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Earth Hour - Did Al Gore Turn Off His Lights?

Started by ResinRat2, March 31, 2009, 02:14:24 PM

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Quote from: Pirate88179 on April 02, 2009, 09:51:24 PM
Get real, I don't care how you choose to type it, there is no such thing as MAN CAUSED global warming.  All of the REAL studies show quite the opposite.  Just do a little research before you spout Al Gore's nonsense here, or anywhere else.  The latest study released in Europe last week showed a COOLING of over 1.2 degrees over the last 20 years so.....get the facts first and let Al Gore's scam run its course without any help.  The earth is cooler now than 300 years ago well before SUV's and big oil.  Scientist in the 70's when I was in college, warned about the coming ice age if we didn't change our ways.

I am against pollution and I am a very good steward of the earth and its resources but, I do not buy into this save the earth crap because, as someone already said here, it was here before us and will be here long after we are gone.  Just check your facts first is all I am asking.  Thank you.


point of pirates post =
not applicable

earths climate =
highly non-linear =
hundreds of VERY sensitive factors +
constant chaotic shifting of factors.

mainstream scientists =
highly linear =
only able to think in straight lines

mainstream scientists =
incapable of understanding high bandwidth cause,
and probability,
which represents earths climatic functions.

mainstream scientists =
unfit to judge the condition of earths climates * 58 =
they don't know what they are talking about=
they cannot understand earths climate,
with both hands,
a road map,
and a gun held to their heads

mainstream science =
constantly using several hundred times more words,
than required,
to express the point.

mainstream science cognitive processing=
vastly efficient=
vastly unworthy of respect

mainstream science =
short sighted-opinion,
declares itself all knowing.

mainstream science =
ignorance based belief system.

mainstream scientist reports =
extremely influenced by rich-people/politicians/media

rich-people/politicians/media =
well known liars,
who rarely tell the truth,
and never tell the whole truth.

very poor personal judgement =
believing a single word of ANY mainstream science report.

pirate =
spewing HIS poorly researched,
man made "non-sense",
on the forums

pirate =
elderly person.

pirate =
grossly outdated mental formations,
and it shows.

pirate =
unfit to post information on the forums.

pirate =

me +
revenge against pirates big mouth +
laugh at pirate's senility =


Well, I think your answer speaks for itself.  I guess there is not much hope of preventing you from drinking the koolaid so....enjoy.

See the Joule thief Circuit Diagrams, etc. topic here:


I think people condition themselves to see what they want to see.

I'd like to think that while i have a faith, my faith is based on logic. I abhor decisions that are purely driven by emotion - thats frankly dangerous.

Every time I challenge someone to PROVE beyond reasonable doubt the earth will implode from man made global warming, all I get is an avalanche of arm waving, pointing to theories ( not facts ), or the discredited IPCC "reports".

Trivia - "The Inconvenient Truth" if shown in a school in the UK now has to have a disclaimer that it is one sided and effectively POLITICAL PROPAGANDA. This is a legal requirement. So let me see - the flagship of media relations from Gore Inc is proven to be a propaganda tool. And it won two Oscars. And a Nobel prize.   http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/7037671.stm

So let me see.........

Huge Lie = An Oscar
Huge Lie = An Nobel prize.

Yep, this planet is corrupted beyond help.

And then Lord Monckton weighhs in and sends mr gore off with a red face after hes finished with mr gores flight of fancy and emotive cinematographic delusion.

I dont know about eveyone else , but I'd rather base my decisions on reality. The whole global warming thing is closer to "One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest"/"Alice In Wonderland"  than reality.......
While its good to be energy efficient, what we have now is closer to a green religion thats taught as "fact " in schools and becomes a merry go round of circular unproven argument.

And before people attack my faith, I'd like to mention I have seen stuff that checks out to be around 1 in a billion probabilty happen in repsonse to prayer not once, but many times. This logically tells me there is a God who listens to prayer.

Its also obvious that the main push of the global warming argument is closer to closet communism and propaganda and emotion than provable hard scientific fact and slow, proven scientific study and solid reasoning.

I agree with Pirate - the coolaid comment is accurate

         "During times of universal deceit telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act"
          -  George Orwell, 1984.


Quote from: plasmastudent77 on April 03, 2009, 01:56:41 AM
I think people condition themselves to see what they want to see.

I'd like to think that while i have a faith, my faith is based on logic. I abhor decisions that are purely driven by emotion - thats frankly dangerous.

Every time I challenge someone to PROVE beyond reasonable doubt the earth will implode from man made global warming, all I get is an avalanche of arm waving, pointing to theories ( not facts ), or the discredited IPCC "reports".

Trivia - "The Inconvenient Truth" if shown in a school in the UK now has to have a disclaimer that it is POLITICAL PROPAGANDA. This is a legal requirement. So let me see - the flagship of media relations from Gore Inc is proven to be a propaganda tool. And it won an Oscar. And a Nobel. 

So let me see.........

Huge Lie = An Oscar
Huge Lie = An Nobel prize.

Yep, this planet is corrupted beyond help.

And then Lord Monckton weighhs in and sends mr gore off with a red face after hes finished with mr gores flight of fancy and emotive cinematographic delusion.

I dont know about eveyone else , but I'd rather base my decisions on reality. The whole global warming thing is closer to "One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest"/"Alice In Wonderland"  than reality.......
While its good to be energy efficient, what we have now is closer to a green religion thats taught as "fact " in schools and becomes a merry go round of circular unproven argument.

And before people attack my faith, I'd like to mention I have seen stuff that checks out to be around 1 in a billion probabilty happen in repsonse to prayer not once, but many times. This logically tells me there is a God who listens to prayer.

