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Started by HEYDUDE, November 19, 2008, 09:18:04 PM

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It is rare that I create a new thread, and I know this story has already been told, but I thought it deserves more exposure. So instead of just being an item in a wide ranging thread it can stand alone as a topic for further investigation and concentration of effort. So put on your detective hats, lets see if we can crack this one.

                                     TALE OF THE IMPLODING TELEVISION

Steven Mark disclosed a rather incredible tale to Lindsay Mannix, who then posted it on OU in early 2006. Either this actually happened or someone has a very active imagination. You decide, here's the tale in Steven Mark's words.

"Perhaps a story which had impact on me at that time was told to me by my boss way back in 1970 I believe it was.
He told me that around 1965 or 66 there was an explosion in an apartment in Chicago. the authorities had concluded that for some unknown reason, a General Electric color television receiver had been the source of an explosion that killed a young black child in the apartment. My boss went on to relate that he was involved in the investigation because he was in Chicago at the time and he was invaluably experienced with television circuits and etc.

He told us that what they found was, the TV had exploded with some quick fury. The explosion did in fact kill the poor child who was sitting directly in front but spared his mother who was some distance away in the kitchen.

The explosion was strange because of the absence of expected chemicals necessary to create the explosion. It appeared that the TV was the exact center of the explosion, however no one could find a reason for the explosion occurring. Also consider that there is not really much inside a TV to explode with enough force to kill people and destroy the living room a large apartment. Yes a CRT can explode and kill someone, however this was not the kind of explosion we are talking about. The most interesting part of the story is that according to our boss, metallic objects especially those containing large amounts of iron were dramatically displaced. He mentioned that some nails were actually removed from the walls and pulled toward the TV set. When they found them they were bent and shaped like cork screws! Everything in the room appeared to have moved or was moving toward the TV as it exploded, or imploded as the case may be. The child was apparently killed by way of these metallic objects traveling through his body on their way toward the center of the TV set.

As far as my boss knew, there was never a good explanation for the occurrence. We found out that this was not the only unexplained explosion of TV sets worldwide. However, the fact that all the sets exploded while in operation may bear some light. Also most of the TV sets were made by the GE company or were TV sets made using GE circuits and of similar design.

However, this man who had been my mentor for so many years had his own theory which he never told anyone as far as i know, except me. His theory was that the TV while in operation, somehow managed to become a receiver of more then just television waves and so for a millisecond in time became a receiver and the discharger of a huge amount of electrical and magnetic energy. This discharge of magnetic energy is vary similar to the discharge of magnetic energy during an atomic explosion. . . Now that is something I have thought about a great deal. I suggest you read about the tremendous magnetic energy discharged during an atomic explosion and the reasons for it. It may be of interest to you.

My employer's words had great impact on me. Not that they meant anything really, but I kept thinking about the possibility of many frequencies combining at one moment in time to produce an entirely different effect than intended by the designers. And so it goes. Some of the reasons why I thought about things the way I did and perhaps why I set out to think along the lines I did when I discovered the power generator technology. Or more appropriately, the power converter technology, because that is actually what it does you know.

Sincerely, "

My comments on the email:

Very interesting, the preferred attraction of the TV set for objects containing some iron, the twisting of nails pulled from the walls and all objects being pulled to some extent towards the TV.

Also of note is the statement that other GE sets, or sets using GE circuits may have had similar problems. Not all the sets but perhaps a small fraction of a percent. Seems like a combination failure of several parts would be required to cause such an obscure effect. But what could the effect be?

I have seen photographs of TV's that imploded from failure of the glass envelope of the CRT (cathode ray tube). Usually the most severe are when the front face of the CRT caves in. This will cause sudden acceleration of glass shrapnel into the CRT which can rebound back into the room and is dangerous. Modern TV's use a safety glass construction technique which prevents this danger.  I have imploded many CRT's, a pastime of youth spent at the dump of the little town I grew up in by throwing rocks at the face of discarded TV's, always, however, at a safe distance. It makes a bit of a "boom" but not much to get excited about. This was in the pre-safety glass era of the mid 50's.
I can state for certain from experience that the vacuum implosion would never suck any nearby objects into the tube!

Could a mini-blackhole or other magneto-aetheric vortex have formed for an instant, pulling everything towards it?

I would suspect that in order to create such a vortex several things might be required, these being electrostatic charge, rotating magnetic fields and a gaseous plasma to work on.

TV sets have pairs of opposed coils at 90 degrees for vertical and horizontal beam deflection. They also have a large CRT upon which a high voltage of 20 to 30 kV or higher electrostatic charge is maintained. The high voltage section on early tube TV's had a shielded high voltage rectifier tube because of the X-ray production. This was referred to as the "cage" and housed all the high voltage generating components.  Warnings of "Danger High voltage" and " Caution X-rays-do not operate with cover open" usually were placed on the "cage".

Additionally we have an electron beam generating "gun" at the neck of the CRT. We might also find some weak permanent magnets for focusing and beam alignment.

Modern TV's use raster scan, whereby the beam traverses a fixed course sweeping left to right at the rate of 15,750 Hz and vertically at about 60 Hz. to paint the screen. The electron beam never wanders from a known sweep pattern unless there is a failure of deflection circuits.

