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British MP Galloway Under Fire After Claiming Zionists Control

Started by lltfdaniel1, December 04, 2005, 12:47:18 PM

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British MP Galloway Under Fire After Claiming Zionists Control Media

By Alex Sholem

Anti-Israel politician George Galloway came under fire yet again this week
after he told an Arab television interviewer that Zionists control the
media. The Bethnal Green and Bow MP's latest comments came after he was
introduced as "a former member of the British Houses of Parliament" during a
live interview with Qatari Al-Jazeera television. He responded: "I am still
a member of parliament and was re-elected five times. On the last occasion I
was re-elected despite all the efforts made by the British government, the
Zionist movement and the newspapers and news media which are controlled by
Zionism." Mark Gardner, Director of Communications at the Community Security
Trust, said: "This is despicable language for a Member of Parliament to use.
Suggestions of Jewish media control can only give encouragement to
anti-semites of every type."


Irving Finds and Signs His Books In Austrian Jail Library

By Kate Connolly

David Irving, the British historian, has embarrassed Austria's judicial
authorities by finding his own books in a prison library while in custody on
charges of Holocaust denial. Irving, 67, who will spend Christmas and the
New Year behind bars pending trial, found two of his most contentious books
in the Graz prison library after asking for something to read. He said in an
interview he signed both, German translations of Hitler's War and The
Destruction of Convoy PQ-17, before returning them to guards. Josef Adam,
the head of the prison, said it was "not possible" to know how the books had
ended up in the 6,400-volume library, the contents of which he "could not
know exactly". "Now we will dispose of the books," he said. An embarrassed
justice ministry said it had known nothing about the existence of the books
in the prison. "Revisionists have no place in the libraries of judicial
institutes," said Christoph P?chinger, a spokesman for Karin Gastinger, the
justice minister.


Israel 'Security Wall' is Political Border, Says Israeli Official

By Yuval Yoaz

Justice Minister Tzipi Livni has stated publicly that the separation fence
will serve as "the future border of the state of Israel" and that, "the High
Court of Justice, in its rulings over the fence, is drawing the country's
borders." Livni's remarks are in contradiction to the position of the state
prosecution, which she oversees as justice minister. The prosecution has
many times stated in court, when petitions against the separation fence were
being heard, that the barrier is a "security" rather than a "political"
fence, and that it is a temporary measure. Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb
Erekat said Livni's comments confirmed that the barrier was a pretext for
taking lands the Palestinians want for their state. "This is a very
dangerous development and undermines the chances of permanent state
negotiations," Erekat said. "This just proves that Israel wants to dictate
and not negotiate."


Oil from Iraq: An Israeli Pipedream?

Jane's Foreign Report

(The counterfeit-Jewish State in, but not of) Israel stands to benefit
greatly from the US led war on Iraq, primarily by getting rid of an
implacable foe in President Saddam Hussein... An intriguing pointer to one
potentially significant benefit was a report by Haaretz on 31 March that
minister for national infrastructures Joseph Paritzky was considering the
possibility of reopening the long-defunct oil pipeline from Mosul to the
Mediterranean port of Haifa. With (the counterfeit-Jewish State in, but not
of) Israel lacking energy resources of its own and depending on highly
expensive oil from Russia, reopening the pipeline would transform its
economy. US efforts to get Iraqi oil to Israel are not surprising. Under a
1975 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), the US guaranteed all (the
counterfeit-Jewish State in, but not of) Israel's oil needs in the event
of a crisis. The MoU, which has been quietly renewed every five years, also
committed the USA to construct and stock a supplementary strategic reserve
for (the counterfeit-Jewish State in, but not of) Israel, equivalent to some
US$3bn in 2002. Special legislation was enacted to exempt (the
counterfeit-Jewish State in, but not of) Israel from restrictions on oil
exports from the USA.


The War on Al Jazeera

By Jeremy Scahill


The Withdrawal from Iraq is Coming

By Ze'ev Schiff


Signs of Empire

By Manuel Lora


Putin vs. the Neo-Comintern

By Patrick J. Buchanan


World War Three Seen Through Soviet Eyes

By David Rennie

The nightmare of nuclear war in Europe - a spectre that haunted the world
for half a century - stood revealed yesterday in terrible detail. In a
historic break with the past, Poland's newly elected government threw open
its top secret Warsaw Pact military archives - including a 1979 map
revealing the Soviet bloc's vision of a seven-day atomic holocaust between
Nato and Warsaw Pact forces. The defence minister, Radek Sikorsky, showed
off the map at an emotional press conference. He described it as a
"personally shattering experience", pointing to a long line of nuclear
mushroom clouds neatly stamped along the Vistula, where Soviet bloc
commanders assumed that Nato tactical nuclear weapons would rain down to
block reinforcements arriving from Russia. About two million Polish
civilians would die in such a war, and the country would be all but wiped
off the face of the Earth, he said.


