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Viktors Articles.

Started by lltfdaniel1, March 16, 2006, 09:41:01 PM

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Extracts from an article from Implosion Magazine, 8, 1945.

I did not visit the Technical University for Agricultural Science to learn.  My purpose was to give a lecture on naturalesque river regulation to the teaching staff.  It all happened like this.  The world-famous hydrologist Professor Philipp Forchheimer was appointed by the then Ministry for Land and Forests to give his expert opinion on the log flume I designed and built at Neuberg in Steiermark.  In the official commissioning report it was described as a technical wonder, because logs that were heavier than water (beech, larch, etc) swam in it like fish.  In addition to this, the installation inexplicably achieved a 90% saving in running costs compared with usual systems of log rafting.

Professor Forchheimer studied the log flume for about six weeks without discovering how and why it refuted the hitherto supposedly irrefutable conformities with natural law.  At the time I had no particular desire to divulge the secret.  The professor, whose current outlook had received a nasty shock, therefore persuaded me to hold a question-and-answer session with the assembled body of teaching staff at the above Institute.

When I arrived I was taken up to the first floor into a large lecture room where about ten professors, including eminent hydraulic engineers, were foregathered.  Professor Forchheimer first introduced me to the rector and then to the others with an inclusive gesture.  I was led up to the president's chair at the head of the table and with a inscrutable smile and a wave of the hand I was invited to take a seat. 

The general demeanour of the rector and the smirks on the faces of the other lecturers persuaded me to handle this worthy company in my own way.

The rector opened the discussion with the words, "Well, Wildmeister, would you be so kind as to inform us how we, as experts, should regulate our rivers naturalesquely (and here he laid particular emphasis on the word), so that as a result of these measures no erosion or water damage will ensue, but - and this you have already stated publicly - that advantageous after-effects only will be produced throughout the whole chain of evolution, as the ecological outcome of naturalesque methods of regulation."  After a moment's pause for reflection, I replied, "Naturalesque river engineering is not easily explained in a few words."

"Come now", interjected the rector, "perhaps you can highlight the essence of the matter with a few short phrases.  Please keep it as brief and to the point as possible."  To which I answered, "In the same way that a boar passes water", wherein I stressed each individual word.  The effect of this unexpected reply was as I had anticipated and desired - to shake them out of their complacency.  At the end of a brief silence, and playing with his pencil, the rector addressed me very condescendingly.  "Wildmeister, we would be glad if you could choose your words more carefully and above all express yourself in more practical terms."

At this juncture Professor Forchheimer stood up and declared, "Your Excellency, gentlemen, I consider that Mr Schauberger's answer not only hits the nail on the head, but that it is also entirely accurate factually.  Please follow me to the blackboard!"  Having arrived there, he completely covered the large blackboard from top to bottom with formulae totally unknown and incomprehensible to me.  He did it with such gusto that he broke the chalk several times, throwing the pieces angrily aside.  The rector looked on unwillingly and nervously drew himself together.  Very soon the upper section of the blackboard was full, and with a great heave, Forchheimer shoved it up and half-filled the lower section with formulae.

Then he stood back and began to give a lecture.  Naturally I was unable to understand a word he was saying.  This then developed into a debate lasting some two hours, which was only terminated when an attendant appeared and reminded the rector of an appointment.  The rector then excused himself quickly, shook my hand and said, "We must discuss this matter again, but in greater detail".  With this my first and last visit to the Technical University for Agricultural Science came to an end.

Professor Forchheimer took me by the arm and asked me to accompany him.  He even forgot to take leave of his colleagues, to whom I quickly said good-bye, and swept impatiently out of the room.  At the door he looked at his watch, was horrified to see how time had flown, and said quickly, "Come to my house at nine o'clock tomorrow morning and then we can discuss this highly interesting matter in peace and quiet.  I wish you had told me about this much earlier on, because it would be worth devoting a whole textbook to it".  I nodded my agreement to his suggestion and then, adjusting his top-hat, he marched off.

The following morning I appeared punctually at 21 Peter Jordan Stra?e.  Forchheimer immediately came to the point.  "Well now, let us discuss the curve you talked about yesterday in far greater detail.  But before doing so, please explain how you arrived at the comparison with the boar.  It is really very apt, but why this example?"  "Actually it doesn't come from me", I replied, "but from my father, who with these same words explained to his foresters how to arrange a log-rafting stream naturalesquely so that very heavy logs are able to float".  Professor Forchheimer looked at me in surprise and then I began to explain the concept of `arranging` and its purpose.

