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Magnetic Field Disruptor FACT or Fiction?Please read-

Started by subgirl28, May 28, 2009, 05:34:27 PM

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@ Subgirl,

it is possible that what you are looking for is a tiny transciever, most likely in the base of your neck. they are very tiny. you can locate it by recording an EMF image of your body. It will show up as a small anomoly in your natural field, like a blip or a dot on the image. if you remove this they can no longer affect you.   in outwards appearance the device would look like an oblong b.b., or small piece of metal. inside is a complex network of circuits - visible only through a microscope, capable of interfacing with your brain and nervous system.  when thei signal is amplified ( done during communication with your body) the EMF can grow very large, sometimes several yards and interefere with electronics and lights around you.   that is all i can tell you, if it turns out this is what is causing your problems - that is all the help i can give you, i dont know who/what is behind it, or how they created the devices, it is thought to affect close to 3% of the earths population. several have had theirs removed.
I was fixing a shower-rod, slipped and hit my head on the sink. When i came to, that's when i had the idea for the "Flux Capacitor", Which makes Perpetual Motion possible.


Quote from: -[marco]- on June 03, 2009, 01:55:55 PM
Wow Hans that is extremly impressive  :)
I did not know that was possible.

I´ll second that, great account! Sounds like the known ultrasonic version was just disinfo to cover the real deal. The modulated RF in the improved version, I presume it was amplitude modulated?

Try changing your body resonance as TinselKoala mentions. If you´re unsure about the exact way to make it, just ask, someone will clarify things as needed.


Wow what a thread! The only thing remotely I have to offer is the problem I have with cell phones and them new light bulbs.

Cell phones hurt my head and I hear a tone that after 20 mins exposure can give a headache for hours.

The light bulbs are easy, get rid of them. Many tests with a EM reader show the fields can be rather strong.

Good luck.



hansvonlieven said:
...Here is my story, everything I am writing is true and verifiable....


I read the whole post.  Good work!  I clearly recall a letter written to one of the Anne Landers/Dear Abby advice columnists (they were actually sisters in real life), that a person wrote in and complained that tooth fillings were picking up radio broadcasts which were audible.  The columnist in question referred the letter writer to professional help for counseling.

And was hotly vilified by followup writers.

Several of the additional respondants had had the same experience as the first letter writer.  So, Hans may be onto something with his research.

While I was living on the streets of a Midwestern city, a Christian woman saw me and bought me a meal and a pair of shoes as well.  Later, the same woman saw me again as she was driving by.  She also complained of similar experiences to yours.  I gave her the name "Loompanics", as I said in my earlier post, and wished hed luck with her problem, as I do you.

I have sympathy for your plight.  My father and I have Asperger's Syndrome, which can have its own issues to deal with.

Some deal with their problems better than others.  We both can.   I certainly try the best I can.

"Truth comes from wisdom and wisdom comes from experience."
--Valdemar Valerian from the Matrix book series

I'm merely a theoretical electronics engineer/technician for now, since I have no extra money for experimentation, but I was a professional electronics/computer technician in the past.
As a result, I have a lot of ideas, but no hard test results to back them up---for now.  That could change if I get a job locally in the Bay Area of California.


heres some disturbing reads . :
Vaccine Implants
Implants are now smaller than a hair's

width and are injected with vaccine and

flu shots. Millions have had this done

unknowingly. These 'biochips' circulate in

the bloodstream and lodge in the brain,

enabling the victims to hear 'voices' via

the implant. There are many kinds of

implants now and 1 in 40 are victims from

'alien abduction' statistics, though 1 in 20

has also been gauged.  The fake alien

abduction event, revealed to be actually

the work of  US military personnel using

technology to make hologram spaceships

outside, virtual reality scenarios of going

onto a spaceship with humans in

costumes, has been astutely perceived.

Though real alien abductions do occur, the

'alien abduction' scenario has been useful

to stop any further investigation or

accountability of government  authorities

by poor victims who would face mockery

and appear silly. A brain functioning at

beta-level (above 13 Hz) is agitated and

can't change its perceptions, if it is

artificially maintained by technology to

that frequency. This may increase body

electricity in others, giving them psychic

powers. Is this linked to the New-Agers

claim of a rising 12-14 Hz Schumann

Resonance, inching us towards the 4th

dimension? Stimulants ingested globally

from caffeine genetically-modified plants,

may also produce an impact on the

'global-brain' in the ionosphere collecting

our  brainwaves. New-age channellers say

we are going into 4th dimensional

frequency. They 'heard' the voice of some

'ET' who told them.

However, some 'ETs' may be local boys.

