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Cavitation: Is it the key to alternative energy?

Started by Grumpy, December 31, 2008, 08:49:22 PM

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     Below is another way CAVIFUCKITATION of a magnetic field works.  This knowlege is from an ancient electric motor design book that came out a little after Tesla gave the finger to Edison.  You gotta look at Edison for awhile and tell me this guy didn't have a hard time finding his way home from the slave mills he ran  never mind the ability to invent anything but threats and laboratory fires. 

    The magnetic field is fluidic.    So we can sail things through the magnetic field like a boat.  (This should get some reaction from all the naval personel aboard the overunity tub.)  The diagram below is of a conductor (or hopefully a permanent magnet.  I don't know shit about permanent magnets but I would think you could make one where the flux simulates that of the field around a current carrying conductor seeing as how they makeem with a dc current through the solidifying metals then get the wind blowing in em just before they ship em to packaging)  in a magnetic field flowing from right to left.  (DC permanent magnet motor /   conductor on the armature).  The magnetic vortex spin initiated around the conductor as depicted by the green arrows.  As you can see the pm field is opposed by the conductor flow on top of the conductor which causes a magnetic cavity or cancelling above the conductor.  Below the conductor there is an additive or magnetic pressure increase because of the field alignment with the conductor spinning magnetic field and the field magnetic flow.   This causes the conductor  to be pushed continously into the magnetic low pressure area it creates just ahead of it's travel.   Just like an aerfoil.  Problem on an armature is that the magnetic field it is accelerating through isnt big enough of a wind storm.  It runs out and and everything has to be reversed or tacked over.   Now imagine if the conductor ran in a slot between two rings polarized so that the magnetic wind blew through the entire slot from inside ring to outside ring.  Then your sail wouldn't have to be tacked over.  No commutator no brushes no inefficient shorting of coils and current reversals.  Now if the two rings are anchored to a plate that drives a load and you drive a load with the shaft also things are really going to get wild.  Especially if the field torroidal magnets have little spokes on em and you have em run up close to a bunch of output windings.  Then you wouldnt need to have a permanent magnet rotor constructed cause you would be able send some exciter current through em.  I got a nother picture of the design.  Alot easier to figure out than Teslaneese.   

MOD  @Grumpy

   You will also notice that the electric field developed between the two different magnetic flux fields is in alignment with the direction of conductor travel so there's your lmd doing mechanical work as it is locked in to the conductor mass.
Think Legacy
A spark gap is cold cold cold
Space is a hot hot liquid
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  Here is the picture.  It is an end view.

  Red permanent magnet ring.  Black permanent magnet ring.  Both mounted to a disc.  The disc is mounted to a turn table bearing.  This disc assembly then is able to spin independently of the rotor.  The rotor with the conductors in the slot is mechanically arranged so that it is attached to an ouput shaft for mechanical power and mounting of a slip ring to supply current to the rotor conductors.  It is free to spin independently of the spinning stator.  The alternator output pickups are anchored to the real stator and the electrical power taken off of these pickups.
As current is supplied to the rotor1 slot conductors a torque is developed between the two rotors.  Rotor one1 is attached to a motor load like maybe a waterpump to irrigate a desert region into a fertile plain so people can eat.  Rotor two could also be coupled to a mechanical load like a conventional alternator which recycles some ouput for the rotor one conductors and some juice out the wall so people don't have to get black lung burning kerosene inside of cardboard huts to keep from freezing.
Think Legacy
A spark gap is cold cold cold
Space is a hot hot liquid
Spread the Love


A new word!!
I always like to increase my vocabulary
Whats for yah ne're go bye yah
Thanks Grandma


Damn war going on here - wattsup...

Anyone who pushes a device that produce unusable amounts of anomalous energy is "suspicious" and therefore a "troll" until proved otherwise.

If he was a true OU searcher, he would be supporting the devices and theories that he mocks.

Sorry Paul, you've just been made.

