish to judge him too harshly. I have had many dark moments in my own life, times of deep despair and hopelessness, and I feel sympathy to anyone in such a state.

    However, it would seem that for a number of reasons, Jack blames Steven for his own lack of success in achieving some of his own goals. This apparently accounts for his intense vendetta against Steven.

Jack does admit some things that I find very disturbing:

(JACK SPEAKING) ?Why did I not observe more of the inner workings of this device or try to steal it? It wasn?t mine to take. And as dopey as it sounds I was honest and couldn?t muster up what it took to just steal it. And as stated I had no reason to believe that my dealings with Steven would cease.

Now, against my better judgment and the fact that it is very late I am going to elaborate on the break in that was planned by MM and another individual that I will identify only by his initials D.K.

M.M. and D.K. and I met after the demise of Extreme Technologies and funding to keep the needed cash flow to keep Steven funded. In light of Steven isolating himself after the fallout I expected that we would be discussing ways to replicate the device mostly based on my observations and M.s shopping lists. Not long after determining that M. had little memory of what he bought for Steven when going to radio shack for supplies it was apparent that we were up a creek and bye-bye free energy.

Then it was proposed by D.K. that we just break into Steven?s house and steal one. Seeing how comfortable M. was with this option it was apparent that they had discussed this prior to our meeting. I made it clear in no uncertain terms that this was not an option and that I would not participate in any way in such a plot. I even said to both of them that if I were to hear of such an event or if ever questioned that I would testify against them. I told them that I was not going to have my kids visiting me in jail in an orange jumpsuit.

I did not hear back from them and just carried on as if they clearly understood my ultimatum.  More than a decade went by and I never heard from either one of them.

     There was indeed a break-in to Steven?s house in 1996, and the culprit did manage to get away with one of the larger TPU units. This upset Steven a great deal. So far as I know, this unit was never recovered. If we take Durban at his word here, and as before, I see no reason not to, this is a very serious admission.  He clearly implicates MM and this ?D.K.? in the theft.   D.K is not the initials of anyone I can think of who was hanging around during this era, but Durban obviously knows who he was. This is important because it implies this D.K., whose identity is known to Jack, has (or at least had) a working TPU. Who is this person, Jack? Although Jack seems to clearly attempt to exonerate himself from any wrongdoing in the matter, I am not so sure a court would see it this way. If you were involved in the planning and discussion of a crime to be committed, and keep quiet about it such that the criminals get away with it, doesn?t that make you an accomplice? I?m not a lawyer, but to my mind, doesn?t this imply a significant degree of guilt upon Jack. (So who has this unit now?)

    Jack goes on to say something else that seems rather revealing:

   ?I have not been completely honest with you guys except for two forum members that I have been fortunate to call friends and confided with that know the whole story? On my own initiative and no one else?s I purposefully with forethought went on a character assignation mission against Steven in an attempt to flush him out of possible hiding?I just assumed that Steven, if alive would pop up to defend his honor against my groundless personal attacks but I fear that either he is no longer with us or he is not allowed to make contact. This explains why David Doleshal was taken aback by my many barbs against Steven.?

    This seems to be to core of the matter. Note that Jack admits the things he said were GROUNDLESS PERSONAL ATTACKS against Steven. I don?t know if people reading this list understand the full implications of it. Jack clearly acknowledges all the slanderous and libelous lies he has been spreading via internet for several years about Steven are just that ? slanderous lies. I realize that this may lead some people to condemn Jack and disregard the few small shreds of technical information he may have to add. Although Jack?s approach seems like a stupid, underhanded and unethical tactic, I would urge people not to write Jack off entirely. In some of my earlier posts, I?ve clearly said I think Jack is not only very bright guy, but a man of high integrity. Tempted as I initially was to revise that opinion downward when I first saw Jack stooping to slander, libel, blackmail and character assassination, I don?t retract that opinion. I still think Jack Durban is a very intelligent guy and a man of high ethical standards. Though I thoroughly disapprove of his methods, I must at least admit he was acting from what seems like an admirable intention. I too would very much like to see this technology made available to the world, and will confess to feeling great regret and frustration over the fact that all my own paltry efforts in that direction ulitmately amounted to nothing. If I were in Jack?s position, I might well have done something equally distasteful. If there was something I thought I could do to make this happen, I?d have done it. If it involved doing something a little dishonest and underhanded as Jack has done, I can?t say I wouldn?t have given into the temptation? if I thought it might work  I empathize with you Jack, I just wish you hadn?t resorted to anything so harsh and dishonest.

