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Keppe Motor simular to Newman-Bedini combination

Started by hartiberlin, September 20, 2008, 06:57:08 AM

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From the Keppe Motor Manual:

Since the Keppe Motor uses both directions of the Essential Energy field (action and com-
plementation), it works more in accordance with the energy of life. Its emanations, therefore,
tend to inï¬,uence living organisms more positively, which brings notable physical benefits.
For example, some people have reported seeing a delicate gaseous plasma or “white
smoke” emanating from the Keppe Motor under certain conditions.  This is evidence that the
motor activates fields of subtle energy that could have the potential to affect physical elements
and therefore be used for therapeutic purposes.
Considering this possibility, the Keppe Motor development team developed a motor that
works like a DNA molecule. We call it the DNA Keppe Motor.  This motor was designed with
Neodymium permanent magnets arranged in such a way that when the rotor spun at the same
frequency as a healthy cell, the magnetic fields simulated the spiral strands of the DNA, i.e.,
one strand went up while the other went down.
It is known that both the North and South poles of a permanent magnet exert physical in-
ï¬,uence on blood vessels and other body cells. The magnetic North pole dilates blood vessels
while the magnetic South pole contracts them. Spinning a magnet around its axis causes a shift
between physical dilation and contraction on the cells exposed to this field.
This balance of North-South magnetic force plus the scalar field formed by the Keppe Motor
in resonance at a proper frequency forces unhealthy body cells to resonate with the motor, thus
capturing Essential Energy to recover their health.
In Keppe’s New Physics, resonance and entropy are two related ideas in the sense
that the loss of resonance leads to entropy. In resonance with Essential Energy, living bod-
ies are healthy because their cells are organized and receive Essential Energy, while in
entropy the cells are disorganized and there is no efficiency in capturing Essential Energy.
We call this illness.
In Keppe’s Analytical Trilogy, a physical disease is a form of rigidity in some part of the body.
This is primarily a psychological factor that emerges when a person censors, or blocks from
view, his errors. This attitude blocks the Essential Energy and prevents the body from fully re-
ceiving it.
As the Keppe Motor works with this Essential Energy, in principle, it can help to re-
duce stress.
In fact, evidence shows that brief exposure to the DNA Keppe Motor can cause reduc-
tions, and in some cases even completely eliminates pain and strains in people who used
it therapeutically.
As of November 2008, there is evidence to support the therapeutic use of the Keppe Motor
to treat sinusitis, migraines and general aches and pains, and even as a painkiller.
If you are interested in the DNA Keppe Motor, you can order it through our website at

Figure A4 shows the typical wave pattern associated with the Pulsed Direct Current
that supplies the Keppe Motor. Note that the back peaks (they show up below the zero
line) are numerous, and strongâ€"frequently twenty times larger than the positive peaks.
These are the peaks of complementary Essential Energy that show that we can, in prin-
ciple, capture more energy than we input into the system. 
It’s important to point out that despite displaying positive and negative peaks like
the Alternating Current pattern
does, in this Figure the nega-
tive peaks do not refer to the
alternating of magnet poles but
to the returning complemen-
tation of Essential Energy re-
sponding to the DC stimulusâ€"
and this means a completely
different thing! 0
Fig. A4

Fig. A5
Observation:There are other motors that work with DC pulses through PWM
circuits, which are used to limit the amount of current supplied to the motor. However,
the wave forms displayed by these circuits do
not show the complementary Essential Ener-
gy component, which makes the principles by
which they work with power very different from
the Keppe Motor. 
Figure A5 shows the supply waveform
of a PWM circuit. We can observe curved
positive lines and straight zero lines, with no
back peaks.



Norberto Keppe, W. Reich and James DeMeo all have similar psyco-babble 'Shrinknomics'  giving energy eccentric names makes them proud and puffed up. Like the Orgasm-Generator oh.... Orgone Energy-Generator, yeah whatever. Reich seems to have a pedophile/feminist agenda.