Quote from: wattsup on January 08, 2009, 02:12:03 PM

What Paul is saying is his right to debate such a claim. I also have misgivings about the cavitation theory although your last paragraph of your explanation does help in the physical sense. I accept some portions and reject others, especially the use of the word "ALL" is due to cavitation, "ALL" is mass to atomic, and especially the discussion of 2 coulombs at 1 meter, this would have to be laid out clearly as to how you would plan to go about testing this in a manner that others can replicate. A one liners will not cut it. The universe is too vast to make such claims.

Theories are a dime a dozen, you know this, I know this and we all know this. What TheBuzz is proposing is no small claim and actually, this is really not the place to propose it expecting that any real world change might come out of it in the scientific community. This is no small pick'ins. Our own personal work loads are already high and the amount of brain-power, effort and also stamina required to hold your own during such a process is rather high.

Added to the already difficult realities of coming out with a new and unproven theory, now if members cannot openly discuss this without fear of being ridiculed as we know is often the case with how TheBuzz responds to others, then I and others will not have the stomach to entertain any rebuttals. You either want to propose a theory and be open to debate or you keep your theory to yourself and don't cause any waves. Can it be any other way. I think not.

Then there is TheBuzz's honest approach to this subject that must also include an honest realization that he could in fact be proven wrong, maybe not by us but in general academia where this theory really should make its claim.

Or at least make a mark and someday some university smart ass will find it and bring it into more public light. These things take time. TheBuzz cannot expect things to change just by announcing it here in a few somewhat ambiguous lines of text. I would take much more then that. But the first start is to accept both others can object and in fact others may even prove you wrong. Are you open to that possibility - yes or no. Will you treat others respectfully during this process - yes or no. You know the rest.

But, to tell you the truth the world does not have any time to fiddle around with new theories. The fuse is lit and is getting short. Once we can buy more time for the world, we'll have time to mull over new theories. I'm just trying to be a realist cause I like the guy, I think he is smart mixed with smart-ass but his ideas are good.
It is the men of insight and the men of unobstructed vision of every generation who are able to lead us through the quagmire of a in-a-rut thinking. It is the men of imagination who are able to see relationships which escape the casual observer. It remains for the men of intuition to seek answers while others avoid even the question.
                                                                                                                                    -Frank Edwards


Quote from: TheBuzz on January 09, 2009, 01:03:27 AM
First off, I am glad you are all talking about my theory. Everything begins with the word. Some people want to silence the word and their techniques and methods are obvious.

Your theory? Ah, you mean the "Cavitation OU" debacle ?? Yeah, .... Or, the theory of the many generations of people who were born before you???  Wanna-B...The "Saint" Buzzer.

I have never known Stephan to close a thread without an explanation. So it would be natural to think that Pirate who started the thread is the one who locked it.
Yes, the original thread was (most probably) closed by a Pirate, one of the more respectfull members........ After your idiotic "claims" and objections ....Hehe....

If you read the thread from the beginning, he started out with the intent of discrediting the theory. That backfired on him when people posted a slew of OU examples that used cavitation. Eventually, so much information came out the thread was locked.

Yeah, right...

Paul follows me from thread to thread just like Pirate used to. Paul uses the same attack methods and travels with the same maritime user name group that stalks me from thread to thread. The intent of this group is obvious since they never post positive examples that are everywhere but only use personal attacks and silly things like a silly survey meter to try and suppress this information.

Hey, the maritime users name group? Lol... I'm the "spinner". I'm the one who is enthusiastic with the sailing.... And I say Your idiotic theories are good only for the fish food, therefore?

Does it have anything in common with your (many) previous forum attempts, when you were recognised as an total idiot, a low level format of life...?

Is there any rule that in a Fe56 to Fe54 transmute the electrons must come off one at a time which would produce Fe55 which is a radioactive isotope? Could the electrons come off in a pair and transmute back and forth between two stable isotopes? So much for his test.
Hey, stripping the free electrons from the molecules is not the transmutation....

The best advice I can give you is learn to identify the trolls and spooks and reward them with bad Karma. Expose them and shout them down but do not engage them. Use mathematical analysis of when they post, who they post with and so on to notice the pattern and their true intent.