Voices in the head were produced in

prisoners in Utah prisons using Tesla

technology. Each of the prisoners received

the same message from an 'ET'. Today, it

seems, it's easy to produce 'voices in the

head' without implants.

A prisoner called David Fratus in Draper

Prison, Utah in 1988 wrote:

    "I began to receive, or hear,

high-frequency tones in my ears. When I

plug my ears..the tones are still inside and

become amplified. It's as if they had

become electrified echo chambers with

the sounds coming from the inside out..I

began to hear voices..into my inner ears

as vivid as though I were listening to a set

of stereo headphones..with the end result

being that I am now having my brain

monitored by an omnipotent computerized

mind reading or scanning machine of some

sort "

Hundreds of inmates at the Gunnison

Facility of the Utah State Prison, and the

State Hospital were subject to this brand

of mind-control in order to test it. In the

early 1970s, this was brought out in the

Utah U.S. District Court, because inmates

who had been subjected to this

Tesla-wave mind-control in prison had

tried unsuccessfully to fight back in court.

The University of Utah researched how

Tesla-waves could be used to manipulate

the mind into hearing voices, overriding

and implanting thoughts into the mind,

and reading the thoughts, as well as

developing eye-implants. Tracking
Cray computers, using

artificial-intelligence, monitor the victims

of government implants sending

pre-recorded sound-bytes or occasional

live messages. They are picked up by

satellite and relayed to whatever large TV

broadcasting antenna, GWEN tower or

other microwave antenna is near the

victim. It's believed that some type of

body implants pick up the signal and

broadcast the correct Tesla-wave pattern

to create voices within the victim.

The tracking implant keeps the staff and

the satellite system informed every few

minutes as to exactly where to send the

voice signals. The master computer and

central HQ for this is reported to be in

Boulder, CO. It is thought that

transponders are being made there as

well. The central cellular computer is in

the Boulder, CO National Bureau of

Standards building.  AT&T is also

cooperating in this project. Several

government agencies work together on


Tim Rifat of UK wrote that

    "this inter-cerebral hearing is used to

drive the victim mad, as no one else can

hear the voices transmitted into the brain

of the target. Transmission of auditory

data directly into the target's brains using

microwave carrier beams is now common

practice.  Instead of using excitation

potentials, one uses a transducer to

modify the spoken word into ELF

audiograms, that are then superimposed

on a pulse modulated microwave beam."

The Sydney Morning Herald on 21 March

1983 published an article by Dr Nassim

Abd El-Aziz Neweigy, Assistant Professor

in the Faculty of Agriculture, Moshtohor

Tukh-Kalubia, Egypt. It stated:

    "Russian satellites, controlled by

advanced computers, can send voices in

one's own language interweaving into

natural thoughts to the population of

choice to form diffused artificial thought.

The chemistry and electricity of the

human brain can be manipulated by

satellite and even suicide can be induced.

Through ferocious anti-humanitarian

means, the extremist groups are

fabricated, the troubles and bloody

disturbances are instigated by advanced

tele-means via Russian satellites, in many

countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin


Another source says that these have been

fed with the world's languages and

synthetic telepathy will reach into

people's heads making people believe God

is speaking to them personally to enact

the Second Coming, complete with

holograms! The Russians broke the

genetic code of the human brain. They

worked out 23 EEG band-wave lengths, 11

of which were totally independent. So if

you can manipulate those 11, you can do


NSA Cray computers can remotely track

people just knowing the specific EMF

waves (evoked potentials from EEGs in

the 30-50 Hz, 5 milliwatt range) of a

person's bioelectric-field. Each person's

emissions are unique and they can

remotely track someone in public.

Maxwell's 'Hidden' Etheric Component
Evoked-potentials officially don't exist in

physics, but in 1873 a Scotsman, James

Clerk Maxwell, discovered

electromagnetic waves have 3


He discovered waveforms which exist at a

certain number of right-angled rotations

away from the electromagnetic-field.

These are hyperspacial components, not

subject to constraints of time and space.

He claimed that electromagnetic-radiation

waves were carried by the ether and the

ether was disturbed by magnetic lines of

force. The hidden component is called

only 'potential' now and not normally used

except for covert hyperdimensional

physics and to manipulate consciousness

itself via electromagnetic-waves covering

vast areas of the planet.

Approx. one person in 3000 is naturally

sensitive to this magnetic-waveform

component, the telepathic types

(according to a writer called "Majix"), but

we are all capable of tuning into this

magnetic component by tuning our

subconscious to it. Maxwell's successors

thought potentials were akin to

mysticism, because they believed fields

contain mass which cannot be created

from apparently nothing, which is what

potentials are, both literally and

mathematically - they are an accumulation

or reservoir of energy; but this hasn't been

taught in mainstream physics.
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