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Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?

Started by RobotHead, May 19, 2008, 11:55:42 PM

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If someone tells you a lie from the start, should you believe what they say afterwards?  Probably not if you use some common sense.

How do we know that ?SM? that was corresponding with Lindsay was really SM or telling the truth? 

We look at what he told us that we can verify and if it checks out, we give him more credit.  If it doesn?t check out, he?s a proven liar.

So what can we verify about Lindsay?s SM story?  How about his so called ?highbred? break through?  How real was that?

After reading through this story several times and looking into the facts, it just does not check out.

Here is the story as given by the supposed ?SM?.

My first invention was a Highbred electric automobile way back in 1978.

I knew that the automotive heat stroke engine was unbelievably inefficient.  Calculations told me that it only took about 15 horsepower to keep a vehicle on the highway at 60 mph but we needed 40 hp or more to accelerate the vehicle.  To accelerate it well we needed 100 HP.

So if we design the automobile with a large hp engine to accelerate the vehicle adequately we waste a great deal of energy when the large heat pump engine is only required to produce 15 hp to cruise at 60 mph on the highway. My solution was to find the smallest and most efficient engine I could possibly find and couple it to a storage system which could be used for and to provide for acceleration to cruising speeds..

The idea was simple and elegant at the same time.  I found my first experiments very encouraging.  I took a 20 hp 4 stroke gasoline engine coupled to a 48 volt generator
coupled to two banks of storage batteries coupled to a 48 volt aircraft starter motor connected to the transmission of a ford Fairmont automobile.

The Ford worked well.  It did not have blazing acceleration but was definitely adequate. You could drive it around town all day and on the highway at 60 MPH it would burn 1 gallon of fuel for every 50 miles you traveled. That is very good for a 3800 Lb. Ford at 60 MPH which on it's best day would have only achieved about 18 mpg.

I had proven my idea would work so I set out to refine it. I needed a more efficient primover and I needed a more efficient electrical conversion system. I found a wonderful 2-stroke gasoline engine that would put out 25 hp on one gallon for 3.5 hours.

I then coupled that engine to 4- twelve volt automotive alternators run in series into 4-12 volt banks of batteries. Now I had a super efficient gasoline engine with a very efficient electric energy conversion system.

The car now accelerated very well using the extra power stored in the battery banks and cruised at 65 MPH using 18 HP and leaving an extra 5 to 7 HP output from the 25 hp Gasoline engine to keep the batteries charged up to capacity for acceleration when necessary. I added a governor to control the gasoline engine to throttle back when
necessary and save fuel.

You could drive it over town and high way all day. It worked wonderfully and achieved 320 MPG when driven on a trip from Los Angeles to Las Vegas Nevada, a distance of several hundred miles. The car was a great success publicly and I invited Chrysler, Ford and General Moters to come to see the car.

They all sent representatives to see the vehicle, but I was surprised because they did not seem very impressed at all. I thought I had discovered the solution to the energy crises and they didn't even want to study the car I built. They were polite and they all asked me if I wanted to work for their companies but none of them were excited at all. I couldn't understand why until I met a very impressive fellow named Delorian.

Yes the ex-president of Ford who tried to manufacture the Delorian motor car in Ireland.
After visiting with him and meeting his chief engineer, Zora Duntoff, the father of the Corvette, I learned that the automotive companies already knew how to make Highbred automobiles and so did not need my design!

This was back in the 1970's and they are just now coming out with highbred electric automobiles for sale to the public. I find it terrible that these new automobiles are only getting 50 MPG! That was my first lesson in discovering what I thought was a break
through in technologies.

When I asked Mr Delorian and Mr. Duntoff why they were not making automobiles that could get 100 MPG they told me that it involved complicated economic issues involving the oil industry and the world economic system. . .

And so here we are today.

Obviously things haven't changed much.
I told you about all this so would have a better idea of my back ground and experiences in the past.



What he says about the hp needed to accelerate a car is true, the math checks out.

His car design sounds reasonable also BUT it all relies on his ?wonderful 2-stroke gasoline engine that would put out 25 hp on one gallon for 3.5 hours.? 

I would replace his adjective ?wonderful? with ?imaginary?.  Such a thing just does NOT exist.

Even at idle speed, doing no real work, 3.5 hours on a gallon of gas is not possible for a 25 hp engine.

Take your average 25 hp electrical generator, with a 10 gallon tank, it will only run for 8 hours at half load on 10 gallons of gas!  That?s 48 minutes per gallon at HALF LOAD!  That?s almost 4.5 times less than SM ?amazing? engine?s stated run time!  In other words, a normal generator would need to be 450 % more efficient at half load to match ?SM? claimed gas engine.

According to my calculations, his claim of 320 miles per gallon of gas is only possible if the engine runs near full throttle most of the time, way more than half load.

So unless someone can show me such an engine, and I?ve looked, this story is complete fiction!  Some real facts that hinge on one lie that breaks it all apart.

