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The 9/11 Truth Movement, Free Energy Suppression, and the Global Elite's Agenda

Started by CB_Brooklyn, May 30, 2008, 01:01:32 PM

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Communicating the truth to everyone you know is the only reasonable way to effect change in the consciousness of those caught up in the staged dramas of a TV conditioned world.

North americans are the best entertained and the least informed.

Every time you show up at fake voting polls you renew your endorsement of this endless game of bait and switch.



Quote from: sdanielmsev on June 02, 2008, 12:24:30 AM
  To borg;
   From House Painter;
  Yes, yes we can see who is for Big Oil, and who is for continuing the intellectual laziness that got us here in the first place. You are not for laziness, are you?

am i lazy ?, in what way do you mean?,
if you want to get out of the rat race,you have to let go of the cheese.


Right you are Cap!

I'm working on a new Web site where those that want to make a difference can.
No tease,

Stay tuned.



Quote from: jibbguy on June 01, 2008, 04:24:38 AM
First , i would ask , where is the proof that the nay-sayers have that these technologies don't work?

Funny, isnt it, that they can't point to any studies. Why wouldnt there have been studied by Universities, with the results posted online, like there are for thousands of other phenomena? IF something is suppressed, there is a good reason for it... Like some1 is gonna lose billions if it IS studied and allowed to be published widely by the mainstream. Because if there was studies that proved these things didn't work, then u would be sure to see it published all over the place, and we would get plastered with posts linking to them, with ppl saying "I told u so" ;)

Next I would ask what is it that make some1 want to defend Big Oil, unless they were getting paid to do it? Lol the rest of us know we are getting screwed royally by the oil corps; and even ppl who know nothing about alternative energy despise them for it. Their profits have doubled lately: It doesnt cost any more to refine and transport $10 a barrel oil as it does $120 a barrel.... Yet their price-fixing is allowed to destroy the economy: Cause inflation, unemployment, food shortages, recession.... All so those jerks can get their windfall profits at society's expense. Defend that, lol.

Lastly i would tell those that suggest we couldnt get along without the oil and coal cartels, that they are full of it ;) We could get along just fine off the grid, and there are many people who do now... Living off DC on boats using mainly wind and solar, or up in the mountains, using paddle wheel generators in streams and rivers. If we had magnetic motor-generators at home and at work for electricity, and HHO to run our cars and heating, we could give them all the finger and never look back. Good riddance to bad rubbish ;)

I think that most of the people who frequent in THIS forum could get along without the government and power companies controlling our lives.... Its the ones who refuse to think out of the box who will be stuck paying that hidden energy tax forever.... A bigger tax than all others put together yet the neo-cons don't complain about THAT one, cause they are the ones getting the money, lol. Everyone in the Bush administration are ex-oil ppl... Even Condoleza Rice has an Exxon tanker named after her lol. Any surprise they dragged us into a war over oil, and lied about it all? Nooo, that was no conspiracy, lol.....

I cannot believe this kind of stuff gets applauded around here.

You ask why the naysayers never point to proof or studies.  No one does studies of perpetual motion wheels because they do not work.  Real scientists do not take this kind of fringe stuff seriously - it is just not worth their time.   Just like no one studies why the moon is not made of salami.  I cannot point to a single study disproving that the moon has a salami core, but yet it is pretty safe to say there is no salami there.

Maybe someone will lose billions if free energy is discovered, but hey, guess what, someone else is going to make quite a bit of money as well.  Free energy, just like free Internet international calling, is not truly free, there will still be money to be made off of it.

Why would someone defend Big Oil?  I only defend the laws of supply and demand.  You think oil companies charge too much for oil?  Then buy less and reduce demand.  Do you know what happens when you artificially set a price of something too low?  You soon have none of that thing left.  High oil prices are healthy when demand exceeds supply, and it will force the development of alternative technologies.  Learn some basic economics.

Lastly, you want off the grid?  No one is stopping you.


There are tremendously strong reasons to study HHO and magnetic motors in a "real" world without suppression.... There is much credible evidence that they work, and hundreds of legitimate scientists have seen them work with their own eyes... Invited by the inventors to observe. Dozens personally saw Brown's and Meyer's systems work. There are hundreds of patents relating to them: So you think the patent office gives them out to crackpots with "perpetual motion machines"? They do not..... Try it yourself and see ;)

LOL, the government and Universities will spend 50 million dollars studying the habits of one species of endangered bird.... Millions more to try and get the best possible type of marigold seed for every climate.... There is NO HONEST REASON FOR THEM NOT TO STUDY THESE TECHNOLOGIES. There are 10's of thousands of research labs all around the country, funded via the government's University system; as well as corporate funded ones by the hundreds. Don't you think any of them wouldn't jump at the chance to do meaningful research on something that, just might, change the entire history of the Earth... If they were allowed to, anyway? They are stopped by the "tyranny of funding".. Whether that is by active suppression (as i submit), or by simple refusal to accept anything outside of the scientific mainstream... Is for u all to decide.   

I didn't mention this before, because i thought that at this site, i wouldnt have to explain that.

As for people making money, so much the better.... And if it is by selling a device; with a one-time cost verses a constant monthly charge... Even better! I am not a socialist, just tired of getting cheated and lied to by a-holes who think they know better than everyone else. At least i will have the CHOICE to buy that device... And not be kept from it by lies, so some jerks can go on trying to dominate the world... And empty our pockets in the mean time ;)

But cheap energy is not about money: Its about freedom. Freedom to decide our own fates. Freedom to live like individuals. And for the poor in third-world countries, it is much more than even that: It is a chance to gain life itself, and a chance at prosperity that would not have otherwise. Desalinisation plants run on cheap energy will turn the deserts into farm fields; the poor into middle-class.... And manufacturing cheap energy devices will revitalize the manufacturing base in America, that has been deliberatly devastated by the big corporations who care more about China than they do the U.S.   

Personally I don't use very much oil, to be honest... But i have lots of friends who must; they commute to work. For them, this oil price problem is a new tax that has robbed them of the money they used to use for vacations, or home improvement, or putting away for their kid's college. They have little choice in the matter: Sell their house, in this market now? Get another job in this recession (...caused by oil proces in the first place) ? And i have other friends who are Independant Truckers: they are being run out of business, fast... Diesel used to cost less than gasoline; now it costs more that gas, even as the price doubles and tripples. The big trucking corps buy their oil on the spot market: They don't pay more for Diesel than gas; and a lot less than retail prices.... And when the Indi's are all run out of business, the big trucking corps can charge whatever they like for transportation.   

You are surprised that people would be interested in this subject, at this site: Maybe you are in the wrong place then ;) Don't get me wrong, stay as long as u like, but don't expect many here to sing the praises of big oil, or agree that alternative energy is all "bs"... Because many of the people here have "walked the walk", not just "talked the talk".... They know if it's real or not.

Thx for your permission to leave the grid ;) When i do, i hope to help thousands more find their way off of it, too... Not just with banks of tow-motor batteries, a desulferizing charger, a couple wind gens, 1000W worth of solar panels, a beefy inverter, and a control unit... But with a 15kW magnetic motor-generator that requires no external energy; or by running a traditional Honda genset on nothing but HHO that i make myself. I will be happy to help u with advice when that times comes, too....

When will it happen? That's up to us here to decide.