8 Keppe Motor Manual - Working Principles

The New Physics Derived from a Disinverted Metaphysics is the result of more than fifty
years of research conducted by the author in the field of psycho-socio-pathology (Analyti-
cal Trilogy or Integral Psychoanalysis). Perhaps it seems incompatible that hard scientific
proposals could come from psychology and even philosophy, but it is precisely Keppe’s
work in these fields that has enabled him to elaborate his revolutionary scientific view.
Keppe’s resume is impressive. He obtained his degree in psychoanalysis in Vienna,
Austria, and founded the largest clinic of psychosomatic medicine in Latin America at the
São Paulo Hospital das Clínicas back in the 1960s. This clinic was connected to the Uni-
versity of São Paulo’s Medical School, where Keppe was a professor for ten years. After
extensive successful treatment of serious diseases at the Hospital using his unique form of
psychotherapy, Keppe was invited to Vienna to work with Viktor Frankl and Knut Baumgar-
ten. When he returned to Brazil he continued his extensive research in deep psychology.
His pivotal breakthrough came in 1977 with his discovery of Inversion. Writing in the
foreword to Keppe’s book, Glorification, Dr. Joseph Ghougassian (a former U.S. Ambas-

Keppe Motor Manual - Working Principles
sador to Qatar) called Inversion a “genuine contribution to the intellectual treasures of
civilization.” Today, many professionals in the field consider it the greatest discovery in
psychopathology since Freud’s elaboration of the “unconscious.”
With this discovery, Keppe was able to determine that the origin of neurosis came from
the human tendency to see the world upside down. In his extensive clinical practice, Keppe
noticed that all of the human being’s problems stem from this common source: we see bad
things as good for us and good things as bad. We’ve come to identify love with suffering,
consciousness with restriction, work with sacrifice, honesty and kindness with vulnerability
or even naiveté, speaking the truth with aggression, etc.
Because of inversion, man begins to see the laws of nature as inconvenient and limit-
ing for his own accomplishments and he believes that the perceptions of his own errors are
harmful. Through Inversion the human being sees his own consciousness (inner life) as the
enemy, and this causes him to invert his values (and the values of society) as well as his
knowledge of reality.
From this point on, he begins to “recreate” the laws of science, and all the laws, accord-
ing to his megalomaniac imagination and not according to reality, destroying Earth’s Para-
dise in which he dwells and creating a huge delay for his progress and that of the entire
civilization (to learn more about Norberto Keppe’s developments in psychopathology and
psychotherapy see www.analyticaltrilogy.org or any of his books).
Even though this Inversion is something artificial, pathological and totally foreign to our
essential human structure, it has still become part of our human psychogenetics and can
be evidenced in all of our civilizations through the ages.
We see Inversion in everything from the simplest personal attitudes and behaviors (we
think aggression and arrogance demonstrate power while humility is weak, that making
money without working is the ideal, that we can do almost anything as long as we don’t get
caught), right up to the dominant laws and social structures (we’ve created legal systems
that favor the rich over the poor, developed a medical orientation that prescribes drugs and
surgery rather than addressing the root of the problem, put in place an economic system
that puts profit above human life and the environment).
And this Inversion also shows up strongly in the field that is particularly relevant to our
Keppe Motor discussion: science. 
The big challenge of Inversion is that it is an unconscious attitude, and that’s why it took
a psychoanalyst to discover it. What’s more, if we apply an understanding of Inversion to
the greatest thinkers in human history, we’ll find that it has caused a confounding mix of
correct perceptions with unconscious inversions, resulting in the confusion we see in soci-
ety today.
One of these great historical figures was the inï¬,uential Greek philosopher Aristotle, the
founder of the sciencesâ€"especially Physics, the science that studies nature. Aristotle built
his study of Physics on Metaphysics, which is the most important science since its objective
is to study the Being and transcendence.
However, as he was laying out the principles of Metaphysics that would serve as the
basis for all science, he committed some fundamental inversions. As a result, Physics be-
came inverted as well. What’s unfortunate is that these inversions remained unperceived
by any of the great scientific geniuses in history, including Descartes, Galileo, Newton,
Leibniz, Maxwell, Planck, Einstein and the Quantum physicists of the twentieth century
who all followed unquestioningly. (To learn more about Aristotle’s inversions in Metaphys-
ics, read Metaphysics I: Liberation of the Being by Norberto Keppe).



