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Aliens are coming October 14th 2008 Galactic Federation

Started by shooter001, August 27, 2008, 01:21:01 PM

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Well, Here's the problem (s).. 

Any group of people that starts (or ends) their paragraphs with "Brothers And Sisters of . .. ...  "   has about a 99.9 percent chance of being part of a group with a unique, or unlogical belief (aka cult) , right?

Second,  everything you've learned about this  is hearsay, right?   Have you questioned where this information actually comes from? Can you provide real details?

They also mention "reptilians" doh!  The same ones that show up on TV in clearly glitched digital videos?

I'm as open minded as the next free-energy guy, but c'mon.

Until you can measure it, arguing about something can be many things.. But science is not one of them.


Where do you get this nibiru info.   THere is alot of info out there on this topic.  Some says its real others says it a vatican lie.



Howdy Jibbguy,

That is a valid concern.  The NWO Illuminati has no qualms about killing even their own, much less their chattel slaves.  This is why the Galactic Federation has intervened.  They already have taken action to prevent the use of any nukes, anywhere on this planet.  This is specifically the reason for their intervention.  Mankind, under the control of the Annunaki and their puppets, the Illuminati, were hell bent on destroying this planet if they could not dominate it.  Therefore the Galactic Federation had to mitigate their ability to wreak havoc and cause damage, so the nukes were the first to go.  There was an attempt by the NWO to explode a dirty nuke in Texas in May, this was prevented by the Galactic Federation using a plasma shield.  After that there was an attempt by the NWO to attack Iran with nukes, Iran prevented that with a plasma shield which they constructed.  The plasma shield is a Tesla technology.  The evil people on this planet are simply not permitted to exercise power any longer.  They proved that they are not worthy of wielding such power, so they will be the first to loose their power.  This isn't going to happen like some movie.  I think that the first effects that we are going to see are a surge of spiritual events.  Angels appearing everywhere and telling us that this is Heavens will.  We will see an unprecedented level of patients, temperance, tolerance and understanding. We will see armies throw down their weapons.  We will see empathy and goodwill all over the globe.  We will see a surge of new technologies and the death knell of oil.  It is something we just don't know how to describe because it is something that has not been experienced in this reality for a long long time...

Newbie123, no this is not just hearsay.  Yes a lot of my information comes from channels all over the globe.  But I have my own sources.  I have psychic abilities and am able to channel information intermittently.  There are also my esoteric sources of information.  The future holds the evidence, if what I say doesn't come to pass you can dismiss me and never value my opinion and information again.  That is not my concern.  Let me tell you about my year first.  In February I was bored at work.  I decided that I was going to finally invent the free energy device that I wanted to build for so long.  I began my research, including many unorthodox resources.  This research had an unexplained effect on me.  I became prophetic.  I began to see through the lies that are spewed forth from the media.  I became psychic, hearing the thoughts of others, and having premonitions.  This shocked the hell out of my wife.  She is still in disbelief.  Then the psychic abilities turned in to what I call spiritual engineering abilities.  I am already an engineer, but with my augmentation I began to see alien technologies and how they work.  The Vril Levitator and the Thule Levitator, for example, I can see the workings of the mechanisms in my mind.  Now when I work with run of the mill engineering problems I see the solution almost instantly in my mind.  All I have to do is draw it.  My mind did not work like this before.  So when the 10/14/2008 message happened the information came flooding into my mind.  All I did was write it down.  I believe that this is communion with my spirit, the I AM that I AM.  I have become what is referred to as "Born Again" except not in the orthodox christian meaning, but the true spiritual meaning where my spirit truly manifests through my physical body.  I am now truly a Mental Being walking in a Physical body.  This gives me access to my soul knowledge and connects me to the Mental Plane of Existence where many of our space bearing Galactic Federation friends reside.  I was able to ask Christ Michael a question and I had an immediate response (I appreciate that also Aton).  My entire life has been transformed within this last year and it is a strange experience, albeit not unwelcome.  If you want to call this a cult, then you can call it the cult of Z.Monkey, and his spirit, the I AM that I AM, Magi Kahn (my spirit name).  So you probably don't believe all of this, and that is OK.  I'll let the ship do the convincing for me...

JesterTerrestrial,  The Nibiruan information comes from many sources, I'll have to go research my notes...

Blessed Be...
Goodwill to All, for All is One!


Quote from: z.monkey on August 29, 2008, 08:45:42 PM
Howdy Newbie123,

Well, there are very few people that read this forum, compared to the world population, and ever fewer people that will believe it.  There has been an influx of information about the Galactic Federation over the past year.  The internet, books, channels, lecturers, all of a sudden the information about the Galactic Federation, Nibiru, 2012, and alien technologies is everywhere.  Most people will deride, not believing the fantastic stories.  Fortunately, the true state of affairs does not require our belief.  I too found a lot of this information fantastic and hard to believe, especially in spiritual matters.  I have been on a hardcore learning curve as a result.  I had to get out of the little box that was my reality and embrace concepts that were totally foreign to me.  This was a hard thing to do.  When I first read some of these things my knee jerk reaction was "No Way!"  These concepts were anti-logical to me.  My brain would instantly reject them, but I kept studying, kept on trying to understand, and eventually they started to make sense to me.  Then it occurred to me that my brain was rejecting these ideas because I was "programmed" and "educated" by the public school system.  I don't know exactly how they achieved the result but my brain would reject outlandish ideas without contemplating them, and analyzing them.  I had no problem contemplating and analyzing mundane concepts, but fantastic concepts, and especially spiritual and alien concepts, my brain would instantly reject.  This is a highly specialized program that was running within my brain, and I do not know how it got there, who put it there, or when it was put there.  All I knew was that I needed to disable this subroutine because it was hindering my growth and evolution.  I managed to do this by consciously confronting the program every time it was activated, and let me tell you, that was a battle.  So to answer your question, yes, this is supplemental information about 10/14/2008.  Will it keep the world from freaking out?  Probably not, because this information will reach very few people relative to the population of the world, and few people will take the pains to understand this information as I have.  I wish that were not so, but it is.

Blessed Be...

Z monkey

I  have not  spent any  time  looking into the   Galactic Federation.  The  idea  of  physical beings  from  other   planets   saving us  seems a little  far fetched to me.     
With that said .   The  energy  of the message  from  Blossum  has  the right  energy behind it.

I have seen  more than a few  similar  predictions  come  and go .   It would be  great if this  happened as predicted .   
From my  perspective the  timing would be perfect .   

You  are right about   not enough   people  knowing  about it   to help   calm the  population  in general .   
As I see it  the  whole  point  of the  vist would be to wake up the  people...... it  would also  change the way  some people  are  viewed .

As  the  world in general  panics   but the few people that know  keep telling  people  that it is just the   Galactic Federation showing us that things are not  like we have been taught , and that they will be gone in 3 days  .
These  people will suddenly get more  respect .............after  the  3 days are up and  the  ship leaves ..


I think I remember reading  that  the   ship  would be in the south ..........I took this to mean  southern  hemisphere. ...... that would  make sense  .......there are less people    there and fewer nukes .   
I see no reason   for  the  craft to stay over one ariea ........it would be  best to  orbit   over  several continents   to be visable to the most people .   
A  ship  2000  miles long   could   orbit   hundreds of miles    above the earth and still  be clearly visable in the sky  .
The ideal   position  would be    above the southern   hemisphere  but high enough  to be visible   from  most large citys  in the  northern  hemisphere .   



this is probably a dumb question but?

How can I increase or bring out these "abilities" you talk about?

Z monkey?

what set it off?

I might be crazy ::)

But i think i may be having some of the same experiences