Vector scan, as used in some early display systems allows complete user control of the beam position to paint the desired image on the screen and is usually but not limited to text or numeric characters.

Consider for a moment a scenario where a cascade of failures occurred in the TV causing the beam to trace out a circle, a spiral or series of expanding rings or a deflection failure that magnetically rotated a gaseous plasma.

I will list some possible failures that could severely affect the ability to scan normally:

1) A failure of the power supply filter capacitors (opening) causing 60 Hz to modulate normal sweep frequencies.
2) A short in the deflection yoke or HV flyback transformer.
3) Loss of sync circuitry and interference of vertical scan by horizontal scan frequencies or the reverse.

Other considerations:

1) Impurities in the CRT causing the vacuum to contain an gas which could be ionized by the electron beam acceleration and impact on the gas molecules.. This could, in combination with the HV electrostatic energy,  create a momentary plasma that is acted upon by the magnetic deflection.
2) Partial loss of vacuum allowing air molecules to enter the CRT. Again possible plasma effects.

In summary, it is probably possible, with a few  modifications, to turn an ordinary TV set into a mini particle accelerator or plasma rotator. Wether or not this is the answer remains to be discovered.

I'm sure the above speculations are merely scratching the surface of what really happened.


how about it synconyzed with the earth magneticlly
and began to draw magnet engery from the earth ....

this is the mistery of magnetic collection as is hammels ufo....  green plasma glow round it b4 it blasts off....   

magnetic sonic boom ... :)

just a guess


like i said a guess.....   i really dont know ...   looks like you do  ;D 8)
To understand the action of the local condenser E in fig.2 let a single discharge be first considered. the discharge has 2 paths offered~~ one to the condenser E the other through the part L of the working circuit C. The part L  however  by virtue of its self induction  offers a strong opposition to such a sudden discharge  wile the condenser on the other hand offers no such opposition ......TESLA..




sync'ed with earth - my ass.  Tap the ley ines to tap earth and when you get vaporized - oh well...

(Let me know if I get off-track...here goes...might want to sit down for this)

This whole shebang is in-tune with Aspden and Smith - which is uncanny.

if this actually happened, it would have been a very sudden effect, like BAM! - zero to hero just like that.

only conductive objects were affected - so was not actual aether flow to center or collapse of aetheric vacuum - was electric field in action

would possibly take tremendous electrical field divergence to pull objects out of walls since are held by friction  - much easier to snatch out than slow pull  - so effect was probably very sudden - very implosive - but not a pressure - a force on conductors - corkscrew of iron is probably due to eddy currents in iron material since is magnetic - no mention of vortical action on other conductors

No mention of explosion after implosion so energy may have condensed to matter in TV - this may have escaped notice in the clutter of he TV remains - they would have found it in the lab though - probably scared the shit out of them.  Nuclear effects without the radiation - black world in minutes after a phone call.  Obscurity ensued and the goods were swept away to further study and replication.     They had since 50's - they knew what happened to the TV - just not how at first.  There are only a handful of people on this rock that even know this is possible - I cheat, so I am not included on that list -  ;)

Th "field" would exert pull on conductors as long as the rotation ensued, but it didn't last long, did it?

This is the same principle that it used to great advantage to overcome gravity - a rotating diverging electric field - we are all sitting in one - we just don't know it.  Of course the direction has to be a little different, but the propulsion is no different.

No wonder no one has ever found any good info on this.


The early color TV's had some circuitry that might do strange over-unitarian things upon failure.  The RCA CTC-30 TV from around 1968 is described below.  GE sets were probably similar.  Most functions were performed using vacuum tubes, with a few solid state components in the audio section.

The drive for the picture tube used real electricity!  Horizontal deflection driven by a big 6JE6 or similar power tube that handled about 80 watts.  A circuit breaker was provided near it to keep things from smoking if that tube or nearby components failed.  Some failures could result in the entire tube (plate and all) glowing bright orange and cracking the glass before the breaker tripped.  The plate would have peak voltages of over 2000 volts on it, during retrace/flyback.

The flyback transformer had many separate windings and taps, providing many different voltages for other parts of the set, such as the cathode and grid drivers for the picture tube.  It might have had a ferrite or iron-powder core.  The high voltage was rectified using a diode tube such as a 3A3.  It was then regulated by loading it down with a high-voltage triode such as a 6BK4.  All of these could potentially emit X-rays or arc over.

The deflection yokes were complex, with multiple taps on the windings.  Some of these were connected to a "convergence board" that contained nonlinear resistors or saturable inductors and adjustment pots.  These were used to correct distortions in the picture.  The yoke may have contained some ferrite cores to shape the magnetic field.

Any one of these tubes could arc over or get a glow discharge from loss of vacuum.  One then would have a very complex nonlinear system including magnetic parts  with a large amount of power being fed into it.  This might do something unexpected.

The other possibility is that the TV program being watched just really sucked.  ;)  The David Hamel story might be an example of this case, where the Waltons show sucked so much that it pulled alien space critters right out through the screen.


The right combination of frequencies might have produced some form of the Hutchison Effect.
John H. had similar things happening. Objects moving and metal twisting.