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Theory of Everything

Started by gravityblock, January 13, 2009, 08:59:26 AM

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Blackholes destroy or removes space, energy, and matter from time. and inside the blackhole time creates space, mass, and energy within itself (other universes) . A permanent magnet is similar to a blackhole if not the same. You can either destroy or remove some of the "time", which creates space, energy, and particles (matter) or you can remove space, matter, and energy to create time. The "God particle" that physics has been looking for is infinite time. Infinite time does not have any space, matter, or energy and that makes up the spiritual world. Infinite mass and energy does not have any time and that makes up the physical world. Everything exists somewhere in between Infinite Time and Infinite mass, and that makes up both the spiritual and physical worlds except for the creator (God / Infinite Good) and the destroyer (Satan / Infinite Evil). The more spiritual you are, the closer to God or goodness you will be. The more physical you are, the closer to satan or evil you are. We are the ones who determine if we are good or bad. If we choose to be good then we will be spiritual and this will lead to eternal life and salvation. If we choose to be evil then we will be physical and this will lead to our destruction and damnation. The choice is ours to make to how much spiritual or how much physical we will be. Time is the amount of life you have and space, matter, and energy is the amount of life you are lacking. Once we become more spiritual than physical, then we will gravitate or be pulled towards time or God. Since matter is more physical than spiritual, then matter gravitates or is pulled towards matter, less time, or Evil. There are 3 physical dimensions (Length, width, and height) and 1 spiritual dimension (time or God).

You can either destroy or remove time to create a space within it or destroy the space to create time.
I am only using the word "destroy" for understanding purposes only. You can either convert time into space, or you can convert the space into time. This is what causes gravity. Gravity is the fluctuations of space within time or the fluctuations of time within space. Physics did get a few things right, although had to reword it differently for a better understanding.

Does time have mass? No.

Does time have velocity? Yes, it is a continuous (infinite) flow of time similar to a permanent magnet and has no space or mass within the magnetic field of flux. Light has a finite speed because the time is being delivered in packets, has space between the packets because it is not continuous flow of time.  A permanent magnet has the property of a continuous flow of time and there are no space (no mass) or breaks in the time. Thus it stops or blocks the flow of electrons along a conductor unless you keep moving the magnet. If you could add enough space or remove time in this continuous flow of energy (time) that is flowing within the magnetic field of flux (no space or mass), then it wouldn't cut the flow of electrons along the conductor as long as it was being delivered at or slower than the current flow. There is no space or mass within the magnetic field of flux.

Does time have any physical properties? Infinite Time is totally aware of itself and knows it has no physical properties, so it takes away from itself, which causes a break or a space in its flow, and this space is what we know to be in the physical world. If it allowed the break to be a longer duration, then their would be more space between time. In the beginning of creation, which has no beginning or end, there is no space or mass between time and time is aware of this, so it generates space or mass by varying the duration or the  frequency between this time, and in this physical world we see this as the frequencies of the electromagnet spectrum, which is known to us as energy, and is also responsible for all of the energy and matter we have in this physical world. The more energy or mass that is present within a given space the less time that is available to it, so it is not as aware of its existence, and when it reaches an infinite mass, then it has no time, and since it has no time, then it destroys itself and we see this destruction in the formation of a  black hole, and after it destroys itself, then it starts (the black hole will remove all space from time and once all of the space has been destroyed, then it will have infinite time, and then creates another universe. Infinite mass/energy destroys itself and Infinite time creates mass and energy. If you really study and try to wrap your mind around this concept, then you will understand it, and know who your creator is and the creator is totally aware of everything, and you can rest assured that you are loved, because out of infinite time comes love and all goodness.

This is the theory of everything, and everything comes out of the fluctuations of space and time. Since Time (God) has no beginning or end we should say everything comes out of time or God. God is the greatest mathematician and engineerer ever to be. Spiritual things are time, life, your awareness of yourself and of others and physical things are mass, energy, and space. When we lose are physical body we will become totally aware of ourselves and have infinite time, this is what most of the popular religions says and now it is proven with physics and science . Please do not murder yourself or others, for by doing so, you may destroy your own lifeforce or the lifeforce of others. I am not sure on this though, so don't take the chance. According to the bible this will lead to your own destruction. The bible refers of 2 different types of death, a physical death and a spiritual death. The books of the bible was given to us by God, and we all need to read it so we won't destroy our spiritual self, which is not existing in the physical form or the spiritual form.

If your not understanding this, then try to change your frame of reference to the creator or the universe. We've been looking at this from our frame of reference and we need to apply relativity to this.

Does infinite time have life? Yes
Does infinite mass/energy have life? No

For those who understand this, please try to help me put this in words so we may all have this understanding. This will unite all religions and sciences. Once you re-read the first chapter of the book of Genesis and apply this knowledge to it, you will know that God is real and that he knows each and every one of us, and we will know him also.

Please e-mail, mail or personally deliver this message to everyone you can for the Kingdom of God is at hand (near).

I also ask the moderator(s) or owner of this website to please make this a sticky so it will appear and stay at the top of the page.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.

God will confuse the wise with the simplest things of this world.  He will catch the wise in their own craftiness.


"Since Time (God) has no beginning or end we should say everything comes out of time or God."

Then why jabber on as if there is a "destruction" or existence/non-existence outside of God?

Perhaps if you come up with a post void of contradiction, it would be worthy of a sticky.

We are not what we believe ourselves to be.



I also have a few problems with your assertions; black holes are a fraud and a theory of everything is very presumptuous since we know almost nothing. What we have is theories based on politics and money, we can't even predict half of what we see in the Universe with the conventional science. Black holes, nuclear powered suns, comets, inert vacuum of space really show our ignorance in matter of the Worlds (See the Electric Universe). They are only starting to acknowledge Bikerland currents in space and they don't use that name because they know next to nothing in Plasma physics. They ignore it because it would scrap most of their assertions and theories. We know very little indeed. Archeology is another fraud of the highest degree. On and on it is the same.

