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Our black pope and his jesuits, a look at mankind's enemy...

Started by Gauss, January 08, 2010, 02:59:52 AM

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why does this topic sound racist? the only enemy you have is yourself in the mirror.

you make your own enemies, unless you can be diplomatic with yourself.

Jerry ;)


Jerry, you are right, we are looking into our mirrors... Noone is to blame more than ourselves. BUT it is important you know who is staring at you in the mirror(the jesuit demons) because the mirror picture is trying to hide away whilst deceving us all.... Is it a coincidence 95% of all news today is just negative news? There is a new convenient war started every year etc etc.... They feed on negative energy, low freqs. Just shut off the negatives and start working on yourself and raise your own freq and positive thinking is my idea.

Anyway, in this thread we went from finger pointing to finding a solution, that is a good step. ;)

Jikwan, keep going with the book(yes, you need to read it repeatedly to make real progress, this is hard and painful, make no mistake, I know a bit about my shortcomings by now...). When you read chapter 2 you will be in for a surprise(third eye surprise)... :), the book is invaluable, in 10 000 years no people could have that kind of information. Now we have it. There is a way if you are prepared to work hard.

About the water engine, I have a friend who told me his group converted 15 cars so far to water running. Yes, you heard me right and I believe it to be true beyond any doubts. Furthermore, the trick is so easy nobody(including me) got it, they just looked at resonances and electronics with coils etc being blinded by patents, gvmt agents in all forums etc.

Just use high temperature and pressure for HHO production and steam. Faraday efficiency goes straight up with temperature(just check Puharich´s patent for calculation). And yes the lubrication will come from the tiny part(maybe 2-5% moisture) of wet steam that we inject with dry steam and HHO. So no need to worry about rust. You will need a bubbler of course.

About the start up there is a problem unless you separate the HHO cell and the steam generator, that means you need a separate HHO dry cell for high pressure if you have no start up energy. In that case you can use a flash boiler à la Doble steam engine and the start up energy will not be a problem either. Just think carefully before doing anything.

Anyway, in my case I am pursuing an electric generator(2 HP) and I have a steam generator(not flash yet unfortunately), heat exchanger coil for exhaust gases is under construction, I would like to have a dry cell for high pressure, I don´t have it, just for normal pressure so far... Air inlet is whirled like Leo Umila dual GEET to create positive and negative charged air inlet to increase reaction, in this case I might get away with a low pressure HHO cell by whirling. The Leo Umila GEET is a major step forward.

Yes you are right HHO will ignite the steam, it is like a catalyzer burning very quickly, the harder material you use in the engine block the higher temp you get from the HHO burn.

There are a variety of factors coming into play here but steam+HHO is the right way to go, makes sense too using the vast heat energy from the exhaust pipe.

If you want to get rid of the lye I believe you can, just use soft rubber spacers between the plates so they can vibrate freely, the vibrations will transmit current wirelessly(Keely!)... The advanced people may use piezo for that, that was the real Meyer trick I reckon.

Never mind, just build a simple one(flash steamer or normal steam boiler + dry cell for high pressure) first with chemicals and look for the other stuff later.

Best part of this is I believe you could charge water positive in this process. The current water we have is dead water which makes people sick. You could easily try magnets and water whirlers on your incoming tap water and you will notice a big difference in health. Water alkalizer is also good. Test it on your plants.

My current work is focused on water charging(with crystals and orgonite, experiences may get useful later, please check the cosmic engine model I made) and the water engine is a bit out of focus right now. I will get back to it - open source.



Greetings all in the name of Jesus Christ.

"FREE DVD"  send s.a.s.e to address on site. I encourage fellowship and my phone number is on site. I ask all to please share my sight. Most have no clue as to what really goes on as the whole world IS deceived. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you all with heavely discernment.

  Dear Reader, you must understand what Manly P. Hall  second only to Freemasonry's Grand Commander   Albert Pike, stated:
"Not only were many of the founders of the United States Government Masons, but they received aid from a (secret and august body) existing in Europe which helped them to establish this country for  "(A PECULIAR AND PARTICULAR PURPOSE)"  known only to the initiated few. The "Great Seal"  (reverse of the $ 1 dollar bill) is the "Signature" of this exalted body, unseen and for the most part unknown; and the unfinished pyramid upon its reverse side is a trestleboard setting forth symbolically the task to the accomplishment of which the United States Government was dedicated (from the day of its inception) Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, pp. XC and XCI
This "Exalted Body" is none other than the Jesuit Order


Please stop by...
I am glad there are some who are waking up and searching the truth.
Matthew 24:15-22
Daniel 11:45
Daniel 12


AOL, hi and welcome to our (now), 3 man anti-jesuit army
our intentions are to bring an end to what we believe to be
one of the worst evils on the planet.
i, myself, gave up hope years ago. but gauss has rekindled my
interest a bit
i dare say whatever we discuss here will make absolutly no difference
regarding a long-time established institution like the jesuit-catholic
a few strongly worded shouts of protest will do what? to change things
spreading the message that we have an evil force controlling
the planet---for sure, a few people will take notice. well? what then?
even when people know for sure that they are being f*cked by a
huge organization-they seriously take a look at whats needed to
bring the bad guys down.......they feel defeated before they even start

what can we do?
sign petitions
march around holding a banner
swear at any evil-looking catholic priest/cardinal we see
throw shoes at the pope
write yet another book about jesuit evils (as if there wasnt enough already)
and other piddling waste of time activities

its not just the jesuits
what about the criminal world bank?
big oil big gas big elec?
huge multinational corporations who exploit and dont give a damn?
federal reserve?
drug-pushing cia?

and ive only mentioned a few
i could easily give the names of at least 20 big-time evil forces

how are we few 'awakened to the modern evils' going to make big changes?

my guess, is that us protesters amount to about .000001% of the
entire population of the planet of 7 billion

we are up against tremendous forces

we are surrounded by opposition

if some of us decided to get together and REALLY kick some a$$es...

then immediatly we have...
police forces looking for us
army, navy, airforce looking for to kill us
if caught-the courts will hang us
the mafias will not just stand around
we have to live worried and paranoid 24hrs a day

im not negative...well, maybe i am
that negativity is based on reality

an example
a weak man, hes very thin and has full-blown AIDS
hes told hes got to go 15 rounds with mike tyson
"i cant do this-hell kill me"
"no he wont-just go in there and kick his a$$"
"but hes huge! strong as an ox! hes fast! hes a killer!"
"oh shut up and stop being negative!"

so should we just let these many evil forces just walk all over us then?

gauss, im still mulling over your info

zen is the art of seeing everything and noticing nothing