Its also obvious that the main push of the global warming argument is closer to closet communism and propaganda and emotion than provable hard scientific fact and slow, proven scientific study and solid reasoning.

I agree with Pirate - the coolaid comment is accurate

         "In a time of universal deception, telling the truth is a revolutionary act"
          -  George Orwell, 1984.

logic =
one half of your mind.

emotion/intuition/generality =
the other half of your mind.

logic =
the half of your mind, that forms details.

emotion/intuition/generality =
the half of your mind, that connects the details together.

emotion/intuition/generality =
the half of your mind, that fills in the gaping holes in your mental awareness=
that makes compromises between unjoinable oppositions.

throwing away emotion =
throwing away half your mind.

throwing away emotion =
throwing away your ability to connect details, into a larger picture

throwing away emotions =
NEVER being able to fill in the gaps, in your knowledge=
forever being full of holes

physical proof =
only applies to physical objects, that are immediately visible/audible.

and chances,
which can NOT be seen physically !

probability =

physical proof =
where little real mental function takes place.

a person who only understands/values probability =
a person who is completely detached from reality.

a person who only understands/values physical proof =
a person who possesses an EXTREMELY LIMITED range of mental activity

a person who only understands/values physical things =
a person with no imagination what so ever =
a person who DOES NOT belong in technological research circles

a person who only understands/values physical things =
a very, very dull individual

reality ALWAYS =
nothing but a personal opinion=
based on personal mental perception

probability =
far ranging,
fantastical aspects of the world,
which "could" still be true

"physical proof" =
extremely limited,
often negative aspects of the world,
which is "most likely" true,
but could be false,

"physical proof" =
"most likely" false,
if unsupported by understanding of probability/context

true reality =
both probability, and physical proof =
as fantastical as it is mundane =
balanced between the 2.

global warming issue =
mostly probability =
invisible to people who do not comprehend probability/factors/chance=
why it is impossible to explain to people who only understand physical proof

most gamblers =
people who don't understand probability =
people who lose all their money to the house =
people who likely think that the poorly chosen global warming label,
represents nothing

right wing supporters =
poor fools who have been snared,
by the physical senses valuing branch of the mind control system

left wing supporters =
poor fools who have been snared,
by the probability valuing branch of the mind control system

christian believers =
poor fools who have been snared,
by one of the more ancient mind control systems,
which has been heavily retrofitted down the centuries,
but still serves its intended purpose of locking down peoples minds with bull****

george orwell =
author of extremely unrealistic,
extremely negative,
extremely fear inducing propaganda piece.

george orwell quoters =
people who don't understand 1/4 of what they think they understand,
about how the world,
and the individual human,

anyone who agree's with pirates post in this thread =
true moron +
lobotomy +

"plasmastuden" =
someone who needs to put away their bible,
and decide what THEY think about the world,
by consulting THEIR INNER TRUTH.


Quote from: plasmastudent77 on April 03, 2009, 01:56:41 AM
I think people condition themselves to see what they want to see.

I'd like to think that while i have a faith, my faith is based on logic. I abhor decisions that are purely driven by emotion - thats frankly dangerous.

Every time I challenge someone to PROVE beyond reasonable doubt the earth will implode from man made global warming, all I get is an avalanche of arm waving, pointing to theories ( not facts ), or the discredited IPCC "reports".

Trivia - "The Inconvenient Truth" if shown in a school in the UK now has to have a disclaimer that it is one sided and effectively POLITICAL PROPAGANDA. This is a legal requirement. So let me see - the flagship of media relations from Gore Inc is proven to be a propaganda tool. And it won two Oscars. And a Nobel prize.   http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/7037671.stm

So let me see.........

Huge Lie = An Oscar
Huge Lie = An Nobel prize.

Yep, this planet is corrupted beyond help.

And then Lord Monckton weighhs in and sends mr gore off with a red face after hes finished with mr gores flight of fancy and emotive cinematographic delusion.

I dont know about eveyone else , but I'd rather base my decisions on reality. The whole global warming thing is closer to "One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest"/"Alice In Wonderland"  than reality.......
While its good to be energy efficient, what we have now is closer to a green religion thats taught as "fact " in schools and becomes a merry go round of circular unproven argument.

And before people attack my faith, I'd like to mention I have seen stuff that checks out to be around 1 in a billion probabilty happen in repsonse to prayer not once, but many times. This logically tells me there is a God who listens to prayer.

Its also obvious that the main push of the global warming argument is closer to closet communism and propaganda and emotion than provable hard scientific fact and slow, proven scientific study and solid reasoning.

I agree with Pirate - the coolaid comment is accurate

         "During times of universal deceit telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act"
          -  George Orwell, 1984.

strange, that happens to me every time i challenge somebody to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, their faith, all i get is an avalanche of arm waving and bible thumping, mixed with anecdotal accounts of miracles.
decisions based on reality... ok, what was that stuff about your omnipotent imaginary friend then?
it's not the planet that is corrupted, it is humanity. more to the point, it is the 'leaders' of government and 'leaders' of religion that are corrupt.

"this logically tells me..."  NO, that is an assumption, there is no logic involved. had you involved logic in that case, you would have reasoned and realized that imaginary metaphysical shepherd entities are just that, IMAGINARY.
try offering your prayers to the sun, seriously and scientifically. you'll find the ratio of answered prayers to be about the same...
it's also obvious that the main push of the god exists argument is closer to closet communism and propaganda and emotion than provable hard scientific fact and slow, proven scientific study and solid reasoning.

i think people condition themselves to see what they want to see...
There is no news. There's the truth of the signal. What I see. And, there's the puppet theater...
the Parliament jesters foist on the somnambulant public.  - Mr. Universe