I have 8 years or so of posts saved and the math does not lie, the techniques they use are repetitive and their intent is clear. So at some level, all they really do is validate me in the eyes of anyone smart enough to look at the information and apply that to their experience.

your "intifada", or great call was "widely" obeyed (only by a few idiots)... You are the miserable pearson, and you'll see the results in the very near future.... People in generaly are not as dumb as you "think" they are....

The trolls basically want to know these things:
1. Do you know how to produce fusion and are you working on that. Let me make it easy for you trolls - NO and I have no interest in learning about it or experimenting with it for obvious reasons.

Naturally, The Buzz's claims are an equivalent to hot air... (He would never promise you to give you something real....)
He don't know (!) how to defend ANY of his claims.... He's a just a wannabe....
2. If you do have an OU device, is there something they can patent around it to keep t from market.

3. Is there something that they can do to invalidate a patent if all that fails through prior disclosure and sue you through the investors that are going to show up at just the right time.

4. Your identity so they can add you to their list.
Wanna-B idiot.

What the spooks and trolls are not going to do and have not done is hold up one single validated example of a free energy device that is not a receiver that does not use cavitation to convert mass into the atomic energy contained within the mass.
Yes, and you'll show it to anyone in the future....

In the last 4000 years of recorded history, one man has come forward with a "theory" of how all true free energy devices worked and pointed to example after example - that would be me. So are you surprised that free energy web sites are run by spooks? I have been banned here and other places many times and I wear that as a badge of honor, it only validates my claim.
Yep, the Saint Buzz.... Holly you... Idiot!

Thane Heins is an example of everything you would never want to do as an inventor. Prior disclosure, 390 pages of BS and people still can't find the information the trolls buried it under because they were able to rough him up and get him to engage them. You have to question someones motives that is acting in such a manner.

Yes, some os us who didn't came here just yesterday,  should know...  You, the little bugger, were claiming the Heinz's success at the beggining..., then saying the Heinz would be nothing without your contribution, then revert to "his thread is a pure bullshit, and he doesn't know what he's doing...." You little fucker.... You are the main contributor to most of his "bullshit pages".....

Some people are emotional trolls as well. They seek approval and the feeling of control over others and free energy claims are a way to obtain that. They feel unheard, impotent and so they shout and are passive aggressive, project, religious, etc. It is almost like they were pulled out of a mold they are so typical in their actions.
That's you.... The description of the Saint Buzz himself.... In whole of it's greatness....  ;D

Ignore them all and they will stick out like a big sign that says "I am a suppression troll."

Hartman ban me again? Ha! He might as well put up a homepage that says "I have banned the one person in 4000 years of energy research that explained how all free energy devices work and that is proof I am the business of intel gathering and suppression."

I don't think at this point Hartman is that stupid because the math does not lie and I have been busy gathering the goods on these people for 8 long years.

Poor fucker! in 4000 years, your the supreme shame.... Idiot! Go crawl....

Now ask yourself why Thane does not want the information (science) that he WILL NEED to defend his patent and prior disclosure claims in court? I don't have have go any further than the pillow next to me at night to talk to a intellectual property / patent attorney. Thane's future is most likely a sad one.

Thane is simply sick of your "goods". You're a very delusional pearson. You're sick. A Saint with the mistake....

I own stock in a company that could make Paul's silly diode chips. A relative sits on the board, is a major stock holder and also their international patent attorney. They have a lab in Taiwan and hold the world record for multi-layer high density semiconductors. I could have the chips made with a phone call. Why don't I? Because Paul's device is not a free energy device and Paul's agenda is to get you doing busy work with tiny amounts of power that have no usable value. It is one of their favorite tricks but Paul's game failed because he forgot to include the LED's that idiots are so attracted to like bugs to a light bulb.

You're just delusional..... If you'd pick a telephone, You would be "captured" by the man in white..... Sorry.

Paul and the maritime user name group stalk me from thread to thread trying to get me banned just like pirate has for 8 years. Is it pirate under another username or just another member of the J-team? Who knows, who cares. Ignore them or you are helping them bury the most salient information ever posted regarding how free energy devices work.
Nobody is actually stalking you....  And you are the one who called the Admin for most of the bannings....

It will be interesting when admin analyses all the "smites"...

Only then we'll see how productive your low life ever was....

"Ex nihilo nihil"