World War II US Plans for 'Race Specific' Weapons Against Japanese

By David Price

During the Second World War, over two dozen anthropologists worked for the
Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the institutional predecessor to the
CIA, performing a variety of tasks ranging from covert-ops to desk-bound
propaganda analysis. For the first time, I can now describe one 1943 OSS
document, the "Preliminary Report on Japanese Anthropology," which which
reveals that World War II-era anthropologists were recommending culture- and
race-specific means of killing Japanese soldiers and civilians. This report
sought to determine if there were "physical characteristics in which the
Japanese differ from others in such a way as to make these differences
significant from the point of view of carrying on the war". The person who
write this report remains remains classified, but a list of scholars
consulted by OSS includes anthropologists such as Clyde Kluckhohn, Fred
Hulse, Duncan Strong, Ernest Hooton, C. M. Davenport, Wesley Dupertuis, and
Morris Steggerda.


Slavery Myths

By Laurence M. Vance

Much of what we hear today about slavery from the Black community, the news
media, the pulpit, the high school classroom, and the university lectern is
a myth. This does not mean that slavery was anything but a great evil. It
just means many things commonly accepted as slavery facts are actually
slavery myths. This is not an attempt at a scholarly discourse on slavery.
It is merely a presentation of some myth-refuting facts that I have
assembled from a few books in my own library. Myth number one: Slavery was a
distinctively Southern institution. From Ira Berlin's Generations of
Captivity (Harvard University Press, 2003), we read: On the eve of American
independence, nearly three-fourths of Boston's wealthiest quartile of
property-holders held slaves. A like proportion could be found in New York,
Philadelphia, Providence, and Newport. From a position at the top of
colonial society, one visitor noted that there was "not a house in Boston"
that "has not one or two" slaves...


Montreal To Send Largest Delegation to Tour 'Holocaust Death Camps'

By David Lazarus

Montreal once again will be sending the largest single-city delegation in
the world on the March of the Living trip to Poland and Israel next year.
The total number of participants on the March, which takes place just after
Passover, from April 23 to May 7, 2006, will be upward of 500, said Derrick
Nishmas, who is co-chairing the March with Howard Stotland. That includes
250 to 300 Grade 11 students - the March's main target group - as well as 50
or so young adults, from 20 to 35 years old, and roughly 100 adults. Add on
the support contingent - madrichim, survivors, rabbis, educators and even
physicians - and the total climbs to about 500. "Hopefully, we'll be in the
front row of the March again," Nishmas said. "There's a real buzz about this
trip - how magical, how special it is." The trip is organized from the
offices of the Bronfman Israel Experience Centre under the umbrella of the
Bronfman Jewish Education Centre. ...the power of the March lies "in the
fact that we will never forget or let it happen again, but also that we now
stand as free Jews."


NJ Musuem To Host 'Holocaust' Exhibit Created by 8th and 9th Grade Students

By Amy L. Kovac

The Paterson Museum will soon open an exhibit unlike any other it has hosted
- one created and installed completely by high school students. Called
"Justice for All," the exhibit on the Holocaust is expected to debut the
second week of December. The display was originally part of an eighth-grade
class project from the spring at School 18. Sandra and Edmary Serrano, also
14 and a ninth-grader at Tech, are the exhibit's coordinators. The two girls
have spent more than 30 hours organizing and mounting posters of survivors'
stories, explanations of the killing centers and concentration camps, and
the long, snaking timeline that begins in 1914 and ends in 1945. The
students agree that their favorite piece is the Kristallnacht case, which
commemorates the "night of broken glass" in 1938, when Nazis carried out a
massive pogrom against Jews in Germany and Austria.



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68:16 But by this, THEIR KNOWLEDGE (science - 1 Tim. 5:20), THEY PERISH, and by this also its power consumes them.

twh 1:1 Thousands of earth years ago,far away,in this galaxy,on the morning star(venus),the Lord Guardian Of Divinity,King ruler and Guardian of the Universe,put down a revolution led by Lucifer(Iblis)