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NASA TV - Moon Rocket Impact - FRI 9 OCT 10:15AM (GMT)

Started by lwh, October 08, 2009, 04:12:38 PM

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You shouldn't be able to claim that the Earth is wobbling on its axis either when it is not happening.

I hope that they find water on the moon.

All the crazy conspiracy theories that people have concocted for this test should amaze me but they don't.  I have been jaded by the Internet.

My radical thoughts are that the rocket stage crashed into an area that was very rocky and relatively free of moon dust, so there was no big cloud of debris generated like they hoped to see with telescopes.  Hopefully the probe that followed behind the rocket stage menaged to gather some good data though.



the chances of finding water on the moon are fairly slim to none, which they knew before the test began.

the test was necessary, to justify what is to follow::
1) shipping massive ammounts of hydrogen to the moon
2) performing electrolysis on the iron-oxide (which is 95+% the moon-dust) to form oxygen and molten iron (to use for construction)
3) catalyzing the H2 + O2 reaction to retrieve a portion of the energy back, and making water in the process.

all necessary steps in the development of the moonbase.

This test was to discredit the opposing theories that speculated there may already be water in the form of ice trapped beneath the moons surface, which would make such an endeavor a wasteful feat.

of course, if the test didnt gather enough data- then the test itself was a complete waste - which is pure irony (pardon the pun)

the majority of NASA scientists believe that the H2 signatures found in lunar spectrometry, is in fact hydrated minerals, ejected from the earth's core during the impact that spat out the moon roughly 45 billion yrs ago.

The theories that suggest the possibility of ice are derrived from hte vast ammounts of craters on the moons surface, coupled with the % of ice-containing meteors that are currently present in our local region of space. The basis of he theory being that the meteors deposited their ice into said craters.
I was fixing a shower-rod, slipped and hit my head on the sink. When i came to, that's when i had the idea for the "Flux Capacitor", Which makes Perpetual Motion possible.


For those inclined to be critical or dismissive of the evidence, out of hand, without research for themselves, or who have been bamboozled by perhaps well meaning 'science' types, be reminded that it's easy to 'drown' in equations and holier than thou ivory tower platitudes coming from those compromised by that highly contagious, insidious disease known as 'selective myopia'. The old, "Who you gonna believe, ME or those under educated eyes of yours?" in action. Which is largely why the emperor's clothes are still so 'sparkly' to the masses.

When Inuit peoples, ('Eskimos') who are much more keen to such things than are we, begin to notice the sun coming up and setting in strange locations, a bird they'd never seen before, the robin, starts nesting up their way, some take notice. 


When the South Pole outweighs the North Pole by several GinormoGigaTons because the N polar ice cap is virtually non-existent during the summer...it's simple physics.  Where does the N polar runoff migrate too?  The equator.  A spinning orb with equatorial and S polar mass concentrations, clearly demonstrates instability.  When those, like myself, begin to notice the north side of their house receiving sunlight where it hadn't before, being able to watch the sun rise and set through a window facing due north, which is situated at 41 deg N latitude, which never happened before.....

Something's UP no matter what the minions at the science halls say. Look at how tightly they cowardly hold the 911 party line. Fear is a disease that portends to destroy so many in this world.

Come December 21st of this year, MANY more will be aware....and will be watching to see just how reality stacks up against the...

"party line"

Speaking of 'party' that is what many do best upon perceiving impending disaster....just as foretold in the Holy Word of our Creator.




Christ compared the end of the age of mankind to the days of Lot & the days of Noah. The masses of both generations, chose to 'party on' taking NO NOTE of the gracious warnings shared with them. It was foretold that in our day it would be no different.

Notice above, that Sodom & Gommorah exist today only as ash, some of the Brimstone which destroyed it is still there, some of it smothered out upon penetrating the ash mounds and can still be found strewn about the site. Numerous videos exist of those touring the site, picking up the 'sulphur balls' and igniting them with a lighter. The sulphuric 'brimstone' has been lab tested to be MUCH more pure than yellow, volcanic sulphur and with no evidence of volcanic activity to be found anywhere near the site.

Fiery Hail?

A World Wide Flood?

The evidence is there for anyone to investigate....the Prophecies of the Bible ARE the word of our Creator, including:

"The earth reels like a drunkard, it sways like a hut in the wind; so heavy upon it is the guilt of its rebellion that it falls--never to rise again." Isaiah 24:20

There are those in power who desperately wish for the vast majority to carry on about there lives as if nothing is going to happen, preferring to couch references to the 'truth as they know it' in Scifi movie social engineering pablum....Fearing what the lowest common denominator of society will do in reaction to 'uncomfortable' news is a specialty of certain groups of people. Such that they would seek to withhold important information even from those who could use such information in a positive manner. This is backwards. It is fearful.....cowardice is now become bravery in an upside down world.

The earth reeling to and fro at the end of the age of mankind is but a single one of the many Biblical prophecies pertaining to this age, that is beginning to take (or has taken) place.

You deserve to know, You deserve to keep your right of self determination regarding what IS and is to COME. Isaiah's warning was not meant for a "chosen few", but for everyone, including YOU.






Blessings in Yeshua
“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:



Quoteperhaps we should add a verse into the Holy Babble..

something to the effect of:

thou shalt not preach mythology on an energy forum....

Yahweh bless your heart there smoky.

It could sure use it.  Besides, last time I checked, this forum was about FREE energy, not just energy, as you generically describe it.

And FREE energy takes various forms.  The gift of abundant, eternal Life, is free.  I notice you denigrate that which you do not know.....this is a common superstition, fear of the unknown is common in our world, always has been.

Arkdiscovery.com contains much archaeological substantiation of those "myths" as you blindly refer to them.

Why, the bible even reveals quite accurately.....those who would be in power in the last days of this age, an age when man takes dominion of the air, even going into space, Revealing that man would take power over the weather....


and who runs the military?  The 'beast' referred to in Revelation?




I would advise you to be much more careful regarding what you wish for...

YOU just might get it.

It is not wise to mock Yahweh, the living God, as many others could attest, if they could be here to share their experiences with you.

At any rate, Blessings in Yeshua, be upon you and your household

“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:



you assume that i know not about your mythology...

i have probably read your book more times than you have yourself.

you assume that since one simply does not believe, that he does so blindly, or without evidence.
i could take you down the path, and show you how your book evolved over several thousand years from one mythology , into another, and another, to take the form it holds today.
i could walk you through the passages, and show you that even your book itself, in its very texts makes bibliographical references (no pun intended) to other known fictional texts from which it was derrived.

This is not the place for that, and it would be unfair of me to strip your life of the only "purpose" or "meaning" you have found for your existence - for such would leave you in despair and longing, and eventually you would just latch onto some other magical, invisible sky-fairy myth...

If you want to be a "digitial preacher" thats your own business, but theres no reason to come HERE to a forum about electricity, technology, and the physical realm to spread your mythological propeganda.
I was fixing a shower-rod, slipped and hit my head on the sink. When i came to, that's when i had the idea for the "Flux Capacitor", Which makes Perpetual Motion possible.