"The floatation of logs in the Klafferbach was an art requiring very special knowledge.  Firstly there was only just enough water for the heavy logs, and secondly the bends were tight, which only a good `arrangement` was able to overcome.  The purpose of this arrangement was to accelerate the passage of the logs with brake-curves."  "Just a moment!" the professor interrupted, "You mean that the water has to be braked in order to be accelerated?  Not a bad idea, because in the process the water becomes compressed and its momentum increased."  "Not so, professor, that is not what I meant.  The aim of these brake-curves is primarily to make the water rotate spirally about its own axis, like it does above every plug-hole.   "
The professor scribbled something on his notepad, fiddled with his pencil and impatiently pressed me to continue.

"Professor, have you ever watched a boar when it is urinating?"  He shook his head.  "Well then, try to imagine the shape of the curve produced by the flow of urine when the boar is running."  "That would be the most ideal cycloid space-curve, and it could not be constructed more beautifully", exclaimed the professor.  After this observation, he tried to draw this peculiar curve, but quickly gave up.  It is very difficult to draw, because the elevation is the same as the plan.  He then tried to calculate it while I sat quietly and watched.  He scratched first one ear and then the other, throwing away one sheet of paper after the next.  He then declared that the curve would take years to calculate, even if the present state of mathematics was up to it.

"Professor", I replied, "we are here concerned with a curve in which and through which life evolves".  This led to a lengthy, wide-ranging, philosophical discussion which mainly revolved around the indefinable concept of `life`.  Finally the professor said, "I am a Jew and cannot agree.  If you turn me upside down, all that will fall out are formulae.  You think in a space that only you and no-one else knows - and therefore we cannot make any headway."

On my way home I met the well-known author and former naval officer Captain Deskovic, to whom I related all that had happened.  A few days later he called on me and invited me to visit His Excellency Professor Wilhelm Exner, who had a burning interest in my theories.  Exner's welcome was very cordial, and he immediately enquired, "Do you know anything about the brake-curves that maintain water's steady flow down steep gradients?".  When I answered in the affirmative, he continued, "Please understand me correctly.  I do not mean any mechanical brake, but an inner safety brake".  He then called out to an elderly housekeeper for a cigar and requested that I explain my conception of this inner water-brake, because it was a problem that had tormented him for years.

"Before answering your question, your Excellency, I must first tell you how I view water and what I consider it to be."  Exner smiled enigmatically, "As you will", and invited me to continue.  "Were water actually what hydrologists deem it to be - a chemically-inert substance - then a long time ago there would already have been no water and no life on this Earth.  I regard water as the blood of the Earth.  Its internal process, while not identical to that of our blood, is nonetheless very similar.  It is this process that gives water its movement.  I would compare this inner motion, the origin of all possible physical movement, to that of a blossoming flower bud.  As it unfolds, it creates a vortex-like crown of petals, in the centre and at the end of which stands the true secret of motion - life in statu nascendi, in the form of a concentration of movement. 

"I look upon this unfolding as the biological sequel to a preceding
concentration of energy-matter (dynagen).  It is the outcome of a form of radiation, which I view as a highly organised, vibratory process.  Life itself, which springs forth as the final product of unfoldment from this ur-fundament, is the highest conceivable concentration of dynagen.  Through the agency of external environmental influences, and having manifested itself as a unique and unparalleled ostensible birth (because it is a precipitate), this concentration unfolds itself for the last time within a fraction of a second, only then to be extinguished.  Whatever remains behind is a physical fruit comprised of raw materials in which inner levitative forces wane and which solidifies under the concentrating forms of heat generated by the incident light of the Sun.

"In water the meanders continually bring about processes of concentration and unfolding.  In a certain sense they represent `water-blossoms`, out of which growing radiation-emitting calyxes, or funnels, develop in an upstream direction.  In their direct effect they are the cause of the braking of older (de-energised) river-water.  The faster water drains down steep gradients - where it receives various impact-related impulses arising from encounters with resistances such as stones - the more powerful the reactive forces of recoil become.  These, through the eruption (expansion) of the unfolding water-calyxes in an upstream direction, brake the apparently unrestrained flow on steep inclines as a result of these inner processes of growth.  The secret of the outgrowth of new water, which takes place in the opposite direction to the flow, is concealed in the cycloid space-curve motion through which the water is made to pulsate."

