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Clearest chemtrail pictures I've seen.

Started by lwh, January 05, 2010, 07:27:36 PM

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Just stumbled across this website - http://www.bluenomore.com/

Lots of pictures with short descriptions.  The photographer seems sure the chemicals are being sprayed by large, silenced, unmarked military jets, with the trails movements then being influenced elecromagnetically.



Thanks for the link lwh,

It sickens my stomach to see these b@sT%rds doing this. They are destroying or damaging us and/or our environment by this. The worst part is that it is being done secretly and WE are paying the money to fund it.

Honestly, if I knew of a way to stop them I would do it.

I suspect it has to do with the bizarre Global Warming scare. I bet they are using this as some type of treatment to "save" the earth or perhaps some other more sinister plot to control population.

Evil, evil, evil!!!!

PS I have no proof, of course. Just speculation.
Research is the only place in a company where you can continually have failures and still keep your job.

I knew immediately that was where I belonged.


Imagine the temperature up their would preserve something long enough so that when it falls, it takes effect.  Probably the entire point.


Of course I don't know what it's all about either, and I wanted to avoid speculating on it, but I suspect it's a secret military operation, experimenting with, or actually implementing, some technology or other, and that they just don't care about the effect (within predetermined limits) that it has on anything, including people or the environment.  There are enough precedents for military projects being undertaken that have effects on the public, without the public being made aware of it, to make me think this might be another example.  The fact that it's global doesn't necessarily mean it's being orchestrated by some central power, as it could be copycat 'keeping up with the Joneses' type stuff, with the secret departments of many countries military getting in on the act, or co-operating for their mutual benefit.

I find it interesting that all these flights must be being tracked by civilian radar, and yet that community is silent about it.  It's similar to the way they deal with unidentified flying objects zipping around up there.  Someone must be telling them to keep quiet about it, even if it's just some standard procedure type thing whereby the military tells them there'll be something flying here, but just pretend it never happened.  Reminds me of the story (official) about the ground-breaking flight of a remote controlled military aircraft that flew from the USA to an airbase in Australia.  No-one knew about it at the time, but it must have entered civilian monitored airspace at some point.  Again, all it needs is a word from the military and anyone who says anything is setting themselves up for jail time.  You don't question that sort of thing. 

If the only aim of this spraying were to make people ill though, I think the symptoms would be more pronounced and there would be more people willing to risk blowing the whistle on it.  And surely there would be more effective and less noticeable ways of doing it.  I'm not saying the shit they're spraying isn't toxic or that it's an acceptable side-effect of whatever their main intention is, I just don't think those effects are their main intention.  But who knows, maybe there really are that evil and stupid.

What pisses me off, if I choose to let it, is the sheer arrogance of it.  Even if, and it's a big if, if they are doing it in the best interests of us all, why the secrecy?  What are they protecting us from that is so bad that they can't even tell us what it is or what they're doing about it?  Are they trying to fix something they themselves have stuffed up?  Makes you wonder.  Which is a waste of time, and just not necessary.  We shouldn't be left to wonder about this sort of thing.  There are people with access to vast amounts of public money and resources, spraying shit on a massive scale into the air we all have to breathe, and they don't even have the decency to spin us some bullshit lie about why they're doing it.  Condescending fuckers like that deserve nothing. Deserving of respect and admiration?  I don't think so.  Deserving of the privilege of positions of authority over others?  I don't think so.  Born to rule?  Get real.  I don't know who they are, what they're doing, or why.  And that is wrong, on all three counts.  But as if those three strikes weren't enough, the fact that they have deliberately forced this lack of knowledge on us all, through their secrecy, makes them the lowest of the low.  By putting themselves above others like that, they have fallen.  They are sub-human.  And being in such denial of the humanity (and therefore the value) of others, they must be in denial of their own humanity.  And in denying their own humanity, they won't be human for long.  The mortal life is short, and soon enough they'll get the results their behaviour called for.  The human form is precious and to be respected, and if you act contrary to that, the human form is not for you.  No amount of worldly power, wealth, or influence can counter that.  So, yeah, they piss me off, and then I remember they'll get what's coming to them, and realize I'd better stop being angry at them or I'll just be calling forth circumstances more conducive to that myself...

It'd be interesting to find out just where exactly in the world this spraying is taking place, and how often.  I haven't seen anything to make me think it's happening non-stop over every square kilometre of the earth.  And it only seems to be happening over populated areas in the 'western' world.  Is this just because that's where the cameras are?  Or is that just where militaries with access to the technology have been able to implement it?  Again, this makes me think it's related to some kind of radar or surveillance or weather manipulation technology.  Even though the obvious thing is to think it's happening where the people are because the point is to poison them, I don't think that's the case.  If people are the target at all, I don't think the technology is supposed to affect us directly like that.  Again, there are more effective ways to do that.  I think it's more likely to be something to do with weather modification, or some purely military interest.  But, if it is related to weather modification, then yeah, it is possible that it's tied up in the whole one world government, climate change agenda, with the spraying either being done to counter global warming, or induce it, for example.

Who knows?  Not me.  And knowing that I don't know, because I'm not being allowed to know, I have to conclude that the spraying should stop.  They should tell us why they're doing it, or stop doing it.

Then I get the impression, they're not telling, because it's just another secret weapon, which they consider people in general don't need to know about.  The chemtrails seem to me to fit that box better than any other.  No-one knew about any of the other secret weapons and technologies, that they were later found out to have had, either.  It just so happens this one is more visible, and toxic.

It's a shield of some sort.  Which you can bounce things off.  Signals.  Energies.  It's a floating platform of particles.  Even as a concept, that's clearly got potential to be useful.  The fact that when the particles sink they can make people ill isn't as important as what the particles do when they're up in the air.  The people down there just pay the bills, so we can do this important stuff up here.  They can't complain, they're lucky they can live in ignorance of the things we do for them. 

Yeah, better to stay out of their heads, I don't even want to imagine what it must be like.



These aren't exactly as 'clear' as I hoped they would be... I've seen much more defined contrails around here ( US ).

In fact, it's probably the ones we don't see that are of most danger.

Here's one crossing another, that large twisting was probably the result of a barrel-role.