Difference Between Keppe Motor and Newman
December 26, 2008 by Rich Jones

We’ve had some questions about the comparison of the Keppe Motor and Bedini (see this blog post), and now another question from another reader:

“And how does your engine compare to this? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Newman_(inventor)

Well, there are important things to say in regards to your question. First of all, all motors are composed essentially of a rotor and a stator. So there are many motors that may “look” the same as the Keppe Motor, but the principle of the Keppe Motor is markedly different.

According to the Wikipedia page mentioned above: “Newman makes statements contradicting mainstream science where he assumes electric field potential (voltage) applied to a material (such as copper) will cause that material to produce magnetic flux.” We can say, in other words, that Newman believes that the magnetic flux derives from matter.
Keppe doesn’t believe that. Keppe states that all matter comes from Essential Energy, as does all electro-magnetic energy as well. Energy doesn’t come from matter; matter comes from Energy, and it is this fundamental difference in theory that makes the Keppe Motor different from Newman’s.

For Newman to deliver torgue, he has to create a more powerful stator (material). So his motor is enormous, far too impractical for market purposes. For a Keppe Motor to develop torque, we need to establish an efficient and powerful field of resonance that can effectively capture the Essential Energy from space. The power in a Keppe Motor doesn’t come from the material; it comes from the resonance the motor creates with the Essential Energy field, allowing it to capture this Energy from space. This means the specific design of the motor is important.

Although Newman does defy the theories of classical physics in some respects, his motor doesn’t work at all like the Keppe Motor, even though it looks similar in design. The Keppe Motor and Newman’s motor have different “souls” so to speak.

The Keppe Motor theory proposes that matter works like an antenna, capturing energy from space. The Keppe Motor coil works in natural resonance with this energy of space. Our motor, then, is developed in consideration of the concept of scalar resonance - quite a different process to Newman. For Newman, the number of turns of the wire in the coil is important to transform voltage into torgue; for Keppe, this is not important at all. Keppe Motors can be very small and efficient and drive a fan, for example, at a very fast speed.

For Keppe, every machine that generates power has its specific resonance, depending on the relationships between its wire gauge, the number of times the coil is wound, the number of coils for the size of the rotor, the number of pulses used, whether it is a mechanical, magnetic or optical commutator that is used, etc. (Just an aside, in Keppe Motors, mechanical commutators are restrictive for generating pulses and harnessing scalar energy). We are working to develop a better relationship between speed, torque and consumption of energy so that we create a better vortex for capturing the Essential Energy from space; Newman is creating huge stators with enormous mass and weight with miles and miles of copper wire to generate torque. See the difference in theory?

Our unique technology can be applied to small devices for practical purposes (i.e., machines with torque and speed in marketable levels). And we are constantly developing to apply the technology to bigger and bigger devices.

Hope that clears it up a little.


Quote from: Isdaudio on January 24, 2009, 09:29:17 AM

Difference Between Keppe Motor and Newman
December 26, 2008 by Rich Jones

We’ve had some questions about the comparison of the Keppe Motor and Bedini (see this blog post), and now another question from another reader:

“And how does your engine compare to this? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Newman_(inventor)

Well, there are important things to say in regards to your question. First of all, all motors are composed essentially of a rotor and a stator. So there are many motors that may “look” the same as the Keppe Motor, but the principle of the Keppe Motor is markedly different.

According to the Wikipedia page mentioned above: “Newman makes statements contradicting mainstream science where he assumes electric field potential (voltage) applied to a material (such as copper) will cause that material to produce magnetic flux.” We can say, in other words, that Newman believes that the magnetic flux derives from matter.
Keppe doesn’t believe that. Keppe states that all matter comes from Essential Energy, as does all electro-magnetic energy as well. Energy doesn’t come from matter; matter comes from Energy, and it is this fundamental difference in theory that makes the Keppe Motor different from Newman’s.

For Newman to deliver torgue, he has to create a more powerful stator (material). So his motor is enormous, far too impractical for market purposes. For a Keppe Motor to develop torque, we need to establish an efficient and powerful field of resonance that can effectively capture the Essential Energy from space. The power in a Keppe Motor doesn’t come from the material; it comes from the resonance the motor creates with the Essential Energy field, allowing it to capture this Energy from space. This means the specific design of the motor is important.