Professor Exner then told me that he had more or less understood what I had said, and that I should speak to no-one else about it.  "Please try to write down all that you have clearly stated, in simple language.  I will then seal it, unread, in your presence and deposit it in the Academy of Science for use in the future.  I am the chairman of the Academy, and I will see to it that your authorship rights are protected.  I'll discuss this with Deskovic so that he can arrange for a cover note." This he did.  I never saw Exner again because he died shortly thereafter.

Later on Professor Forchheimer informed me, "I will be responsible for these expositions, and now you will be able to write about them in `Die Wasserwirtschaft`.  However, please give me the manuscript to edit."  This is how my writings eventually came to be published - though later they were proscribed.  Forchheimer then declared categorically that I should accompany him the following day to meet Professor Schocklitz and Professor Smorcek in Br?nn.  Professor Schocklitz showed us around his laboratory.  He proudly showed us some glass plates across which water was flowing.  This provoked the comment that I had never seen water flowing over such glass plates in Nature.  As Professor Schocklitz took this remark greatly amiss, I diverted the conversation towards a turbine-blade lying in a corner, heavily pitted by the effects of cavitation.

Professor Schocklitz apparently had no idea of the decomposive after-effects of dynamitic substances, which explained these cavitation-related phenomena in steel turbine-blades.  According to the book Deutsche Physik these energy-precipitates, which range themselves in a particular direction, develop a peak performance of the order of 32,000 atmospheres and involve precisely the opposite products of synthesis.  These I discussed in detail with Professor Smorcek, director of the university, immediately afterwards in his workshop - a `workshop` is the only way such laboratories can be described, since they take no heed of the inner dynamic processes in water.

I drew Professor Smorcek's attention to the different effects of formative and destructive products of synthesis.  Although he seemed very interested, no further contact with him eventuated.  He said he would soon be returning to Vienna and would like to take me to meet Professor Schaffernak, director of the hydrology department at the university, in order to discuss this and other questions.  Professor Forchheimer declined the invitation and explained that it would serve no purpose, since Schaffernak was too materialist.  He could not explain, for example, why the waters of the Danube and the river Inn did not mix immediately at their confluence, but only much later and further downstream.  This visit actually took place with Professor Smorcek present.  I explained this phenomenon as arising from different conditions of potential and temperature which permit the waters to mix only after they themselves have first come to a state of common thermal and energetic equilibrium. 

Professor Schaffernak looked at me strangely and asked how I came upon such an idea.  He asked some other questions too, through which I realised that he too viewed water as a chemically-inert substance, and its finely dispersed sedimentary matter, the bacteriophagous threshold matter in its most highly evolved state, as `impurities` in the blood of the Earth.  In reality, these are the true sources from which negatively-charged fructigenic potencies are created.  They intermix with descending, finely-dispersed and dosed seminal matter (oxygen).  Through this interaction, water `comes to life`, and begins to pulsate.

A more comprehensive understanding of these processes was impossible for any of these scholars.  It was only Professor Forchheimer who later murmured reflectively, "I'm glad I'm already 75 years old.  You cannot harm me anymore.  The time will come, however, when you will be understood".

Over the course of the years I had many occasions to speak with scientists of world repute about the concept of `atomic disintegration and formation`.  In Berlin, just before he was taken into custody, the famous physicist, natural scientist and Privy Councillor, Max Planck, was called in as an expert adviser during an interview I had with Herr Hitler.  He only looked at me intently, but said nothing about my views.  What he did say, however, was, "Science has nothing to do with Nature".  He then took me to the chief chemist at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute.  This conversation had disastrous consequences for me.  I only mention it here merely to point out the dangers that arise if one discusses such matters with people who feel that their research has taken a wrong turn, but who want to maintain their own livelihood.

Naturalesque river regulation will only be understood after the inner process of motion outlined above has become common knowledge.  For this a long period of re-education will perhaps become necessary.  But first the tragic repercussions of today's purely mechanistic methods of river engineering will have to become starkly apparent through the occurrence of the most disastrous events.  Everything we see around us, or are otherwise aware of, came into being through cycloid space-curve motion, which is the basis of self-renewal and evolution.  It is a form of motion that can only arise when, owing to the braking resistances of the riverbank (the effect of meanders) the forward motion of the water is translated into a rotational one.