Take care,



Quote from: JamesThomas on January 13, 2009, 09:19:47 PM
"Since Time (God) has no beginning or end we should say everything comes out of time or God."

Then why jabber on as if there is a "destruction" or existence/non-existence outside of God?

Perhaps if you come up with a post void of contradiction, it would be worthy of a sticky.


The more time you have, the more you our aware of your existence. The less time you have, the less aware of your existence. If you have a plank length of time, then you have very little to none awareness of your existence. If you are not aware of your existence, then you are not capable of causing an affect such as thinking or moving. If you have all time except a plank length of space, mass, or energy, then you are very aware of your existence, then you are capable of causing an affect such as thinking, moving, or causing something to be. Also, the more aware you are of your existence the more life you will have. The less aware you are of your existence the less life you will have and this would be considered death.  If you choose to not accept God, then that is your personal choice or free will that is given to each and every one of us, but please don't take our personal choice or free will away from the others who choose to believe in God.

If you and your wife are not aware of yourselves and each other, then you will not be able to come together (To think, to move, to bring another being into existence such as each and every one of us ), to cause an affect which brings something else into being, which would be a child. A rock or a stone is not aware of its existence and has no life, so it is not capable of causing an outside affect, unless it is caused by something outside of it. We have life and awareness of our being and we are capable of causing an outside affect from within it's self being.

Lets give a particle of matter a certain length, width, height and mass. That particle can always be divided in half or by 2. Go ahead and split this particle in half. What do you have? You have a particle that is half the length, half the width, half the height, and half the mass. Split these particle in half again. The next particles will always be able to be split again and it will never reach a length, width, height or mass that is equal to 0, it will continue approaching 0, but will never reach 0. We can continue to divide it in half or by 2 for infinity and it will never reach 0 or the beginning  because it is outside or came forth from infinity or from God. But if you are infinity or God and not outside of it but within it, then you can always create a particle that is twice the length, twice the width, twice the height, and twice the mass and this also represents infinity or a no end. Let's give Infinity a number and this number will be 1. So, we have a particle that has a length of 1, a height of 1, a width of 1, and a mass of 1. Now this number represents everything that can come out of it or God. Now make the particle twice the length, twice the width, twice the height, and twice the mass. What do you have? You have a particle that is twice the size and twice the mass. You will be able to continuously make a bigger particle and larger mass. The next bigger particle will always be able to become bigger and this represents no end or infinity. So from this we have a no beginning and no end. Do you see the folly of physics and of man? The folly of physics and of man is that there is no beginning or end. If this is not clear to you and still sounds contradictory, then I hope you continue reading.  

That is life and death, and we all are given the choice or free will to believe or to have faith in this or not. Also, physics will never be able to find their so called "God Particle" because it doesn't have a length, width, height, or mass. The "God Particle" is a wave that permeates or propagates through all that is, through all that was, and through all which is to come, meaning not to have a beginning or an end. This wave is time or God. The past which was (is no beginning), the present  which is (is this very instant or the now), and the future which is to come (is no end). This wave or God is capable of causing an outside affect (other self-beings and other things)  from within it's self-being. This is evident by what is from God and also from our very own self-beings to be able to bring about a cause or affect which brings forth another self-being or other things from within it's self-being and this is life. Death cannot bring forth anything from its being. Life brings forth other life and other things. Death brings forth nothing. This is how we came to be (the creation, the past, and no beginning). This is how we are (the now or the present). This is how we will be (the future and no end). There is no destruction, only a destruction of your self-being or awareness and this would just be a thing not capable of causing an affect from within its being (or thing).  To be able to cause an affect is to bring about a change and this is from God and is life. To not be able to bring about a change is from Satan and this is death. What do you believe? Do you believe things are changing which is from God or do you believe things are not changing which is from Satan?   If you believe things are not changing then that will be your death and your hell, and since things are truly changing, then your hell will continue to become worst until it leads to your complete death. The further from God you are, the worst things will become for you and out of you. The closer to God you are, the better things will become for you and out of you which leads to complete life. The last enemy to be defeated is death and this will also bring forth a change and that will be life and no death.  This is infinity and until we are able to grasp this, then we will have no understanding of this (of God, of our self-being, of other self-beings, or of other things). I do not see a contradiction. I only see a contradiction between your perceived understanding and of the real understanding. This is what really is and is the truth and if you do not perceive, understand or have faith of what really is and the truth, then that is your folly. The truth shall set you free.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.

God will confuse the wise with the simplest things of this world.  He will catch the wise in their own craftiness.


Quote from: Michelinho on January 13, 2009, 11:29:32 PM

I also have a few problems with your assertions; black holes are a fraud and a theory of everything is very presumptuous since we know almost nothing. What we have is theories based on politics and money, we can't even predict half of what we see in the Universe with the conventional science. Black holes, nuclear powered suns, comets, inert vacuum of space really show our ignorance in matter of the Worlds (See the Electric Universe). They are only starting to acknowledge Bikerland currents in space and they don't use that name because they know next to nothing in Plasma physics. They ignore it because it would scrap most of their assertions and theories. We know very little indeed. Archeology is another fraud of the highest degree. On and on it is the same.

Take care,


We are here, and this is not a fraud or a lie. If we're not understanding how we came to be, how we are here, or how we will be, then that doesn't make it a fraud or a lie. Not believing or having faith in God is the fraud and the biggest lie ever to be.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.

God will confuse the wise with the simplest things of this world.  He will catch the wise in their own craftiness.