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Story of Adam and Eve

Started by atomicX, October 29, 2008, 09:03:35 AM

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Quote from: johnagain on October 30, 2008, 04:53:12 AM

5/God found them and they were cast out of the garden. They  could not have stayed in the garden and eat of  the fruit of the tree of life as they would have lived forever not tasteing death, so they were cast out and would suffer death realizeing what god had said that  by doing so they would surely die.

6/ So they could now fullfill the commandment toreplenish the earth

Simple ay john

It was not necessary for them to break one commandment to fullfill the commandment to replenish the earth.

Part of the curse was to increase conception.  Eve was already perfect and able to concieve as was Adam.  They were not naive as to how procreation occurred as all of nature was set up for procreation.

Gen 3:16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

You cannot multiply something that is impossible.


I don't know if any of you got the point of the story.The point is there was a fatal error and this is the way it is...no exceptions.This tries to explain the mysteries of death.The other species on this planet are not cursed with the knowledge of their own mortality...therfore they spend no time thinking about it or being fearful of it. in order for people(knowing good and evil) to live unincumbered by this apprehension of doom and their eventual fate(death) they must not be burdened with this mindset.Religion all over the world attempts to free us of this burden by a presupposed knowledge of the afterlife,teaching us in a sense to "know" by "faith" or "beleif" that we can live without this nagging feeling of impending doom.There are many ways around the problem without knowing or faith or beleif and one is getting off your thinking butt and doing something.Another problem is freedom because doing "something" as far as the world is concerned has been reduced to slavery.Slavery is a lot of things and one is boring.You will die owing some rich family for the very air that you breath.But the rich have the burden of knowing they will die also but in a more elite and significant way(sarcasm).So it is hard to distract oneself in a repetitive "grind".I have hyptohesized that man's knowledge of things other than the present was evolved somehow from eating psychoactive plants.I actually got the idea from comparing the story of adam and eve and the forbidden tree with the story of the eqyptian tree of life and by looking up the actual kind of tree it was.these psychoactive drugs give the user a feeling of instantaniously "connecting" thought and reality.the aminos in the drugs can also cause birth defects so it was my thought that man could very well be the drug enfluenced evolution of another primate.


Quote from: FreeEnergy on October 29, 2008, 03:05:53 PM
from http://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/som/som31.htm


The Garden of Eden typifies man's original state of perfection before he began to have experience. The Tree of Knowledge means the Life Principle which can be used both ways. It bore the fruit of the knowledge of both kinds of experience, good and evil, freedom and limitation. Man must choose which kind of fruit he will eat. "Choose ye this day whom ye will serve."  Man makes his choice consciously but generally in ignorance. The serpent typifies the Life Principle viewed from the materialistic viewpoint; it casts man from his perfect state through his belief in duality and separation. Man chose to depart from Good, and man alone must choose to return to It. God lets him alone; for he is a free agent and may do as he wills with himself. When man decides to return to his Father's House, he will find that his Father is still there. "Act as though I am and I will be." "Onlook the Deity and the Deity will onlook thee." "Be firm and ye shall be made firm." "As though hast believed so be it done unto thee."  "Ask and it shall be given unto you; seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you."  God's Creation is Perfect and we must wake to the fact and know that we are now in the Kingdom of Heaven.

if anyone is interested in the science of mind read the whole book online for free here:

download the science of mind book for free as .pdf file here:

I have basic agreement with this. However I would not say that "The Garden of Eden" stands for mans "original state" (which kind of designates time and distance) but rather our present Reality which is right now beyond all conceptual story, space and time. It is our foundational reality which can be consciously realized at any given moment....now. We are not in it, we are IT.

j's $.02
We are not what we believe ourselves to be.


Ahh, a Terence Mckenna follower then?
I do believe that psychoactive plants may play a part in the developing of the size of our brains.
I mean, why the hell would we only use a little part of a large brain?
-because the rest developed by crosswiring with a psycho active substance, kinda like flexing a muscle by shocking it, it gets bigger even though you are not technically using it.
-or we were genetically engineered, Adam and Eve were the first successful projects, and all that extra brain mass is just leftovers. I think the human genome project backs this up a little.


QuoteI mean, why the hell would we only use a little part of a large brain?

I suspect that is a widely divergent 'we' of which you speak.  I've learned the hard way to trust none of what the garden variety PHD says, and less than half of what he shows you.


“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







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