Although Newman does defy the theories of classical physics in some respects, his motor doesn’t work at all like the Keppe Motor, even though it looks similar in design. The Keppe Motor and Newman’s motor have different “souls” so to speak.

The Keppe Motor theory proposes that matter works like an antenna, capturing energy from space. The Keppe Motor coil works in natural resonance with this energy of space. Our motor, then, is developed in consideration of the concept of scalar resonance - quite a different process to Newman. For Newman, the number of turns of the wire in the coil is important to transform voltage into torgue; for Keppe, this is not important at all. Keppe Motors can be very small and efficient and drive a fan, for example, at a very fast speed.

For Keppe, every machine that generates power has its specific resonance, depending on the relationships between its wire gauge, the number of times the coil is wound, the number of coils for the size of the rotor, the number of pulses used, whether it is a mechanical, magnetic or optical commutator that is used, etc. (Just an aside, in Keppe Motors, mechanical commutators are restrictive for generating pulses and harnessing scalar energy). We are working to develop a better relationship between speed, torque and consumption of energy so that we create a better vortex for capturing the Essential Energy from space; Newman is creating huge stators with enormous mass and weight with miles and miles of copper wire to generate torque. See the difference in theory?

Our unique technology can be applied to small devices for practical purposes (i.e., machines with torque and speed in marketable levels). And we are constantly developing to apply the technology to bigger and bigger devices.

Hope that clears it up a little.


Thanks for your post.  I am building a Keppe motor right now.  I see the marked difference between the Keppe motor, Bedini motors, Newman motor, etc., I don't know why others can't.  Keppe simply points out what mainstream science is just now coming to realize ... the void of space is NOT a void,  the term 'Zero Point Energy' is now a real term in science, resonance is key to sensing and utilizing this energy, and so much more. 

I will wind my transformer windings today (likely).  Did you notice I said "transformer windings" not "stator winding.  The Keppe manual clearly refers to the windings as "primary" and "secondary" transformer windings.  This language is very important.




Quote from: gmeast on March 25, 2009, 11:00:56 AM

Thanks for your post.  I am building a Keppe motor right now.  I see the marked difference between the Keppe motor, Bedini motors, Newman motor, etc., I don't know why others can't.  Keppe simply points out what mainstream science is just now coming to realize ... the void of space is NOT a void,  the term 'Zero Point Energy' is now a real term in science, resonance is key to sensing and utilizing this energy, and so much more. 

I will wind my transformer windings today (likely).  Did you notice I said "transformer windings" not "stator winding.  The Keppe manual clearly refers to the windings as "primary" and "secondary" transformer windings.  This language is very important.



Hi all,

Once I decided to build a Keppe motor per the Keppe Motor Manual I realized I dreaded building the transformer support and also winding the wire.  First I selected a fabrication method for the plastic  transformer support.  I decided to just cut up a bunch of pieces and glue them together.  Since there's no way I could wind this thing without losing count of the # of turns, I built a winding fixture with a counter on it.  The transformer support is made of 1/8" thick white ABS sheet.  It is assembled using a hot glue gun and Super Glue.  I made an assembly mandrel to facilitate assembly of the plastic pieces.

I can't post any complete step-by-step instructions because of the disclosure statement I signed upon buying the manual.  The only reason I justify posting these construction details is that the manual only points to a picture of a plastic transformer support but gives no source for it.  So to ease any frustration for any other Keppe Motor replicators that bought the manual I have presented one way to make it from scratch.

Here are some pictures of that effort.

#1 is the support center assembled on a mandrel.  Pieces were held in place with rubber bands.
#2 is an end "C" flange and center getting ready for assembly
#3 is one end "C" flange attached to center on assembly mandrel
#4 is both end "C" flanges attached to the center
#5 is the complete main support.  "C" flanges are closed with a short piece between the "C" and a doubler 
#6 is the fully completed transformer support with primary and secondary partitions.
#7 is the winding fixture showing the counter and arm on the winding mandrel and crank
#8 shows the finished transformer support on the winding fixture and wire spool ready for winding wire