Shortly before his death, Forchheimer attributed cycloid brake-curves to me in his unfinished book.  With this book, Forchheimer intended to refute everything he had implanted into millions of brains with his textbooks - he had taught that water had to be channelled as fast as possible by the steepest, straightest and shortest route from mountain to valley, so that it could flow into the sea having done as little harm as possible.

During this final period, Professor Forchheimer also realised that with this, he, as a leading hydrologist, had made the greatest teaching mistake of his life by destroying the naturalesque developmental pathway along which, in a rhythmic sequence, the forward flow of water is intermixed with formative and transformative rotational motion.  At the intersection of these alternating movements, under certain other specific preconditions, the formative, reproductive and upwardly-evoluting power of fructigenic matter is released. This becomes uni-polar, and so highly active that it is able to bind whatever the corraded river-gravel disperses into the water, or whatever the gills of the trout eject to promote their own mobility.  In these life-renewing processes, whatever then radiates and expands upstream out of the calyx-like water-formations, as a surplus, conceals the riddle - water.

As a result of cooling influences, reinforced by naturalesque plantation of the riverbanks, negatively-charged fructigens become highly active.  Finely distributed around the external surfaces of the water-calyx, the `aggressor` is to be found - the oxygen which becomes aggressive with warming and leads to a build-up of heat.  It is only in this spacially-diminished (dispersed) and internally-passive state induced by cold influences, that the `aggressor` can be consumed (enveloped and bound) by what Goethe called the `Eternally Female` and the `All-Uplifting` (the carbones and fructigens).

However, if as a result of the elimination of cycloid space-curves in straight-channelled river regulations, the naturalesque evolutionary curve is lost and with it the possibility for self-renewal, then water becomes stale, insipid and sick.  With this everything that owes its existence, its physical well-being and its increase in mental vigour to the water also disappears.  Most importantly of all, it is quite futile to work towards an improvement in the present standard of living as long as the Blood of the Earth, the apparently ordinary-looking water that faithfully accompanies us from the cradle to the grave, is not given back its matriarchal rights.  With these it can consume the `aggressor` in such a condition that self-renewal is not harmed - but which as the ultimate precipitate can only be put to good use.  In this regard mechanical influence alone is insufficient.  By means of a deterrent cold influence the inner destructive fury must first be removed from what has been dispersed, and this is done with the use of cycloid space-curve motion.
68:16 But by this, THEIR KNOWLEDGE (science - 1 Tim. 5:20), THEY PERISH, and by this also its power consumes them.

twh 1:1 Thousands of earth years ago,far away,in this galaxy,on the morning star(venus),the Lord Guardian Of Divinity,King ruler and Guardian of the Universe,put down a revolution led by Lucifer(Iblis)



The Cause of the World Crisis
Progress Through Transformation Of The Atom - Not Its Destruction !

first published in 1933


Table of contents

The Disrupted Circle - The Cause Of The CrisisHotwordStyle=BookDefault;
Nature Protects HerselfHotwordStyle=BookDefault;
Nature Operates Only DirectlyHotwordStyle=BookDefault;
The Nature Of WaterHotwordStyle=BookDefault;    
Der Cancerous Decay Of OrganismsHotwordStyle=BookDefault;
The ForestHotwordStyle=BookDefault;
The Energy IndustryHotwordStyle=BookDefault;
The First DoubtsHotwordStyle=BookDefault;
Questions For ScienceHotwordStyle=BookDefault;
The Error Of CivilisationHotwordStyle=BookDefault;
An ExperimentHotwordStyle=BookDefault;
The Road To Free EnergiesHotwordStyle=BookDefault;

68:16 But by this, THEIR KNOWLEDGE (science - 1 Tim. 5:20), THEY PERISH, and by this also its power consumes them.

twh 1:1 Thousands of earth years ago,far away,in this galaxy,on the morning star(venus),the Lord Guardian Of Divinity,King ruler and Guardian of the Universe,put down a revolution led by Lucifer(Iblis)