    Perhaps this is just a personal sore spot for me, and I am over reacting. But please understand, this opens an old wound for me. Steven was my very good friend since we were teenagers. He wasn?t perfect, but he never claimed to be. But none of us are, least of all me.  Steven and I went through a lot of hard times together, and he often helped me through some very rough days in my life. He was there for me when no one else was. The unpleasantness surrounding this whole TPU incident basically marked the end of my relationship with him, and I have not seen him in many years. If in fact he is no longer among the living ? a distinct possibility, that is a sad thought for me, and it only made it worse to see his name being slandered and ridiculed on false pretenses all over the world.

    Any way Jack, despite the nastiness and unpleasantries, it is good to know you?re still out there. I think you did a good thing by publishing the video. It?d be good to see you again some time. Get together, shoot the bull, talk about old times and what might have happened if the world had gone differently. I wish you the best, and greater happiness in the future. Don?t blame yourself this TPU never got to market. It was not our fault. The ball was never really in your court, or mine.

     And to the rest of the folks on this list, I would reiterate what I have said before. The issues of personality and character are not very relevant or helpful in this matter, much as many people seem to insist they are. Whether Steven had been a saint or a devil, neither wouldn?t say a thing about the value or workings of the technology.  I suggest we all pull together, pool such shreds of knowledge and hints and clues about the technical aspects as we may have, meager though they may be, and try to solve the mystery, if we can. Tesla evidently did it. Steven seems to have done it. Maybe together, we can eventually do it again. If anyone really knows, anything, come out, come, out, wherever you are.  If I had more to contribute on this, I would do so, but sadly, I have nothing else.



Dr. Dave seems to be confused on a few issues.

1.I never stated I did any prototyping on the TPU. Steven asked me to attempt to create a quick free energy device for reasons unknown.

2. The Sound demo room was exactly as stated as I took possession of it and had it reassembled in my warehouse. There were a few visible speakers but there were many more distributed throughout the structure which was modeled after a home theater with terraced seating.

3. Regarding the break in caper...I can't possibly know who might have broke in as many people wanted to. I did everything one could do to warn against such an action and I assumed that they listened. This casual talk did not rise to the level of conspiracy as it was just two out of three guys dreaming and with one of them being M. made it very, very unlikely to materialize.

4. "years of global slanderous lies"... Geez its only been since April. The other stories about the internet are from others that were either there at the time or are phonies.

In closing I feel really bad about how I dealt with this but I had to know the final chapter to the story. This isn't exactly a minor point in one's life or for mankind for that matter. This was real free energy.

Dr. Dave I apologized to Steven in no uncertain terms and offered to retract any errors I made in my dissertations without any exceptions. If you would like to discuss this further please make contact. I make no effort to hide behind user names or AKA's anywhere on the net.

Kindest regards,



Windows has detected a mouse movement and will now reboot.


Quote from: hartiberlin on April 16, 2008, 08:02:58 AM
I received this email message from Dave Doleshal and
post it here without any comments.
Dave?s comments to Jack Durban?s interview text are in red color.

...Also relevant is that Steven used to say he believed Tesla?s device was something Tesla invented before the mid 1890s, based on such knowledge of physics and such electronic equipment as existed then, not after things like quantum physics or solid state electronics were available...

I think I know now what Doleshaw (actually, SM) was referring to here. ;D

You've probably heard of Tesla's disruptive discharge a.k.a. the electro-radiant event, cold electricity, an aether shockwave, etc.  I recently found out that Tesla seems to have described this effect for the first (and only!) time in a lecture in London in 1892, and that this is the basis for the magnifying transmitter (and now SM's converter coil it would seem).  If you do a little digging on the Internet you should be able to locate far more information on this effect.

Here's a little something I found interesting: http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/new/tesla.htm
And a quote from that page (emphasis mine):
QuoteTesla made electrical measurements of this projective stream. One lead of a galvanometer was connected to a copper plate, the other grounded. When impulses were applied to wire line, the unattached and distant meter registered a continual direct current. Current through space without wires! Now here was something which impulses achieved, never observed with alternat?ing currents of any frequency.


"The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheaply, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything its value."
-- Thomas Paine