?SM? also stated that ?Delorian? (ie John Zachary DeLorean) was ex president of Ford. No, he was ex president of GM, not Ford.  Another mistruth that is easily disproven.

So, just from the stuff that can be disproven, how can anyone really give any credibility to what Lindsay?s ?SM? is saying?  From the proven lies I?ve shown from this so called ?SM?, I can only assume the rest of his story is just as filled with bogus truths as well.

It?s all about these ?kicks?.  Use ?tubes? to build your device.  If anything, these are most likely just misdirections to throw people off the true track of a working TPU.

So maybe I?m wrong and if someone can show me a ?2-stroke gasoline engine that would put out 25 hp on one gallon for 3.5 hours?, I will gladly admit that I am wrong.  Or even show me an engine that can run at 25 hp for 1.75 hours or more and I could build a big car that gets 160 mpg!

Till then I give zero credibility to Lindsay?s so called ?SM? and anyone doing TPU research based on Lindsay?s ?SM? should really look into what I?ve said here.  You?re wasting your time if you buy into what he?s told you about kicks, imploding TV sets and anything else about the TPU.  He can?t even tell the truth about his ?highbred? car.  He?s a fraud as far as I can determine using his own words.



Hello all,


about cars I dont know but you have to understand that Mannix only wants to help us. He knows a lot but  I suppose, not everything about the TPU.

Its fine for me to waste my last 2 years with my various TPUs. But then I have a question to you: why have I all the time runaways? Whats going on with my coils?

Even if SM would say that the TPU is a fraud I wouldnt trust him because I SAW and I KNOW that the TPU is real.

And I want to say you something else: a real TPU builder would never say that the TPU is a fraud, a waste of time. Do you think the fine, clever people here are idiots???

Im proud to be a TPU builder!!

Before end of this year you will have the prove.




I agree. With all of the results I have seen from coils I have built and examined with my own equipment, I know better as well.


I know that SM can't spell worth a hoot, ("highbred" instead of "hybrid" just for an example). I also know that he conflicts himself occasionally. However, WHOEVER he is, whether SM or not, he knows more than you do about this subject, as the coils I have wound according to his concepts give interesting results. "Interesting" meaning they do not perform in the manner that I have been taught they should. "Interesting" meaning also anomalous voltage generation discrepancies according to principle.

For instance:

A six turn secondary on ANY coil should not put out more voltage than a hundred turn primary..... period. Yet I have seen as high as 200+V on a six turn primary not physically connected in any way (just inductively) to a hundred turn secondary pulsed directly by a signal generator at 15 lousy volts. This is air core mind you, not ferrite core or iron core. (less induction than a regular cored type transformer...).

Anomalies are present.

Paul Andrulis

Finding truth can be compared to panning for gold. It generally entails sifting a huge amount of material for each nugget found. Then checking each nugget found for valuable metal or fool's gold.


Quote from: pauldude000 on May 20, 2008, 03:06:18 AM

I agree. With all of the results I have seen from coils I have built and examined with my own equipment, I know better as well.


I know that SM can't spell worth a hoot, ("highbred" instead of "hybrid" just for an example). I also know that he conflicts himself occasionally. However, WHOEVER he is, whether SM or not, he knows more than you do about this subject, as the coils I have wound according to his concepts give interesting results. "Interesting" meaning they do not perform in the manner that I have been taught they should. "Interesting" meaning also anomalous voltage generation discrepancies according to principle.

For instance:

A six turn secondary on ANY coil should not put out more voltage than a hundred turn primary..... period. Yet I have seen as high as 200+V on a six turn primary not physically connected in any way (just inductively) to a hundred turn secondary pulsed directly by a signal generator at 15 lousy volts. This is air core mind you, not ferrite core or iron core. (less induction than a regular cored type transformer...).

Anomalies are present.

Paul Andrulis

@ Paul
what  anomalies do you speak of? you quote 6 turns pri. to 100 sec. thats a good 15 to 1 step up.
thats about right for 15 volts in. perhaps you meant 100 pri to 6 sec.? i can still get high voltage out of an air core transformer, its called a telsa coil. the voltage out is dependant on the impeadance not the turns ratio.


Quote from: RobotHead on May 19, 2008, 11:55:42 PM

When I asked Mr Delorian and Mr. Duntoff why they were not making automobiles that could get 100 MPG they told me that it involved complicated economic issues involving the oil industry and the world economic system. . .

And so here we are today.

Obviously things haven't changed much.

I told you about all this so would have a better idea of my back ground and experiences in the past.



SM was making an "allegory" - it should not be taken "literally".  Perhaps he meant to "imply" that the energy-controlling factions already have his technology, and they will not produce it commercially for fear of "economic shockwaves".  Hell, for all we know, power plants are already retrofitted with TPU's and we keep paying without knowing the difference...
It is the men of insight and the men of unobstructed vision of every generation who are able to lead us through the quagmire of a in-a-rut thinking. It is the men of imagination who are able to see relationships which escape the casual observer. It remains for the men of intuition to seek answers while others avoid even the question.
                                                                                                                                    -Frank Edwards