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Overunity Machines Forum

First electrical power output from a Pyramid

Started by hartiberlin, January 18, 2006, 05:32:45 PM

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Quote from: Thomas_Trawoeger on November 18, 2007, 01:42:04 PM
Hello all: After swimming in warm water (thermal bath) i want to answer for some of Questions here.
Well, in reality i?m not very interrestet in peace, freedom ans some other ethic questions.
Live showed me, that it is only important to keep peace in the own house. :P
We tryed a lot with great Companys, political assholes and some real "good friends" with very religious ideas, but absolutely no technical Background.
When i made my great travels in 2006 and partwise in 2007, i saw a lot of this beautyful Planet, but it doesn?t matter where you go, everywhere you will find war, twilight and cruel.

I can swear you, that even the best invention will not make peace and freedom, and as i saw, the people are only interrestet to make money and you can believe me: Nobody wants to install Pyramides to solve energy-problems in this world.

The best offers we got from people wich only wants to bring the technology behind fat walls!

Thats the only true, and this is what made me a little carefully.

Of Course, the storys that we sold our invention in 2006 where true. But the Contract was broken from the other Side.
(It was written to provide this technologie and it was written, that the puplic will be informend about every Step.)

But what happened really?: Everything was top secret, and on the end, the nice guys told me, that they found out: there was no function anytime!..... But they cashed nice and brave more than 390.000 Euros in little portions for more than a year....

Well, we took the Contract to Judgement, and we won the right about our "Non functioned invention".
Now the other side was going to the Judge, because they found a function this Summer....

(This is like Children-Play)

Meanwhile, i am allowed to speak, and i will speak. But i don?t know, how i will make it right this time...

Maybe we will only communicate with Universitys, to find out where this power is coming from...
(But you will find no University for that Theme :-(

Maybe you have some idea, to solve this problem....

Maybe it would be really a good idea, to provide all plans here in the Internet, but what happens, if we do this????
believe me, the planet will not become more friendly...
Nice greeting

I spent over $50 trying to rebuild your pyramid Thomas, and I even searched the world looking for why your pyramid would work.

My research led to me to associates which I have since contacted many times via emails and such. One is a Phd and the other a theoretical physicist that a top university.

You can find SOME of their work here: http://www.gizapyramid.com/DrV-article.htm

The theoretical physicist's name is, VOLODYMYR  KRASNOHOLOVETS
The other gentleman runs gizapyramid.com, John DeSalvo

I shall post the emails at a later date, but once they gentlemen say your device when I presented your works to them they got VERY excited. Volodymyr in an email explained to me exactly hows your pyramid works, based on his INERTIONS theory. He could see exactly how your device operates, using the magnet to activate and everything.

These men have done YEARS of EXPERIMENTAL research to back their findings and are truly and genuinely helpful.

I would also like to mention one other thing Thomas. You say that releasing the plans for your device won't bring peace and that a lot of people just want to bury the knowledge of it, well I can assure you that if you released your device on OU.com or a forum akin to this like gn0sis.com or the like, EVERYONE would be doing replications, and I GUARANTEE that if their replications WORK, then they WOULD be using them to power their homes, and they would in turn tells their friends and their friends would tell their friends, and it would spread like a virus and that alone should be worth everything! By releasing the info, without trying to get $, which you already got, you could easily help thousands of lives!I know many people in the free energy community who are just able to pay their energy bills and who desperately need assistance and FE in their lives and so they come on the internet everyday looking and hoping for that next disclosure or discovery. So, please think about everyone involved when you consider holding back construction details. There is always OPEN SOURCE too.


Hallo Thomas ,hier noch ein Gedanken der Dich auf der Frage nach einer Erkl?rung ?ber den Ursprung der von Dir entdeckten Phenomene  nicht wirklich weiterbringt ,aber vielleicht dennoch interessant sein d?rfte .In dem Buch , es hei?t Gespr?che mit Seth , Erstausgabe Anfang der 70er, steht im Ansatz einiges ?ber Deine Beobachtungen , zumindest im weiteren Sinne .
Laut Seth gibt es auf der Erde einige wenige sogenannte Hauptkoordinationspunkte und weiter sehr viele Unterkoordinationspunkte , diese stellen Schnittpunkte verschiedener Realit?ten dar : Diese Schnittpunke sind unter anderem eine Konzentration von Energie , die sich wiederum in einigen physischen und auch psychischen Dingen ?u?ert , wie zb.deutlich h?here Kreativit?t der darin lebenden Menschen , l?ngere Lebensdauer der sich darin  befindlichen Bauwerke .Messbar auch in einer leicht abweichenden g              Konstanten .Genannte Hauptkoordinationspunkte sind in ?gypten Gizeh,S?damerika Tenochtitl?ns, und auch New York .
Die Unterkoordinationspunkte lassen sich mathematisch herleiten ,zumindest wird das so behauptet . Die math.Hergehenswiese wird nicht genannt , wahrscheinlich vorrausgesetzt .
Interessante ist  ,das Du eventuell eine Apparatur entwickelt hast mit der sich Uk.. lokalisieren lassen , und es sich vielleicht sogar noch Energie gewinnen lie?e .GuteSache bleib dran und halte uns auf dem laufenden .

For the English.
talking about a book from the earlie 70s called Talks with Seth , and he is explaining  that there are a couple of koordination points and sub koordination points all over the world . One is in Gizeh and South America Tenochtitl?ns also New York is one . The difference in the K points is that there is a lot of energie ,usefull as more kreativity fore the human beeings, also there is a differences in the gravitation . The nature of the points is a crosing of realities , if you are thinking that this
sounds esoterical , yes you are right , but why not .The EXOTERIC will not give us the surched answers
Sorry for the bad english


G'day Micha and all,

Software for the calculation of grid points is available here   http://www.worldgrid.net/Software/GridpointAtlas.htm

It's expensive though.

Developed by Bruce Cathie.

Hans von Lieven
When all is said and done, more is said than done.     Groucho Marx


Hallo Hans ,
bin ja wirklich ?berrascht wo Du Dich ?berall auskennst .!!!
Deine Vita w?rde mich ja schon mal interessieren , auf Deiner Seite ist ja nicht viel zu erfahren .
Gru? aus der alten Heimat


Quote from: Micha on November 18, 2007, 05:18:35 PM
Hallo Hans ,
bin ja wirklich ?berrascht wo Du Dich ?berall auskennst .!!!
Deine Vita w?rde mich ja schon mal interessieren , auf Deiner Seite ist ja nicht viel zu erfahren .
Gru? aus der alten Heimat

Meine Vita lass ich absichtlich aus dem Spiel, ich will dass Leute meine Arbeit beurteilen, nicht mein Leben :-)

Gruss aus Australien

When all is said and done, more is said than done.     Groucho Marx