Progress through transformation of the atom - not its destruction !
By means of only slight variations in temperature I have succeeded in decomposing various substances (elements and their compounds, minerals, metals, etc.) into their constituent parts, and subsequently to rearrange and recombine them.  At present the scope for practical application of this discovery cannot be assessed, but it would undoubtedly imply a total reorientation in all areas of science and technology.  Using this newly-discovered conformity with natural law I have already constructed fairly large installations in the fields of log-rafting and river regulation.  They have functioned faultlessly for a decade and today still present insoluble enigmas to the various scientific disciplines concerned.  Present systems of forestry, agriculture, water and energy resources management, as well as many theories and tenets of physics, chemistry, botany and geology will have to undergo a radical departure from basic principles.  Even medical science will not be left unscathed by this discovery.
In this way it is possible to generate any amount of energy in and from water itself and to regulate watercourses over any given distance without embankment works.  It is possible to transport timber and other materials down the central axis of flow, even if these materials (ore, stones, etc.) are heavier than water.  It is possible to raise the height of the water table over a whole region and to endow the groundwater with the full spectrum of elements required for the prevailing vegetation.
Furthermore, timber and other materials can be rendered incombustible and rot-resistant.  Drinking water and spa-water of any desired composition and therapeutic effect can be artificially produced for man, beast and soil, in the same way that this occurs naturally.  Water can be raised vertically in pipes without pumps.  Electricity and radiant energies of any magnitude can be generated almost without cost.  Soil quality can be improved and cancer, tuberculosis and nervous disorders healed.

68:16 But by this, THEIR KNOWLEDGE (science - 1 Tim. 5:20), THEY PERISH, and by this also its power consumes them.

twh 1:1 Thousands of earth years ago,far away,in this galaxy,on the morning star(venus),the Lord Guardian Of Divinity,King ruler and Guardian of the Universe,put down a revolution led by Lucifer(Iblis)


The Disrupted Cycle - The Cause Of The Crisis
Today a yearning for living naturally is on the increase.  This craving for a strong, peaceful and healthy Nature is an inevitable symptom of the present age and the counterbalance to the inorganic civilisation we erroneously describe as culture.  This civilisation is the creation of  humanity, who high-handedly and without consideration for the true workings of Nature, has created a world devoid of meaning and foundation.  Now she threatens to destroy him, for through his behaviour and his activities he, who should be her master, has disturbed Nature's inherent unity.

Today we are standing helpless and perplexed before all that we have created; increasingly forced to recognise that our work, with all its problems, merely serves our own self-destruction.  With no glimmer of improvement anywhere in sight we feel hopelessly propelled towards a forlorn future.  It is quite understandable therefore that an increasing number of people are sick and tired of this insane activity and now seeking ways to return to Mother Nature.
The human is a being created according to Nature's laws and is therefore dependent upon them.  In the course of time our magnum opus, our self-created pseudo-culture, has become a meaningless and incoherent monstrosity.  Through the immense power of technology it has reached such gargantuan proportions that it almost equals the power of Nature herself.  At the very least it is already able to interfere destructively with her great life-giving functions.  Humanity represents but a small spark, a mere micro-organism in Nature's great panoply of Life.  Encouraged by a short-lived, illusory success, humanity has embarked on a course that is beginning to disrupt the great coherence of Life.  Not only this, but it is also about to put an end to all high-quality growth and production on our macro-organism, Earth.
Despite our accumulation of material wealth, humanity is now engulfed by a widespread economic collapse.  Many areas of production exhibit regressive trends so that visible epicentres of decay are growing on all sides and threatening humanity itself.  Despite all the research no means can be found to prevent humanity from decaying alive.  This is no more than the just and legitimate consequence of human activity.  Knowing nothing of Nature's omnipotent laws, and with mindless greed, humanity claws into the life-giving organism of Mother Earth.  She is now, with elemental power, beginning to paralyse the wanton hand that dared disturb the forces that serve all Creation.
This unique law, which reigns supreme throughout Nature's vastness and oneness, expresses itself in every creature and organism.  It is the Law of Ceaseless Cycles that in every organism is linked to a definite time-span and a particular tempo.
If some intervening force should either accelerate, retard or altogether arrest the tempo of this cycle (wherein every event is governed by the action of the preceding one) then it can no longer serve the legitimate purpose for which, in common with all of Nature's creations, it is destined.  The affected organism lags behind, thrust aside from the main evolutionary stream of Life.  All those organisms whose life or death are dependent on it are also condemned to death, ultimately causing the demise of the foolish, interfering hand which is to blame for it all.
The causative force is our mind and the soulless technology it has spawned, including our lawless and mind-destroying technological culture.  These are jointly responsible for disrupting the circulation of the Earth's water and blood.  Moreover, if everything this mechanistic civilisation has created should perish in step with such development, then the breakdown is in no way a passing crisis.  It is the inevitable collapse of a dizzily-high, foundationless cultural edifice, whereby whatever is left of genuine culture will also be swept away.
68:16 But by this, THEIR KNOWLEDGE (science - 1 Tim. 5:20), THEY PERISH, and by this also its power consumes them.

