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Stanley Meyer Explained

Started by h20power, March 15, 2009, 06:34:59 PM

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Hello All,

While I gather up the resources I think I need to further this technology I have been getting message from people whom think my ways are too harsh when it comes to sharing what I know. Like most these people fell for the propaganda that free energy is supposed to be free of charge. It shocks them to know that I did actually share the science behind this technology totally free of charge but due to the high cost to get this technology up and running no one that I know of outside of my small circle of friends is actually trying to do something with that information.

I might have spoken about this before but some of the items needed have a really large minimum order quantity (MOQ). The resin needed to keep the transformers from destroying itself has a MOQ of 30 gallons of resin which in turn needs to be mixed at a ratio of one to one with the hardener making the MOQ actually 60 gallons. I have long since forgotten the cost but I do know that quote I got has to have went up in price. I do know the cost was in the thousands of dollars. I have since found another supplier but their resin is untested as of yet but it's still not cheap to buy it's just that their MOQ is a lot lower than the other company.

I find that those that make contact with me to give me a piece of their minds are simply just greedy most of the time and wish I would just do more so that they can have this technology in their hands fully up and running without needed to do any of the ground work I am currently doing. I explain to them the high cost of building things correctly and they suddenly go quite, no apologies, no saying they are sorry for telling me off, and no acknowledgement of the truths I share with them when it comes to the high cost of bringing this technology into this world.

Add all of this to the way I've been treated in the past by some truly mean folks and it's a wonder I went ahead and shared the science once I had an understanding of the science behind this technology and not just kept it to myself. These types of forums haven't nice to me over the many years I have been at attempting to bring this technology into our world in a way were the public can have a chance to actually have it to better their lives. This last one that messaged me I told them the story of how when I would make any progress I was made to look like I was cheating and/or that what progress I was having simply wasn't important. With this technology the voltages must be raised to start the process of ionization of the atoms as it is that act of the atoms loosing their electrons that cause the water molecules to simply break apart into hydrogen, oxygen, and the generation of an electric charge. This last person that made contact with me can't grasp how the technology works even though I went out of my way to share the science behind this technology complete with the very questions I asked that allowed me to get at the science behind this water for fuel technology.

When it comes to my progress it's always slow going as I have to earn the money to buy the things I need and then find the time to get busy building, testing, and seeing if improvements need to be made on my version of this technology. I do however get tired of folks demanding things from me whom haven't taken the time to actually look into what I have shared over the years whom seems to never move to do any testing of their own to further their knowledge on this technology with hands on experimenting. In fact most of these people don't have the tools needed to be able to actually work on this technology in a manor where they can see just what they are doing. Someplace on this site I know I went over what tools are needed for one to be able to work on this technology effectively. And if memory serves me correctly I was told in general we don't need to buy these tools. It's sad to see these things but it is what it is I guess.

I wish there were more people working on this technology and sharing their results be it good or bad just to let folks know someone out there is still pursuing this technology in a way that might change the world one day for the better. But for now I will keep moving at my own pace and hope I can make a difference one day.

Shalom Everyone,
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions


Hello Everyone,

Well, I put in the order the other day and the total cost was close to $750 USD for 6 transformer cores. I still need to purchase a few other things but now at least I will be getting the cores I need to take this technology further based upon my research data. Now more than ever I feel as if I am all alone working on this technology as it appears as everyone that was working on this technology has thrown in the towel and called it quits. Once there were many but now it seems to be just about a handful world wide that are still working on bringing this technology into this world. This technology has the power to set humanity free but it's going to take perseverance, dedication, and yes money to get this technology to start helping us in our time of need.

A world without the use of fossil fuels to power our machines, cook our meals, and heat & cool our homes is the goal, but who's still with me in this forum? Most don't seem to understand that hydrogen is what makes life as we know it on this planet possible as without it I think there would be no life. Everything depends on hydrogen be it plants, animals, or insects. Life as we know it simply isn't possible without hydrogen.
Now with this technology we can learn to live in harmony with all living things by making use of hydrogen to power our way of life as it already powers this world to make life possible. Oxygen levels will rise, carbon levels will drop, and then the planet will start cooling down a bit. What makes this technology perfect for everyday use is it already comes with all the oxygen it needs thus not converting the oxygen we all depend on to breath into something else like Carbon dioxide or some form of NOx gases. The time is right for this technology to come out now as this isn't going to be a quick fix as it's going to take many years to convert all of mans machines that require this technology.

One thing you all can say about me is I kept hope alive by never giving up working at a pace I could afford but never throwing in the towel.

Take care everyone, and if you wish to give some support I think the link to do so is still open: [size=78%]https://gofund.me/87a49b22[/size]


Hello Everyone,

Well, it would seem there is a renewed effort to hide this technology as on YouTube one of my videos showing a clip from, "It runs on water," was blocked world wide. That video servers as "Eye Witness Accounts" of Meyer's technology working as they went over the technology and saw it working with their own two eyes. These eye witnesses talked about what they observed and fully admit they couldn't figure out how it was breaking the bonds of the water molecules with such little power input. [size=78%]https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6mqnu[/size]

I used the video to teach people about this technology as I seemingly have a gift of being able to ask the right questions. I pointed out a lot of things talked about from those eye witnesses. Things talked about in that video helped me to be able to see what I was doing in the past was incorrect as my water bath was heating up over time and Professor Paul Czysz said the device would be working for hours and the water temperature hadn't changed. That statement made me take a close look at what I was doing to see if I had over looked something and/or was just doing it wrong. I found the mistake and corrected the problem and I owe that to Professor Czysz eye witness accounts to Meyer's technology.

A lot of people attempted to make me look like a fool in front of the many forum members by telling them I didn't discover anything new but since I went the route of making use of the scientific method I had all the science behind what I was talking about and showing everyone backing me up.  You see this graph represented a totally new understanding on just how this technology actually worked scientifically and in order for someone to put the science down they would have to purchase the very same, or equivalent, equipment I had to show the world that I was just making things up out of thin air as they tried to prove with just words with no science backing them up. Needless to say they have all went away now leaving everyone who was truly interested in learning how this technology actually worked to study what I was presenting about this world changing technology.

I'm not sure why there is a renewed interest in putting this technology down but I'd guess it's coming from one of it's competitors who see this technology as a threat to their prosperity as "Just follow the money" leads one to the truth most of the time.

Peace and Shalom to all,
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions


I was wondering where the lightning pic disappeared to... other thread ha!
anyways, here is a pic from Top gear, years ago.

An Iron conductor in a HV field. R is measurable and current is relative to V.


As I understand it from past readings of original Meyer documents, the pulsing transformer had the 2 L coils both wound on transformer secondary side, along with the secondary winding. The L coils were composed of RESISTIVE insulated magnet wire, - not copper, for high resistance. This was a low wattage ferrite transformer as the end result was not related to electrolysis. Molecular Polarity alignment with small current pulse, then high voltage pressure separating the water molecules, to very fine ionic charged bubbles that rise upward. The pulsing on + off of circuit allowed the ions to raise upward quickly and escape, since the concentric tubes SS cells were also of short distance height , and in multiples of electrodes.  I believed that the water capacitor total as C, reacted with the inductance , so as the input power supply had the same frequency as water cell. A  separate circuit board is necessary for automatic matching of the changing Frequency as the distilled water varies in quantity. The engine would have adjustable valve EGR applied so as the speed of combustion was slowed down using the entered contaminants such as Nitrogen from the exhaust air. The burst mode pulsing DC circuit is similar to the toy guns used in that laser tag game.