twh 1:1 Thousands of earth years ago,far away,in this galaxy,on the morning star(venus),the Lord Guardian Of Divinity,King ruler and Guardian of the Universe,put down a revolution led by Lucifer(Iblis)


Nature Protects Herself   
Nature's most effective protection is the frailty of humanity, its work and its activities.  The consequences of its activities must sooner or later bring about its own demise for the greater part of its present endeavours contravenes every principle of Nature.  Hence, it is merely a question of the efficacy of humanity's activities and of the attainment of a particular level of culture which determines when the reaction sets in; when all that has been built up with so much care and sweat must once more collapse upon itself.
Once humanity has reached this point, Nature will rid herself effortlessly of her greatest enemy and with renewed energy will rebuild all that humanity has destroyed.  If as a result, more and more people are to be found today who fear this fearful mayhem, they do it less out of a love of Nature than for their own self-preservation, which still remains a natural force in people.  There are a few individuals possessed of great foresight, who are still in touch with Nature and are able to perceive the insanity of our work in its true light.  Their ceaseless efforts are a solemn, though sadly-unheeded admonition to their contemporaries.  The latter are preoccupied with the exigencies of day-to-day existence and incapacitated by over-specialisation.  They are no longer able to perceive the minute and fragile processes through which all Life in Nature is organically created and maintained, pulsebeat by pulsebeat.  Unfortunately, the warnings to come to our senses are in the end but cries in the wilderness.

Die Natur sch?tzt sich selbst

Der wirksamste Schutz der Natur ist die Hinf?lligkeit des Menschen, seiner Werke und seiner Handlungen, deren Auswirkungen ihn fr?her oder sp?ter selbst vernichten m?ssen, weil ein Gro?teil seiner heutigen Handlungen allem Natursinn entgegengerichtet sind. Daher ist es auch seit jeher nur eine Frage der Wirksamkeit seiner Handlungen und nur immer eine Frage des Erreichens einer bestimmten Kulturh?he, wann die r?ckl?ufige Bewegung einsetzt und wann alles mit vieler Sorge und mit Schwei? Erbaute wieder in sich zusammenbrechen mu?.
Hat der Mensch diese Stufe erreicht, so wird die Natur ihren gr??ten Feind ganz von selbst los und mit neuer Macht wird sie wieder aufbauen, was die Menschen durch ihre Arbeit zerst?rt haben.
Wenn sich daher heute immer mehr Menschen finden, die sich diesem f?rchterlichen Tun und Treiben entgegenstemmen, so geschieht dies meist weniger aus Liebe zur Natur, als vielmehr aus Gr?nden der Selbsterhaltung, die als Naturkraft im Menschen erhalten geblieben ist.
Die st?ndigen Bem?hungen einzelner Menschen, die mit weitem Blick in die Zukunft schauend das wahre Gesicht, den Unsinn unserer Arbeit zu erkennen verm?gen, weil sie den Zusammenhang mit der Natur noch nicht verloren haben, sind wohl sehr ernste, aber leider wenig beachtete Mahnungen an die Mitwelt, die, mitgerissen von dem Getriebe der Zeit und verbildet durch ?berspezialisierung, die Einzelheiten nicht mehr wahrnehmen kann, aus denen sich organisch, also Pulsschlag f?r Pulsschlag das gesamte Leben in der Natur aufbaut und erh?lt. Leider sind diese Mahnungen, doch endlich zur Vernunft zu kommen, nur Rufe in der W?ste
68:16 But by this, THEIR KNOWLEDGE (science - 1 Tim. 5:20), THEY PERISH, and by this also its power consumes them.

twh 1:1 Thousands of earth years ago,far away,in this galaxy,on the morning star(venus),the Lord Guardian Of Divinity,King ruler and Guardian of the Universe,put down a revolution led by Lucifer(Iblis)